GMing Legend of the Five Rings game (4e or freeform, harem anime style)

Started by Flying Tengu, December 20, 2018, 04:40:31 PM

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Flying Tengu

Hello there!

I am interested in running a game for a single player using the Legend of the Five Rings setting.  The premise follows the adventure of a newly appointed magistrate sent to investigate reports of increased bandit activity around Spirit Water Village, a village that has recently become known for the rejuvenating powers of its hot springs.  The game will feature investigation, interaction, and action.

Oh, and smut!

Indeed, I would expect that there be a fair bit of smut involved.  Besides the player's character, the other guests at the hot springs will include seven (7!) samurai-ko of various other clans and backgrounds.  And, as is appropriate for the "harem anime" tag that I've given the game, sexy interactions can be had with all of them.  And probably should, really!

Tone for the game will be somewhat on the lighter side, again as befitting the theme of the game.  Ideally, prospective players would have some knowledge of the L5R setting*.  Barring that, basic fantasy samurai etiquette.  On the other hand, I can absolutely help by answering any questions you have.

Game will be set in NC:Human due to possible dubcon, and possibly some sequences involving bandits.  PCs should be male, and ideally match the ons/offs in my profile.  Most importantly, taste for dubcon, breasts, no anal.  Communication is a further must; I'll want player input on what sort of scenes to have, what direction to take things.  There's only so inspired I can be with this many characters!

If all this has you interested, great!  Send me a PM, and we can work out additional details.  Hope to hear from you soon!

*bonus points to whoever can correctly identify all the clans in the image above.  Not actually any bonus points, but it's fun to try, right?

EDIT:  Fair warning, this is generating a lot of interest, and I can't run too many instances of it, so I'll probably have to turn some people away.  This doesn't mean you shouldn't apply if you love the idea, but it may be tricky!