Khorinth is totally new here, please help (M seeking F I guess)

Started by Khorinth, November 19, 2018, 11:15:13 PM

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First off everyone, hello. Khorinth here. Guess this is me getting started, or trying at least. Really new to this particular realm, and it's a very different world from what I'm used to. That said, I'm giving it a go. I came here because I heard this was a fantastic site for romantic RP, which is something that's been on my bucket list for a long time. I wanted to sometime build up a slow-burn romance with my characters and another's. The group I was in previously just couldn't give me that, so I thought I'd branch out and try here. Anyone good to take that plunge with me is good people I say. The group was specifically a place for canon and original characters to interact, based on the show RWBY. There's a few canon characters from the show I'd wanted to try pairing with one of mine especially, but couldn't make it happen. Group is largely dead now. If anyone is up for helping me with either of these, feel free to leave me a PM and we can discuss. I'll answer any questions you have, lay out exactly what I'm after, and we can start it up if/when you feel up to it. For now, I leave you with this.

War and peace have the same mother. Ambition. -Khorinth
I will try to pour all of myself
Into this life before I die
If I go before my time
Then take these words evermore into your life