GPBL [M lf F, Light-NC/Dub-Con, Impreg]

Started by TheVillain, November 18, 2018, 11:05:27 AM

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The General Purpose Breeding License. Such an innocent sounding name for it, isn't it?

The plague hit in 2019. In terms of symptoms it seemed like a variation of the flu that somehow achieved near-universal communicability. Nearly everyone on the planet had it at some point - at the time we just thanked our respective gods and stars that the symptoms were only fatal to those whose immune systems were already compromised in some fashion so the actual fatality rate was very low.

Then the babies stopped coming.

Testing discovered that while the "Man Flu" killed very few it did greatly hinder the body's ability to process certain hormones, especially in males. By 2020, most of the world's men didn't even have sex drives - let alone get erections. By the best estimates available, maybe 2% of the world's men were still interested in sex and only maybe 1% of those men could still get women pregnant. The human race could very well be extinct by the end of the 21st century if something drastic isn't done.

So something drastic was done.

The GPBL system started as simply a registry for the males that were still fertile, the ID cards given simply as something to encourage men to get tested. As the numbers started getting worse and worse though the GPBL ID card gave more and more privileges. First just little things like healthcare options and an option to donate sperm for a generous amount of money. As time went on though more and more got added.

Within 6 months of the "Man Flu", elective abortions and birth control for women were illegal but fertility drugs and viagra for men were free for GPBL holders. A month after that it was officially declared that GPBL men were to get lighter sentencing for sex crimes if pregnancy could be a plausible consequence for what they did.

By the end of 2020, GPBL men were declared flat out immune to most sex crime laws as long as the circumstances had "a reasonable expectation to the age requirements of witnesses". Meaning basically they could walk around naked and fuck women in public as long as they stayed away from schools and daycare centers. Most controversially, it was also declared that they could "override consent" with fertile women as long as they weren't too rough in the process. Critics called this move legalized rape, proponents usually don't disagree - just respond that it's necessary for humanity's long term survival. And they may be right.

Quote from: InfoShort Version - After a mysterious disease sterilizes most of the male half of the human race the law gives the remaining fertile men a "consent override" option. I picture this as Light-NC/Dub-Con sort of thing.

As you can imagine, it's a high smut content plot but beyond that it's surprisingly flexible with exact characters with lots of opportunities for world-building that I dig. Looking for interested partners.

Other Optional Worldbuilding

The "Man Flu" may not have been a natural plague but a biological weapon someone lost control of. Whoever it was, they're not taking credit for their actions.

Many governments are quietly investigating this possibility and often have no government agencies to respond to these rumors and to handle the GPBL logistics. In the United States this agency is called the Federal Reproductive Board, it's agents nicknamed Furbies much to their dismay.
There are 3 Levels of GPBLs known simply as Rank 1, Rank 2, and Rank J.

Rank J is also known as a "Learners" - a special class of GPBL given to males who were discovered to be fertile before they turned 18. Something relatively rare but becoming more common as most boys aren't really interested in sex anymore, so it's not uncommon for those that are to have several if not dozens of sexual partners before they turn 18. The exact details of what this entails varies but usually a Rank J doesn't include the consent override, thankfully, though it's not uncommon for high schools to include "Advanced Sexual Education" classes to the schedules of Rank J GPBL holders 16 or older.

Rank 1 is the standard GPBL with the consent override and everything. Depending on the area, there is often financial bonuses for confirmed pregnancies. Women are only supposed to know the badge numbers of GPBL Rank 1 holders but this rule is rarely enforced, though usually the penalty for refusing the sexual attentions of a Rank 1 GPBL holder is a year in a minimum security prison.

Rank 2 GPBLs are those that go above and beyond, and often in effect work as full-time breeders. In the USA holders of Rank 2 GPBLs can actually get women brought to them by contacting the FRB up to twice a week. In the FRB's defense, they try to stick to volunteers for this service. A successful Rank 2 GPBL holder can live comfortably entirely off of the financial rewards of successful pregnancies if they use a little financial planning.
The FRB's rating system is basically just a counter of how many confirmed pregnancies can be attributed to a GPBL holder divided by the amount of time they've had the GPBL in units of years. To get a Rank 2, your rating has to be above a certain number that's adjusted every year.

This isn't the only ranking system however. There is a private website and app known as "MenWithBadges" that started out as a warning system to help women steer clear of particularly abusive GPBL holders. After a little while they also started trying to help women who wanted to get pregnant, or at least get laid, find and contact the better quality GPBL holders.

Now "MenWithBadges" has a whole grading system for GPBL-men based on several factors including how much they respect consent and their prowess as a sexual partner. The original purpose of a warning system is still present but as time goes on one can get the distinct impression that the ladies in charge are getting hornier and hornier. At the beginning of the site a GPBL man could be declared a scumbag for using the GPBL Consent Override option. Now, if they use the consent override but successfully make the partner orgasm anyway it only lowers their maximum grade to a B+ in the MenWithBadges grading scale. They still don't like it, but now the site's owners have been quoted as to say "if he makes you cum then it could be a lot worse".


As much as people don't like to admit, society is reaching a new Equilibrium. Not Peace, per se. The complaints are still there and completely justified, but they're actually going down. Why is a matter for debate, but the most common position is a simple one. People are complaining less because the GPBL system might be fucked up but with only 2% of men being able to sexually perform at all the simple need to get laid is overtaking the desire for justice.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Opening this back up! PM me if you're interested.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.