The movie star

Started by AnnieSatin, September 29, 2018, 10:16:46 PM

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So this won't be fancy it's just an idea that struck me and I wanted to get it on here before I forgot.

MC is young and gorgeous, once upon a time she was an up and coming actress but her career took a hit last year when she was in a bomb of a movie. So her agent convinced her to do something crazy. She got married to Axel Vander a very handsome very popular action star. Unfortunately he is also very gay. But his agent doesn't want him to lose his fan base.

So who are you ? You are the man who comes into the picture and ruins the plans. MC falls in love with YC and vica versa. But they have to hide it because of the publicity. So PM me and tell me what you think ?


Good plot I have some ideas for examplecould Axel be a vampire, does the other character have to be human and can they be female?