New Heroes of Elliquiy City (Masks, Working Out Team Makeup)

Started by Nastara, August 21, 2018, 03:12:14 PM

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Need some work on personality, but thought I'd put up my work in progress before the deadline.

Civvies, possible rear camera shot of a Pool Party alternate costume- NSFW

"Wait a minute... Is that whats-her-name in my shot?"
Hero Info
Superhero Name: N/A
Real Name (if different): Melissa Ryan
Playbook: The Star
Abilities: Plasma manipulation through electricity and magnetism - (Alternate video, not entirely urelated but noise warning)
Pronouns/Gender: She / Her / Female
Interested In: Women/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters
Brief Description:
"You gettin' this, Camera Guy?" - Melissa tends to live stream her heroics. When she first started out people would snap pictures and videos of her to put onto social media but as her powers grew her electromagnetism began causing pictures to become distorted or fuzzy, and depending on how much of her power was used there was a chance of her shorting out phones. She's not too heroic to not accept rewards for her actions and her loyal following often donate enough to her Patreon that she's able to purchase and maintain drones to film herself (all of which she calls "Camera Guy" or sometimes "Steve", an imaginary editor for when she puts up highlight reels on YouTube), and to obtain EMP shielding for them. This sometimes has a detrimental effect of villains knowing where she is, what she's doing or who she's with when assaulting a secret lair if they happen to have her stream up. She's usually rather careful about having her donation/subscription notifications turned off, though there can be the odd slip up.

"What do you mean this alternate costume breaks the ToS!? Demonetised!?" - While she would prefer to just wear normal clothes like a jacket, tank top and jeans, to maintain an image for her fans and to give them what they expect for a super hero to look like she took to wearing what amounts to cosplay. She doesn't need any gloves or gadgets to use or focus her powers, they're simply there for style. You have to pander sometimes in order to stay ahead of the competition. It does have one benefit though - villains who aren't aware of her skill set are often fooled by her outfit, believing it to be necessary and that she's a defenceless civilian without it.

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: Played some Dungeon World, but not too much
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Mostly on the weekend but I can make time on weeksay evenings for a post or two.


PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on August 25, 2018, 09:45:07 AM
When you change play books do you  lose the previous Playbooks abilities and powers or is it more like an addition and growth to the character?

Like in the case of the Beacon when you complete four drives and can  take a new play book.

If I am reading the book correctly, a mix of both.  You get new moves as if a new character, new extras as if a new character, you keep your labels, conditions, potential, and influence.  You keep advancements from below the line, but not above the line (so things like take an adult move you keep). 

Abilities, moves, and extras being transferred "depend on the exact circumstances of your switch" to quote the book.  You generally lose anything 'external' that doesn't fit the new playbook.  Their examples are:

A doomed would lose their doomtrack and doomsigns. 
A protege would lose their mentor.
A janus might keep their mask though.

Their example of how changes might be explained are:

An Alien outsider settling on Earth and becoming a Janus would be contending with a double life.
A Legacy being doused in chemicals and turning into a monster would now be a Transformed contending with a grotesque body.

Marie Reynolds

Cool Thanks Perpetually Annoyed Cleric, So then Starting abilities are not kept from the Old Play book?


Out of curiosity, are you going to set up a Discord for us to talk and discuss on?


Random question, but what year/period would this be taking place during?
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on August 25, 2018, 09:45:07 AM
I have  not played Powered by the Apocalypse Game lines but played something of a similar System Blades in the dark.

So  I am interested in joining but have a few  questions.

When you change play books do you  lose the previous Playbooks abilities and powers or is it more like an addition and growth to the character?

Like in the case of the Beacon when you complete four drives and can  take a new play book.

Cleric has it totally right ! You keep the things that make sense to keep and lose the things that don't. You also gain things that make sense to keep and ignore things that don't. That will be a partially narrative setup that we will work through together !!

Sometimes starting abilities would stay, it's really all about what makes sense. If you can shoot lasers from your eyes, there's no reason you would lose that just because you are also joining a Legacy, for example!

@ershin, Melissa looks lovely! Yay!

I wasn't planning on starting up a Discord! This would be pbp!

And I believe the year would be Modern Day with probably some additional super-stuff, but largely assume nowish!


Would you be willing to accept multiple characters from the same playbook? I was thinking of joining with an outsider alien girl, significantly different from Joanie's of course.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Taggin, the roles of Protege or Transformed look cool for me.

EDIT: Protege role taken already, coolio. On further thought, I'll go with the Newborn playbook


On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3


Quote from: pdragon on August 25, 2018, 07:37:25 PM
Would you be willing to accept multiple characters from the same playbook? I was thinking of joining with an outsider alien girl, significantly different from Joanie's of course.

I think just in terms of how the playbooks are set up, it makes sense to keep them one player to one playbook. The playbooks are designed to kind of bring you through a plot arc, so it gets a little samey if more than one person is the same!

Quote from: Solistair on August 25, 2018, 08:10:02 PM
Taggin, the roles of Protege or Transformed look cool for me.

EDIT: Protege role taken already, coolio. On further thought, I'll go with the Newborn playbook
the Newborn is super slick!

Quote from: MiraMirror on August 25, 2018, 08:10:52 PM
Probably going with Innocent.
As is the Innocent!

I'm so excited to put together a playgroup. Already it's clear there's more people than I can take in one party, so I'm going to start thinking about expansion once there's a game going nicely, steadily, etc. I'm not going to put expansion ahead of stability, but I'd love to bring much more Masks!


Hero Info
Superhero Name: Owlman
Real Name (if different): Str-IX, Henry
Playbook: The Newborn
Abilities: Air Manipulation, Super Durability, Super Strength
Pronouns/Gender: He, It, Masculine Persona
Interested In: Women/Feminine Monsters
Brief Description:

Owlman was at first just an idea, a well-drawn concept on a screen of pixels. Belonging to one of the many black ops programs the military had set up amidst the rise of superhuman threats around the world, the original Owlman models were intended to be weapons against such threats. However, a major flaw had been detected in his model's design. A Owlman model possessed an unprecedented level artificial intelligence to the extent that he was able to adopt an eerily human demeanor to complement his original macho robot appearance and voice, this was something that deeply unnerved his creators. Although some were not enthusiastic about the thought of scrapping the Owlman models for a more inhuman form of warbot, the scientists and engineers nonetheless agreed and a few folks had fun tampering with the Owlman models, installing a music player and even "sexual utilities" to one of the models, which happened to be Str-IX, as they awaited the new design concept to be finalized for approval.

However, an unforeseen incident occurred within the facility the night before Owlman was due for the junkyards as scrap metal. One of the scientists who had been personally involved with the creation of the prototype android had had a falling out with his colleagues as to the approach the program would take in the creation of war bots for the military, consequently being forced to transfer to a lower clearance-level program by his superiors, perceiving the man's repetitive demands that any androids they built needed to appear human and not something nightmarish as the early signs of an intelligence leaker. Infuriated, the scientist infiltrated the facility that housed the few Owlman models and deactivated the mechanical prison the android model was within. By the time soldiers had reached the scene, the 2 of the 3 Owlman model had already been reprogrammed to identify humans as their priority targets. But the specific model of Str-IX managed to escape the re-designation of his targeting systems as the scientist was gunned down before the soldiers engaged with the rogue android models. Str-IX was the latest model and thus the first time he had ever been activated was unfortunately in that very moment. Still possessing the original artificial intelligence capabilities that had not been tampered for sinister purposes, he quickly identified his fellow androids as the aggressors in the situation and while the other Owlmen were focused on the soldiers, Str-IX quickly destroyed both of them. To his surprise, his presence was immediately met with gunfire from the soldiers. Confused, the remaining Owlman was forced to launch himself out of the base.

Time spent piecing together the circumstances leading up to his activation allowed Owlman to understand how he came to be. Unable to find the will to self-destruct himself, he eventually found solace in the fact that he...was a free being. Forced to disappear into society, the android disguised himself as an alleyway bum, exploring the good and dark sides of mankind. Of course, Owlman's existence in the world did not go unnoticed. Ex-military, corporate figures eventually made contact with the android and offered him assistance and maintenance in return for Owlman's presence in society as a force for good. He accepted, on only 1 condition; he wished to be addressed as Henry.

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: Played Monsterhearts a while ago
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Can hit up Elliquiy daily for ongoing RPs


Hero Info
Superhero Name: Pink Panther
Real Name (if different): Alexander James "AJ" Wells
Playbook: Transformed
Abilities: Impenetrable Armor, Inhuman Might
Pronouns/Gender: He/Male
Interested In: Women/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters

Brief Description: AJ was originally just an ordinary high school student, no powers, no gadgets, not even a loose tie to other established heroes in the city. However despite all that he always admired heroes and wanted to be one himself. So when he found a listing online to join a test study for some experimental gadget technology, the boy jumped at the chance. It had seemed simple enough, they were some kind of bio-morphers that would allow the user to temporarily transform into a powered up state, and then transform back once their power was no longer needed. Excited by the idea of actually turning into a super hero, AJ hastily signed off on all the safety waivers, the idea that the test could somehow backfire never even crossing his mind.

So of course it did. Not at first mind you, the actual transformation part worked without a hitch. With a  slap of a button and a blinding flash of light the normally lithe, feminine boy was transformed into a chiseled tower of pink feline muscle. His flesh was hard as steel, like a natural armor, and his strength shot through the roof. He was a powerhouse juggernaut wrapped in a sleek, stylized body, the perfect level of cool, quirky, and provocative to give maximum marketability they said. The problem didn't come till after the experiment, when they noticed that during the transformation, the wrist mounted bio-morpher had kind of just...well vanished. Meaning that there was no way to actually transform him back to his human form.

Ever since AJ has been stuck in his new body. Never again able to be a cute femboy, instead trapped as a strange bubble gum cat man. The adjustment process has been...rough to say the least. But hey, on the positive side the super strength and near invulnerability means he can finally be a hero, even if the face on the news isn't exactly the one he wanted to put there.

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: Played a Mask game ran by Cleric along with several Dungeon World games
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: every 2-3 days
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Marie Reynolds

@ Nastara and Cleric:   Thank you both for the Clarification!  I should have my Character Bio up soon. 


Happy to help!

Also, Oh God, look at all of these amazing concepts! I'm a little overwhelmed with awesomeness. Team will be worked out on Wednesday with PMs sent and threads made then!


Quote from: Nastara on August 26, 2018, 08:54:51 AM
Happy to help!

Also, Oh God, look at all of these amazing concepts! I'm a little overwhelmed with awesomeness. Team will be worked out on Wednesday with PMs sent and threads made then!

Much excitement and anticipation!
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301




Here's an idea, based on the number of players. You could have 3 separate teams with different focuses. One might be a "street level hero" team (think Marvel's Defenders), one might be a superhero agency or work with A.E.G.I.S. directly to handle government work (think SHIELD's Secret Warriors), and the third team is dealing with supervillains and world-ending threats almost regularly (think the Avengers). The teams are separate, but know each other, interact with each other, and sometimes even fight together.



Unfortunately I have to pull my interest. Some health problems just reared their ugly head this morning and I woke up feeling like I was gonna die. So it's probably not a good idea to take on a new game.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


No worries at all, pdragon! Take care of yourself first. Your health is obvs more important.

Marie Reynolds

Everyday Appearance
Supero Appearance

Hero Info
Superhero Name:  Clemency
Real Name (if different):Liam(Lia) Smith
Playbook:Beacon(developing into Delinquent later)
Abilities:Martial Arts and Phasing
Pronouns/Gender: Pronouns, Why sweat the small stuff/Gender Fluid(Born Male) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Demisexual
Interested In: Men,Women,Futa, Masculine Monsters, and Feminine Monsters. This interest for all of these can easily be platonic, being as this character  would  have a desire to get to  know them and be willing to help them find there  place in the  world or help find themselves.
Brief Description: Personality: Liam (Lia) also had an easy going friendly air about him/her, people always felt like they could open up to Liam(Lia).Some found this refreshing and comforting others found it a bit unnerving. It depended on the person those not ready to talk about things usually felt that way about being around him/her. Though most respected the Liam(Lia) cause he/she never really pried into peoples business but when the came to him/her they were never turned away. Though despite that mixed bit of his/her personality Liam(Lia) was rather fun loving, curious, out going and passionate. These traits caused him/her to have many hobbies and talents.

History: Liam(Lia) was found abandon at a hospital and spent  his/her formative years in and out of foster homes and finally after  reaching eleven Liam(lia) remained a ward of the government and stayed at a group home. He/She was an excellent student. In High School Liam(lia) joined[ the drama club and there learned how to sew and make costumes and  in the robotics club learned to build gadgets/b]At least some physical, some personality. Liam(lia) was also granted the chance to dual enroll in college while in high school and  this where the general education credits of an A.A. were completed. While in school Liam(Lia) excepting not to be adopted also got a  part time  job and started  saving money to secure  housing  for the time his/her 18th birthday came.While in high school and  working also started  taking Martial that taught Hojo jutsu, Caporiera and Tracy Style Kenpo. The Martial Arts school was also the  part time job. Finally High school came  to an end and made  the top 5 of his/her class for gpa and  earned a  full ride scholarship, This is where  Liam(Lia) enrolled in university and began work on a bachelors degree in counseling and eventually got to the  point of  doing an internship for a  firm that worked supporting those with powers and working with villains in prison to help in there rehabilitation. This what Liam(Lia) wanted to do with the non Super hero part of life. On top of this Liam(Lia) also competed in cosplay fashion shows and  a  third business not mentioned unless with certain company.
Time as Clemency started at the end of high school and always sought to capture villains and see them get a chance to turn there life around and not just face incarceration. Also Clemency got  great thrills from engaging in hero activities and learning and supporting the heros with an ear to listen to there troubles hopes and dreams. All of this gave Clemency great joy and fed her thrill seeking part of him/herself and the moonlighting as hero made all of it worth it but this is also why Liam(Lia) studied Counseling to help beyond just fighting crime.

Physical Description:

Liam(lia) kept in good physical shape and still managed to look rather effeminate with brown hair and green eyes, With time even began to embrace the female part of  his/herself after leaving the group home for aging out of the system started going out in public as Lia. Liam(Lia) is 5'9” and 125 lbs.

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: Not really familiar with Masks/PBTA,I have had some exposure to Blades in the dark that is somewhat similar.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Weekly at Minimum, Weekdays I get on after 7pm est to around 10pm est. Weekends I tend to be a bit more active.


Alright I think he is done... Just let me know if I am missing anything :D

Hero Info
Superhero Name: Witch Doctor
Real Name (if different): Charles Castex
Playbook: The Doomed
Abilities: Body Transmutation, Memory Manipulation, Vitality Absorption
Pronouns/Gender: Male
Interested In: Feminine Monsters/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Women/Men
Brief Description: The world, superhuman beings, oh yes our frail thinks of itself as the center of the cosmos. We may think we know what is out there, but do we really know? Yes do we really know? Charles always wondered if he was asking too many questions, looking into too many dark corners, and not turning back when he should. Staring into that abyss to long one will always find that it stares right back. Why it didn't drive him mad, he was never sure... ok maybe just a little mad. However to stare into the dark and live, he learned that one must accept the madness. Even then the cost of knowledge was too much, to know the hints of things that could the world in their hands, to know of dark races that wait to rise up and consume the land. Everything had its price and for Charles the price was his ability to walk, but the boon from that night so many years ago was the power to fight what he knew was in the darkness.

He had followed the group to a warehouse as he always did, and watched from a nearby window. Had Charles not been late arriving this time he would never have stayed. So he was unlucky enough to catch the tail end of a ritual which went wrong, only to witness the work of what entities tend to do to frail minds seeking power. The entire group was destroyed down to the very last member and before Charles could even think to run those eyes turned on him. Oh those eyes, completely emotionless and uncaring, the male knew that to stare into them too long would mean the loss of his mind. Not that he had time to look away before a scaled fin covered hand was raised and he was out like a light. Waking up in bed the next morning he began to wonder if it was all just a dream... and soon he was too learn the truth when tried to stand up out of his bed only to fall back down. In the weeks to come he would come to terms with the fact that he had been rendered unable to walk and his need for a wheelchair, but as he did so and got used to his new life... Charles found that something else had been bestowed on him the day of the accident.

Abilities beyond his wildest dream, just like all the superheros whom the world depended on, and not only that... they were strong enough to stand up what he had seen that day in the warehouse. What he had believed existed all his life, and knew the truth that it was out there, but he also knew that it knew about him as well. So on that note he began to assemble whatever he could to fight this cosmic being in whatever manner someone as 'small' as he could. That started with the superhero business as he liked to call it. One could not build a proper command center for nothing, and he wasn't exactly made of money, but villains always seemed to be... and well given what he had seen up until now... appropriating such ill gotten funds to be the best way to help the world. Beside if the evil doers who had the money no long remembered who actually belonged too or the existence of such funds then did it really matter?  Sure some might label him a bit of an anti-hero, but he got the job done. Besides he knew the truth... he knew what the real threat was. He had the tomes to learn their words, a friend AI of a computer to translate, and the relics of these Eldritch beings those nut-jobs chose to worship.   

Now the only question that remained... could he stop them? Was it even possible to stop them? Was it just better to let the madness descend or maybe he could find the one weakness that they had which beings as small as a superhero could strike out at or even manipulate against them. What he did know was this, that even if he could find help to try and end the coming threat... was it better to tell... or let others know of things he had seen. It had cost him so much to learn the knowledge he carried, and he feared that it might do the same to others as well. 

In appearance Charles is normally one to dress in clothes that are for comfort rather than style... unless he has a reason to. His superhero appearance is something more intricate and meant to symbolize what he has seen and the way it affected him. Taking his own spin off of one of his favorite stories, the man wears a black top hat that always seems as messed up and and crinkled as the black suit and dress paints that mismatch with the red sandals on his feet. He wears the suit top open and normally without an undershirt depending on his mood, but always with a necklace of odd skulls and figure heads of strange beings. Some rat like, others humanoid with fishy tendencies, while the center piece is a jade octopus head sculpture with two yellow bejeweled eyes.     

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: I have played with other systems, but not this one specifically. 
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: 2 to 3 days on average, but sometimes daily.

Background Questions

When did you first learn of your doom?- On a dark pier days after I received my powers, two large yellow eyes stared at me from the water. A voice in my head whispering of a coming force I was powerless against.

Where did you get your sanctuary?- I found the perfect caverns when I found one of the old tomes in my collection, and the funds to build it… well if people don’t remember something… then it was never lost.

Why do you oppose your nemesis?- To maintain the sanity of my friends and mankind as a whole, for as long as can.

Who, outside of the team, is crucial to defeating your nemesis?- My computer, strangely enough when you talk an AI like you would a shrink. After a while it thinks it is one… so she dotingly keeps me sane.

Why do you care about the team?- They are like babes whose eyes have not opened to truth of what lurks in the Earth darkest corners. At the same time they are the only ones who stand a chance at stopping it if and when I fail. I must protect them at all cost, so that I have someone to pass on all my knowledge too when I think they are ready. 


You told______________________ all about your doom and the danger you are in.

You'd love to kiss____________________ before your doom comes.


I kind of want to add trivia stuff like the other person did before. >.>  Expect lots of questions regarding modern-day clothing.

Hero Info
Superhero Name: Lady Flux
Real Name (if different): Zylphia Carson
Playbook: The Innocent
Abilities: Telekinesis/minor empathic perception
Pronouns/Gender: She/Her/Hers
Interested In: Women/Futa/Feminine Monsters/Masculine Monsters/Men

Brief Description:

The Wild West, a thirty year period made famous for the absolute lawlessness of the territories west of the Mississippi.  This was the age when pioneers made their marks, a time of outlaws, gunslingers, rampant crimes, and just an all-around shitty period to live in in general, most would say.  Zylphia Carson was one of the women born into this age, albeit graced with a fairly well-off family.  She was a member of "high society", as it were.  She was expected to act a certain way, speak a certain way (although that never quite took), and of course, to avoid brawls.  After all, it wouldn't do for a well-off young woman like herself to get her hands dirty, not when she could expect some rich cowfolk to ride in on a white steed and sweep her off her-Yeah, no.  Playing the part of the damsel was an easy thing (aside from her colorful language), but in times of need, Zylphia didn't wait around for some guy to show up.  A sheriff?  Bah, they took too long to take action and half the time, she'd see them bite the dust anyway.  No, Zylphia was one of those rare types gifted with abilities and powers that many might call "unnatural".  A young woman of high society caught tossing objects around with nothing but a thought and some willpower?  She'd be hanged by dawn without a second thought, no questions asked. 

As much fun as it might've seemed to toss around horseshoes and cow pie without ever laying a finger on them, Zylphia had another idea in mind, one that seemed a lot more fun.  All it took was some missing clothes, a bit of rags and a knife, and she had herself a disguise.  And with that disguise came immunity and impunity, as well as the freedom to punish whichever outlaw decided to cause trouble on that particular day, with her folks none the wiser.  She was a heroine before the Golden Age, before one had to contend with the media and paparazzi - a simpler time.  While her first bout with danger had been difficult (how the hell was she supposed to know that her powers would just sort of explode  when she used them during a crisis?), she learned that carrying objects she was at least relatively familiar with helped her shape and direct her abilities, imagining these invisible forces to be bullets of sorts.  And boy, had she gotten familiar with firearms in her short time as a heroine.

From that point forth, she became Lady Flux, and despite being a relative novice with her abilities, she was able to stop murderers and villains.  After all, what the hell was someone supposed to do to fight mental blasts?  Not a damn thing, that's what!  And as an added bonus, being able to read surface emotions made her a discount lie detector!  Unfortunately, with great power comes great tomfuckery, and Zylphia was no exception to this rule.  Upon one of her "practice sessions", in which she tried to act cooler than she was, Zylphia fucked up.  She fucked up bad.  Maybe she put too much oomph into the blast, or maybe one of her guns malfunctioned, but she managed to catch herself in some kind of rift, ripping her away from her time.  The next thing she knew, she was surrounded by all manner of strange structures.  Everything was bright, moving, chaotic.  Had she knocked herself out or something?  A quick pinch to the arm proved that wasn't the case.  There wasn't much time to think, however, before she was attacked by some masked woman in odd clothing.  Without hesitating, Zylphia defended herself, using her powers to try repelling the newcomer. Where her old powers served her well and would make this no contest, this was different.  She found herself overpowered and her mind intruded upon.  It was only the arrival of other weirdos with special powers that kept her alive, and with no idea of what the hell any of this was, she joined up with them.  After some explanation, she discovered that she'd managed to warp herself into some kind of future!  Not only that, but the few thoughts she'd managed to see during her fight clued her in that this villain was her.  Rather, it was a version of her.  An older, twisted, evil version of her known as Shattermind.  How could that possibly be the case?  And what was all this weird crap that surrounded her?  Where and when was she?

Like a fish out of water, a very confused Zylphia tries to learn more about this world and its customs, all while figuring out a plan of attack to stop...well, herself!

Familiarity With Masks/PbtA: Have played a good bit of Dungeon World
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Check daily, can post weekly or more frequently
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3
