The King and Future Queen Of Atlantis! (Seeking Mera)

Started by Norsegod1839, July 27, 2018, 08:09:01 PM

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Arthur Curry & Mera

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Option 1. Aquaman and Mera can either be already together, just starting to understand they like each other, or just have a mild attraction for this one. I would prefer them to be King and Queen together but am open to other variants.

The idea is that Ocean Master and Black Manta team up and bring out a siege of Atlantis.. They manage to perform a coup and Aquaman and Mera are forced to go into hiding and start a revolution within Atlantis. The idea is that the two would be forced to do hit and run techniques and fight together to get their throne back.

Option 2. We can do a story where for reason me and my co writer can establish Aquaman has to focus on Atlantis or step down from the league. Mera takes his place as the new Aquaman and the plot picks up from there

Option 3. We start at the beginning of their relationship! We can either go with the canon where Mera is supposed to kill Arthur or something else!
