Seeking players for Savage Rifts (LGBTQ friendly - still recruiting)

Started by strangeflower, January 08, 2018, 07:03:39 AM

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Is it ok if KC is a elf-like D-Bee?  She doesn't have to actually be an elf, just elf-like (but an actual elf is ok too).  I was just going to take +4 charisma for her positive racial traits and the major disadvantage "Small" (representing her slender and willowy frame). 

I rolled up a major delusion for her psychic degradation from her unstable psyche complication.  I was thinking that her delusion would be that the "rule of sexy" trope was real and applied to her.  So she thinks that the sexier or sluttier she is dressed, the more powerful she is in general.  This means that she will not, in any way, wear armor, but between her psychic powers and her crazy fast ways, she should be pretty ok.

It does mean that I really don't need the SFD Huntsman Lightweight Personal Armor, so I was wondering if I could trade that in to upgrade her vibro-sword to a chain longsword and maybe the pistol that has a grenade launcher in it?  If not, it is no worries, I can just ditch the armor, but I know KC would love more things that make noises or explosions to play with.

The experiment was to make the ultimate black widow; beautiful, cultured, and refined.  She was to be the surgical tool to cut out the cancer of top brass instead of the laborious sieges that wasted time, money and lives.  Things... didn't go to plan.


Character sheet coming soon.


You know, for Xu Jiji, you could probably make a genetic mutant character by rolling up a Cybernetic techno-warrior from the M.A.R.S. section and just call all her cybernetics "genetic modifications".


Ooh, I like KC's pic, and funny enough my girl ALSO has the Small disadvantage; she's about 5'0" and like, 90lbs or something (never been very good with accurately gauging cis-female weights sadly so I don't know if I made her petite, or made her anorexic : P).

So both Crazies (since Lightning Warriors are Geofront Crazies) are petite, relatively naked or at the very least under-dressed (my gal has a liking for wearing qipaos), and it seems one is ALL about the loud boomings, the other is quiet and punches things...

...if KC happens to know Sign Language, that would be GREAT, because Jiji is Mute (another of her disadvantages; I did her up as a 'Race' using the rules in the Savage Rifts book for doing so). I'm going to need at least one person I can communicate with : P


Quote from: Keelan on January 10, 2018, 09:02:10 PM
Ooh, I like KC's pic, and funny enough my girl ALSO has the Small disadvantage; she's about 5'0" and like, 90lbs or something (never been very good with accurately gauging cis-female weights sadly so I don't know if I made her petite, or made her anorexic : P).

So both Crazies (since Lightning Warriors are Geofront Crazies) are petite, relatively naked or at the very least under-dressed (my gal has a liking for wearing qipaos), and it seems one is ALL about the loud boomings, the other is quiet and punches things...

...if KC happens to know Sign Language, that would be GREAT, because Jiji is Mute (another of her disadvantages; I did her up as a 'Race' using the rules in the Savage Rifts book for doing so). I'm going to need at least one person I can communicate with : P

You could take telepathy as a power and use that too. ;) KC has Jack of all Trades as a consequence of too much information jammed into her skull and it not all coming out right, so it is possible that she knows sign language... at least, when she sees it.  She could also be good enough with her own body control and kenisics that she is able to tell what Jiji wants when she tries to emote.


Oh a girl who is 5'0" and 90 pounds is petite.

Yeah I like small women.

I've also used Body Visualizer to help me figure out my own characters.


KC isn't quite that short, she is more slight of frame and less robust than she is literally small... But she isn't going to be dunking or anything like that either and her breasts might be an A-cup if you squint at them really hard and pretend a little.

She is certainly not anorexic though. On that slender frame is a pretty significant amount of muscle.  Think less skinny and powered by telekinesis and more muscle mass created by a hacked brain.



 Character name: Natalya Nine
Character concept (you don't have to give me a full sheet at this point - could be as simple as giving a Rifts OCC): Dog Boy Infiltrator/Sniper
Rifts experience: Played Rifts for around 5 years when it first came out
Savage worlds (or Savage Rifts) experience: None
Gender (character - not player): Female
Sexual orientation (character - not player): Bisexual -Male preference
Age (all characters must be 18+ Not open to discussion): 19
Species of character: Mutant Fox
Non-Con open (yes or no): Yes!
Dom/sub/switch: Sub
Sexual likes (up to 5): Non-Con/Rape, Bestiality, Impregnation, Anal, Gangbangs
Sexual dislikes (up to 5): Scat, Overabundance of Vanilla, Lukewarm on Mind Control
Short character background (a few lines - don't give me a novel): Natalya Nine (and yes, there were eight failed attempts) was an experiment in creating a more autonomous version of the Dog Boy, with a similar loyalty but able to work much more independently. Ironically it was a success, but too many in charge were frightened by the possibility and ordered the project (and her) terminated. Her self preservation was enough to allow her to escape, but she still has lingering feelings of loyalty that she struggles with despite her treatment as completely expendable.

(I know you're looking for males, I posted the original idea I had though, if that's a problem I'm cool with pulling my app)


Quote from: Eobelle on January 10, 2018, 09:10:15 PM
You could take telepathy as a power and use that too. ;) KC has Jack of all Trades as a consequence of too much information jammed into her skull and it not all coming out right, so it is possible that she knows sign language... at least, when she sees it.  She could also be good enough with her own body control and kenisics that she is able to tell what Jiji wants when she tries to emote.
Actually, my goal was to get the Psionics swapped out for the Mo Fuqian (Demon Skin), to make her a little tougher. I'm definitely going for the 'powered by chi and cyber, not psionics or magic' feel of the Geofront with her. Also don't want to give her cyber vocal chords; would be cheating IMHO, plus with her background part of it is she and her sisters from the same genetic batch basically learned to communicate primarily with sign-and-body language with each other.


Here is a good reference for the variation of athletic women.

Women line up
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide


Quote from: Keelan on January 10, 2018, 11:05:42 PM
Actually, my goal was to get the Psionics swapped out for the Mo Fuqian (Demon Skin), to make her a little tougher. I'm definitely going for the 'powered by chi and cyber, not psionics or magic' feel of the Geofront with her. Also don't want to give her cyber vocal chords; would be cheating IMHO, plus with her background part of it is she and her sisters from the same genetic batch basically learned to communicate primarily with sign-and-body language with each other.

I just thought lightning warriors still used psionics and ISP, they just called it "Chi" instead.  It is very likely that I am wrong, as is has been quite some time since I read China 2, But I seem to remember that.  I also remember their armor being CRAZY awesome looking, and their frenzy was somehow better because of their martial art self control.

If you want just a few cybernetics, you could just take "very rich" to represent your parent organization and use all 5 rolls on cybernetics.  A very nice and kind GM might lets you simply select the one that gives you extra toughness a few times in order to represent the Mo Fuquian (which as I recall wasn't that huge, but it was integral MDC).  since MDC is just armor that cannot be taken away with MDC, an extra +4 or so toughness would be even better than MDC, since even MDC weapons with AP are still subject to toughness.

I am certainly not running this game, and I am ABSOLUTELY not saying anything about what you should do in anyway.  But the above way of making your character would let you have the character you want without excessively houseruling the system. 


Oh, the canon lightning warriors absolutely still use ISP-referred-to-as-Chi, and did not have Mystical Martial Arts. However, I always found that odd, so since it's NOT Rifts Palladium, I figured I'd make it a more thematically appropriate concept for this, which is to say a Mystical MA and the Mo Fuqian  (though the Mystical MA Is less like psionics the way I'm imagining it). Waiting to hear from the GM on my proposed race and ideas in whole.


Quote from: Keelan on January 10, 2018, 11:59:08 PM
Oh, the canon lightning warriors absolutely still use ISP-referred-to-as-Chi, and did not have Mystical Martial Arts. However, I always found that odd, so since it's NOT Rifts Palladium, I figured I'd make it a more thematically appropriate concept for this, which is to say a Mystical MA and the Mo Fuqian  (though the Mystical MA Is less like psionics the way I'm imagining it). Waiting to hear from the GM on my proposed race and ideas in whole.
Awesome!  I'm excited to see how it turns out!


Quote from: Muse on January 10, 2018, 07:46:16 PM

To clarify, I meant revealing armor, not archaic looking.  :)


Oh of course. The more revealing armors the better :D


Would a herm character count for “non female”in this case?
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Quote from: TFcommando on January 11, 2018, 09:50:18 AM
Would a herm character count for “non female”in this case?
I shall second this question, and if need be I can make Jiji a futa too for party-genital balance


Quote from: Keelan on January 11, 2018, 10:10:26 AM
I shall second this question, and if need be I can make Jiji a futa too for party-genital balance
I am a fan of both these things.


Quote from: TFcommando on January 11, 2018, 09:50:18 AM
Would a herm character count for “non female”in this case?

Yes it will!

QuoteI shall second this question, and if need be I can make Jiji a futa too for party-genital balance

That's up to you. I'm happy with either. I just changed the topic of the thread when I realized all the characters were female and a few were straight or preferred males.


Quote from: strangeflower on January 11, 2018, 03:02:51 PM
Yes it will!

Woo hoo!  I have a few notions, Burster (they can go fully nude!  😀), Techno Wizard or robot armor pilot... wanted to check on that last one, as it can be hard to put a 40 foot Mecha in a lot of adventures.  “I’ll just park it outside this small cave we’re exploring and hope no one steals it!”
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Lol... I don't think anyone is going to steal your robot vehicle. I do believe that in post apocalyptic future that locks still exists :D

But both burster, tech-wiz and Robot Pilot are solid choices.


Here is my first attempt at a character sheet.

Kasey Coldwater

Name: Kasey “Krazy Kasey” “KC” Coldwater

Race: D-Bee (elf-like)

Racial Bonus: Charisma +4
Racial hindrance: Major hindrance: slender (-1 toughness)


Agility: d12+2
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d8
Vigor: d8

Derived Statistics

Charisma: +8
Pace +2
Parry: 9
Toughness: 6
PP: 20

Crazy Abilities

Bio-Regeneration: Awakening certain portions of the brain via the Mind Over Matter implants grants KC a natural healing roll once every 24 hours.  This is good because KC would rather be fucked gently with a chainsword than do into a doctor’s office or lab.

Enhanced Attributes: KCs gains +2 die types to Agility, Strength, and Vigor. These traits have no maximum.

Enhanced Speed: KC doubles her base Pace.

Heightened Senses: KC gains +2 to Notice and Tracking rolls. They also ignore two points of Range penalties.

Minor Psionic: Unlocking so much of the brain’s potential grants KC the Arcane Background (Psionics) Edge and Psionics d6.  She is not overly skilled as a Psychic, using her powers subconsciously rather than intentionally.

Super Endurance: KC requires only half the normal amount of sleep, and gain +4 on all checks to resist Fatigue. „„ KC has a tough time sleeping and often has nightmares.

Super Reflexes: Crazies have uncanny reflexes, granting them a −2 to be hit as long as they are aware of the attack.

Losing it: Krazy Kasey always enjoys a certain level of preternatural capabilities, but she also has moments where she can completely unleash her potential by Losing It. Throwing caution to the wind and shoving rational thought to the back of her mind, she gains the effects of being Berserk (as per the Edge). This can be done at will, as an action. While she is Losing It, the Crazy is Fearless (see Monstrous Abilities in Savage Worlds), making her immune to Fear and Intimidation. While in this state, she cannot use her psionic abilities, nor anything requiring concentration.

Getting it together: KC comes out of Losing It using the standard Smarts roll for Berserk. Then she’s critically hampered by one or more psychological Hindrances. The game effect is a −2 to all Trait rolls for the duration of Getting It Together.
From a roleplaying perspective, she is overcome with feelings of worthlessness and doubt.  She is incredibly submissive and masochistic in this state and will literally do anything a dominant partner wants. She will actively seek a dominant sexual partner in this state, and will go to great lengths to find someone to mistreat her.

The duration of this state is based on the results of the Smarts roll made to come out of the Losing It state in the first place

Raise: She only spends 1d6 minutes Getting It Together.

Success: She spends 1d6 × 10 minutes in the Getting It Together state.

Failure: She spends 1d6 hours Getting It Together.

Critical Failure: She spends the next 24 hours Getting It Together.

A Crazy may not employ Losing It while in the Getting It Together state.

Crazy Complications

Distinctive Appearance: The protrusions from her skull mark KC for what she is to anyone who lives on Rifts Earth. KC, like many other crazies, elaborately declares herself to the world with the following distinctive features.


Random ones all over her body.  KC might have some impluse control, so when the mood strikes her she gets one on the spot Notable tattoos include (but not limited to)

“B-Blam!” (left inner thigh)
“Don’t Be Stupid” (left inner forarm)
Barbwire armband (upper left arm)
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” tramp stamp.

Body piercings (subject to change on whim)

Lobes (one stud and one ring each)
Earcuffs (two rings in left, 3 rings in right)
Eyebrow (three rings in left, one ring in right)
Lower Lip (snakebite rings)
Left nostril (ring)
Tongue (two studs)
Nipples (one ring each)
Navel (curved barbell)
Clitoral hood (ring)
Labia majora (three rings each side)

Hair (can be any of the following, or something new (regeneration works on hair too, great for changing a ‘do).  The color is usually multiple (usually cool colors/galaxy, but sometimes pink, white or fire).  The following are common styles for her, but she gets bored quickly

Dreadhawk (she is rocking a galaxy dreadhawk at the start of the game)
shaved head with odd hairs sticking out in places
Double mohawk
Shaved with just pigtails


Imagine every slutty halloween costume you ever saw and make the skirt 6 inches shorter… or at least when she is wering a skirt.  Sometimes she elects to wear g-strings as pants, or just no pants at all… and the same goes for her tops.  In fact the only outfit that seems to be consistent is her predilection for boots.  She doesn’t have a large wardrobe, though, and tends to trade/sell/abandon her old clothes when she buys (or fucks someone for) her new set.

Magic: M.O.M. implants jumble the mind in such a way as to make the use of magic impossible, and boy howdy is KC’s mind jumbled.

Needs Action: KC lives in a constant state of heightened adrenaline and awareness, and even when she is suffering from depression, she cannot escape the feeling. During particular slow periods, the Game Master may call for a Spirit roll. Failure means the Crazy gains −2 Charisma as she becomes irritable and impatient. She also suffers a −1 to all Trait rolls from the distraction of her frenzied mind, until some kind of high alert status or action kicks in.

Unstable Psyche: From the start (and for no added benefit), KC gains a psychological or emotional Hindrance determined by rolling on the Psyche Degradation Table. Representing the constant degradation of her psychological state, the character gains an additional Hindrance from the table each time she achieves a new Rank.

Climbing: d6
Fighting: d12
Persuasion: d6
Psionics: d6
Shooting: d10
Stealth: d6
Streetwise: d8
Throwing: d6


Quick: KC has lightning-fast reflexes and a cool head (well, that is a relative term… but when it comes to reaction she is ice cold). Whenever you are dealt a 5 or lower in combat, you may discard and draw again until you get a card higher than 5.

Attractive: Whatever dimension KC’s kind is from, it is obvious her kind is naturally, (or intentionally bread to be) beautiful.  However, KC’s family is beautiful even for them. KC gains +2 to her Charisma from her naturally blessed genes.

Very Attractive: KC is drop-dead gorgeous, even for her mind numbingly stunning race. She could enter a beauty contest against nymphs and dryads and have a chance at willing.  Her Charisma is increased to +4.

Acrobat: Krazy Kasey has no formal training the acrobatic arts, but the preternatural awareness of her body given by the M.O.M. implant combined with her naturally lithe and agile body give her poise undreamt of by the greatest ballerinas and gymnasts of the 20th century. She gains +2 to all Agility rolls made to perform acrobatic maneuvers (including Trick maneuvers), and also adds +1 her Parry as long as she has no encumbrance penalty.

Ambidextrous: Thanks to the rewiring of her brain, KC is as deft with her left hand as she is with her right. Characters normally suffer a –2 penalty when performing physical tasks with the off-hand, but KC ignores the –2 penalty for using her off-hand.
Dodge: Krazy Kasey’s body escapes harm almost even before she is aware of it. This Edge allows her to use cover, movement, and concealment to make her harder to hit with unnatural east. Unless she is the victim of a surprise attack and taken completely unaware, attackers must subtract 1 from their Shooting or Throwing rolls when targeting her.
When KC attempts to evade area effect attacks, she may add +1 to her Agility roll as well (when allowed).

Scrounger (Cheap whore): Some people are just very skilled at knowing how to find what they need in an urban setting. They know where to look, who to talk to, and how to get what their group needs. Krazy Kasey, however, just fucks and sucks whomever to get what she wants. 
KC can make a Streetwise check, once per session, in any city or large town (−2 in smaller urban areas) to accomplish one of the following: „„

Gain 1d6+2 fully charge e-clips for the firearms she and her teammates use.
Acquire a complete reload for one Mega Damage weapon, such as a Boom Gun, Mini Rail Gun, or grenade launcher.
Procure food for 2d6 people for a week.
Fully restock one Trauma Kit, or find 1d4+1 first aid kits (as found in the NGS2 Survival Pack).
Obtain a non-secured cred-card with 2d10 × 2000 credits on it.
Find some rare (not necessarily valuable) and needed item (entertainment chips for computers, a spare part for a suit of armor or vehicle, snacks and treats, etc.).

Arcane Background: (psionics)

Brainburn: When KC rolls a 1 on his Psionics die (regardless of his Wild Die), she is automatically Shaken. On a critical failure, she lets out a psychic wail that causes her to be Shaken along with all allies in a Large Burst Template who fail a Spirit roll. This can cause a wound.

Jack-of-all-trades: KC has more skills and knowledge locked away in her fried little noggin than anyone could hope to learn in a lifetime (even a long one).  When she is trying to do something she has no clue how to do, her hands just seem to know the way. Likewise she sometimes blurts out facts or knows words of a language she has never heard of.  KC has learned to simply accept these things as a consequence of how sexy she looks (See her Delusion: rule of sexy).  When she can’t figure something out, she is known to strip or even masturbate in order to get a little bit more "juice" (so to speak).
Any time she makes an unskilled roll for a Smarts-based skill, she may do so at d4 instead of the usual d4–2.


Curious (Major): It killed the cat, and it might kill KC as well. She is easily dragged into any adventure, down every alleyway, and into every bed. She HAS to check out everything and always want to know what’s behind a potential mystery.

Overconfident (Major): Kasey MAY have a problem with impulse control ;). There’s nothing out there that she can’t get through, or so she believes.  Her gray matter of self preservation and concern for danger was fried when her M.O.M. implant used that pathway for one-handed handstands and running backflips. She believes whole-heartedly in herself and never wants to retreat from a challenge. She’s isn’t suicidal (yet), but she certainly takes on more than common sense (what’s that?) dictates.

Bloodthirsty (Major): When KC loses it, she FUCKING LOSES IT.  She never takes prisoners unless restrained or put in her place. She suffers –4 to his Charisma, but only if her terrifying madness is known known; no one wants to fuck a crazy bitch that might bite off your dick or choke you to death on a whim.

Delusion (Major): (The rule of sexy) -- Kasey was supposed to be a honeypot killer, a sexy machine that drew in everyone around her.  As such her training was always done in sexy clothing, mostly nude, or nude in order to get her used to fighting that way and implant that as a preferred style of dress in her mind.  She was slowly brought up from normal fatigues to more revealing athletic wear, to gowns to sexy gowns, to lingerie, to topless, to bottomless to only boots, to nude. However, her re-wired brain took notice of how her skills increased as she was more overtly sexly and make the not wholly inconceivable leap of logic that her increase of skill was due to how slutty she was dressed.  Phobia (hospitals and medicine)

Quirk (Minor): exhibitionist -- Even beyond her delusion of the rule of sexy, KC has a deep and abiding need to show herself in public areas.  Wearing tiny skirts with no underwear, flashing tits, ass and pussy, transparent clothing, and more; KC loves to flaunt it, and will do so whenever she can.

Big Mouth(Minor): KC doesn’t really have a filter anymore, and quite possibly a lack of impulse control.  Consequently, she  can’t keep a secret very well. She reveals plans and gives away things best kept among friends, usually at the worst possible times… best to keep her in the dark about anything you don’t want said.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Extra: Auto Raise

KC’s deflection works like a sort of split second divination, she is already out of the way by the time the gun is pointed her augmented mind and body working out the vectors like a supercomputer.  Attackers must subtract 4 from any Fighting, Shooting, or other attack rolls directed at the user. This also acts as Armor against area effect weapons.

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Healing repairs recent bodily damage. It must be used within the “Golden Hour,” though, for it has no effect on wounds more than one hour old.
For Wild Cards, each use of the healing spell removes a wound with a success, two with a raise. The roll suffers a penalty equal to the victim’s wounds (in addition to any the caster might be suffering himself). For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is dead (see Aftermath on page 78). If so, no healing may be attempted. If not, a successful arcane skill roll returns the ally to the game Shaken. Healing can also cure poison and disease if used within 10 minutes of the event.

Environmental Protection

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)

Adventurers sometimes travel beneath the waves, in space, or other hazardous environments. This power protects them from the crushing depths or blazing sun as they do. This power allows the target to breathe, speak, and move at his normal Pace while in one normally harmful environment, such as underwater, a zero-G vacuum, the lava of a volcano, or even the heat of the sun. Pressure, atmosphere, air, etc, are all provided for. The power does not protect against attacks with similar trappings though. A fire attack still causes normal damage, for example. With a raise on the casting roll, maintaining the power becomes 1 Power Point per two hours.
Additional Targets: The character may affect up to five targets by spending a like amount of additional Power Points.


Wilk’s 237 Laser Pistol
Range: 15/30/60
Damage (MDC): 2d6+1
RoF: 1
AP: 4
Clip: 16
Weight: 3
Cost: 24,000

Wilk’s 447 Laser Rifle
Range: 40/80/160
Damage: 3d6
RoF: 1
AP: 2
Clip: 20
Cost: 18,000

Chain Longsword
Damage: Str+2d8
AP: 2
Weight: 15
Cost: 14,000

NG-S2 Survival Pack
Weight: 30

500 credits.

Hero’s Journey rolls
Underworld: Spies and provocateurs are regularly called upon to do just about anything to accomplish a mission; your hero’s made it a point to learn a little something about everything. She has the Jack-of-All-Trades Edge.

Training: Constant battle, for cause or survival, means your hero knows a great deal about combat. Select one Combat Edge; you may ignore all requirements except where an Edge has a specific predecessor (such as with Improved Frenzy; your character must have Frenzy first). After serving in a military, paramilitary, militia, or security force for some time, your hero has some solid combat training. She gains +5 Skill Points, which may be spent on Fighting, Shooting, or Throwing in any combination.


Some powers become second-nature to the psionic. Choose a power your character knows; when she successfully activates it, she gains the raise effect automatically

More ISP means more power to work with, and your character has it. He gains +10 ISP to his base.


Well we know that Xu Jiji, played by Keelan hates demons.

The issue with this is that Heather does have a Chinese Demon(Reformed out of Mystic China) as her concubine. Should Heather bring said concubine even though there is a big potential for conflict?

Plus, I just got the Savage Worlds players handbook and the Deadlands players handbook. The first so I can learn the rules and the second because it will help with Ashley(Heather's gunfighting wife).


Quote from: Rockwolf66 on January 11, 2018, 06:45:13 PM
Well we know that Xu Jiji, played by Keelan hates demons.

The issue with this is that Heather does have a Chinese Demon(Reformed out of Mystic China) as her concubine. Should Heather bring said concubine even though there is a big potential for conflict?

Plus, I just got the Savage Worlds players handbook and the Deadlands players handbook. The first so I can learn the rules and the second because it will help with Ashley(Heather's gunfighting wife).
If by 'concubine' you mean 'submissive and willing to bow to her authority', then there will be little issue so long as she behaves herself...

Also I think I'll make my gal have male bits, but no female ones down below (the rest of her will be quite feminine though). Tempted to make her MtF, as a whole 'balance of yin and yang' in physical presentation, since gender is loosely tied to each of those energies...


Since Heather is the only dom in a group full of subs, I think I know who the party leader is going to be. ;)

She is going to be pretty fucking (literally!) busy if she has a wife, a concubine, and a bunch of bisexual subs around her.  Sofia is the only straight one (and probably the baddest ass) of the bunch, I think.


Kitty walks up next to Heather and stands with her hands in front of her and her head bowed. She lets Heather pull her into her lap. heather's hand slips up Kitty's thigh dragging up the girl's skirt. As the mid-thigh length skirt is raised it reveals that not only is Kitty not wearing any panties but the previous night heather had laid a whip to her bottom. heather's free hand takes a hold of the metal ring in Kitty's collar and pulls her demon lover's mouth to her own. Breaking the kiss Heather turns Kitty and pushes her gently towards the group.

"Please Honorable ladies. My Mistress has asked me to inform you that while she does love the ladies and having a harem of submissives is a goal of her's. Not all of you would be fit for her harem. You see she wants a commitment out of those who share her bed. I have committed myself to her and I find her to be a good mistress for me. She might not be the right mistress or master for you. Think about what you want and desire and think about if you really wish to commit yourself to my mistress."

Kitty then bows and goes back to warming heather's lap while being stroked not unlike a cat.