Krampusnacht [M lf F, Monster, Varies]

Started by TheVillain, November 24, 2017, 09:20:57 AM

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Normally I hold off on Christmas stuff until December but the Krampus is my exception. :P

We all know the story of Santa Claus, going out on Christmas Eve and magically giving gifts to all the children in the world that have been Nice all year. Not as well known is his "business partner", the Krampus. The Christmas Demon, a lecherous and hairy monster that similarly goes out some time around December 5th - but instead to whip and sometimes even spirit away the children who've been Naughty.

  • When a regular "Elizabeth Scrooge" announces a round of lay-offs at her work on Christmas Eve, this gets the attention of the Krampus who has to make a special trip to punish this naughty woman. [NC]
  • Well, nobody said the system wasn't flexible. A young woman that by all accounts has been a good girl all year jokingly writes a letter to Santa - just asking to be tied up, whipped, and fucked by a man with "a big dick and a pulse" for a night. Well, Santa can't provide that sort of gift, but he knows someone who can. It is a very Naughty thing to ask for after all. One hopes she doesn't mind getting her gift a bit early.[Bon]
  • In some European countries, especially Austria and Germany, they have an official "Krampusnacht". Basically a christmas themed parade and festival the first weekend on December where traditionally the young unmarried men are encouraged to dress as demons and play Krampus for a night. It's usually considered polite for the young unmarried women to humor them, it's all supposed to be in good fun. However, this year, in one particular German village's Krampusnaucht, the real Krampus decides to make an appearence. [Light to Extreme, we can discuss.]
  • Last year a young tourist went to one of these traditional german "Krampusnacht" parades and admittedly got a little too into it. Too the point that she actually had sex with, and got pregnant from, a man that she thought was just in a Krampus costume. The next year though she's back at her home taking care of her new baby boy - and the real Krampus starts coming for his son. [light-to-bon, horror]

My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.