I am very close to begging for this rp. Please??

Started by Cathreen Dawinter, November 13, 2017, 06:00:06 PM

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Cathreen Dawinter

The last ship rp (looking for someone to play Mike Slattery)

This idea would take place somewhat outside the story line but as far as time line goes between season 2 and 3. The cure is starting to spread and Mike is captain of the Nathan James. The scars left by  Sean and Ned Ramsey are still very fresh. So you can image the crew is a little less than thrilled when they have orders to deliver the cure to ireland and England. What they are about to sail into is a land deeply devided with the English government trying to regain control of the land from the control of the immunes. A small group of individuals have been fighting by what ever means nessassary to make sure the immune don't take total control. They are not aligned with either side. What new that the Nathan James is coming they see it as a chance to get their hands on a naval destroyer and possibly a large batch of the cure. After some very interesting twists and turns Mike al.ost reluctantly takes the group aboard seeing the benefit of having the group aboard. What he isn't counting on is the strong desire that starts building for the group's young female leader or the want that comes without having someone to fill you bed. Mike knows he is going to have to walk a thin line between the desires of man and the duties of a captain. With the thin line before him what is he suppose to do when she starts getting more than a little suggestive?

This is a very basic idea and open to discussion. I very much would like to see somewhat of an age gap between them. Everything is open to discussion though. While I would love to have someone play Mike for this role I would take an oc if they had a very similar personality and looks. I tend to post between two to three long paragraphs and ask the same in return. Here is hoping someone likes the idea.