Once upon a time...(closed)

Started by Levi, October 16, 2017, 12:56:27 PM

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Quote from: ff on November 02, 2017, 12:26:04 PM
I'm not the GM certainly, and you say you already have some backstory thought of...but FYI we actually have more males than females now (despite the title of this thread)  so if you prefer female I suspect the GM would be fine with that too

If that bothers you, I could make a female character if you wanted?

I had an idea involving swan lake and the character Odile?


It's not like either 'bothers' me or is likely to matter too much to me personally (and as I said I'm not the GM), I was just letting you know


Quote from: ff on November 02, 2017, 02:28:22 PM
It's not like either 'bothers' me or is likely to matter too much to me personally (and as I said I' not the GM), I was just letting you know

Ah ok.


If we need females i could whip up a second. Though sadly i wont get either of them posted till tomorrow because work is having an urgent meeting tonight.


Quote from: Lynnie on November 02, 2017, 02:32:02 PM
If we need females i could whip up a second. Though sadly i wont get either of them posted till tomorrow because work is having an urgent meeting tonight.

(Again I'm not GM so I hope I'm not throwing around too many suggestions here but) IMO, the RP is already huge (like 14-16 chars!?) so I wouldn't do a 2nd char if it were me. The gender ratio isn't that important IMO, it was just, given that we got a comical number of new male chars in a short span of time (enough for our own 7 dwarves if they were dwarves!), I thought it was worth mentioning that the conditions that motivated the 'extra wave of male char recruitment' (2:6 originally) probably no longer applied.

Plus - I personally don't care what genders people are or play - but given that statistically, the majority of Lady Er's tend to play F's and the majority of Lord Er's tend to play M's, and we had a lot of new ladies playing M's, there was a good chance that that there was someone who would normally play an F but felt they could only join with an M.


Quote from: ff on November 02, 2017, 03:03:03 PM
(Again I'm not GM so I hope I'm not throwing around too many suggestions here but) IMO, the RP is already huge (like 14-16 chars!?) so I wouldn't do a 2nd char if it were me. The gender ratio isn't that important IMO, it was just, given that we got a comical number of new male chars in a short span of time (enough for our own 7 dwarves if they were dwarves!), I thought it was worth mentioning that the conditions that motivated the 'extra wave of male char recruitment' (2:6 originally) probably no longer applied.

Plus - I personally don't care what genders people are or play - but given that statistically, the majority of Lady Er's tend to play F's and the majority of Lord Er's tend to play M's, and we had a lot of new ladies playing M's, there was a good chance that that there was someone who would normally play an F but felt they could only join with an M.

Do you guys have that many already? I looked through here and didn’t see that many profiles?


I'm not sure about the exact count since we have some people who expressed interest but are no tin the RP yet or have not posted a char sheet (might have PMed one to GM tho, not sure) plus TBH it's too many for me to be sure my exact count is right, but here was my last attempt to count (and we have a few more interested ppl since then)

"M: 6

Big Bad Wolf, Kind Stranger, The Gray Wolf, Robin Hood, Puss in Boots, Pied Piper

F: 6

Gretel, Girl w/ No Hands, Vasilasa, Goldilocks, Snow White, Red"


Quote from: Lynnie on November 02, 2017, 02:32:02 PM
If we need females i could whip up a second. Though sadly i wont get either of them posted till tomorrow because work is having an urgent meeting tonight.

Keeping it to one character each atm! :)

Quote from: ff on November 02, 2017, 03:18:45 PM
I'm not sure about the exact count since we have some people who expressed interest but are no tin the RP yet or have not posted a char sheet (might have PMed one to GM tho, not sure) plus TBH it's too many for me to be sure my exact count is right, but here was my last attempt to count (and we have a few more interested ppl since then)

"M: 6

Big Bad Wolf, Kind Stranger, The Gray Wolf, Robin Hood, Puss in Boots, Pied Piper

F: 6

Gretel, Girl w/ No Hands, Vasilasa, Goldilocks, Snow White, Red"

I hear ya, I'll create an approved character sheet soon :)
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated



A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated

Fury Aphrodisia

Yeah, I was totally one of those people who initially was going to make a female character, but I'm now really excited to play the one I have. Still, if we open up to two characters eventually, I will probably want to go female.
Fire and Flora - My Ons and Offs  - Updated May 17th '17 ---- Aphrodisia Acedia - (A&A's) - Updated September 9th '17 ---- Sinful Inspirations - Story Ideas - Updated May 17th '17

~I am not the voice of reason: I am the voice of truth. I do not fall gently on hopeful ears. I am strident and abrasive. I do not bend to the convenience of comfort. I am unyeilding. I do not change with wind and whim, but am always standing, unchanging, steady, constant and persevering. You rebuke me when you need me most, yet still I fight. The enemies of truth are everywhere. But I am not defeated.~


Quote from: Fury Aphrodisia on November 02, 2017, 04:55:30 PM
Yeah, I was totally one of those people who initially was going to make a female character, but I'm now really excited to play the one I have. Still, if we open up to two characters eventually, I will probably want to go female.

I may stick with one and see how it goes. I tend to prioritize one character over the othe when I do two, so if it does end up opening, I may not so it.


Since there is not yet an OOC, I will drop this here for ya folks :)

Forewarning, you won't find Snow White in the castle, you'll find her very angry stepbrother whom has officially taken control there. You can go ahead if you want a mildly humorous brief misadventure with Florian, but Snow White is back in the forest with the dwarves. She went back after she realized how deep all the deception went, the castle was no longer a safe place for her, her stepmother's and now her stepbrother's influences went way too deep and she didn't know exactly how far.


I apologize -_-; Work decided to hold an emergency meeting tonight after one of the teachers decided it was a good idea to use the company kitchen to make her own food (damn near caught the building on fire because commerical stoves are not like regular stoves and actually have open pilot lights) and I just got home. I will pm my character tomorrow morning


~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~