Classic Cop/Killer RP (MxM)

Started by Szandor, October 15, 2017, 09:12:52 PM

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So I'd like to do a sort of new-ish take on the whole 'Cop tries to solve murder and ends up screwing/dating the killer without knowing' thing. I'd love to play the cop, and hence I've made a character sheet! I'm open to any sort of idea or personal spin you might think would be interesting. I think it could end one of two ways; the first being one of them dying after my guy finds out the killer is closer than he thought, or my character going to the 'dark side.'
Comment below and tell me if this is total horseshit or if I actually thought up something worth reading :D

Character Sheet

Name: James Adam
Age: 32
Profession: Detective
Bio: James is a workaholic, staying at the station in downtown Manhattan for long hours. He's been told off time and time again for staying entire nights and sleeping at his desk. James works on the goriest cases in the city; the triple homicides, the bodies torn apart by crazed crackheads. All of this hardly affects him at all, not as much as it does the fact that he's so far into the closet he can't dream of finding a way out. He was married at 20 and divorced at 30, and now is working on an especially tough case to distract himself from the fact that he should probably start thinking about dating. Or at least stop staring at gay clubs with hungry eyes as he walks past them.
Ons: Domination, Public Sex, Rough play
Offs: Bathroom Stuff, Gore/Vore, Weapon play
Face Claim:
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