{Original} Once Upon An Apocolypse {Recruiting Male Characters}

Started by Dragongoddess, October 15, 2017, 02:46:09 PM

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Hey, guys!  Welcome to the Apocalypse...or at least the start of the idea.  Carnage was going to GM an apocalyptic roleplay based on the dark parts of the apocalypse.  Due to conflicts, they have decided to drop this roleplay so I am going to run something similar.  If you were thinking about joining Carnage's roleplay and would like to join this one since it will also be based on the dark side, go ahead and put a little hello in here.  I'm open to coming up with whatever kind of apocalypse we can agree on so throw some ideas out there. Whatever the case may be, I am going to say that there are no super powers so if you've got a character you would like to use that works for any apocalyptic scenario, send me a PM to get the character approved.  Depending on how many people we get, I may be looking for a co-GM.  If you're interested in this should the need arise, please PM me the answers to the questions below.  This will not be on a first come, first serve.  I have never GM'd before so please be willing to have patience with me and if you're willing, I'll accept help with learning how to do things.

Character Sheet:
Played By:
Character Name:
Sexual Orientation:
Face Claim:
History: Who were they before the apocalypse?  How did the apocalypse change them?  Who are they now?  Did they lose anyone important to them?  What is important to them now?
During the Madness: When the virus made them do things they would never do of their own accords, what happened?
Apocalyptic Vice: Do they get off on murder or rape?  Do they like to manipulate others to do their bidding? Many options are available here but at least one must be chosen.
Notes About the Character: Anything about the character you want us to know that is not asked above.
Notes About the Writer: Anything you would like us to know about you as a writer.

Possible Co-GM Questionare:
1) Why do you want to be co-GM?
2) What qualifies you to be co-GM?
3) Do you have any experience being a GM/co-GM?  If so, explain.
4) How much/what roleplaying experience do you have?
5) What are you expectations of being a co-GM?

[color=red][b]Played By:[/b][/color]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]
[b]Face Claim:[/b]
[b]During the Madness:[/b]
[b]Apocalyptic Vice:[/b]
[b]Notes About the Character:[/b]
[b]Notes About the Writer:[/b]


PMed a char proposal.

If I may suggest - should qe post our char proposals in this thread as well? I feel like, at least for me, seeing other players' proposed chars can help me get interested in an RP (even knowing they might not all be accepted or actually join). Whereas if they are only PMed, people might see this thread and think it doesn't look like it has enough interest to bother, not knowing the GM get PMed a dozen char sheets by other players. 

Also, for players who sometimes play both female or male, seeing the other chars can help decide our on (for example to get more of a mix of genders etc.)


Quote from: ff on October 15, 2017, 03:50:40 PM
PMed a char proposal.

If I may suggest - should be post our char proposals in this thread as well? I feel like, at least for me, seeing other players' proposed chars can help me get interested in an RP (even knowing they might not all be accepted or actually join). Whereas if they are only PMed, people might see this thread and think it doesn't look like it has enough interest to bother, not knowing the GM get PMed a dozen char sheets by other players. 

Also, for players who sometimes play both female or male, seeing the other chars can help decide our on (for example to get more of a mix of genders etc.)
Yep!  I responded to it.  I have no problem with people also posting character sketches here.  I just ask that either way they also get PMed so I'm sure I don't miss anyone.


Character Sheet:
Played By: ff
Character Name: Jessica Vendo
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Appearance: Blonde, 5'10", athletic, overtanned.
Face Claim:

Personality: Rebellious, desperate, survivalist, greedy, chaotic, nearly bipolar in mood and D/s spectrum, bisexual. Generally selfish but potentially very doting on and fiercely protective of close lovers or family. Sexually switch with other women, sexually submissive (but more selective) with men (abhors submissive men and likely to get into fights with dominant ones).
History: Before the collapse, Jessica was a rebel in high school, and barely got into college, only then on a marksmanship scholarship. She spent more time experimenting with the women's volleyball team members than attending class or studying, and dropped out to enlist in the military. Boot camp went fine - she seemed to almost masochistically love the stresses and abuses of basic - as did a more elite program training, for the same reasons. However, Jessica was soon in the midst of a platoon scandal and dishonorable discharge hearings.

The hearings never reached a conclusion: everything went to hell; society wide collapse. Jessica jumped to join a splinter faction of disgruntled soldiers who figured their best chance was on their own, not under the crumbling chain of command. She nearly had a psychotic break when her sweet civilian sister died amidst the chaos, while hellion Jessica lived in.

In the faction, the distraught and jaded Jessica coped with loss through the outlet of violence. She partook on her share of both heroic and repugnant actions, helping other faction members or potential recruits in need, while at the same time being vicious and selfish and survival-first where any rivals to the faction’s resources and powers were concerned. The world had become dog eat dog, and she was a bitch in heat.

The faction strongmen soon descended into little better than slavers, press-ganging any found survivors who would be useful as soldiers or breeders for their ranks. Jessica became conflicted, and found herself betrayed. The faction leaders knew she was too useful as a scavenger and fighter to use as a mere breeding slave, but she still found herself increasingly leaned on and not-so-subtly threatened by faction leaders who wished her to serve them in very personal ways she would rather not. She sensed the inevitable, and beat it to the punch. She struck off on her own, putting as much distance as she could behind her.
Apocalyptic Vice: In the wake of the collapse, adopted a survival of the fittest, kill or be killed attitude. Extremely D/s, almost a slavemaster towards submissive women in her grasp, while at the same time fiercely protective of them and their shared survival. Potentially also extremely submissive in turn to a suitable dom or leader, a combination of weapon and whore for the right master.
During the Maddening: Although a survivor of the virus, Jessica was not without her symptoms. Her naturally rebellious and borderline bipolar personality became amplified. Jessica found herself seesawing between extremes: violent tomboy, or pining for the chance to be a housewife she would now never get. Demanding and dominant to female lovers and practically a slaver or herself, or purring depths of sexual submissiveness.  Greedy and hoarding all scavenged resources for herself, vs acting sororal and maternal to those around her. She became unpredictable to others, and even to herself, and developed  a habit of sometimes trying to write notes on herself (or on the skin of submissive lovers and captives) to serve as anchors / reminders / triggers.
Personal: Good leaders and loyal followers
Sexual: D/s, dominant males, submissive or dominant females, oral, vaginal, anal, spanking, bondage, training
Personal: Submissive/weak males (don't mind roleplaying with in a group, but won't be jumping on)
Sexual: Vore, scat, sub males
Notes About the Character: Is about a selfish as most people would be in a dog eat dog world. Has a 'look out for number one; only the strong survive' personality, and was a rebellious dropout type even before the apocalypse. Not a nice or altruistic person most of the time, however, has a strong 'pack loyalty' instinct with people she's come to trust, depend on, and be emotionally attached to and invested in. This applies both to characters she sees as 'in her care' (likely but not necessarily more sexually submissive or less streetwise chars) and those she can respect as leaders or comrades in arms. Selfish but not a loner except as she has to be; more of a pack animal. 
Notes About the Writer: Fine with both long and shorts posts (by myself and from others), quality over quantity. Don't like short posts that do nothing, but also don't like needlessly longwinded 'for the sake of looking long' posts. Likes both smutty and non-smutty char and plot development, it's all contextual.


May want to link this thread to the old one for those who were interested, I'll get my character sheet up soon :)
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Quote from: Chreestafer on October 19, 2017, 10:47:56 AM
May want to link this thread to the old one for those who were interested, I'll get my character sheet up soon :)
Thanks for the idea!  I'll do that right now!


Played By: TheHangedMan
Name: Hugh Wylye
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: An athlete's body; the grin of the Cheshire Cat. Messy hair, and brown eyes that gleam with mischief.  His sense of style tends to be a mixture of both practical and flamboyant; though he knows how to be subtle when he needs to be.
Face Claim: Andrew-Lee Potts
Personality: Capricious and whimsical, Hugh's Pagan friends often described him as Fae-like and larger than life. As great a friend; as terrible an enemy. Even before the apocalypse, his morality was his own, and he was only beholden to himself.  People, upon meeting him, will either love him or hate him; it is very difficult to stay neutral towards such a bombastic and eccentric individual, someone who seems to show a new face to each individual he meets.
History: Hugh seemed to dabble in a little bit of everything; poetry and theatre were his main passions and pursuits, and how he managed to pay the bills (though some times he did quite literally play the role of starving artist), but he also enjoyed camping, hiking, parkour, and martial arts; he nurtured his body just as much as he nourished his mind, honing both. While he's far from perfect at either, and has plenty of flaws, he's always been able to portray himself in a grandiose way that makes him seem indomitable... now that the world has changed, the old rules have gone, though... perhaps someone will finally smash the mirrors and clear away the smoke of his illusions.
Apocalyptic Vice: Aside from an immense love of chocolate, Hugh loves to twist words around on themselves; he will use this against others, at best making them seem like horrible or unreliable individuals, and at worst, utilizing them to his benefit (or their detriment). If such a trick is used against him, however, he usually takes it in good jest, and does not seek retaliation.

During The Maddening: Though whimsical as the Fair Folk themselves, Hugh has always felt like he was in control; but The Maddening changed all that. He lost 'it'; control. He embraced the chaos and the destruction, breathed in the despair and destruction, and partook in it. He would stalk individuals, groups even; ingratiate himself into their ranks; and then came 'The Wishing Game'.

If anybody has ever played 'Corrupt The Wish', then you'll understand precisely what happened. Hugh joins a group; somebody says something innocent, like "I wish this would all just end", and then he did something terrible to 'grant the wish'; like faking the suicide of the ones who wished for things like "an end to this madness", or leaving severed heads right next to the bedrolls of sleeping bags; jewelry with blood still crusted on it, or food items with little notes like 'you owe me' in elegant scrawl... and when someone didn't pay their debt, well, let's say that they met with a tragic end.

Hugh got better, of course. Snapped out of what he now he refers to as his "Unseelie phase" (kind of like how teens go through a rebellious period, he'll say by way of explanation, but never actually give anybody any sort of concrete answer about what it is that he did). Perhaps it's an extreme degree of moral flexibility, some level of sociopathy he's always had, or just the almost-but-not-quite alien mindset he cultivated through his pre-Maddening life, but he seems to be unbothered by whatever it is he did; that he has found ways to justify his action; though he reminds himself, all the time, that he can't ever become like that again.

Losing control again is perhaps his greatest fear.
Personal: Intelligent people, chocolate, coffee, individualists, hats.
Sexual: A little bit of S&M and bondage.
Personal: Religious types, people that are "too serious", when blood gets on your clothes (so hard to clean off these days).
Sexual: Scat/watersports, extreme violence (amputation, eye-gouging, etc), heavy BDSM (CBT, choking, etc.)

Notes about the character: He's not bad, he's not good, Hugh is Hugh. He has his own morality. It's not so much that this isn't mentioned, I just felt the need to underline it.
Notes about the player: I have a dark-to-bleak sense of humor, so, especially with a trickster archetype character, expect to see horrible/shocking jokes crop up from time to time.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Okay, guys!  I'm going to get my character up tonight and we can probably get started by this weekend.  Now I do need to know how you guys feel about the way this will go.  Do we all like the idea of a virus wiping everyone out or would we like to change this?  We can use something based on what's going on in the world right now such as the zombie drug or nuclear war or come up with something else.


Hi HangedMan! Glad to see Hugh making the jump!

Dragongoddess, I'm not particular on the type of apocalypse, what about something that's kinda like a zombie virus but the people don't become ugly/undead, but more like, just crazy (maybe lust crazy and most of the population killed one another fighting over who would get to fuck whom, or fending off the lust crazed people chasing them.) "A world gone mad"

Possibly with nuclear war too or whatever you want to work in...after all, if most people weent crazy, that would include the guys with their fingers on the big red buttons. Maybe there was a modern version of the Trojan war where countries nuked each other over a dispute over stolen celebrity women.

Just thinking out loud...anything is fine with me...


Played By:  JustAlexander

Character Name:  Miles Butler

Age: 26

Gender:  Male

Sexual Orientation:  Heterosexual

Appearance: Average hight and weight. Is always wearing black clothes with at least one article of leather clothing (usually a vest or jacket).

Face Claim: 

Picture is just a random stock photo

Personality:  He constantly struggles to act the part of the hard-ass biker despite a lack of knowledge pertaining to the stereotype.  In all reality he wants to make the mask real, believing that a person like that could do more then just survive this world. He thinks he’ll be able to thrive as long as others believe the charade.

History:   Born as John Welch, he never had any ambitions whatsoever.  When the apocalypse hit he locked himself in his apartment until he ran out of food. Desperate to survive he headed to the streets.  Just outside his apartment he found the body of a biker named Miles Butler. He grabbed the mans leather vest with “Lions Pride” emblazoned across the back and the switchblade knife stashed within.
  At that moment John decided that to survive he would have to become Miles Butler!  So he took his name and the assumptions he had about the dead man and made them his new reality from that point on.

Apocalyptic Vice:  He takes advantage of the chaos around him to indulge any and every passing whim or desire seeing it as his prize for surviving as long as he had. 

During The Maddening:  When the virus set in so did the darkest parts of his assumed identity.  Instead of the strength and confidence he needed from the role, he found himself reveling in the brutality the character allowed him to exhibit.  It started slowly. Occasionally, he would get angry and start yelling over the smallest disagreements, and would sometimes fists would be thrown.  Eventually however it escalated and he slit an allies throat because he wanted to go a different direction than Miles.
  Soon it no longer mattered what the reasoning was, if you got in his way Miles would make you pay the price.  Men, women, children, he didn’t care who it was.
Any obstruction was removed without remorse.
  It wasn’t until the few comrades he possessed had either run away from the monster he’d become, or were killed by his hand.  As he wandered alone he slowly regained something like a stable frame of mind.  But he can still feel the beast in the back of his head, just lurking in the shadows.  Waiting for the chance to take control once more!

      Personal:  Alcohol, anything leather, Coffee.
      Sexual:  Bondage, choking, light knife play.

      Personal:  People who can’t seize the moment,  goody two shoes types, weakness
      Sexual:  Scat, anal,

Notes About Character:  He seems like a total bastard, but he’s just trying to survive the only way he thinks he can.

Notes About Writer:  I’m really new to role playing so any advice or suggestions would be welcome. 


I'd prefer to avoid zombies (already doing that) or nuclear war (because then we'd realistically have to account for things like radiation drift and the science involved with that is mind-numbing; and playing through the slow death of radiation exposure would be no fun). My vote would be super-virus, and we just happen to be part of those 5% of people who were immune, and didn't die.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


That's true. Zombies are really played out these days, and the whole fallout / radiation sickness thing is not a sexy way to go.


So you guys said you want a virus and ff suggested that people have lost their minds.  What if the virus made people lose their minds and the world went into chaos.  Everyone lost theirs minds and did at least one horrible thing they normally wouldn't have.  Many people died in this first stage of the virus.  Those that survived either showed no lasting symptoms except that gained from the first stage of the virus called The Maddening or they became very ill and most of those who became ill died, those that did not eventually got better.  Of those who became immune to the virus and survived, many continued to do horrible things such as raping and killing while others tried to rebuild societies and still other just tried to survive.  But most everyone suffered some sort of PTSD and even among the ones trying to rebuild societies or simply survive, everyone had some kind of new vice gained from the apocalypse.  I'm thinking during the outbreak, the Earth was kinda killing itself as well similar to what's going on now with a ton of wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcano explosions, etc. so even the Eatth is suffering at this point.




A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Ok. Since everyone with characters in already have approved of this idea, this will be what we go with.  If you guys want, go ahead and update your character's backgrounds to include what they did during the Maddening.


Quote from: Dragongoddess on October 21, 2017, 12:12:33 PM
Ok. Since everyone with characters in already have approved of this idea, this will be what we go with.  If you guys want, go ahead and update your character's backgrounds to include what they did during the Maddening.

Edited in mine; let me know what you think?
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!



A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Oh, wow, the Wishing Game thing, that's wickedly clever! Hugh's like a post-apocalyptic Rumpelstiltskin.

Added a During the Maddening bit to my char as well.


Quote from: Dragongoddess on October 21, 2017, 12:12:33 PM
Ok. Since everyone with characters in already have approved of this idea, this will be what we go with.  If you guys want, go ahead and update your character's backgrounds to include what they did during the Maddening.

All set with the Maddening info😁


Quote from: ff on October 21, 2017, 01:44:49 PM
Oh, wow, the Wishing Game thing, that's wickedly clever! Hugh's like a post-apocalyptic Rumpelstiltskin.

Added a During the Maddening bit to my char as well.
Glad you like it.  ;D And for sure, best treat him like a Faerie Tale type character... human morality has long been left behind.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Here are the Approved Characters thread and the OOC.  We will still accept character applications but after I'm done proofreading, the initial post will be put up.
