Want to build a world? . . . Want to have sex? Come right in! (M for F)

Started by Jack the RPer, September 01, 2017, 02:53:26 AM

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Jack the RPer

Hello, Elliquiy! I'm looking to run a lovely, detailed, and perhaps debauchery-filled roleplay or two.

Below I have some ideas that range from starters with which we can build a fantastic world to somewhat bizarre and straightforward smut.

First thing's first: If you consider yourself witty, silly, and have a penchant for sharing in the creation of some literary world, I'll probably like you regardless, so feel free to pitch an idea or warp one of the ones below to your heart's content and PM away. Also, be sure to consult my O/O's to see if there's any major overlap, but I'm always stoked to see any of the following sexual elements pop up in a RP:

  • Rough Sex
  • Spanking, kissing, slapping, neck-biting, all that good stuff
  • Hold the Moan (public sneaky sex)
  • Exhibitionism (public, not-so-sneaky sex)
  • Incest
  • Impregnation (I kind of really fucking like this one for smut-centric scenarios. No need or particular desire to play out the ensuing pregnancy)
  • Excessive cum and/or Cum inflation
  • Power Play

As a writer, I am pretty detailed, but I truly believe in quality over quantity. Furthermore, I'm not dogmatic about post length. I just would like the length of a post to be suitable for the current situation in a story. If our characters are in the middle of a snappy conversation, I'd rather have rapid-fire few-liners smacking with wit than slow the pace down with overblown paragraphs. Also, as a writer, I'm generally more interested in the story than the smut . . . unless it's something I really can't do in reality, like some of the ideas listed below. Without further ado, here's what I've got!

Story Heavy Ideas

The Dynamic Duo
Medieval and/or Fantasy
There once was a prophecy of a cursed child born of demons who was destined to save the world. There are legends of a fierce warrior princess who cast off the shackles of a gentle upbringing and subjugated an entire empire. This idea has nothing to do with those things.

On the contrary, this story is concerned with the haphazard journey of two bumbling bounty hunters: that is, a couple who completes odd jobs to scrape by. The minister's cat is stuck in a tree!? Have no fear, the dynamic duo is here! A petty thief has stolen a pie!? The dynamic duo shall bring him to justice! A dragon is ravaging the countryside!? . . . That's a bit above their pay grade.

And yet, one day, the dynamic duo's world is turned upside down when they accidentally take on a bounty that can change the very course of the country. Through untapped wit, luck, and maybe some sexiness, they pull through . . . just barely. We would play out this journey where these unlikely heroes rise to the call of duty, even against their will.

I'm envisioning the pair to be largely average, perhaps slightly above average denizens of a fantastic world. I'm imagining MC to be a pretty charismatic guy that talks a game far bigger than he can play. I'd imagine him to be somewhat conniving, but in an endearing way. I'd also imagine him to be pretty fit and decent in a bar brawl, but get absolutely decimated by a proper knight in a fair fight (provided he ever finds himself in a fair fight). YC can be pretty much whatever you'd like her to be, though I think it'd make the most sense if she too wasn't anything particularly special. At least to start!

Smut wouldn't necessarily feature too heavily in the story, lest it serves to advance the plot or the relationship of the characters. I'm envisioning our characters start out as friends, or friends with benefits (after all, finding a good partner is so terribly difficult in the pre-internet era). Through extended trials and tribulations, they grow closer. Maybe there's lots of fantastical sex in the interim, maybe no. That's something we'd have to feel out.

Let me know if this one strikes your fancy and we can flesh it out a bit more!

Bring Him Back

This time our characters are a bit more able-bodied.

MC is a hermit mage, who long ago participated in YC's kingdom's conquest of the lands. He was a veritable weapon of mass destruction, his elemental magics sowing chaos on the battle field. Still, disgusted with his actions and the kingdom, he retreats into the Great Forest to live among gnomes, satyrs, and nymphs. He isolates himself, and attempts to atone for his sins.

YC is accomplished in her own right, and I leave it up to you to decide in what way. Perhaps she too is a mage, the current generation's version of MC. Perhaps she's a great and powerful knight. Perhaps she's of nobility. Perhaps she's some mash-up of these things or something else entirely! Whatever the case may be, the kingdom calls upon YC to recruit MC back to the kingdom for a brewing war. Our characters are drawn to each other after a shaky first meeting and eventually join forces.

Whether they return to the kingdom to aid in the war effort or go rogue is up for debate and is dependent on our character's chemistry and common goals. Once again, I'm excited to see where this will go, since I have no idea myself!

Blade Runner-esque Thing that Doesn't have a Good Name
Sci-fi noire, pretty dark

This one's less fleshed out. I'd like a scenario where, if you're familiar with the blade-runner franchise, a "blade runner" falls for a "replicant". That is, within a kind of dystopian world, there exist human-like entities called replicants; They are essentially clones that are designed to expire after a few years, and in turn don't enjoy the same rights as humans. In this world, replicants will sometimes go rogue, and a blade runner will be sent to "retire them" via gun. I'm not sure if I'd like MC or YC to be the replicant, but I figured it may be interesting to play a kind of tragic romance that's doomed from the get-go in a sci-fi setting.

Get on with the sex already!

I write these in first person or third, depending on my mood.

In Class Demonstration
Modern, exhibitionism, impregnation

Mr. White is a beloved educator of biology at the local university, and none of his lectures are better-received than his demonstration of human reproduction. Every year, a diligent teaching assistant joins the hunk of a professor in demonstrating the inside-and-outs of human reproduction, before a live, horny audience. They do their best to explain what's happening while they procreate, but sometimes they end up making up some of the facts on the spot or try out positions that are kind of irrelevant for conception. The students never complain, though!

I'd be down to swap the gender roles here too.

Especially if You Were the Last Person on Earth
Post-apocalyptic, impregnation, incest (mother/son,bro/sis,father/daughter, whatever)

Who would have thought that MC's paranoid antics and preparation would come in handy. When the bombs dropped, OCs were happily stowed away in a shelter for some time, and when the dust finally settled, discovered that much of their surroundings had not fared so well. Still, with a glut of food and scraps of technology, their continued survival is assured, albeit difficult. It's time to get to repopulating!

I'd be particularly down for snappy banter in this one, like, family members that know this is kind of wrong, but given the situation know that they have to do their part for the human race. Hell, maybe they're even looking forward to it.

Just Leave Already, Damn It!
Modern, Incest, Probably bro/sis

MC and YC have been having an illicit, incestuous relationship for some time, and just go at it like rabbits when OC's parents aren't about. One day, as OC's oblivious father heads out of the house, OC start to go at it, but he forgets something and returns home. OC are almost caught, but somehow OC manage to elude him. Then back to the good stuff.

But he keeps coming back home.

YC is riding MC at the dining room table? Shit! He's back, time to push the chair in and hide OC's hips under the table. MC is pounding YC from behind in YC's room? YC better answer the door and tell Dad to bug off so he doesn't come in. Dad catches OCs butt naked on the floor. . . guess OC's are trying to revive the ancient Greek tradition of nude wrestling?

This one's pretty damn silly, and I wouldn't mind if there were also sexual puns galore thrown in as OCs dupe the Dad.

If any of the above suit your fancy, shoot me a PM. I'd be delighted to hear from you.

Jack the RPer

Bumping this after a bout of inactivity. Everything's still available, and I'm happy to hear any ideas you may have as well!

Jack the RPer

Bumping after a second bout of inactivity. "Bring Him Back" is tentatively taken, though, and I'm somewhat constrained on time, favoring the lighter, smut-heavy (red-section) options.