Patreon Ad

Started by MagicalPen, August 28, 2017, 10:52:19 AM

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Is it possible to turn that one off?

I have images etc turned off on E for a reason, so that prying eyes don't see anything NSFW or sexualized. Today, I've started to noticed the big orange patreon ad banner thingy that very clearly points to adult NSFW content.

If it can't be removed (since someone is paying for it to be there I believe?) is there a way to turn that banner ad area off so none of them show up when I am browsing E?

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

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Get uBlock Origin

Right-click on the image, select 'block element' and pick the image.


Thanks - never knew about that one!

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games