American Gods // Mystery. Fantasy. Strange (male roles needed)

Started by Sirian Eve, July 29, 2017, 05:15:39 PM

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Sirian Eve

A M E R I C A N  G O D S

Thank you wigglebiscuit and RubySlippers and the other wonderful ladies.

“From now on we shall call this land America!” said someone, some time ago.

Mr. Nancy speaks..

To many Americans heritage and tradition are important. In a country of immigrants -well some immigrants, not everyone came here voluntarily- the freedom to choose has always been a bullet point in the American Dream. The freedom to live life virtuously by the sweat of your own brow-

But this ain’t what this story is about. This story is about a small town in who the fuck know’s where  Arizona. This town so small ya’ll, it got one traffic light!  clears throat As I was saying this small town in Arizona is host to a lot of insignificance. Why if you google this town it won’t even show up on google. What makes this town so interesting enough to speak of you ask? It’s the home of several very gifted young adults who don’t even know how gifted they are. It takes place during the spring of 2018, right after high school graduation. That’s when all the strange shit starts happening and I do mean some very strange shit.

You see these individuals are the children of gods, old gods, but they don’t know that because they were left to be raised by human mommies and human daddies, those that were lucky anyway. Some were peddled into the system of adoption to be fostered by some awful people. Where did these god’s go you ask? That is a question for another time. I know what you’re thinking. It’s awfully convenient to have all these kids grow up in the same town and you are right it is convenient. Convenient for somebody.

You see the New Gods want all the attention, hell they have all the attention. Why bother with making sacrafices when you could just give them all your time? Cell phones, notebooks, Ipads- it's a form of worship to them, but you see the trick is you gotta keep the masses glued to the screen, you got to keep them connected. Imagine it! Everyone, everywhere glued to a screen for their enjoyment, brain cells just wasting away. You don't need to think, they'll do the thinking for you.

Now me personally I'm a firm believer of the old ways. I like when people actually put in effort. All the Old Gods want is your faith. You want something from us? All you got to do is give us a gift. Somethin' to let us know you believe. I ain't picky!  Now back to these kids, they don't have a clue about what's going on so I imagine they are going to need a little help.

This story begins on a Wednesday evening right after the graduation ceremony at Olympus High School.

Rules. Game Information

0. Okay since we are all adults I'm not going to make this long. You know what to do if you have questions or concerns. Feel free to PM me with questions and the like regards to the story. Check General information list beforehand, just in case there is something there that could answer your question.

0. Secondly. This is to be posted at a relax paced. Some may post faster than others and some slower. That is okay. I created a dreamtime thread location for people to experince altered states during this progress and if there is something you want to try out beyond the current timeline that is the place to do it.

0. Thirdly.  Please let me know if you are going to be away or absent for sometime. If you plan on abandoning the game let me know so we can kill your character dishonorably,lol. I'm kidding. Sort of..

0. What's that thing they say? No Mary Sue's and Joe Blow's. Make your character interesting. Pull from American history and ancient history for inspiration if you don't know where to start.

0. This is will be in the extreme section for various reasons.

* So the old gods have been displaced in America, none of them are at the full extent of their powers until they have worshippers. I don't expect anyone to be super powerful to the point where they take over the world, not what this story is about. It's about keeping balance.

* The gods that do have abilities do not trifle with the decisions of humankind directly, it's against cosmic law of free will. Also there are characters outside of gods that can be played too. Looking into old folktales is always good.

* There will be five demi god roles. All of them grew up in this same town. The backstory is Mr. World arranged for them to be adopted or have family in this town. It was convient for him because he could monitor them all more closely and slowly seduce them to his side. Why these five speacifically  because there hasn't been a demi god born since ancient times and these five were born and raised under a new age of technology. They are called millennials.

Need New God and Old God Roles.

Demi God roles are filled, other roles available
General Information


What can we play?
Any gods are up for play. Demi god's will be between the ages of 18 to 20 for story purposes.  Other supernatural beings from folklore are also permitted like jinn's, leperchauns, revenants etc.

Did we have to read the books or watch the show?
No, it's based off the show, but it's not required.

Can we make any kind of characters and how many?
Just like in the show there are a range of things to play. In this story we are introducing the concept of demi gods and what it means to be one. You can make up to two characters.

Who is this RP for?
Everyone and anyone who can create and contribute to a story creatively. Anyone who is literate and fun!

What roles are available?
I will create a list of needed roles down below.

Character sheet?
Follow the character sheet code and then PM me with a completed sheet.

Character relations?
I expect many of the characters will have some knowledge of eachother, relationships are up to the players involved.

At the begining of the story most gods will be relatively powerless. Only using a fraction of their full potential because people do no believe in them anymore. Demi gods will be expereincing their powers for the first time

New Gods

The New Gods

Their main objection is complete obedience. They want to occupy your time. Buy this, eat that, wear this. Converting all th old gods and their offspring to a new way of being worshipped under one world.These are potential roles that are needed. new god concepts can be created also.

Technical Boy - The new god who works for Mr. World. Despises the old gods and wants them all gone.

Media- The new goddess, she's everywhere there is to be and knows a lot of stuff. Unlike her counterpart she has more respect for the old gods, but know's they are 'out-of style'

Mr. World- He works behind the scenes. Wants to convert all the old gods into the new way of existing

Old Gods

The Old Gods

Their main objective is to gain worshippers so that they may gain back their full abilities. They have been forgotten most of them and either have faded into some form of exile or reduced to a form of indirect worship.

Elias Mustafa-Shango-African God of Thunder and Lightning and War. Played by Sirian Eve

Character Profile

[float=right][img width=300 padding=5]http://INSERT URL[/img]
[b]Type[/b]: god, demi god, human, etc
[b]Gender/Tastes[/b]: Are you male, female etc. Do you like males, females etc.
[b]Worship[/b]: In what way are you worshipped? (ex. through social media, animal sacrafices ect) Applies to gods/demi gods only.
[b]Truths[/b]: What is your characters strengths?
[b]Lies[/b]: What are your characters flaws?
[b]Dominions[/b]: What do you rule over?



Wild Card for me likely her father was a god though ...  ;D

Sirian Eve




Name: Andromahi Papadopoulos [Miss Future]
Faceclaim: Felicia Day
Age: 18
Type: Demigoddess
Gender/Tastes: Female/Female
History: Adopted by Greeks who serve Mr. World and stolen from her divine mother Athena fitting since Athens started the Western philosophical tradition including observational science and skepticism. She did very well in school earning both a High School Diploma and an Associate of Arts degree at eighteen, she is quite artistic and already got accepted into many fine schools. Acing out the SAT exams and impressing the admissions to many schools, backed by a unlimited means to get money through her powers, she can go anywhere. Openly an atheist she has a successful YouTube and website business with channels of income and self-published a book on the subject doing okay for a print-to-order option. Recently did she come into her powers as her immortal spark ignited and her powers fully developed and she has been studying them and learned from her parents she is a demigod and she sensed she can still age if she wants to and decided to stop aging at 26 thinking that is a good age. Her YouTube videos with Patreon suddenly got a lot more popular and set up a new account called Skeptical Goddess liking the pun and gaining an audience.
Worship: By skepticism and non-belief the less humanity believes in deities and faith systems the more power she gets. Indirectly she is also tapping into those who use YouTube either putting up videos, looks and watches videos and makes comments on YouTube.
Truths: Is an evolved human form likely what humans might become in say 100,000+ years so is exceptional but well within theoretical human capability of mind and body. Has an IQ in the genius range.
Lies: Recently gained her immortal spark but is still maturing, she has psychic powers that are impressive but can't affect proper gods save for telekinesis since its physical, and naturally supports gaining powers from non-worship sources since they tend to be more stable.
Dominions: Atheism/Skepticism/Apatheism, Limited Media (YouTube Shared with Media, Her Videos and Those She Supports She Gets Power From)
Abilities/Powers: Aura of Skepticism (humans in her presence tap into their knowledge of religion and remember the bad parts of their faith system, and that stays in their very minds to act on their belief systems if its contrary to what the holy text say). Aura of the Coming World (she is resistant to immune to the powers of Old Gods of all kinds based on her and their relative power level). Eloquence (in whatever form of communication both spoken, writing, online videos etc. is extraordinarily persuasive to humans tapping into her artistic genius). Immortal she just gained her divine spark but opted to age awhile to mature her body until she is twenty six but it will take a lot to kill her if a mortal tries, but they can hurt her body. Psychic Powers (her mind is far more advanced tapping into various psychic abilities implanting suggestions, telepathy, psychic healing (self and others), telekinesis (can hurl and move objects up to a typical large motorcycle) and even limited precognition -she can't be surprised easily- and techno-empathy she can work with and communication with modern technology without contact and like breathing but this is more of her modern focus as a New Goddess thanks to organic biological implants that formed via her will), transport via the world wide web wherever there is a cam she can transport to which is everyone on Earth and beyond the way things are going appears to phase out and phase in through normal communications using wireless technology.
Realm: Created her own virtual domain its basically a modest house, large gardens, baths, luxurious trappings and a complete video studio, lovely nude female avatar servants and consorts and ample internet firewalls far over any mortal means to deal with but travels via other means. But this is her little divine paradise with lots of frills and she touches it up and improves things as she goes.
Major Allies: Media, Technical Boy, Mr. World, Other New God Supporting Powers

Adrian Castle

Still interested!

Are the characters we make supposed to be new gods or old ones? It was unclear to me which one a child of an old god would be lol

Sirian Eve

Hello! The demi gods are all children of the old gods. You decide the parentage.
You have the liberty to make any type of character canon to the show as well.

Looking good Ruby.



Well my character is an old goddesses child but well her powers tap newer sources she doesn't understand them all yet.  ;D


I'll be looking to play an old school demigoddess based on Bilquis and taking the Rogue role. Basic concept is high school reject/weirdo suddenly and reluctantly turned emerging fertility goddess.

Expect a full writeup Monday when I am not working ridiculous hours...


Made some changes my character dubs herself Miss Future not in the foretelling of but is a sign of the future and well the ending of the old age of the gods and the rise of the new gods, sadly, but the time of the pagan deities is over and its simple evolution that new ones replace them and in time she will be replaced perhaps until then this is her time - not her mothers.

Sirian Eve

Wiggles I have you reserved. The last two I will leave to men so we can balance things out here.



True, and we need a Mr. World and a Tech Boy, he is the one she is most likely to support day to day.


Quote from: Sirian Eve on July 30, 2017, 07:39:07 AM
Wiggles I have you reserved. The last two I will leave to men so we can balance things out here.
Thank you! I will try not to disappoint!


Does tech-boy have to be a boy? Or is tomboy possible as well.

Would be willing to play either, with tomboy preferred.
Disclaimer (WIP)
English isn't my native language. I'm deeply rooted in a culture with significantly different (much more direct) communcation strategies than typical for the extremely polite british or canadian cultures, or the "optimistic" approach often used in the USA. Additionally, I'm not neurotypical in several ways, warping my perception and communication to an even further degree.

But: my english is JUST good enough to lull many readers into a false sense of security. Think of it as the communicative equivalent to "false friends words" which, while extremely similar in outward appearance in two languages, mean something slightly but importantly different. Like "I want to become a steak" makes perfect sense to a german... that still would prefer not to be butchered.

So please, if you perceive my words as rude, my intentions as unemotional or just weird: ask me. I'm not always successful in my attempts to correctly guess the fluff and embellishments needed for successful communication. Not in my native german tongue, much less so in english. Please do not interpret them as bad intent, but feel free to ask for clarifications. I'll try my best to solve such misunderstandings, and learn to prevent them.

Sirian Eve

Quote from: Krys on July 30, 2017, 09:05:05 AM
Does tech-boy have to be a boy? Or is tomboy possible as well.

Would be willing to play either, with tomboy preferred.

Hello! I would prefer Technical Boy to stay Technical Boy. You are more than welcome to do an Original new god creation of your own making.

Thank you for asking.



If the Demi-God Athlete spot is open, I'd love to get my hands on that. :)


Quote from: Krys on July 30, 2017, 09:53:12 AM
Then I'll try to come up with a tech-boy / Researcher. Is that ok?

Technical Boy and the Researcher Demi-God are two different roles.

Technical Boy is the New God in control of technology like the internet, cellphones, social media, etc...


Quote from: Juggtacular on July 30, 2017, 09:55:17 AM
Technical Boy and the Researcher Demi-God are two different roles.

Technical Boy is the New God in control of technology like the internet, cellphones, social media, etc...

Just realized that. :D Which would leave the Researcher spot open, correct?
Disclaimer (WIP)
English isn't my native language. I'm deeply rooted in a culture with significantly different (much more direct) communcation strategies than typical for the extremely polite british or canadian cultures, or the "optimistic" approach often used in the USA. Additionally, I'm not neurotypical in several ways, warping my perception and communication to an even further degree.

But: my english is JUST good enough to lull many readers into a false sense of security. Think of it as the communicative equivalent to "false friends words" which, while extremely similar in outward appearance in two languages, mean something slightly but importantly different. Like "I want to become a steak" makes perfect sense to a german... that still would prefer not to be butchered.

So please, if you perceive my words as rude, my intentions as unemotional or just weird: ask me. I'm not always successful in my attempts to correctly guess the fluff and embellishments needed for successful communication. Not in my native german tongue, much less so in english. Please do not interpret them as bad intent, but feel free to ask for clarifications. I'll try my best to solve such misunderstandings, and learn to prevent them.


Quote from: Krys on July 30, 2017, 09:55:52 AM
Just realized that. :D Which would leave the Researcher spot open, correct?

I'm not sure if someone asked Eve for it in a PM, but it seems that yes that spot is still open.


A couple of things I would like to see:

1) We dint know at the start that  we are demigods. Maybe we ascend at a specific time? A party? Halloween.

2) We dint know right away that there are others, so that we are somehow drawn together and have this moment where we realize we have this thing about us in a BSG All Along The Watchtower sorta way.


Is there a min age? 18 would make sense, though so would making the nerdy researcher boy a tad younger (you know those pesky prodigies).

PS: yes the picture is 18+

PPS: faceclaim
Disclaimer (WIP)
English isn't my native language. I'm deeply rooted in a culture with significantly different (much more direct) communcation strategies than typical for the extremely polite british or canadian cultures, or the "optimistic" approach often used in the USA. Additionally, I'm not neurotypical in several ways, warping my perception and communication to an even further degree.

But: my english is JUST good enough to lull many readers into a false sense of security. Think of it as the communicative equivalent to "false friends words" which, while extremely similar in outward appearance in two languages, mean something slightly but importantly different. Like "I want to become a steak" makes perfect sense to a german... that still would prefer not to be butchered.

So please, if you perceive my words as rude, my intentions as unemotional or just weird: ask me. I'm not always successful in my attempts to correctly guess the fluff and embellishments needed for successful communication. Not in my native german tongue, much less so in english. Please do not interpret them as bad intent, but feel free to ask for clarifications. I'll try my best to solve such misunderstandings, and learn to prevent them.

Sirian Eve




Name: Sheridan Frode
Faceclaim: Jim Parsons
Age: 18
Type: demi god
Gender/Tastes: male, unsure probably straight
History: Odin doesn't even remember the rump he had with Anna, an innocent girl on vacation with her ultra-conservative family, nor has he any idea that there have been consequences.
Consequences, which had Anna been forced out of her family in disgrace. It was only thanks to Anna's aunt and her husband Marie and Max Copper, and a move over half the continent, that she could finish her school at Olympus High.
Raising her only son Sheridan is no easy task still, but thanks to the close family ties on the Copper farm, the two of them never had to cope with real bad hardships.
Sheridan soon showed signs of extraordinary giftedness, which allowed him to excel at school despite his economical challenging background. Always able to think significantly faster than anyone else, his ability to gain, evaluate and use information has grown explosively since he got access to computers. Most teachers see in him a new Gates, Jobs, or Zuckerberg, though he isn't really single-minded enough to become a programmer of their likes. His first forays into data analysis notwithstanding, he hasn't yet found just his field of expertise. After all, EVERYTHING is interesting. Still, his grades nor SAT couldn't be better, and thus he is one of only (or rather surprisingly) two students at Olympus High, who can choose from any school they want to go to. In his case though, the question of tuition fees isn't as easily solved. And thus he'll have to look closely into which of the stipends he got offered will get him where he wants... once he knows where that is of course.
The sheer cognitive distance between him and his peers has made socio-emotional interaction a tad difficult for him. While he is no Sheldon Cooper, he is no social chameleon either.
Despite all his genius, he isn't yet aware of his parentage, nor did his powers reach the obviously superhuman level yet.
Worship: It's done million times every day. Don't you know something? Google it. Search it on Wikipedia, StackOverflow, Quora ... doesn't matter. Binge watching tutorials on Youtube? Grats, you just worshiped him. Even just looking it up in a paperbound dictionary or encyclopedia is a form of worship... but who bothers with such things anymore?
Truths: He is the embodiment of human curiosity and accumulation of knowledge. His powers are growing exponentially and will hit a singularity sometime in the future.
Lies: See that Wikipedia article written by some derp with an agenda? Hurts, doesn't it? That idiotic religious fanatic trying to "save" kids from the "evils" of sex-ed? Or that boastful politician spreading his tweets with lies?

His weakness is in the spread of false information, be they religious dogma, politic indoctrination or viral advertisement for useless crap.
Dominions: Curiosity/Research, Gaining Information (Online over old fashioned)
Abilities/Powers: Aura of Logic (humans in his presence are able to analyze data in a logical fashion, thereby judging the value of information gained), Aura of THE Knowledge (he is immune to any effects altering his own memory, or hiding tampering on information and gives resistance to those effects to those in his presence), Convincing (his spoken and written communication is so full of logically correct arguments, that it is only by obvious willful ignorance that someone could not be convinced by it), Walking Encyclopedia (you ask him, he knows it), Database access (With his mind he can directly access every storage of information there is. Distance or accessibility doesn't matter, but searchability does. Getting something from Oracles Cloud is limited by Oracles own search speed. Getting an information from an old style paper library ... will take time)
Disclaimer (WIP)
English isn't my native language. I'm deeply rooted in a culture with significantly different (much more direct) communcation strategies than typical for the extremely polite british or canadian cultures, or the "optimistic" approach often used in the USA. Additionally, I'm not neurotypical in several ways, warping my perception and communication to an even further degree.

But: my english is JUST good enough to lull many readers into a false sense of security. Think of it as the communicative equivalent to "false friends words" which, while extremely similar in outward appearance in two languages, mean something slightly but importantly different. Like "I want to become a steak" makes perfect sense to a german... that still would prefer not to be butchered.

So please, if you perceive my words as rude, my intentions as unemotional or just weird: ask me. I'm not always successful in my attempts to correctly guess the fluff and embellishments needed for successful communication. Not in my native german tongue, much less so in english. Please do not interpret them as bad intent, but feel free to ask for clarifications. I'll try my best to solve such misunderstandings, and learn to prevent them.

Sirian Eve

Oh yes! All the roles are 18+, sorry Krys to answer your question. I will go over everything once I get back home tonight.

Thank you everyone  :l).



Disclaimer (WIP)
English isn't my native language. I'm deeply rooted in a culture with significantly different (much more direct) communcation strategies than typical for the extremely polite british or canadian cultures, or the "optimistic" approach often used in the USA. Additionally, I'm not neurotypical in several ways, warping my perception and communication to an even further degree.

But: my english is JUST good enough to lull many readers into a false sense of security. Think of it as the communicative equivalent to "false friends words" which, while extremely similar in outward appearance in two languages, mean something slightly but importantly different. Like "I want to become a steak" makes perfect sense to a german... that still would prefer not to be butchered.

So please, if you perceive my words as rude, my intentions as unemotional or just weird: ask me. I'm not always successful in my attempts to correctly guess the fluff and embellishments needed for successful communication. Not in my native german tongue, much less so in english. Please do not interpret them as bad intent, but feel free to ask for clarifications. I'll try my best to solve such misunderstandings, and learn to prevent them.