Rape on a first date - M seeking F

Started by Jester, July 11, 2017, 11:05:10 AM

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Name: Rape on a First Date

Content: Non-Con, Rape, Violence

Scenario: A young man and woman are on a first date. He is cute, rich and really quite hot and she was delighted when he finally asked her out.
She spent ages dressing up and making herself beautiful. She did not know what he had planned but she was excited about it all.

The night however does not turn out as expected. They get on well and have a lovely time but the first chance he gets he pounces. His hands are rough and touchy and soon he has torn her clothes and pinned her against the wall.
After what seems hours he leaves his date bruised, crying with her clothes torn and in a mess and a battered pussy full of cum.

Setting: This one-shot will take place on the first date. The rape will take place somewhere semu-public, wet and dirty and she will be left all alone hurt, coldm wet and alone.

Requirements: A young woman interested in playing the rape victic who repeatedly goes out on dates with the guy even after he abuses her...
Other info: The real questions is...... what has he got in mind for the second date? I am hoping you like the idea so much that you will come back for seconds.