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Pokémon Go

Started by Shores, July 07, 2017, 04:51:59 AM

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It's the one-year anniversary of Pokémon Go! Who's still a loyal fan?

This is my proudest catch:

I was on a bus and saw it pop up just as I alighted at the shopping center. So, I crossed the road, and entered a hotel, thinking there would be a lift. Couldn't find it. So, I ran out, did a loop around a few homes, and started half-walking, half-running up the mountain/hill behind it. They call it a mountain here, but it's more like a super steep hill. Half-panting and gasping, went behind the hotel, into the foresty area, and up up up, it appeared!!! I was so excited, and luckily caught it on my first ultra ball with razz berry. :D I went back down the hill, into the hotel cos I saw the lift there, and took it to the first floor, crossed the roads and went to meet my mum in the bank in the shopping center. I think I ran up a four-storey hill in fifteen minutes or less. She didn't manage to catch a Lapras before the event ended.  :-( We're hoping trade comes out so we can trade all the rares we each caught/hatched so our Pokédex is more filled.

That Lapras made my life. I thought I was never going to catch it. It's always in the middle of the sea!

I missed out on Larvitar from the recent event. Hoping to catch a Pikachu with an Ash Ketchum hat when I go out tomorrow! :D


I gotta catch 'em all!  I play whenever I go for a ride in the car.
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn


I still play, but not intense like last summer.
O/O and ideas - write if you'd be a good Annatar/Sauron, Aaron Warner (Juliette) [Shatter me], Wilkins (Faith) [Buffy the VS]
[what she reading: 50 TALES A YEAR]


I need to get my rear in gear and get back out there to snag the new Pikachu. I've managed to catch all of event ones so far, but I've run low on steam. I used to play with several people and lately it's just been myself. Congratulations on your Lapras! That monster is one of the few that manages to elude me, even through the egg system. I have a co-worker that has managed to hatch multiples. I have a problem with hoarding Evee evolutions, and I keep having to expand my bags holding capacity. My favorite though is my Gengar. I have many, but one in particular I throw up on gyms I take down just for fun. He doesn't hold them very well like my Snorlaxs and Blissy.


Are you allowed to duel other people yet? Or capture legendaries? If one can, then I might get back into this game.


Nope, can't duel other people or capture legendaries yet. :(

There are raids at gyms now, where a group of people can versus a strong pokemon, so we're all hoping legendaries come soon!


The FB groups have had a great deal of rumors about legendaries recently, but nothing is confirmed yet. I hope they will not be available somewhere I'm unable to travel. :'(


I play when I can. Used to just share an account with the hubby, cause we only had the one phone. But now that I have a phone of my own, I made my own account. I walk three times a day at work (breaks and lunch), so I usually turn it on while I walk and catch a few things. I've tried to get some of our group from last summer out doing it again, but a lot of people have new schedules at work and it's hard to get everyone there on the same day.


I miss the times most (?) people seemed to play and would just socialize over it. I sometimes feel like I'm the last one around!
O/O and ideas - write if you'd be a good Annatar/Sauron, Aaron Warner (Juliette) [Shatter me], Wilkins (Faith) [Buffy the VS]
[what she reading: 50 TALES A YEAR]


Quote from: MaddieHatter on July 09, 2017, 12:25:59 PM
The FB groups have had a great deal of rumors about legendaries recently, but nothing is confirmed yet. I hope they will not be available somewhere I'm unable to travel. :'(
I hear that!  My son set up Pokemon Go on his phone for his trip to Iowa a couple of weeks ago.  He played often up there trying to catch a Tauros because that's a regional Pokemon but never got it.  Came back to Florida with no bull. ;)
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn


Quote from: SaturnCeleste on July 10, 2017, 03:48:27 PM
I hear that!  My son set up Pokemon Go on his phone for his trip to Iowa a couple of weeks ago.  He played often up there trying to catch a Tauros because that's a regional Pokemon but never got it.  Came back to Florida with no bull. ;)

I gasped out loud irl when I read this.

YES!!! Got my pikachus!!! :D


Happy anniversary Pokemon in my phone!

Yes, they screwed up the Chicago event, but ehhhh, I expected them to have released legendaries anyway. My attitude to the app is I catch whenever I can, and have fun with it, but don't spend money on it.

This was at a gym near me! I didn't think I could take it down since I don't train my pokemon,etc. I just catch. But still very excited to see it in public!

I'm going to go through my storage box so I can catch more when I go out later! :D


There was a Lugia next to my house yesterday, but I don't stand a chance. It was nice to see though.


I still have yet to see a Lugia in the wild! I can't wait!


I saw Lugia at the train station today but I was in a rush so I didn't fight.

I came back with my birthday cake and I saw an Articuno! I decided to sit down and fight so I found a seat and entered the battle. I think there was a guy next to me waiting to battle too. Our group of low levels failed the battle. :( When the battle ended he got up and left, probably to take a train to the next rare bird stop. I'm glad I got a chance to fight Articuno but I'm sad that it's so difficult to beat him. :( I heard the capture rates are only 1 or 2%!

I had a lot of network errors while playing. I wish they would fix it.


Birthday hatch present yes!!!

Just when I thought the game was getting bad, I hatched one! I missed out on the earlier event, so this is my first Larvitar! Super happy. :D

Downtown area on a weekday has a lot better signal than weekends, though it was still hard to play at gyms. Had very good bbq and cake today.

I like Larvitar's tail. It's so flowery.


Quote from: Shores on July 27, 2017, 09:54:06 AM
Birthday hatch present yes!!!

Happy Birthday Shores!  ;D

Congrats on the Larvitar hatch!
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn


I have been playing pokemon go since last year. I think it is a very good game and a good way for getting people out of the house. I have a few awesome pokemon under my belt and it makes me exited when I get new ones I haven't caught before.


Quote from: SaturnCeleste on July 27, 2017, 11:01:42 AM
Happy Birthday Shores!  ;D

Congrats on the Larvitar hatch!

Thank you!

Hey, that means I share my birthday with my Larvitar. O_O


Glad I finally reached level twenty five after so long.