The Virtual Calamity (.Hack/SAO Inspired Freeform Game) (Recruitment Thread)

Started by Tokyorose627, June 23, 2017, 04:25:01 AM

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Villain chars can crop up as we go along, I figure. o= No need to unveil all the cards right now and all. =p

At 6, we can probably make a decent starting group, though that just might be my excitement for the game talking. I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you or anything, but I think I'm about ready to start playing if others are!



What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Same here! With our current cast, I feel like we have enough diversity for some interesting interactions, both in and out of the game. Villains don't have to pop up immediately, but I'm sure the further we go, the more motivated I'll become to write an antagonist.
Writer, nacoleptic bartender, saint's smile in a demon's body

links to my O2

And my idea thread!

MisoThe Mouse

Still taking players on this one? Thinking of a sociopath snake-man caster



Yes to everyone who is interested, please submit your characters! I'll make the character threads and such soon, so get creative and get ready to write very soon! X3


Quote from: MisoThe Mouse on July 07, 2017, 03:59:36 PM
Still taking players on this one? Thinking of a sociopath snake-man caster

And yes, we are! Remember everyone, your character doesn't have to be a phase owner to be apart of the story! :D


Heya everyone! I just made the character thread, so please post up your character sheets if I have approved them!

MisoThe Mouse

Played By: Miso The Mouse

Name: Nicholas Vole

Age: 23

Appearance :

Personality: Nicholas is a loner and always has been. A rough childhood shaped Nicholas's future for better or worst. School was not always an easy place for him, as he has always fit into the category of "nerd" and "outcast". He learned to put up the facade of a kind hearted boy in order to shield himself from ridicule and hate. But deep down he holds a deep resentment for people in general. A feeling he has project while in the game.

Gender: Male


Nicholas Vole was adopted by his aunt at the age of three after his parents died in a car accident. His first three years are not but a collection of pleasant dreams, and fleeting memories. The life he was thrust into was all that he knew. His aunt was a tyrannical drug abuser to both him and her own son who was four years his elder. His cousin Lester Vole shielded him from his mother the best he could.

Lester was his protector for most of life. Nicholas found himself running to him every time there was a new bully. Lester tried teaching him to fight, but Nicholas was very good at it. But by the tenth grade, this was forced to change. Lester found himself involved in a grimy life style that ended as it usually does. He was killed in an alley way, him money and shoes taken from him. Nicholas found himself without a friend in the world. He had to fight his own bullies, and with practice became better at it. Using his wit to compensate for his lack of strength, Nicholas was no longer deemed such an easy target. Low kicks and dirty tricks, just like his brother taught him.

His adoptive mother fell deeper into her addiction following the death of her "real son". Nicholas found himself having to dip into the life his brother led to afford college. After finding a way to get him step mother to sing off on loans she could not pay, Nicholas got in contact with a few of Lester's friends and started himself a little side business. During his time in university, Nicholas learned to read people. He found a few people that would call him "friend" but he soon learned that he would not accept people for what they said, only how the acted. He knew that the people around him liked him because he knew the answers of the next test, or because he could get them "part favors" for the next function". Nicholas became a reader of people. He longed somewhere in a dark part of his heart to become a manipulator. He just lacked that kind a darkness just yet.

In recent years after his graduation, Nicholas landed him a job in logistics at a small tech company not far from him native neighborhood. He hasn't seen his step mother in years, but he sends he money every other pay check. Because he feel obligated. He just wanted to relax with some VR after work. Seemed Nicholas was being marked for yet another bout of bullying. And again, he would have to fight dirty.

Tech Support/ Logistics

Likes: Video Games, Comics, Horror Movies, Villains, Gangster Films, Documentaries (War, Magic, Ancient History), Pasta, Cakes

Dislikes: Jocks, "Mother Teresa's", Patriots, Hypocrites, "Weakness", Being underestimated

O/O's: No Blood stuff, No toilet stuff,

How did you get started with The World:Renew?:
Nicholas bought a copy with his first paycheck. He had done allot of research, and though it would be an excellent program to practice some of his manipulation techniques on live targets.

PC Name: Nihilist Nell

PC Alias: Iim Of The Low River

PC Gender: Male

PC Age: 57

PC Race: Beast Man (Draconic)

PC Appearance :
(The glow is a deep blue for the spectral illusion form) His skin is a light grey, even lighter (nearly white) along his stomach and the palms of his hands. His eyes are as deep blue as the flames that surround him when in him "Iim Of The Low River" form.

Class Type: Caster (Illusion and Shadow Manipulation)

Personality: An evil creature who delights in the corruption and the pain of others. But much like his counterpart IRL, Nell would rather you wait to know that about him. The enchanted robes he gained through a grueling quest allows the portion of his face shown through his mask to appear human (apart from his slit pupils and deep blue eyes). And his ring of Illusion allows him to cast his Spectral Form, so that he never has to be held accountable for his misdeeds, so long as he doesn't use too much energy doing them. It is all about the payment for him, the end goal. Even more so in recent times.

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: Nope

Illusion: To confuse, disorient, and distract the enemy long enough to escape or land a critical blow. In his "Iim Of The Low River" form, he uses it to hide his level, his name, or anything that will expose the fact that he is just a player using a spell.
Shadow Manipulation: Weaponize the shadows, or use them to escape
Cunning/Studious: Clever as well as well read. Some men beat their opponent in the gym, Nihilist Nell beats them in the library. Also an effecting trader and haggler.
Swift strikes: Stealth, and claws are his ally when he can no longer cast a spell. A combination of dirty strikes and counter strikes, application of his real world knowledge.

Not very strong: Swift, but not strong as all. If you can slow him down and get him to trade blows, them he will loose.
Greed: Predictable. If there is a clear way to screw you over, he will do it. It can and probably will get him caught one day.
Loner, for the most part: There is probably a man or woman who Nihilist has done right by. But there are more people done wrong my Iim Of The Low River. He does not have people he can call on, and that is a fatal weakness in it'self.
Fleeting Energy: His magic based abilities have only a short window of high efficacy. The stronger the Illusion (Like changing into Iim) and the longer it is held, the more energy he burns, and the longer it takes until he can use it again. Over use can leave Nell in a state of complete exhaustion and limited mobility for an entire day.

Background Online :

A loner for the most part, Nihilist does nothing but amass a fortune in items and sell it for profit. True to draconian stereotypes, Nell has a cave of treasures that he hordes. His backstory is very similar to that of his creator, in that it is thick with suffering. Raised by a cult to necromancers, stolen from his birth parents. Nihilist Nell knows only the pleasures of wealth and the spoils of battle. In his normal state, he is know as a bounty hunter, and a mercenary for various guilds. He i knows for his sly tactics as well as his combat prowess. Yet, he always find some "extra" loot hanging around some where. But Nihilist is not known to PK unless in self defense. But depending on the risk versus reward factor, Iim Of The Low River will accept sacrifices in any form. While in spectral form, Nell takes on the persona of Iim Of The Low River, a vengeful, treacherous dark spirit. NPCs and even some players have been known to leave tribute at the various rivers he has been cited, even giving offerings in exchange to his help. Some times Iim is asked to kill. If the price was high enough, then it was done. Sometimes in tribute, Iim has asked for the death or people who were conveniently in the way some prize Nihilist Nell had noticed. But Nell has been careful not to expose himself thus far. All is well in Nihilist Nell's dual reality. For now.

Moon Hound Hati

Played By: Moon Hound Hati

Name: Reed, Katsuo

Age: 27

Appearance: With six feet and two inches Katsuo stand a fair bit taller in height then the average Japanese man, which is accompanied by an average weight for his length. He has short, blue eyes, dark hair and a fair complexion. These half-blood features due tend to make him stand out and he's often confused, at first glance, by others as a foreign tourist.

Personality: Katsuo is laidback and maintains a minimum stress attitude, much to the ongoing annoyance of his father. Living one day at a time, he has few deep attachments or commitments. Though not shy by any means, he is not one for long conversations about the happenings of daily life, as it would quickly bore him. He works hard, but only if he feels reason to do so.

Gender: Male

History: An indecisive twice university drop-out, Katsuo Reed is the son of a successful American surgeon who works at an expensive private clinic in the heart of Tokyo. While he graduated high school with flying colours, even ending up in the top ten of highest scoring students in the country, Katsuo had trouble finding his path afterwards. After attempting two different studies and flunking both out of rapid dwindling of interest, he now lives as a NEET. Living with his parents, still, he works part-time jobs to fund the only passion that has been consistently interesting to him since childhood: playing video games. His father still curses the day he bought Katsuo his first console, blaming the hobby for his son’s current fickle lifestyle.

Occupation: Part-timer / NEET

Likes: Playing video games, learning new things about his favorite games, abstract photography, BBQ flavored chips.

Dislikes: His overbearing father, whiny PVE white knights and social justice warriors, bitter food, corn.

O/O's: Vaginal, anal, oral, kissing, women in knee-highs/thigh-highs and lingerie, foreplay, breast play. Check my O/O’s for other potential things.

How did you get started with The World:Renew?: His guild had been looking for a new MMO to call their home after the last one died due to the developers selling out and implementing a “pay to win" cash shop. The World: Renew looked like the ideal candidate.

PC Name: Kreed

PC Alias: One of those TLB PK assholes (by the white knight and PVE carebear communities)

PC Gender: Male

PC Age: Late teens / early twenties

PC Race: Human

PC Appearance: A stern-looking blond with fair skin that stands tall at six feet. For a warrior class type he is relatively light on armour. Favors red dyes for his clothing and armour.

Additional Pictures

Class Type: Warrior, with influences from the Ranger class to gain passive speed and dexterity boosts, as well as the ability to employ throwing knives. Prefers swords as the main weapon of choice.

Personality: Confident and competitive, Kreed does not shy away from a challenge. He enjoys PVP in almost any form and works hard to become the best he possibly can at it. He is sociable and likes to joke around. He's a bit of a loner at heart, so unless he's invited to a party, you'll likely find him wandering and exploring things by himself. Being a hard-core PVP’er gives him a sort of natural bad reputation among white knights and care-bears that believe that PVP is somehow a serious crime     even when it's one of the main modes of a game. He has a seething hatred for hackers and cheaters, especially in PVP, where hard earned skill is prized above all else.

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: PENDING

Strengths: Kreed is very knowledgeable, always observing, always thinking, always learning. He's a skilled player that prefers the unpredictable and competitive nature of PVP over the static and often repetitive nature of PVE. Though saying that, he will spend equal amounts of time on the latter mode if it's required to optimize his PVP prowess (ie grinding for better gear). He has leadership charisma and is a good teacher, but functions better as a second in command or smaller squad leader in larger group settings. In combat, he shows his calibre as a seasoned PVP’er. He is always moving during a fight, never stopping for more than a moment. With great reflexes and a fighting style that complements it, choosing to avoid incoming attacks over tanking them, he proofs himself a force to be reckoned with.

Weakness: He sucks at crafting and hates grinding resource nodes for it, so he’d rather run a dungeon twenty times in hopes of finding a good weapon or saving up money to buy it off an auction house, then attempt to craft it.

Although he's been working on avoiding it, he also still has a bit of a habit known as the “too good to use syndrome,” where a player will run through an entire game with an ever growing stockpile of high tier consumable items without ever or barely using any of it, falling into the mindset that they have to save the item(s) for that one tough boss fight or encounter, but then never doing it.

Background Online: Like a lot of NEETs, he doesn't really have any “real life" friends, gaining social connections through the internet, instead. He began playing Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) during his late teens and quickly became enamoured by the element of Player Versus Player (PVP) that many of them offered. It was the competitive and unpredictable nature of the mode that enthralled him. Where others would bitch and moan that they got ganked (pk’d) by a three man squad while doing their PVE quests, he would get excited and go on the hunt and try to gank the gankers.

Becoming extremely competitive and driven to improve with every fight, it wasn't long until his skills made him stand out from the crowd and ended up being  recruited into a PVP guild, where he befriended other likeminded individuals. He's hopped from guild to guild over the years and in different games, from enthusiastic upstarts looking to make some waves, to the best guild on the server, but eventually found one group of misfits called “The Last Brotherhood" where he found a lasting place and would journey various MMO’s with.

Becoming close friends with the guild leader and proving himself not only a strong player, but also a skilled teacher and knowledgeable about whatever game they decided to “main,” he earned himself an officer rank within the guild, becoming the unofficial third in command. Now, the guild has set their sights on a new main game, namely The World: Renew, aiming to become its top PVP guild.

Almost from the start he’s used the handle “Kreed” for all his characters; an anagram of sorts of his real name. He is known as a confident and social player, but he's usually the one that gets invited to parties instead of starting one himself. He’ll usually be found exploring the world and tackling challenges solo, unless his guild decides to organize a (raid) party for something or he finds himself some situational allies.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


QuoteAlthough he's been working on avoiding it, he also still has a bit of a habit known as the “too good to use syndrome,” where a player will run through an entire game with an ever growing stockpile of high tier consumable items without ever or barely using any of it, falling into the mindset that they have to save the item(s) for that one tough boss fight or encounter, but then never doing it.

* Gardsorm looks at his first Persona 5 run saving every Soma he possibly could get his hands on

I know that feel all too much, ahah. He looks like he's gonna be a bundle of fun hanging out with the rest of the characters. =p

Moon Hound Hati

Quote from: Gardsorm on July 08, 2017, 04:28:14 AM
* Gardsorm looks at his first Persona 5 run saving every Soma he possibly could get his hands on

I know that feel all too much, ahah. He looks like he's gonna be a bundle of fun hanging out with the rest of the characters. =p

Yeah, it's actually a personal fault of mine, as well, though, like my character, I'm working on improving it. Been going quite well so far. :P
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Well, all depends on how many situations come up where that super valuable item might come in handy. o=

Now we await Tokyo's verdict, but I like what I see. =p



No preview? Das a tease right there. D:

But i'm sure they'll turn out fine. :3


I'll put them up if you like xD

Played By:Silk

Name: Alexis Rose

Age (Must be 18 or Above):19

Appearance (Use may use images if you would like, but please use a few sentences of description for extra details): A light form with a bit of an androgynous bent, having to put extra effort to express her feminine features to stand out from her twin brother and could otherwise be mistaken for a male if her feminine features are not exaggerated.

Personality: Alexis like most twins has much of her personality draw from the unique relationship she has with her brother, often taking the less dominant aspects of their relationship, however how much of this is an act remains to be seen, as she has been able to express her brothers more dominant personality when acting as each other. However, when caught without her brother to compliment her, she becomes markedly more reserved and shy.

Often finding her opposed to the idea of being a Strong woman that is often thrown out at University, Alexis has developed an aversion to the idea that positive discrimination and that anything short of a hard meritocracy infuriates her, leaving her at odds with most of the universities diversity councils and leaving her as a bit of a pariah.   

Gender: Female

History: In the grand scheme of things, Alexis has had an fairly comfortable life with little turmoil to speak of, Alexis was always tied to the hip of her twin brother Han as they were growing up, often taking each others place for short periods of time at social gatherings, mostly to screw with their friends, but also to keep prospect relationship material guessing, well-educated and intelligent, she was destined to go on to do great things in life, although this is in part where the differences between her and Kan started to express themselves, while Kan was the more social and expressive of the twins, Alexis was shyer and more reserved, with an stronger draw to the hard sciences. It is here where their fates sought to bring them apart, as the twins were accepted into different universities causing them to have to be apart for the first time in their lives. This distance affected her far more than it did her brother, instead of flourishing she became a bit of a shut in. With only a focus on her studies as without her brother to play off in social situations, it left Alexis with difficulty to really develop as her own person. To this effect at Kan’s suggestion she created a male persona in game and often poses as her brother online, which has since allowed her to come out of her shell at least online and become more of her own person.

Occupation: Student (Biologist)

Likes: Hot chocolate, Science, Social situations that have Kan with her. Impersonating Kan. Collecting figures, strong male leads. Meritocracy

Dislikes: Not being around Kan, strong female leads, negative social situations. Equality for the sake of equality.

O/O's: Off: Gore, Vore, Scat, Urine.
Ons: Anything that isn't in the offs can be discussed

How did you get started with The World:Renew?: After both leaving for their respective universities Alexis and Kan started playing The World:Renew as a means of keeping contact with each other.

PC Name: Mado

PC Alias(Is your character known by an Alias? Do they have some form of title that distinguishes them from other players?):

PC Gender: Male

PC Age (Must be 18 or Older): 19

PC Race: Human

PC Appearance (Use may use images if you would like, but please use a few sentences of description for extra details): Tall but slim build, Mado is surprisingly fast for a character of his class owing to his lighter armour that he personally crafted.

Class Type (May use secondary class): Warrior (Samurai)

Personality: A man of quiet confidence and bravado, Mado often is seen out with the caster Shiho often just thought to be some kind of bodyguard to the up and coming healer. Mado takes little crap from people but often stays his hand of it is at her behest. People don't really know what He's life when He's not with his charge as he isn't seen online when she isn't. However good quality intermediate armour is often found on the marketplace with his signature.

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: Gorre (Shared)

Strengths: (What is the character good at in regards to skills in and outside of battle?)Mado is a proficient crafter and swordsman, often relying more on lighter armour to avoid being hit instead of heavier armour that can take it. His speed is his most underestimated trait.

Weakness: (What this person is lacking at in regards to skills in and outside of battle?) Due to his preference to lighter armour, Mado isn't as durable as most warrior class's (Although still more durable than rangers) which leads him to not be a very capable tank, this is further aggravated by his unwillingness to really protect anyone but Shiho

Background Online (Are you a neutral character? A Loner? Do you like joining parties or going to Guilds? Are you a PKer?): The silent wanderer type, Mado is rarely seen out of the company of Shiho, and often will only join guilds that she has also joined, although they tend to prefer joining beginner guilds and helping before leaving to help with the next. Although Mado is growing to become an accomplished crafter, able to create tailored gear, due to nobody ever seeing him actually doing any crafting, it is often assumed to be a different Mado responsible.


Played By: Silk

Name:Kan Rose

Age (Must be 18 or Above):19

Appearance (Use may use images if you would like, but please use a few sentences of description for extra details): Much like his sister, Kan has a fairly androgynous appearance that often results in him being mistaken for a female if he doesn't take the extra time and effort to look masculine. Something that is often exploited by him to “take the place” of his sister Alexis to make sure that when someone wants to take her out for a date, that everything is above board for him.

Personality: Kan is the more confident of the two twins, with a strong bent towards trying to keep his twin sister safe where possible. With a sharp wit and charm Kan is a lot more predisposed to helping others where possible, wanting little more than seeing the world made a better place by his own hand. However intellectually he is not as bright as his sister, He's still competent enough to get himself into higher education where he can learn to make that difference.


History: Much like Alexis, Kan has had little want in growing up, although he has often faced more trails in the effort to protect Alexis further. Such as the time he impersonated her to go on a late-night excursion with a “friend” and then had to fight his way out of a rape attempt. Since then it is not uncommon for Kan to often impersonate his sister in potentially dangerous scenarios that her social incompetence draws her into to solve the problem before it starts.

Unable to match Alexis’s scores academically the twins found themselves separated and having to go to different universities to study in their chosen professions. Knowing that Alexis would struggle without him and vice versa, the two agreed to start playing the game The World:Renew as a means of keeping regular contact and activity with each other. In an interesting move Kan suggested that Alexis take the male role in the game in hopes that by being able to draw on her own experiences in impersonating her brother in the past may help to develop her confidence enough to a position where she might not need him as much anymore.

Occupation: Student (Nurse)

Likes: Coffee, casual exercise (Running/swimming), reading for leisure. Helping people, (Especially people new to the situation)

Dislikes: Forward and domineering people. Perversions. People who exploit others. His own limitations.

O/O's: Off: Gore, Vore, Scat, Urine.
Ons: Anything that isn't in the offs can be discussed

How did you get started with The World:Renew?: Started playing at the same time as Alexis as a means of keeping contact with each other while studying at different universities.

PC Name: Shiho

PC Alias(Is your character known by an Alias? Do they have some form of title that distinguishes them from other players?):

PC Gender: Female

PC Age (Must be 18 or Older):19

PC Race: Human

PC Appearance (Use may use images if you would like, but please use a few sentences of description for extra details): A soft petite build that often leads to her standing out as a “cute” girl rather than a beautiful or sexy one. Shiho often wears fully encompassing clothing instead of the more revealing outfits often seen on Caster class's even if it means her gear level suffers for it.

Class Type (May use secondary class): Caster (Priestess)

Personality: Much like Kan, Shiho is fast becoming known for her charm and preference for helping people find their way in life, becoming a bit of a rising star with the intermediate and below players due to this trait, Shiho often plays up the “I just wanna help senpai” style attitude much to Mado’s feigned annoyance. When in combat Shiho does as most healing based casters do and takes the support role, healing and buffing team mates from a safe distance.   

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: Gorre (Shared)

Strengths: (What is the character good at in regards to skills in and outside of battle?) Thanks to Shiho’s constant work in helping others, she has developed quite a formidable network of friends who may be able to give her that little bit of extra help or information that she needs to push that annoying quest onwards.

Weakness: (What this person is lacking at in regards to skills in and outside of battle?) Due to her aversion to the higher level outfits that are often a bit too revealing for her liking, as well as a preference for wearing gear crafted by Mado, her gear is often lacklustre for someone of her level, and as a healer focused character, she struggles to do pretty much anything in the game under her own steam.

Background Online (Are you a neutral character? A Loner? Do you like joining parties or going to Guilds? Are you a PKer?): Shiho is your typical “I just enjoy helping” healer and help she does on a regular basis. Unlike Mado who is prone to hiding away and crafting when Shiho isn't around, Shiho instead invests her time helping guilds and players get their bearing's. Which for the time of her doing this has caused her to become a recognizable face in towns. More likely to be seen without Mado than Mado is without her, Shiho has a love for a sob story and just helping those that need it, even if that attitude has got her PK’d on several occasions, other times saved by Mado’s heroic interventions. It still hasn't dulled down her desire to help others and see the best in them.



Hmm, twins, huh? I like how they're set up, playing opposite gender chars. o: Now it almost makes me feel bad I took Gorre, perhaps they could have shared the avatar better... I'd consider that, if you wanted!


Nah it's fine. :) Do what you like to do, with it, but if you wanna give them Gorre that's cool, wanna keep her, that's cool too. :)


Then sure, go ahead and take Gorre. :3 I'll run it by Tokyo later.


Quote from: MisoThe Mouse on July 07, 2017, 08:28:53 PM

Played By: Miso The Mouse

Name: Nicholas Vole

Age: 23

Appearance :

Personality: Nicholas is a loner and always has been. A rough childhood shaped Nicholas's future for better or worst. School was not always an easy place for him, as he has always fit into the category of "nerd" and "outcast". He learned to put up the facade of a kind hearted boy in order to shield himself from ridicule and hate. But deep down he holds a deep resentment for people in general. A feeling he has project while in the game.

Gender: Male


Nicholas Vole was adopted by his aunt at the age of three after his parents died in a car accident. His first three years are not but a collection of pleasant dreams, and fleeting memories. The life he was thrust into was all that he knew. His aunt was a tyrannical drug abuser to both him and her own son who was four years his elder. His cousin Lester Vole shielded him from his mother the best he could.

Lester was his protector for most of life. Nicholas found himself running to him every time there was a new bully. Lester tried teaching him to fight, but Nicholas was very good at it. But by the tenth grade, this was forced to change. Lester found himself involved in a grimy life style that ended as it usually does. He was killed in an alley way, him money and shoes taken from him. Nicholas found himself without a friend in the world. He had to fight his own bullies, and with practice became better at it. Using his wit to compensate for his lack of strength, Nicholas was no longer deemed such an easy target. Low kicks and dirty tricks, just like his brother taught him.

His adoptive mother fell deeper into her addiction following the death of her "real son". Nicholas found himself having to dip into the life his brother led to afford college. After finding a way to get him step mother to sing off on loans she could not pay, Nicholas got in contact with a few of Lester's friends and started himself a little side business. During his time in university, Nicholas learned to read people. He found a few people that would call him "friend" but he soon learned that he would not accept people for what they said, only how the acted. He knew that the people around him liked him because he knew the answers of the next test, or because he could get them "part favors" for the next function". Nicholas became a reader of people. He longed somewhere in a dark part of his heart to become a manipulator. He just lacked that kind a darkness just yet.

In recent years after his graduation, Nicholas landed him a job in logistics at a small tech company not far from him native neighborhood. He hasn't seen his step mother in years, but he sends he money every other pay check. Because he feel obligated. He just wanted to relax with some VR after work. Seemed Nicholas was being marked for yet another bout of bullying. And again, he would have to fight dirty.

Tech Support/ Logistics

Likes: Video Games, Comics, Horror Movies, Villains, Gangster Films, Documentaries (War, Magic, Ancient History), Pasta, Cakes

Dislikes: Jocks, "Mother Teresa's", Patriots, Hypocrites, "Weakness", Being underestimated

O/O's: No Blood stuff, No toilet stuff,

How did you get started with The World:Renew?:
Nicholas bought a copy with his first paycheck. He had done allot of research, and though it would be an excellent program to practice some of his manipulation techniques on live targets.

PC Name: Nihilist Nell

PC Alias: Iim Of The Low River

PC Gender: Male

PC Age: 57

PC Race: Beast Man (Draconic)

PC Appearance :
(The glow is a deep blue for the spectral illusion form) His skin is a light grey, even lighter (nearly white) along his stomach and the palms of his hands. His eyes are as deep blue as the flames that surround him when in him "Iim Of The Low River" form.

Class Type: Caster (Illusion and Shadow Manipulation)

Personality: An evil creature who delights in the corruption and the pain of others. But much like his counterpart IRL, Nell would rather you wait to know that about him. The enchanted robes he gained through a grueling quest allows the portion of his face shown through his mask to appear human (apart from his slit pupils and deep blue eyes). And his ring of Illusion allows him to cast his Spectral Form, so that he never has to be held accountable for his misdeeds, so long as he doesn't use too much energy doing them. It is all about the payment for him, the end goal. Even more so in recent times.

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: Nope

Illusion: To confuse, disorient, and distract the enemy long enough to escape or land a critical blow. In his "Iim Of The Low River" form, he uses it to hide his level, his name, or anything that will expose the fact that he is just a player using a spell.
Shadow Manipulation: Weaponize the shadows, or use them to escape
Cunning/Studious: Clever as well as well read. Some men beat their opponent in the gym, Nihilist Nell beats them in the library. Also an effecting trader and haggler.
Swift strikes: Stealth, and claws are his ally when he can no longer cast a spell. A combination of dirty strikes and counter strikes, application of his real world knowledge.

Not very strong: Swift, but not strong as all. If you can slow him down and get him to trade blows, them he will loose.
Greed: Predictable. If there is a clear way to screw you over, he will do it. It can and probably will get him caught one day.
Loner, for the most part: There is probably a man or woman who Nihilist has done right by. But there are more people done wrong my Iim Of The Low River. He does not have people he can call on, and that is a fatal weakness in it'self.

Background Online :

A loner for the most part, Nihilist does nothing but amass a fortune in items and sell it for profit. True to draconian stereotypes, Nell has a cave of treasures that he hordes. His backstory is very similar to that of his creator, in that it is thick with suffering. Raised by a cult to necromancers, stolen from his birth parents. Nihilist Nell knows only the pleasures of wealth and the spoils of battle. In his normal state, he is know as a bounty hunter, and a mercenary for various guilds. He i knows for his sly tactics as well as his combat prowess. Yet, he always find some "extra" loot hanging around some where. But Nihilist is not known to PK unless in self defense. But depending on the risk versus reward factor, Iim Of The Low River will accept sacrifices in any form. While in spectral form, Nell takes on the persona of Iim Of The Low River, a vengeful, treacherous dark spirit. NPCs and even some players have been known to leave tribute at the various rivers he has been cited, even giving offerings in exchange to his help. Some times Iim is asked to kill. If the price was high enough, then it was done. Sometimes in tribute, Iim has asked for the death or people who were conveniently in the way some prize Nihilist Nell had noticed. But Nell has been careful not to expose himself thus far. All is well in Nihilist Nell's dual reality. For now.

Miso, I like your character, but please give the strength that you have given your character a bit of weakness, or try to give them a bit of a reduction. For example, for the "Illusion" ability, add that it can be used, but only for a short time, and ha to have a cooldown of around a 20 seconds or so.

Quote from: Moon Hound Hati on July 08, 2017, 03:54:40 AM

Played By: Moon Hound Hati

Name: Reed, Katsuo

Age: 27

Appearance: With six feet and two inches Katsuo stand a fair bit taller in height then the average Japanese man, which is accompanied by an average weight for his length. He has short, blue eyes, dark hair and a fair complexion. These half-blood features due tend to make him stand out and he's often confused, at first glance, by others as a foreign tourist.

Personality: Katsuo is laidback and maintains a minimum stress attitude, much to the ongoing annoyance of his father. Living one day at a time, he has few deep attachments or commitments. Though not shy by any means, he is not one for long conversations about the happenings of daily life, as it would quickly bore him. He works hard, but only if he feels reason to do so.

Gender: Male

History: An indecisive twice university drop-out, Katsuo Reed is the son of a successful American surgeon who works at an expensive private clinic in the heart of Tokyo. While he graduated high school with flying colours, even ending up in the top ten of highest scoring students in the country, Katsuo had trouble finding his path afterwards. After attempting two different studies and flunking both out of rapid dwindling of interest, he now lives as a NEET. Living with his parents, still, he works part-time jobs to fund the only passion that has been consistently interesting to him since childhood: playing video games. His father still curses the day he bought Katsuo his first console, blaming the hobby for his son’s current fickle lifestyle.

Occupation: Part-timer / NEET

Likes: Playing video games, learning new things about his favorite games, abstract photography, BBQ flavored chips.

Dislikes: His overbearing father, whiny PVE white knights and social justice warriors, bitter food, corn.

O/O's: Vaginal, anal, oral, kissing, women in knee-highs/thigh-highs and lingerie, foreplay, breast play. Check my O/O’s for other potential things.

How did you get started with The World:Renew?: His guild had been looking for a new MMO to call their home after the last one died due to the developers selling out and implementing a “pay to win" cash shop. The World: Renew looked like the ideal candidate.

PC Name: Kreed

PC Alias: One of those TLB PK assholes (by the white knight and PVE carebear communities)

PC Gender: Male

PC Age: Late teens / early twenties

PC Race: Human

PC Appearance: A stern-looking blond with fair skin that stands tall at six feet. For a warrior class type he is relatively light on armour. Favors red dyes for his clothing and armour.

Additional Pictures

Class Type: Warrior, with influences from the Ranger class to gain passive speed and dexterity boosts, as well as the ability to employ throwing knives. Prefers swords as the main weapon of choice.

Personality: Confident and competitive, Kreed does not shy away from a challenge. He enjoys PVP in almost any form and works hard to become the best he possibly can at it. He is sociable and likes to joke around. He's a bit of a loner at heart, so unless he's invited to a party, you'll likely find him wandering and exploring things by himself. Being a hard-core PVP’er gives him a sort of natural bad reputation among white knights and care-bears that believe that PVP is somehow a serious crime     even when it's one of the main modes of a game. He has a seething hatred for hackers and cheaters, especially in PVP, where hard earned skill is prized above all else.

Are you an Owner of a "Phase"? If so, which one?: PENDING

Strengths: Kreed is very knowledgeable, always observing, always thinking, always learning. He's a skilled player that prefers the unpredictable and competitive nature of PVP over the static and often repetitive nature of PVE. Though saying that, he will spend equal amounts of time on the latter mode if it's required to optimize his PVP prowess (ie grinding for better gear). He has leadership charisma and is a good teacher, but functions better as a second in command or smaller squad leader in larger group settings. In combat, he shows his calibre as a seasoned PVP’er. He is always moving during a fight, never stopping for more than a moment. With great reflexes and a fighting style that complements it, choosing to avoid incoming attacks over tanking them, he proofs himself a force to be reckoned with.

Weakness: He sucks at crafting and hates grinding resource nodes for it, so he’d rather run a dungeon twenty times in hopes of finding a good weapon or saving up money to buy it off an auction house, then attempt to craft it.

Although he's been working on avoiding it, he also still has a bit of a habit known as the “too good to use syndrome,” where a player will run through an entire game with an ever growing stockpile of high tier consumable items without ever or barely using any of it, falling into the mindset that they have to save the item(s) for that one tough boss fight or encounter, but then never doing it.

Background Online: Like a lot of NEETs, he doesn't really have any “real life" friends, gaining social connections through the internet, instead. He began playing Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) during his late teens and quickly became enamoured by the element of Player Versus Player (PVP) that many of them offered. It was the competitive and unpredictable nature of the mode that enthralled him. Where others would bitch and moan that they got ganked (pk’d) by a three man squad while doing their PVE quests, he would get excited and go on the hunt and try to gank the gankers.

Becoming extremely competitive and driven to improve with every fight, it wasn't long until his skills made him stand out from the crowd and ended up being  recruited into a PVP guild, where he befriended other likeminded individuals. He's hopped from guild to guild over the years and in different games, from enthusiastic upstarts looking to make some waves, to the best guild on the server, but eventually found one group of misfits called “The Last Brotherhood" where he found a lasting place and would journey various MMO’s with.

Becoming close friends with the guild leader and proving himself not only a strong player, but also a skilled teacher and knowledgeable about whatever game they decided to “main,” he earned himself an officer rank within the guild, becoming the unofficial third in command. Now, the guild has set their sights on a new main game, namely The World: Renew, aiming to become its top PVP guild.

Almost from the start he’s used the handle “Kreed” for all his characters; an anagram of sorts of his real name. He is known as a confident and social player, but he's usually the one that gets invited to parties instead of starting one himself. He’ll usually be found exploring the world and tackling challenges solo, unless his guild decides to organize a (raid) party for something or he finds himself some situational allies.

As for Moon, your character looks good! I approve them for the time being until you can choose a phase. Currently, Magus or Corbenik is not taken because Gardsorm would like Macha.


Moon Hound Hati

Magus could work if it turned him into a sort of magical swordsman.
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.

Moon Hound Hati

I settled on Magus. Kreed will be pondering how to respec in-game soon enough. :P
Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.