Anyone playing Persona 5?

Started by Tokyorose627, April 14, 2017, 02:43:33 AM

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What do you like about it? Not like about it? Is there a certain character you like?


I'm playing it. Not very far in, only at the start of the 2nd palace, so I will keep my thoughts spoiler free aside from stuff that happens very early game. I would definitely appreciate it any significant spoilers were kept under a spoiler block in this thread.

Like: The overall setting feels a lot more lively than Inaba or Iwatodai, and time management is a lot more interactive with day and evening events and things to do. Stats like charm/guts/proficiency level up far easier than the previous titles without making it too easy. The plot feels darker than say, P4's, without being overly grim. The 'flashback' method of story telling is making a fantastic hook so far. Gameplay feels solid and modern, but not too overdone or redesigned. Also, the UI. The UI is sooooooooooooooo fucking sexy. Dungeons being actually crafted and non random is great. I really like the demon negotiations and how they play, where there's still some challenge but they aren't as randomized or 'hard' as mainline SMT is.

The bad: So far at times, time management does feel a little poor. If Morgana doesn't stop telling me 'Nah you're too tired bro get some sleep' i'm gonna find out if I can take him to the fucking humane society. It's a little hard to take the script as seriously as it wants to be, since Ryuji can keep saying 'shitty adults' all he likes but 'effin' is the defacto replacement to 'fuck/ing' in the game and its really silly.  Batting cages suck a lot.

Also I linked this in the Video Games topic in the On Topic thread, but it should be linked here.


Yeah I love the game! The setting is more lively that I've noticed, plus the character I feel have a lot more feelings an life to them then most persona characters that I've seen so far, maybe even more so then the Persona 4 gang. I love all the characters so far, I don't not like a single one of them as of yet. :D

But yeah, I wish Morgana would let me do things rather then always tell me I'm tired. XD

I've gotten so into it, I've made a Group Request on the "Players looking for Groups" topic to see if anyone's interested in doing a Persona 5 Game. :D