Not Your Normal Harem Show V3.0 - Now a Big Game! - Characters still considered

Started by Top Cat, April 07, 2017, 02:14:58 PM

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Top Cat

Looks good, Joanie. Approved.  ^-^

Approved Character Count is up to 7 female, 1 male. This is even more harem-y than I've ever expected.  :P >:)
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Not to mention at least three kemonomimi. It's almost as much a zoo as a mansion at this point.


Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Quote from: Idlewyld on April 09, 2017, 12:05:22 AM
Not to mention at least three kemonomimi. It's almost as much a zoo as a mansion at this point.

Makes you wonder just what sort of petting zoo Tim's mother was visiting.  :P


Quote from: Idlewyld on April 09, 2017, 12:05:22 AM
Not to mention at least three kemonomimi. It's almost as much a zoo as a mansion at this point.
*Whistles the animals went in two by two*


I suppose I'll go ahead and reserve the role of sous chef and bring back my old character from V2.0 ^^
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I'm still here and interested, but I'm trying to come up with something new now since someone's already submitted a dog-girl. If I can't come up with anything else I might just go with my wolf girl anyway. But we'll see.


I see nothing wrong with two dog girls. I mean I am sure we will have plenty of nekos. ;)


Yeah, multiple dog girls should be fine. What people play is less important than how they play it, right?
Two doggirls can be entirely different, after all.


Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Character Name: Sarah Barn's

Nickname: Back when she was a track goddess people called her the Machine! Becouse she was so focussed whenever she ran. These days though, the nickname brings pain more so then pride.

Age:18 (Almost 19)

Race: Human

Gender: F

Job/Role: Old Friend

Sexual Orientation: Bi
Sexual Experience: "W-what! Don't ask that... Baka!" Total Virgin
Sexual Preferences: Admires big breasts (But pretends their gross but is really just jealous. :P ) She loves food and tasting things! (Wink wink ;) , Oral fixation.) Public Sex is a fantasy of hers. She also always imagined anal would feel really good. (Outside of her fantasies: She is fine with Vaginal/anal to maw and cleaning her partner. Cosplay, dressing up for the occasion. Outdoors sex. And of coarse sharing in group play, she likes girls to. ;) )
Sexual "Offs": The usual real dark stuff, scat, watersports, blood play, that sort of thing.

Basic personality: Despite being a bit of a tsundere, Sarah is actually a sweet girl. Just with a complex range of emotions that she is going through right now. Her older brother, god bless his heart. Has been there for her the whole time. Even quitting his own college ambitions to help her with her... problem. She is not a drama queen, the last thing she is going to do is cry about her situation to others or burden them needlessly with it. She is in fact stubborn and hard headed about her situation, rejecting most aid even if she needs it.

A description of your character: Sarah was a track star! A goddess on the field. A school idol, adored by many. Even hated by some. Regardless of the haters though she loved the sport. Running made her feel alive. And really, she had such promise. It was truly a future for her. The coach even told her she ran like most olympic athletes and at her age? More practice and she can grow to get a gold medal. But, unfortunately. Life hit's us all sometimes.... It was raining that day, the worst day of her life. She remembered the argument when she got in the car. She just finished track with her friends, got into the car and asked if she can go to a friends house for the night. It was obvious she wanted to go to some party, with some boy. So her parents adamantly refused.... It was such a stupid argument. And it distracted her father from driving. They say, the other driver was asleep at the wheel when his car plowed into theirs. But Sarah never really cared why. Unlike others in her situation she did not need the truth, validation, or even revenge. Her parents were gone, nothing would bring them back. Them, or her leg. It was mangled, the doctors had to remove it. And now... She was in her hospital bed for weeks, waiting for the doctors assessment. Could they use magic? Or not? Her brother was gone and in college, so it took him a few days to even get there. She was all alone for two whole days, no one to comfort her but nurses with fake smiles. She felt as if she was all alone. Of coarse there was Septimus...She had a habit of texting her old friend some times. Giving him updates on her life. He could have been another life line. But... she did not want to burden him with knowing. So she just did not answere his texts.

When the doctors came, they bared bad news for her. They had hoped to easily rejuvenate her leg, but due to many factors from her natural resistance to magic and the length of the amputation. They believed it to be almost impossible. The attempt it'self costing more money then the  Barn's siblings could possibly afford. Jacob immediately quite College, speaking to mr.Winterbilt for a well paying job. He wanted to do what it takes to afford it, at least for the attempt. But Sarah, she gave up on it. She chose to try and move on. Of coarse her boyfriend did leave her, because of the accident and because of her leg. But she tried not to let that keep her down. It has been almost 2 years now, she is almost 19 and Septimus himself would already be 19 wouldn't he? She had not spoken to him at all. To scared to tell him what happened... But now, with his father dead. And Septimus returning home. She may just have no choice but to confront her old friend.... Prosthetic leg and all.

Character name: Jacob Barns
Nickname (if any): Jake

Age: 22

Race: Human

Gender: M

Job/Role: Chauffeur

Sexual Orientation: Bi
Sexual Experience: Virgin
Sexual Preferences: Sort of the same as Sarahs. He loves Cosplay and dressing up, he always had a fascination with having oral sex. Him and his sister share a fondness for gorging on food. Lol. Anal/Vaginal to maw, giving. Rimming (Giving.) Etc
Sexual "Offs": Same as Sarah's.

Basic personality: He is a pervert and not a closet one at all, but he does not go over board with his flirting. It is more like innocent teasing for the most part. If he fall's in love or get's lucky with a cute girl, that's all fine. But the reality of the matter is he focuses his time on supporting his sister. Being there for her after her accident... Romance is just on the back burner and boy is he sexually repressed because of it.

A description of your character: That tragedy that struck the Barn's family effected Jacob almost as strongly as Sarah. He himself had a promising future in programming, but it all faded away the day their parents died. As much as Sarah told him not to worry about little old her and go back to school, he couldn't. Mr. Winterbolt, Tim's dad hired Jacob as a driver. Something Jacob would always be greatful to the old man for. It was not incredible money but far better then a convenience store gig, or something of the like. And it sure was not easy working around so many attractive girls and given his personality he has toyed with them a good number of times. He would like to think they understand it is all in good fun and that he really does not mean anything by it, but he can never know. Of coarse, he would like to have 'fun' with one of the girls. Maybe fall in love even. But he cant, not really. Not with Sarah needing him, even if she wont admit it. Jacob is a happy go lucky guy, rarely is he lacking a smile. So much so that if he doesn't have one on, a whole room can notice. So, it unfortunately makes him an easy person to read. Easy to know if he is angry, or sad. His curse is that he wears his heart on his sleeve and that he cares far to easily.

With their parents gone, he sort of takes up all the duties in their house hold. Mr.Winterbolt offered them a place in his home numerous times but Jacob out of a sense of pride always refused. It was his job to take care of Sarah, something he felt Sarah appreciated. Since they both felt the same way about most hand outs. They can figure things out on their own, together. Right? There was also the fact that Jacob hardly knew him, he did not know if he really was a good man or if he had his own motives whenever he offered more and more aid for him and his sister. Regardless, He did try not to look a gift horse in the mouth. He did his job, stayed friendly and before he knew it he was another strong part of the work force. As if a surrogate family almost. No one even minded if he brought Sarah along, allowing her to spend time on the mansion grounds, in the garden or by the pool or just be friendly with Jacob's fellow workers at the mansion. Sure he just, drove around but he had a place at the mansion. If Winterbolt did not want to drive anywhere... And by the end, the man did not go out much. Jacob ran deliveries. He got things people needed, or wanted. Even provided rides for anyone out of and back to the mansion. As usual, a thoughtful guy. Always eager to help, even after he is slapped for pinching one of the maid's by the rear.

Top Cat

OK, Prosak. Approved. Please enter them in the Index as separate posts, though. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Is it wrong of me to want to let Sarah rest her weary head between Jezzara's breasts and just cry her poor heart out?  It's an incredibly rare day that I see ANYONE willing to RP someone that's....different, and I always enjoy the opportunity to see something unique in that fashion.  I myself can actually relate since I have a rare form of a genetic disorder called Muscular Dystrophy, so having to use a wheelchair and all that is DEFINITELY something I'd know about.  But Sarah's history is not an offense or anything to me, truly if you're wondering, so don't worry about that lol.  I'm pretty easy going if that wasn't apparent, but I thought I'd just share that little tidbit.

Also her brother might end up with a gag in his mouth and a chastity belt if he pinches Jezz on the rear end lol.  Just sayin'.  :P
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Oh! Thank you! I do try to make unique characters and think about possible moments of drama or character flaw, or most especially character depth. . As for example, Jacob drops everything to the detriment of his own future for his sister. So much so he is even void of any real love life. But as for Sarah, In this case it is as you said, a rare and unique character flaw we hardly see in rp's. I am sorry to hear about your condition, I can not relate. I decided to make Sarah the way she is though because of a friend who had lost his leg years ago, a close friend. I have a fondness for people who are strong despite their short comings, it is why one of my favorite VN's is Katawa Shoujo. So I wanted to make Sarah some one who is in pain, but try's to hide it and try's to appear strong. I am glad it does not offend you and actually, if you ever feel like I do a disservice to the characters condition please let me know so I can do better in the future. ^_^ . All that said, not trying to turn the rp into a Key story or anything so the drama is very much going to be kept sparingly. Lol, this is not Air or Clannad. :P It is a fun Harem rp gosh dammit!

And it is not wrong at all. Sarah would definitely appreciate a moment to just let it all out. And she totally wont get a lady boner with her face buried in those breasts. Ha ha.  (Ya, totally ;) wont.)

He would probably wink at her playfully afterword :P lol. Really though if she would provoke that kind of reaction he would be very careful around her. XD


Lol it's cool and I'm sorry about your friend, but I'm glad to hear you're a pretty decent person from the little bit I've seen here.  And I saw, Jacob's a pretty awesome guy from the look of things so in that there'd definitely be something to draw Jezzara towards him.  Lol and despite my remark, Jezzara would at least wait until he's asleep before ambushing him.  :P  She IS a dark elf, they don't do anything so straightforward, not if they want to live to see tomorrow of course.  But all jokes aside, I'll be sure to let you know if you do anything that would indeed be considered a disservice, but just as you can't relate to being born with a general muscle weakness, I don't have any experience with having a fake leg.  Still, there's some overlap I'm sure but like you said, this is supposed to be fun lol.  I don't plan for a lot of drama either even though my gals, at least the one I'm using anyway for the moment, IS a dark elf which means as a general rule, most dark elves aren't very well liked for VERY good reasons.

But as for Sarah, she's more than welcome to come to Jezzara whenever she wants, although I'm sure our fox woman would also say the same thing.  Jezz and Fenfang are friends so between the two of them, I get the feeling Sarah's going to have ample opportunity to cry her heart out.  But again, as for Jacob, I joke around, but the most Jezz would do is playfully slap his hand.  She's an 'older' woman so she won't raise a stink about a little harmless pinching.  She might imagine him in a gag and belt though.  :P
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Well, aaah schucks.  :-[ Now you have me blushing. I won't go as far as to say I am a decent person in real life (Ya never know and I am to modest to say one way or the other.) but I wear my heart on my sleeve, that's for sure. Lol. And yes I know what you mean, Dark Elve's are rarely a trusted species in any medium they are in. (Maybe it has something to do with worshiping a evil spider goddess and most with the exception of small number believing bad = good and good = bad. :P lol, just maybe.)

Ya XD, lot's of boobies to rest her head on and cry into. ^^ .

XD, no worries. I Knew you were Joking about Jake. He was still going to take his chances and tease her any way :P .


I want to see anyone cuddle up to Fenfang's tails at one point or another. :P



Quote from: Starcry on April 09, 2017, 03:31:42 PM
I want to see anyone cuddle up to Fenfang's tails at one point or another. :P

Literal tail snuggles?  I can see Zyra doing that ^_^
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If I start playing Beatrix, I could see her tying those tails up into knots.  :P

But Jezzara would help undo those knots, and then some.   >:)
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Quote from: Prosak on April 09, 2017, 03:44:10 PM
Sarah can always use her tail as a tissue? :P lol.
As long as she helps clean up afterwards.

Quote from: AndyZ on April 09, 2017, 03:53:03 PM
Literal tail snuggles?  I can see Zyra doing that ^_^
Literal snuggles. Just not all 9 tails at once plz. XD

Quote from: Vergil1989 on April 09, 2017, 03:59:33 PM
If I start playing Beatrix, I could see her tying those tails up into knots.  :P

But Jezzara would help undo those knots, and then some.   >:)
Beatrix could try but would be met with a very pissed off fox.


Odessa: No! MY tailcuddles! *growls*

Also, I kinda misread and thought that was 'has had sex at all' rather than 'with Zyra'. Although she did grow up there, more or less ... but let's leave her as interested but still not actually having had the sex with Zyra. Yet.


I am predicting lots of cuddles, tail and otherwise. In fact, I'm probably going to have Nyanko insist on it.