SINS Academy: From the Ashes is RECRUITING!!! (MOST Positions Available)

Started by Ceralilly, April 04, 2017, 04:41:28 PM

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SINS Academy: From the Ashes
                      Lucifer is too quiet...
  Pride is missing and unreachable, now the population of SINS Academy is tasked with electing a replacement for Pride; a new headmaster. Easy enough, right? Not exactly. Warring for centuries, behind the facade of sibling camaraderie, the seven houses of SINS Academy must fight to secure the seat for their beloved patron, lest the Regent lose patience. Immerse your muse into a world of luxurious temptation, exquisite interpersonal development, and a dastardly group of demons that will do anything to win control over Hell's most prestigious training facility.


Currently, we are accepting applications for several positions, including students, faculty, and four of the Original Sins. This is very exciting for us, because we have been waiting for a long time to be able to have the time and ability to run such a phenomenal plotline. We are inviting your creative minds, your muses, and your input, with hopes that we can establish a long-lasting writing team. We are looking for dedicated, semi-active or active writers, with a strong skill in plot based RP. Smut is allowed of course, however, we are really driving for a story driven game with a seasoning of sexual content. We want the characters of SINS to be developed enough to drive the story and keep ALL of us coming back for more.

IF this sounds like something you might be interested keep reading!

Name:The Regent
House: None
Role:Place Holder for Head Master
Location: Unknown
Date/Time: January 1st, 2017 - June 1st, 2017
Tagging:All Students and Faculty
Notes: -

It was the first day of the new year. Students were waking in their rooms, dressing for their morning classes, getting a meal in where they could, and perhaps a bit more. Suddenly a sense rolled over the academy and all students and staff were drawn to a letter placed somewhere conspicuous and in plain sight. On the envelopes face read the words ‘Good Morning’ and nothing else. As each person opened their letter and began reading, it was almost as if they could hear the voice of the pen master in their minds.

Good Morning

Beginning of the Year Announcement

To whom it may concern,

   As you begin your journey through this year of academic studies and tantalizing forms of education you may notice that there is a change in your staffing roster. To those who have been too preoccupied with the coming school year, the change that you may have overlooked would be that of your Head Master Charon, Original Sin of Pride, and his lack of attendance this year. This news comes with a heavy heart, but remaining focused on the tasks at hand is the best course of action in times like these.

Some of you may be wondering where Charon has gone, or if something has happened to him. Well, I can reassure you that the answers to these questions are well above the station of anyone currently residing in the Sins institution. Save for a few members of staff, the whereabouts of your beloved Head Master will remain a well-guarded secret, best to remove any curiosities you may have.

Moving on, with Charon’s absence there is a position that needs to be filled. But the powers that be have come to the conclusion that this decision cannot be made by a simple vote put to the remaining Original Sins. So, they have devised a system of verdict that they feel will be both fruitful and, if nothing else, entertaining.

In light of this, and until further notice, the school will be under my charge. You may refer to me as The Regent, or simply Regent. My job is, specifically, to be a place holder until the new Head Master has been decided upon. I am here to fulfill all of the day to day duties normally taken on by Charon, as well as to oversee the election process put forth by the powers.

Now to move on to the much awaited process. As it is well known, the interests of the Original Sins, while loyal to each other, are self-serving. There for it cannot be entrusted to them to decide amongst themselves who the next in line will be. So, the decision will be left to the students themselves. At the end of this year, the students will be offered an opportunity to anonymously vote on which of the originals that will take mine, and ultimately, Charon’s place. We expect all who attend this prestigious academy to act accordingly and respectfully towards the process, and most (we are still evil) undermining will not be tolerated. Thank you all for your time and patience in this matter, I expect a more than warm welcome from you all.

   The Regent

The letter had come as a shock to most, and merely served to garner more questions than it gave answers to. But the students could tell that there wouldn’t be much choice in the matter either way, and most would simply continue on with their day as though the letter had never arrived in the first place.

Six months have passed since the first day of classes and the election has taken its toll on the underbelly of the school. While day to day operations seemed as normal as they ever were, something underneath was stirring. Classes were attended, grades were passed and deadlines were met, but there was a different kind of energy flowing through the student body. For most of the Original Sins this election had become a competition. Students were being manipulated in all forms and fashions, to leave their houses and join others in an effort to sway the heavy vote in one direction or another.

Everything from bribery, promises, and manipulation to propaganda, brainwashing, and physical violence were used to push students one way or the other. The only thing that seemed to remain off the table was taking the life of a student. This would most assuredly garner the attention of The Regent, who had, one more than one occasion, proven himself a force to be reckoned with. As long as no one was too hurt or maimed, The Regent seemed content to allow everyone to go about their business.

The houses have been divided more than they ever were, and in some the students have formed a hierarchy. There have even been whispers of Originals taking on specific students to be ‘favored’ in their eyes. While this position is highly coveted by some, do not be fooled, they are merely being used for their particular skills in persuasion. These students, if the rumors can be believed, are exceptional at coaxing other members of the student body to their own cause. But if one were to lose that ability, or not be able to make good on a promise for a particular pupil, the Original has been known to have no qualms with retracting their favor.

Just a few more months until the election and the intricacies of this situation can only get more and more muddied. Excitement is running high at Sins Academy, and everyone is invited to partake in the festivities. 

Rafiki23- Head GM

Still interested?


Things you need to know:

  • GM is Rafiki23, CO-GM is Ceralilly, and Moderator is Christa when she is able.
  • 250 word min. (This is about one paragraph)
  • Character min age is 16, max is, well...they're demons.
  • Not every character is a bad ass. Please remember to keep your brain babies balanced!)
  • No there is not a broom closet, this is the extreme section ;-P.
  • The only thing that is frowned upon during sexual scenes is scat.
  • Players MUST be respectful of each other, no god modding, and request all scenes unless tagged open.
  • Conflict must be resolved by Elliquiy standards. Do NOT post in OOC about said issue, and do NOT bring OOC into IC. :-)
  • Pictures must be on Elliquiy's WIKI as per Elliquiy standards, and models must be 16 and over. All characters must have real life human model with face claim.
  • PM ALL applications to GMs, we reserve the right to ask for tweaks if a sheet doesn't fit the game.
  • RL comes first, but shoot us a message in the OOC (or soon to be built Absence and Apologies Thread).

If you are interested, or have any questions, feel free to message, post here, or post in the OOC. We cannot WAIT to hear from you guys!

Faculty available:

Sloth- Carey (Pres)
Lust- Taking Applications (Unless a certain Lillith joins back)
Greed- Taking Applications
Gluttony- Taking Applications
Wrath- Willow (Ceralilly)
Envy- Taking Applications


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes



I feel like I should clarify, we are in the middle of a massive reboot, hence the lack of writing and activity. Rafiki and I, as well as a few writers, are attempting to bring this game back to life. At this point, I am calling this an interest thread.

We are starting an entire new story-line, and would love a group of creative people to guide this game into the game it has so much potential to be.

Is anyone interested in playing an original sin? A student? Teacher?

There is a supernatural element as far as species and powers. The types of powers are fairly limitless as long as the characters are falling within their years skill-set, and they are realistic when compared to a Sin.

Thanks for reading!


I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes




I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


I'll need to re-read info, but sounds like fun overall! :) Not sure if I wanna attempt any of the staff positions or go with a student. Gluttony sounds like it could be fun, for as people often forget: Two mistakes accompany most discussions on gluttony. The first is that it only pertains to those with a less than shapely waistline; the second is that it always involves food. In reality, it can apply to toys, television, entertainment, sex, or relationships. It is about an excess of anything.


Quote from: hiddenwithin on April 05, 2017, 02:37:57 PM
I'll need to re-read info, but sounds like fun overall! :) Not sure if I wanna attempt any of the staff positions or go with a student. Gluttony sounds like it could be fun, for as people often forget: Two mistakes accompany most discussions on gluttony. The first is that it only pertains to those with a less than shapely waistline; the second is that it always involves food. In reality, it can apply to toys, television, entertainment, sex, or relationships. It is about an excess of anything.

Exactly. You seem to have a strong grasp of their basic concept. Feel free to ask any questions or if you have ideas etc...always welcome.
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Still intrigued, just checking in to see what I might need to do, if anything, just yet? :)

King Serperior

Tentatively interested in trying again at this game.  I don't know if I want a student or teacher, but I am picturing them being an androgynous person (they, them pronouns) with limited shape-changing power.  Don't know if Envy or Lust would work best for them.

A/A'sMonster Girl Palace
SFW Image Ideas for Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk Games! | My various characters, if you are curious! | I am a Rainbow Writer!
Post Rate: 1 post per game every 1-4 weeks on average  ||| I encourage any and all random PMs.


Thanks you guys! We are taking character sheets and hoping to get some word spread. Once we have 5 or so active players interested we will start with the plot sriven stuff, however, if you want to post before that I am 100% down to plot and write.

Thank you again for your interest. This game has serious potential, but does tend to need a little nudge to get going. :-)
I am the Mistress of Hearts, the Consort of Broken Ones, the Lover of Lost Souls, and the Queen of Goodbyes


Great! I'll see about putting a character sheet together tonight or tomorrow! :)