Metamorphosis [Anime-PostApoc-Sandbox] *Few spots left*

Started by Broken, March 21, 2017, 03:50:53 PM

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Appearance: A toned, athletic girl with a wild side. She has curves in all the right places and is not afriad to show them, this girl loves to feel the sun on her skin. She's a brunette who usually ties her hair so it doesn't get in the way. Her eyes are emerald green, piercing and beautiful.
Codename: Artemis
Biological Age: 21
Specialized Gear:

Stealth Belt
A device built into a belt that, when activated, renders the user invisible for 15 seconds. Needs a minute to recharge.

Gauss Rifle, "YCS/2077"
The YCS/2077 is a Gauss sniper rifle. It uses an electromagnetic field to propel missiles at extreme speeds and pierce almost any obstacle. It has a tremendous range, is highly accurate and sports a great stopping power. It can use unconventional amunition if it's prefered type is unavailable but with less power and accuracy.

Energy Axe, "Cobalt Adz"
A war-axe with a glowing blade of energy at its head. It can be attached either to a baton which serves as a shaft or to the YCS/2077 and other rifles like a bayonet. It shocks it's target with electricity and it's edge can cut steel.

Harley Davidson Forty-Eight
An old Harley Davidson motorcycle, still kicking it and refusing to go down. It's front wheel was replaced with an anti-grav engine making it kind of a hybrid between a wheeled and hover vehicle.

A buzzard-hawk and an animal companion for Artemis.


A hunter at heart, Artemis wants to put herself against the strongest of monsters. She loves the thrill of stalking her pray and then getting it down. At the same time she loves animal companionship and will look for any and all pure creatures, or at least those that can be tamed.


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot


'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'



Codename: Ifrit
Biological Age: 27
Specialized Gear:
APM2065 'Djinn'

While essentially a semi-automatic pistol, the Djinn was designed for high intensity use. It is durable, and most notably, comes equipped with incendiary ammunition. While understandably hard t replicate given the situation, it is devastating against targets that can be affected by fire, even armored foes to some extent.

'Pyro' Wrist Mounted Flamethrower
An advanced construct, this device is, well, a flamethrower that you mount on your wrist. It has the ability to convert most substances into fuel, though generally speaking gasoline and other readily flammable items are more efficient and provide for a more damaging flame than other items. Works at a range of 30 meters or so.

Thermal Cloak
A fabric designed using nanomaterials which automatically adjusts to the environment around him. When covered by it Ifrit becomes essentially invisible to thermal imaging, and it can also keep him warm in colder environments. During combat it also serves as an inflammable cover, protecting him from harm and letting him use fire against his enemies.

Ambition: To dominate the new world that is created from the old.


Codename: Wicca
Biological Age: 25
Specialized Gear:

Bodysuit - It acts as a second skin, making it harder to injure her. It shields her from harsh weather and hidden pockets allow her to breathe underwater for a certain amount of time. If it gets torn it will fix itself.

Lance - Made of an unknown material, it is able to pierce through anything and everything with minimal effort. Most things are like cutting through butter. It has a DNA sensor so only she is able to use it. If anyone else tries it will be too heavy to lift and will inflict horrors within the individual's mind.

Ambition: To find the lost knowledge of humanity and to create a library to store it.


Alright, I have added some general knowledge over just what exactly are Deities capable of, along with the Reincarnation ability.

Along with the start of setting up role-play elements, be sure to read over them and get back to me.

Also, just to be clear, there will be dark themes ahead, so messaging or posting your limits here or to me is a good way for me to keep track of how I will shape everyone's story. While one person may not like Beasties, another might.



I'm pretty much open to most things.

In case ya'll lazy my roleplay preference is here. You can find my o/o thread here and I also have an f-list for more detailed stuff.

I don't mind talking over how dark I am willing to go. :)


Likewise I'm open to a fair deal of stuff, and don't mind dark, bleaker themes as far as the story goes. My preferences list what things I'm not into, though for the most part it's the typical sweep of standard big offs (sexualized gore, scat, etc. etc.).
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


A lot of this gear will be earned later. I originally wrote this thinking we were not starting from the beginning and starting weeks or months after birth. But I found out we're not. So, here is my GM approved CS. I am open to discuss plotting and relations.

Downgraded Appearance

Biological Age. 32

Specialized Gear.


Type 1. Aegis 73Primary Battle Suit [Inspiration Appearance [1], [2]] – Ragnarok dons this suit when he’s going to war. The visor allows him to see in four different modes: infrared, night vision, low-light for glares and to dim bright atmospherics, and electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Using EMR, Ragnarok can sweep a building for electronic equipment before entering. There haven’t been too many electronics since the End of Humanity, but he still uses it prior to entering a domicile for if a human did manage to piece together old equipment, he would basically know when someone is home. The helmet also filters the air. He can travel in the middle of a dust bowl without worry of abrasion or suffocation. The armor is lightweight and regulates his core temperature keeping him cool even in the hottest climates or warm in the coldest. He can magnetically attach several weapons to his armor without need of holsters or slings, and with his Grav Boots or “Grab Boots” as he likes to call them, he can scale vertical surfaces. The soles of the boots shift gravity beneath them, allowing him to climb vertically or even upside down. The Aegis isn’t designed for tanking heavy artillery say from a railgun or taking the attacks from the giants of the desert head on. It is lightweight to give him full mobility to execute whatever maneuvers he needs to perform without hindrance.

Type 2. ScavengerSecondary Outfit [Inspiration Appearance [1]]– Ragnarok is always prepared to fight the demons of the waste, which aren’t always beasts. Crazed humans are a greater menace. But even so, his scavenger attire is not designed like his Aegis. His shins, boots, and forearms are lined with the spines of beasts and make handy blades for hand-to-hand combat. As a scavenger, he wears numerous packs and pouches for storing items and equipment. He will wear a sandy cloak, a mouth covering, and goggles.

Type 3.DowngradedTertiary Outfit – When he isn’t covered up in all of his gear, they will see a man versus a killing machine. Ragnarok keeps his hair short and his head shaved on the sides, giving him a Mohawk, but not the kind that stands up straight from excessive use of glue and gel. He will at times wear a full-out beard going from one side of his ear to the other, covering his entire jaw with an added stache on his upper lip. When he has neglected shaving that’s usually what happens and he’ll appear rather grizzly. He is built for the work he does, taking down beasts and humans who threaten humanity. He tends to etch tattoos in ink or improvised paint upon his face, neck, or arms. The war paint makes him feel ready for anything.


Odin AR 77Assault Rifle – The weapon has three modes: safe, semi, and burst like the standard M16 of old. Its stock is adjustable and attached to it is a grenade launcher for whenever he needs to clear a room or blow the bowels out of a colossus. The weapon comes with a scope that allows him to make accurate, long-range shots. Ammo: 40 rounds – with the capability of loading two 20 round magazines at the same time. The weapon will empty the first cartridge and when it starts drawing from the second cartridge, the shooter is able to reload the first. In his primary and secondary attire, Ragnarok will carry up to six to ten cartridges. He can store up to three grenade canisters in the launcher, and will carry six for reload.

Skoll and Hati P77Dual Pistols – Skoll fires the incendiary rounds that exit the muzzle white and hot like the sun, and Hati fires a liquid capsule that upon contact with a person or beast will shatter and the liquid will instantly freeze when it comes in contact with oxygen. The ice can be devastating, rapidly freezing a beast or person’s limb to easy shattering if the frozen limbs can’t support the weight of the body. Each pistol can load a single magazine of ten rounds. If Ragnarok doesn’t max out on Odin mags, he will carry four extra cartridges, two for Skoll and two for Hati.

Buzz KillChainsaw Blade – The weapon has a lengthy hilt to be grabbed with the offhand, and along its bulky side is a handle to be grabbed by the guiding hand. Ragnarok can choose to either fight with solely the guiding hand or single to two hand the offhand. The saw is charged with several vigorous pumps of the cord to get its generator running. The generator then produces electricity, which will coat the rapidly whirling edges of the blade shocking anyone wielding a metallic weapon or armor that comes into contact. It can act like an EMP and shut down a machine on contact or electrify victims as it divides their flesh.


ThorModified Tractor Trailer [Inspirational Images [1], [2]- Ragnarok found the beauty and built it up himself. It not only acts as a mobile home, but a machine of death for any band of ruffnecks or colossi who thought it wise to poke a lion with a stick. Ragnarok keeps all of his equipment and findings in the trailer. It makes for a convenient mobile storage. Thor is quite the war machine. Its armor is so durable that most missiles and anti-tank weapons can't penetrate it. Two railguns are mounted on the front, a turret on the roof, and three missiles on the back for those unfortunate souls who choose to chase him. Ragnarok can lock the trailer in a continuous direction and exit the vehicle to assume whatever offensive position he wants to dust waste bandits or pack beasts. A ram is mounted on the front of the truck, which allows it to plow through nearly any obstacle. The vehicle runs on fuel and so fuel is one of Ragnarok’s priority items to scavenge for. When Thor isn’t in operation, it will rest, sinking down over its wheels to become a true trailer home. Thor allows Ragnarok to camp for days in comfort, in one spot, or whenever he needs to sit through a dust storm or blizzard. On the horizon, Thor is a nightmare to those bandits familiar with it. It leaves in its wake trails of dust and the engine sounds like a roaring beast whenever accelerated.


FenrirMutant Dog [Inspiration Image [1]] – The monstrosity is actually quite friendly to those who befriend its master. Is it a boy or a girl? Who knows? Ragnarok isn’t a biologist and so he calls it “Fenrir,” “Dog,” or “Boy.” Fenrir has an extraordinary sense of smell and can warn Ragnarok of danger a minute or two before it comes to him. Fenrir is an excellent tracker and will eat nearly anyone or anything. The dog monster is capable of barking and can also repeat words it picks up from Ragnarok or others like a parrot. The dog will literally mimic the voice of the person, which Ragnarok finds to be a handy decoy when he’s stealthily taking out multiple enemies.


             Annihilate all factors that inhibit humanity's resurrection.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot


So, how long ago did your characters rebirth? I am all down for some characters relationships but what can we actually have? Did they have time to know each other? Do they know their ambitons? Are they programmed to like or hate each other?

As for limits, my O/Os are my characters. Monsters, tentacles, even beasts are ok, death, mutilation, vore, scat is not something I lile.

Izaya Orihara

Seems interesting, though I'm not sure how many male roles are left (particularly in regards to spots others have already shown interest in).
Well, if I had to give a reason for my actions, I guess it's because I love people. I guess I wanted to see the faces that mankind has to offer.


Quote from: Azee on March 26, 2017, 05:22:45 AM
So, how long ago did your characters rebirth? I am all down for some characters relationships but what can we actually have? Did they have time to know each other? Do they know their ambitons? Are they programmed to like or hate each other?

As for limits, my O/Os are my characters. Monsters, tentacles, even beasts are ok, death, mutilation, vore, scat is not something I lile.

I think they all rebirthed at the same time it is just their actual biological ages were different at the time of death.

Quote from: Izaya Orihara on March 26, 2017, 06:04:57 AM
Seems interesting, though I'm not sure how many male roles are left (particularly in regards to spots others have already shown interest in).
There seems to be one male left.


Quote from: Starcry on March 26, 2017, 08:25:55 AM
-Points to opening post-

It's more like with existing interest, me submitting/expressing similar interest might cause a clash haha! Sucks to be late @_@


Quote from: Azee on March 26, 2017, 05:22:45 AM
So, how long ago did your characters rebirth? I am all down for some characters relationships but what can we actually have? Did they have time to know each other? Do they know their ambitons? Are they programmed to like or hate each other?

As for limits, my O/Os are my characters. Monsters, tentacles, even beasts are ok, death, mutilation, vore, scat is not something I lile.

The GM told me in PMs that he was going to start everyone fresh rebirth. The biological age I assumed was the age they were before they were remade. Because if it is the age they were first created, then I feel most characters would be 1 years old lol. If not less than 1 year since he plans to start from the get-go.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot


I figured we'd all be waking "newly born" at pretty much the same time, just in different areas across the country/globe. Also while I don't know for sure I don't think they're necessarily "programmed" to do one thing or another, they probably knew what the project was and what they had been chosen to do, and when they wake up they still have memories of their past lives and thus carry on from there. Basically "ok this is the future huh? Guess we gotta start repopulating since that was the plan".

So as far as character relationships perhaps some of the deities could have known each other from back when they were human? Before the apocalypse happened. If that's the case then you could probably establish any kind of prior relationships you want. I mean if they were expected to all meet up and repopulate with each other I imagine they would have at least meet each other once or twice back when the project was being planned and everyone was being recruited. Though if they're waking up in all different locations that might limit who could have been in contact with who, like maybe they were all recruited at different facilities and only had limited contact with each other for whatever reason.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


The OOC is up for approved characters and players, post finished characters there and talk about anything you like. The IC threads will be started tomorrow.


Appearance : Yvelna look like a shy young teen of an asian origin. She always look like the shy silent teen in a japanese school uniform but that only one of her side. Yvelna is a performer so when she get on a scene, she a completely different girl. See her specialized gear for details.
Codename : Yvelna (Siren)
Biological Age :17

Specialized Gear:

Siren collar :
Primary abilities: When she sing a pop song, she can mesmerize her target for as long as she keep singing.
Secondary ability : When she sing a lullaby, she can put her target to sleep for a short while.
Tertiary ability: She can use her scream to send a sonic burst toward her target, shattering material and hurting people. This ability exhaust her after she use it.

Slayer guitar:

Primary ability : She can turn her normal guitar in a battleaxe she can fight with.
Secondary ability : She can turn her guitar into a normal hunting rifle.
Tertiary ability: None

Siren outfits :

Primary outfit : Secondary outfit : Tertiary outfit :
Details :Details :Details :
This her normal outfit that she use
for day to day usage
This his her scene outfit and it has no
other purpose then cosmetic change
This is her battle suit armor she
wear when she travel in the wild
or when she need to fight

Ambition : Yvelna ambition is to gather and bring back music to the world.


i am open to mostly any theme.

The only things that turn me off is gore, vore and toilet play.


I think only Mary and Michael remain, unless someone asked for those positions through PM.

That said, I'd be interested if there's still room for one.


So I realised that my app got lost somewhere. Will be apping as Michael btw.


Codename: Michael

Biological Age: 27

Specialized Gear:

Silverii, Sword of Assured Protection - A corruption of fabled swords, the Silverii is a longsword with a three-foot blade of polished silvered steel made with Damascus markings. Weighing nearly three pounds, the weapon could be wielded with either one or two hands and used effectively in combat. This weapon has two properties, one of which is the ability to be summoned back to Michael's hand with a single thought, and the other is its ability to create a silvery shield with a radius of 10-feet around the wielder, protecting him and anyone behind it from attacks. Smaller versions of the shield could be used to deflect attacks for a quick riposte, but using its full power would leave the weapon out of energy for 60 minutes.

Boots of Unending Stride - A pair of seemingly ordinary leather boots, this pair of boots protects the wearer from suffering any foot injury from long-distance travel. It also possesses good cushioning for landing from high places, preventing sprains and blisters from forming. As long as the wearer wills, the boots would prompt the legs to continue walking as long as they physically permit.

Gae Ceau, Unerring Throw - A black spear measuring five feet in length, often wielded side by side with the Silverii. A weapon whose purpose is only to find the enemy and defeat them, Gae Ceau's primary mode of attack is by throwing, its accuracy dependent on the thrower's concentration against his target. It's trajectory could be changed, but requires concentration from its thrower to take effect. It can also be summoned back into the thrower's grip, and carries enough weight to be used independently and in the melee.

Ambition: Find meaning in this new world.