[Dungeon World] Fantasy Contests Arena! (Always Recruiting!)

Started by Nastara, March 16, 2017, 08:23:15 PM

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"Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and eeeeverything in between to The Netherworld Amphitheater!"

"I am your announcer, commentator, and host Tiliana Frosnael!"

"And I'm Bulrig Pearleye, yer tactics commentat'r 'ere ta provide ye with an inside look at yer tactics, plannin' an' martia-"

"Yes, yes, you're very pretty, Bulrig.  But you've got to explain how the whole thing works before you go boring them all to death with tactics.  The Netherworld Amphitheater is seeking competitors, strong, powerful, skillful, or magical women (and near women) to come compete in feats of incredible danger, daring, and delightful deliciousness!  Join the Amphitheater and compete in a variety of challenges and battles to gain fame and fortune!  Make a name for yourself!  Fill your pockets!  And put on a wooonderful show!

"Can I talk tactics now?"

"Bulrig, please.  Ahem, Competitors will be involved primarily in one-on-one contests with traps, enemies, and hazards preventing them from getting to their goals!  Other Gladiators can send goods and reinforcements!  All with a lovely barracks for socializing and sizing up the competition!

"Quite a bit of dickin' too, iffen we're bein' hearty honest.

"Gods above, Bulrig, you don't lead with that.

So, what are you waiting for, loves?  Come become a part of infamy!"

Hello Elliquiy!

I'm trying out a new idea that I've been playing with (that is HEARTILY inspired by One Shot's Dungeon Dome...) where we create a variety of characters to battle it out in arena contests using the Dungeon World rules!  My intention is to have a variety of small contests including duels, races to treasure, or getting through mazes.  Players will engage in primarily 1v1 (or 2v2) contests where the arena is a constantly shifting field of danger and (let's be honest here) sex stuff.

Zero experience with Dungeon World is necessary to play and I'll be happy to help people create their characters!  My intention is to try to build up a little stable of characters from essentially whoever feels like playing!  If I feel like a character doesn't fit in, I'll talk with you and we'll work out something that does! 

What I'm looking for in terms of finding characters is:
-Interesting Character with description physically and/or personality wise that catches my eye
-Goodness-of-Fit with kinks/character roles
-People who are here to play, have fun, and not get into drama. I've had some complaints from people who haven't been picked or who didn't like that the game was themed towards being a little fun and silly in the past. Literally the last thing I want from Elliquiy is to be deal with annoyed or passive-aggressive messages in my inbox when I log on. Please don't do that, this isn't the game for it.

That said, with this game my hope is for anyone who wants to play to be able to do so!

If you are interested in playing, please fill out the following character form:
No Gandalfs or SephriophKiller6969s
Race/Class: If your character is /not/ a core Dungeon World class, please note if you have a pdf of the playbook
Sex/Gender: Female or Female Presenting please
Interested In: This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. Add more if you want to: Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/
Brief Description: At least some physical, some personality
Familiarity With DW/D&D: I'm going to try to fill DMed sections with description and pictures to help, but I'm curious about familiarity with the lore.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

[b]Name: [/b]No Gandalfs or SephriophKiller6969s
[b]Race/Class: [/b]If your character is /not/ a core Dungeon World class, please note if you have a pdf of the playbook
[b]Sex/Gender: [/b]Female or Female Presenting please
[b]Interested In: [/b]This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. Add more if you want to: Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/
[b]Brief Description: [/b]At least some physical, some personality
[b]Familiarity With DW/D&D: [/b]I'm going to try to fill DMed sections with description and pictures to help, but I'm curious about familiarity with the lore.
[b]How Often Do You Elliquiy?: [/b]Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

We'll be having a thread where we get more detailed, work out stats, and pick playbooks so consider what you want to play in a broad sort of sense.  We can use resources other than the core book (including Class Warfare) so just let me know!

In my signature, you'll see the currently existing threads.  In those, you can see how I run the game if you are interested in that.

Dungeon World uses classes just like Dungeons & Dragons (and there are MANY fan-made ones so LOTS of options!) so pretty much think of what would be what you are going for from there!   Here are a couple of links!
Above is the core Dungeon World classes, basically these are the core D&D classes, but Dungeon World-ified!
And this a big list of Dungeon World classes!  It says Complete, but it's definitely not quite there!  If you have a specific idea or concept you'd like to seek out, feel free to!  If you have it or can get it, you can likely use it unless I look at it and my brain is burned out by how broken it is!
There's also an additional supplement called Class Warfare that makes classes, but it's a little intensive to get through.

So yeah!  Let me know if you are interested!  Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Note: I kiiinda hate the name I came up with? If you have a better name for an arena, HIT ME UP.


Ohh. Another one of your Dungeon World games. :D

Any sort of classes not permitted? Stay with fantasy only or are ones like gunslinger and tinkerer allowed? Any other hard rules on what is and isn't allowed?


Name: Lyndis Orilen
Race/Class: Elf / The Voice
Sex/Gender: Futa/Hermaphrodite
Interested In: Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Feminine Monsters/
Brief Description: A confident, daring, and often vexing woman who sees herself as a master entertainer and heroic adventurer all in one. While she describes herself as a bard, she is actually a practitioner of "The Voice", the ancient tongue from which all other languages originate, giving her powerful influence over the mind. With this power she has seen herself through many misadventures, all in the pursuit of admiration, coin, and beautiful women, the third often proving to be a particularly fatal weakness of hers, her womanizing ways getting her in trouble on more than one occasion. While she can be down to earth and show brief flashes of genuine wisdom, in most cases her arrogance and penchant for showmanship tend to sour her towards others.

Physically she stands tall at around 6 feet, though her generous curves keep her from looking lankly. She is well endowed in every sense of the term, and often wears flamboyant, finely tailored outfits to better show off her body and promote a noble yet mysterious air about herself. She also paints her lips blue, and while the markings around her eyes appear at first glance to be make up as well, they are actually tattoos inked into her skin (to cut down on the cost of make up).

Extra pictures nsfw

Familiarity With DW/D&D: Moderately familiar
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Around 1-3 times a week
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Name: Kitira Mianirri
Race/Class: Catfolk Wrestler
Sex/Gender: Futa
Interested In: A little bit of everything  ;D Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/Tentacles/Slime/etc
Brief Description: A shapely and gracious curvaceous neko girl, slender and busty with a tight bubbly butt. Kitira has a strong dominant personality imposing her will through strength and sexiness. She wonders the world looking for a worthy opponent and she is not afraid of whatever trouble she can get into in the look for the perfect match, be it a man, a woman, a monster or anything in between she will be up for the challenge as she looks to become the best wrestler ever.

She stands a little more than 5 and half feet but is physically powerful and is able to perform daring feats of strength and dexterity always enjoying a good fight even if she happens to be defeated for that only means she needs to improve. Never afraid to use her bodacious figure as a subtle way to distract her opponents or some other dirtier ways to smoother her opponents or even pierce them deep amidst of an encounter with her massive boner.
Backup Weapon: Whip

Familiarity With DW/D&D: Not familiar with DW but EAGER to try it, also I have played d&d for several years.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Usually daily but there are sometimes RL issues get on the way, but I always try to keep up.


Interested in giving Dungeon World another try, if you'll have me  ;D


Quote from: Hexed on March 16, 2017, 10:01:40 PM
Ohh. Another one of your Dungeon World games. :D

Any sort of classes not permitted? Stay with fantasy only or are ones like gunslinger and tinkerer allowed? Any other hard rules on what is and isn't allowed?
Yup, I'm contractually obligated at this point to ONLY run Dungeon World games. Very serious business.

In most of my games, I aim to stick primarily with fantasy ones but for this one I'm going a little bit out of the box!  I'm definitely going to be putting in and pushing for some kind of magical technology thing (Did you know that Arena contests are broadcast out to various crystal balls? The nobility likes to pretend that such vile contest and fuckery is beneath them, but they seem to be the most likely to purchase an uplink...)

For any class that I'm not familiar with, I'm going to want to read through it in some way mostly to ensure that it will work well with the structure.  Tinkerer sounds REALLY COOL and I'm 100% cool with it thematically, but if it is based on building things in the moment, we may need to take a glance to make sure that tinkering wouldn't like... automatically make you lose any race you are in. Basically go crazy, if I think something won't work, I'll work on it with you (possibly including hacking the playbook a little) until it does!

Lyndis looks lovely, pdragon!  Can't wait to see her in action!  I haven't had a chance to read The Voice yet, but I'll make sure that it fits in well!  I wouldn't imagine there would be a problem with it, but I like to be sure <3

Kitira! Looks great!  Also, Wrestler could HARDLY be more appropriate! ;)

Quote from: Chulanowa on March 17, 2017, 12:47:22 AM
Interested in giving Dungeon World another try, if you'll have me  ;D
Absolutely! =D

Flying Tengu

I haven't done any of the character stuff yet, but I'm posting continued interest.  I was already sold on the game from the interest check, but from the advertisement, it looks like the tone of the game will be a good fit for me, too!

Initial looking at classes is inclining me towards Swashbuckler.


Woo Interest! ;D

Hehe!  I hope the tone of the game will be a fun one!  I definitely want to capture some adventure feelings, but also definitely some of the over-the-top game show feel.  I'm not a Wrestling fan, but I'm a HUGE Wrestling RPG fan and World Wide Wrestling is going to give me some mechanical nods with a custom move or two to appeal to audience.  There's also a third Major NPC who is a sleazy goblin who handles ring-events when you want someone physically standing where the competitors are (rather than the enormous illusory projections of the announcers that are used otherwise!)

I've read a Swashbuckler class that's pretty freaking fun!  Let me know if you need help with it at all!

For that matter, ANYONE should let me know if they need help working things out with their characters or playbooks or rules!  There is ZERO need for previous knowledge (beyond like, the most core of tropes for fantasy).


Also, just for timeline:

I'm thinking that either tomorrow or Monday I'll be posting at least the barracks scene and hopefully the beginning of our first bout! From there, we'll crank through things, have good times, and contests galore! :D


Damn, I was looking forward to this until I saw you decided to make it females only after all...

Oh well, best of luck to you. I'll be seeing myself out


I totally get that! Sorry it doesn't line up! I know for my kinks and preferences it'll run better with femme-PCs. In the future (perhaps near?) if I find someone I know will GM awesomely maybe I can add a second GM and add male-PCs!


Quote from: Nastara on March 18, 2017, 11:55:57 PM
I totally get that! Sorry it doesn't line up! I know for my kinks and preferences it'll run better with femme-PCs. In the future (perhaps near?) if I find someone I know will GM awesomely maybe I can add a second GM and add male-PCs!

No worries dear, I don't like making people play something that they won't do well, and I definitely don't want to make you change things just for me. Just keep me in mind when you start accepting guys, kay?  ;D


Absolutely will!  This thread will hopefully be staying open to keep new blood also!

Flying Tengu

Sorry!  Been very busy this last few days!  Will work on character shortly.


I'd love to join this if you don't mind having a newcomer. I don't have Dungeon World experience, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy, so I will read up on how it works for now.


Name: Kittani
Race/Class: Human/Initiate (Have playbook Sex/Gender: Female
Interested In: Fun times. :D Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/
Brief Description: Standing around five ft ten with only a hand-filling bust she doesn't have the lushest of builds but her skintight bodysuit clings to what she does have. Blonde haired and red of eye she tends to have an almost constant happy grin curling her lips, mostly because she's a tad too dim to realize it's not quite a happy time. Energetic and cheerful she'll bounce around instead of walking and has absolutely no sense of personal space.

The youngest daughter of a farming family she left on her own to head off to a monastery to learn martial arts and to make things easier on her family with one less mouth to feed. The progress of her training was hindered as despite the focus upon kicks and foot work she had a very bad habit of grabbing and even scratching. This lead to them binding her hands during her training, although not a one of the masters will admit knowing just where she acquired her usual quasi-bondage suit that she fights in.

Familiarity With DW/D&D: Game wise not much but I've peeked at the playbooks. Almost no lore knowledge
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Tend to keep the tabs up but will admit to forgetting just how long its been since I refreshed them.

<.<  >.>

Yeah. Not the artificer I was looking at. So couldn't figure out a couple bits to it so I said to hell with it and went with a simple punchy class. :)

And yeah. Could have asked. But maybe learning a new system with a complexish character's not a good idea. Hell knows I've confused myself before by doing that.


Haven't had a lot of brain-time available. Will hopefully be able to stir up something tomorrow!

Flying Tengu

Name: Annette Gabelle
Race/Class:   Human Swashbuckler (using one of the free ones you linked to)
Sex/Gender: Female
Interested In: Mostly men, but women/humanoid monsters are also good.  No actual monsters.  Well... a tentacle monster might be fun!
Brief Description:   Quick with both a blade and a cutting remark, Annette made her living and her name as a professional duelist.  Proud, bordering on arrogant, she does nevertheless hold tightly to the duelists code, giving her a strange sort of honor.  Years of training have toned her figure, giving her a slender, whip-like build, but with impressively feminine curves.  She does not typically fight to the death, and so has left a trail of resentful opponents behind her.
Familiarity With DW/D&D:   High familiarity with D&D.  Less so with DW, but I know the basics.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?:   Good most weekdays, but somewhat variable.


Im interested. Ill try to think of a character over the weekend.


Name: Anna Felstead
Race/Class: Human Fighter
Sex/Gender: Female
Interested In: Men, women, trans, futa, and monsters of any sort, especially if tentacles are somehow involved.
Brief Description: A soldier that has traveled from a kingdom of humans in the north, on a pilgrimage as part of her training to become a knight. It was a small and isolated land, with a military that never saw combat against other races. As an candidate for knighthood, Anna was required to travel abroad, seeking exotic challengers to fight against. The Netherworld Amphitheater could provide them in spades, and to a girl about to join a pious order of knights, the sexual indiscretions that took place in the arena appealed as well.

Out of her depth in the wider world, Anna is a modest woman that usually keeps to herself. Dutiful but ultimately self-interested, Anna's pursued her violent career as a means of escaping the peasant life she had grown up with. She trains rigorously, and has a body to show for it. Standing at 5 feet and 7 inches, Anna possesses a toned but feminine frame, with breasts just large enough to feel her armor pressing uncomfortably against them. With no special powers to rely on, Anna is nevertheless a hardy contestant, trusting in her sword, shield, and skill to see her to victory.

Familiarity With DW/D&D: None whatsoever, unfortunately. I've been reading up on how DW is played, but I have no lore knowledge.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: I check the site daily, and update roleplays every 2-3 days.


Let me know if there are any issues with my character, or improvements to suggest. The picture I used isn't too sexy. It was the best image of a female knight-in-training I could find, but I can keep searching if this one doesn't work for you.

Also, if anyone knows where I can learn more about the lore of this game, please let me know.


I'm sorry to have totally disappeared!  I got a new job and it really slammed me as I was getting started.  I'm now alive, awake, and ready to get back to running things.

If you're still interested in playing, let me know and/or if you are NEWLY interested in playing, let me know! 


It's nice to see you alive and kicking, Nastara!

I am still interested in participating. Let me know if there are any problems or suggested changes to the character I created.


I was already wondering what could have happened to you, glad to see you're back. And yeah I'm still interested :-)


What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread