Laa's mixed bag of delights

Started by laa, December 31, 2016, 03:36:32 PM

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Currently looking for: A bit of everything.

Craving: Custom systems, games and any of my post-apocalyptic plots.

I'm capable of taking on the role of a GM/storyteller. I have my own custom-system at this location: The system is designed to be morphed to fit a large range of settings, so it can be used with just about any plot you could imagine.

I might join a group-RP if asked, or perhaps even GM one. It will take a bit of convincing, however, as I'm wary of the many risks involved with setting off time for group RPs.

If you want to learn more about me as a writer, go check up on my most recent posts or my O/O for more information about me!

Plot spice: Optional ideas that can add some flair to the plot.

Serious plots

Serious plots for serious writers! Please keep in mind: Plot-intensive RPs requires writers who aren't afraid to plot for weeks.

Post Apocalyptic plots

When the world ends, humanity doesn't always end with it

Into the underground.
Inspired by: Metro 2033.

When the world ended, humanity fled. The air was on fire, leaving them nowhere to go but the very ground beneath them. The surged to the deepest depths of metros, mines, caves, whatever they could find. And once they were there, there was no way back. Locked in by the very air surrounding the globe, the surface became a bestranged and mysterious place, a place of legends and myths. Did you know that people used to be capable of flying in big metal birds? Did you know people used to be capable of wandering freely and without worry of any danger? Did you know, that the surface used to be filled with chocolate?

Some tales were true. Some tales were false. All that remained certain was their physical captivity. Their hunger. Their thirst.

Possible plot spice
Centuries have passed:
Years have passed since all of this went down. Civilization has regrown, in the crudest sense imaginable. When humanity fled, extremism fled with them. As if in a contest to who could disprove their own moral superiority the fastest, various ideological groups have made new borders in the darkened depths of the metro, slowly but surely reigniting the dreaded flames of war.

Seconds have passed:
It all happened so fast. One minute, everyone was fine. The next, the TV went white and a man screamed with a sense of dread that hadn't been felt on the surface of the planet since the 2nd world war.

"A nuclear bomb was just launched. All citizens are to escape immediately to their nearest bomb-shelter. If there are no bomb-shelters nearby, please go to the nearest underground you can find and... Hope you don't die."

The microphone was audibly dropped on the ground, footsteps echoing in the distance of the broadcast. Reality blurred. Time blurred. It was now or never.

While the bomb-shelters were much safer than the metros, they were also at times a good deal more... Isolated. With food stocked up for years to come, how will a small group of people fare in the face of absolute isolation? Will their food-stock eventually run out?

[Smutty]A tale of a brothel:
When times get dark, most men and women require... A certain type of encouragement to get by with. As a firm believer in smiles of any kind, a man/woman/group has decided to open a brothel in the darkest of times to show people what pleasure can feel like when the lights are out.

A world left behind.
Mars. A delightful planet, filled with plenty times more riches than what once inspired people to traverse oceans to colonize The New World. For the longest time, it seemed like a figment of some professor's imagination. The colonization would be expensive, take years if not decades and even then it'd be risky. Even then, the project was begun, instigated by private companies and governments alike from around the world.

They did well, to be honest. With a sizeable number of shipments to the surface of Mars, the Martians managed to build cities out of domes, connecting each and every one of them with enlarged tubes, tubes big enough to fit a standing man. The technology was both amazing yet fragile, some parts of it requiring semi-frequent maintenance to remain standing. Even then, it seemed liked this wouldn't be of any concern to the young Martian colonies, the constant stream of shipments giving them all the tools and food they could ever require.

Then, one morning, the world shivered. In the local variant of news, the local astronomer who inhabited one of the star-gazing domes on the planet had come on air, tears already streaming down his face.

"The Earth... As we knew it... Is gone."

A chilling sensation went down every single martians spine. Disbelief. Skepticism. A chilled laughter echoing through the hallways. Then, silence.
Everyone knew it, but for the longest time, no one said it. Without The Earth, there was only an insignificant chance that the Martian colony would make it. And, making it might feel worse than not making it, as the resources were limited... Too limited to support the current population.

They had to choose how to react, and fast. While The Earth is gone, the next couple of months' shipment should still be inbound, giving them time to commit to think. Shipments containing letters from their now dead relatives, no less.

General plots

These are a list of generalized ideas designed for brainstorming in the PMs due to their vague nature. I'm commonly looking to either be a storyteller/GM in these settings or a fellow character.

When youth strikes, there's nothing better to do than to explore and conquer the world through the eyes of the self. No matter the motivation, this journey is undoubtfully going to get the main characters involved with many fantastical locales, cultures and peoples, while slowly but surely uncovering a truth about the world that no one bargained for. The themes are all things related to excitement, no matter the setting!

I've freeform-GM'ed this kinda RP a lot, and definitely wouldn't mind doing it again. The idea is that the world is shaped as you walk (or fly, if sci fi) through it, with every encounter made with our common tastes in mind. So if you'd like a serious story, the monsters would actually be out to kill you, while a smut-oriented story would have weirdly clingy bushes around every corner, if you get my drift~

In a dreamworld, logic dares not apply. Here, emotions rule the land, and a strongly felt emotion can contain more power than the most explosive of nukes.
While the Dreamworld can be enchanting and bedazzling at the first glance for any newcomers, be they Lucid Dreamers, Spirits or Creations of Emotions, anyone who's stayed around for a while has seen what true darkness means. For every moment of joy, there's a moment of despair. For every dream, there's a nightmare. For every sensation of purpose, there is nihilism. When your very currency of power is your will and your emotions, the only way to wage war is mental torture.

(Can be lighthearted, if you want it to be so!)

Juicy plots!

Because sometimes, you just want to masturbate...
Only sometimes, I swear! HAHA! >cough<

Succubus house
A long long time ago, a group of monks had cornered a Succubus/Erotic spirit in the manor of the wealthiest man in town. Not taking this chance for granted, the monks bound the spirit to the house, locking up its powers in its very walls in order to permanently seal it away. For the longest time, the seal worked wonders - until about two hundred years ago, when an owner accidentally broke off one of the artifacts keeping the spirit in check. At the time, the spirit was as weak as the average ghost - but as time went by, it grew and grew in power, forcing the owner to leave the mansion behind so that it couldn't leech anymore power off of him.

Alone and despaired, the spirit plotted and grew more and more in-tune with the house. Now, it's simply waiting. Waiting to fill the minds of bodies of anyone who dares enter with perversions of many kinds, whether they be stockings, bedsheets or ghostly cocks.

Not all islands are on the map. That's because not all islands really exist. The shift in and out of existence, as if they have a will and desire of their own. Filled to the brim with tentacle-bushes and monster-girls, this particular island is an island of Lust. Wanting to turn any and all who visit it into permanent, lust-craving beasts, the island holds nothing back to anyone who is (un)fortunate enough to visit its shores. Will you get back to civilization, or will you stay forever as a cat-girl with big tits?

The anthropomorphized pet and its master
Now, you may think that this is incredibly cliche, and to that I will reply with: "I deny everything!"
But yea, you know the gist of this. Supernatural and sexy pet X is taken under the care of master Y in setting Z. I generally enjoy this plot the most in a medieval setting with me being a merchant who accidentally so received the wrong shipping with a mystery egg or creature of some sort, though other settings are fine as well. Perhaps they then go on a journey to find her place of origin or something, or perhaps he decides that this is a PERFECT opportunity to test out the local sex-store's flogging equipment. That's all up for brainstormin'.

The sleazy bar
Where men and women meet to have orgies, sex-games and elongated sessions of seduction. Playfulness is key to this place of eccentrics, where being boring is a sin and stripping is a virtue.
The plot can either focus around the happenings in the bar, or perhaps act as a starting plot of an entirely different story-line. If you feel darey, spin the wheel of (mis)fortune and see what the Sleazy bar has to offer!


Added some serious plots, woo! More genres are going to be represented inevitably, but for now, I think this is enough. I may add some plots centered around my system at some point, and I'll probably add a good deal of juicy plots in the future as well.


Looking for a partner or two! Don't be afraid, I only bite on Wednesdays. :D


Looking for partners once again. Give me a write if you find something interesting, or if you have an idea of your own that you think would fit my tastes. :)