Thy Nightly Chambers (requests open to all)

Started by midnightblack, December 24, 2016, 07:13:13 AM

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Hello and welcome!

Two important things right from the get-go:

  • Please do not reply to this thread. Replying will bump the thread back up to the top of the requests board, drowning the threads of other users in the  process. Instead, if you wish to contact me please do so either via the private  messages system here or within E.'s Discord server.
  • If interested in contacting me about writing, please read my O&O thread. It covers concisely who I am and presents in detail my most important ideas in regard to writing, both as a literary introduction and as assorted imagery. Since you are here, you might also want to glance over Amazonia Mythos, a fairly concise and structured thread covering the details of my recurring themes and characters.

My current status
Open for a story. Look into my O2 thread for plenty of general details regarding me as a writer. Thank you!
(on my availability for writing)
Some general points regarding writing together
  • I write mostly on the forum. I have tried other options in the past (e-mail, Discord and so on), but it's very difficult for me to keep track of serious stories there, so I'm a bit weary of that.
  • I can handle anything between story-driven writing with little to no explicit "adult" (i.e. dirty) elements and searing erotica. I generally favor interesting stories with erotic elements. It's very hard to keep my interest up in writing that is nothing but porn.
  • My posting frequency at the moment is a bit slow, centered mainly around the Friday-Sunday interval. I may be able to post during the evenings of Monday-Thursday, but it's never guaranteed. My posting length can be anything between a few pages and a few paragraphs or something as short as a meaningful question during a dialogue; whatever serves the story best. I'll never make any demands regarding neither my partners' posting frequency nor post length, these are for them to handle on the basis of their inspiration and schedule. Also, I don't poke if at any given point they remain silent. I like to be respectful both in regard to the time and space of my partners.
  • I'll write in any tense and perspective that is required, though I tend to employ as standard option the third person, past tense. Keep in mind that English is not my first language, so know that if you spot something truly barbarous, I'm afraid it's a fault of my limited knowledge.
  • Detailed information regarding my ons/offs and particulars related to a given story can be inferred from my O2 thread.
  • Most importantly, having a common interest in an idea, in the way to develop and express it, are the only things that really matter to me when deciding to start a project with someone. I don't make judgments based on writing abilities.
(everything about my writing in a nutshell)

Current requests:

A Heroine for Sanctuary
As the title suggests, looking to write an inverse power trip in a fantasy setting somewhat reminiscent of the themes of a by now ancient television show, Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Think of a virgin world to be despoiled and a noble demigoddess attempting to stop the bad girls from doing so. The main problem being that bad girls never fight fair. Looking first and foremost for insightful and meaningful writing with plenty of fetishism and kinks on the side, the main focus being on scenes where the demigoddess is defeated through unfair, dishonorable and possibly downright foul ways. There are many, many things that I find interesting in this regard, so please inquire for detailed discussions and a focus on the common themes of interest for us. I wrote a brief presentation of the setting in my O&O thread. You can get there from the first link in my signature, then in the first post go to the Chronicles of Gaia tab and click on the Introduction link with a green sign next to it. The one with the red sign is an older, more involved text. Still quite valid, but written from a somewhat different and broader perspective. In order to not get confused about my current vision, focus on the latter. The images posted there all remain relevant. Note that the text is written in first person, as it's a part of a single author project that I dabble in sometimes. Most cooperative writing on my part is done in third person, past tense, but I'm flexible either way if you wish to discuss. If you want a more modern approach on the topic, you can also read the Amazonia Mythos thread also linked in my signature. The important details are largely the same across settings.

As a separate note, I will underline the distinct possibility of including an incest theme in the F/F version, if you happen to be interested in that. Mainly of a mother/daughter (MC/YC) flavor.
(F/F, based on Captain Planet)
The Sisters' Lament
Fairly similar to the above proposal but very specifically in a setting inspired by the first act of Diablo II. The rogue monastery has fallen to Andariel and heroines rise to the challenge. Can feature many characters from the game or inspired by those from the game (the notable rogues, heroines like the assassin, the sorceress or the amazon, the demoness and her minions and so on). Think of it as a dark or gothic fantasy with once again a fair bit of fetishism involved.
(F/F, inspired by the first act of Diablo II)
Anything Wonder Woman
I have a character based on a rather original reinterpretation of the classic Wonder Woman with plenty of inspiring imagery and artwork in that regard available, if necessary, together with plenty of ideas. I'm not fixed on a very particular plot involving her, rather I would like to write the character and I'd be happy to explore all sorts of proposals across a very broad spectrum. The setting can be anything from mundane Earth to fantastical, be it an entirely original fantasy or a reinterpretation of themes in Hellenic mythology. To put things very broadly, there are two great paradigms that I like to explore when writing a superheroine:

1) she's the most powerful woman in the room. Think spread legs, hands on hips, chin held high. Assertive, commanding, confident, selfless but also kind, caring and compassionate. She's there to lead by example and do whatever it takes to set things right. She can be a role model for someone, or offer physical and emotional support. She can be romantic and she certainly desires to love and be loved back. Honor-bound to her duties and struggling to juggle that with a personal life. Possible pairing characters here include but are not limited to: ordinary women (reporters, sex workers, office workers, officials etc.), fantastical characters (another superheroine, original or canon; I'm open to just about anything: a sorceress, a deity etc.), exotic creatures of all sorts (from elves to vampires or gorgons, whatever you enjoy).

2) she's the single woman in the room who is on her knees. The magic lies precisely in the transition from point 1 to point 2. I like writing extremely powerful heroines that are also quite vulnerable and can be severely weakened in a lot of ways. That being said, in a story focusing on the 2nd point, my partner needn't necessarily write a villainess gaining the upper hand on the heroine. I'm happy to write multiple characters in any kind of story and can easily write the bad girls as well if my partner desires to focus on a character on the same side of the moral compass as Wonder Woman. Still, what you can expect from such a story is her being weakened, defeated and humiliated. This also covers a wide set of nuances, from stories focusing more heavily on the action to those involving plotting, scheming and preparations to overcome her. As stated, I can certainly write multiple characters for such stories. I find villains plotting and scheming together quite interesting from a literary perspective. More "in the middle" proposals would still see her in a position of vulnerability or submission. I simply enjoy writing powerful women at a low point, though it needn't necessarily be brought upon them forcefully.

I am quite open to incest stories involving her in all sorts of configurations, if interest exists. I mainly see my vision of Wonder Woman as the mother in such an affair, but am always open to other possibilities. Any and all details can be discussed upon inquiry. To summarize the ranges in which this request can vary and possible approaches:

  • depending on your interests, my approach can be anything between having all details and ideas completely laid out from the start (some writers prefer that), to having well-understood boundaries between which things evolve dynamically. Personally, my default preference is for the latter. I find most of the charm of a collaborative project and interaction with another writer to be precisely in the evolution of a story as both writers contribute through their characters, but I can certainly do the former as well if that is desired. Approaches can even be mixed, for example with specific scenes being tailored to requested desires while the overall story evolves freely. In either case, communication is important.
  • a simple story can involve as little as her  interaction with a single character, like a romantic interest; perhaps it's her after-hours time, perhaps it's her connecting to someone and discussing or doing something that has nothing to do directly with the superheroine side of her character. Still, it's nice to explore.
  • a complex story can involve many characters across a broad range of moral alignments and motivations; villainesses driven by ambitious goals or personal vendettas, allies who can offer council or support in darker hours. Obviously I can write multiple characters for such a story.
  • A plot-based story is just that, a piece of writing focusing on exploration, discovery, an undertaken adventure or a problem that must be solved. I couldn't possibly write this character in a completely Non-Adult context, but the focus can certainly be on the overall narrative and story with the right partner.
  • A smut/fetishistic story relies heavily on erotic elements, be they ones traditionally in the sphere of sexuality (sex in all forms that are of interest to both partners), to those that originate in the relations and dynamics between characters. The latter include and are not limited to power play, domination and submission, humiliation. These are all very rich topics with a lot of nuance to them and can be discussed separately.
(F/F, diverse topics)
The Key of Secrets, the Flame of Wrath
If something in the spirit of the above proposals would strike your fancy, but you'd happen to prefer something based on Warhammer Fantasy (can be a very loose connection, vague at best; I make no demands for accuracy in terms of lore), you can look at my one-shot requests here (or here for the Halloween edition) that are still available and also consider the third, following pairing. Namely, a sister/sister plot involving a pyromancer (written by me) and her necromancer sibling. All perspectives and nuances from the above proposal apply here as well. I'd certainly like to explore a dark fantasy story in an adult key that is nonetheless inspired by themes from old shows He-Man or She-Ra, as applied to my character and the opposing forces.
(F/F, loose Warhammer Fantasy inspiration)
Shadow Dancers
Again, not so much of a well-defined story as a well-defined character. I would like to write an assassin working for an esoteric order, her main specialty being the removal of dangerous wizards. Though political intrigues sometimes see here going for other targets as well. Loosely inspired by a design similar to here (the link should be SFW, but be mindful as always). Open to all sorts of more-or-less standard ideas. She could be on a difficult assignment paired with a rather new apprentice to make things worse. Or she could discover that her current target has nothing to do with dangerous wizardry, and that corruption and political power-play have seeped into her order as well. Not necessarily looking for something overly dark. The point is that I'd like to explore some grey waters. Meaning that morally she's unambiguously a good person, but there isn't always room for that in the real world. 
(F/F, dark fantasy)

If you find the above proposals appealing in any way and would like to know more or discuss with me, please drop a message in my inbox or contact me through E.'s discord server. I have plenty of ideas and I'm always interested in discovering new ones. If you have a F/F plot that you think I might be interested in, you are always invited to bring it up to my attention. Bearers of any badge are all welcomed. Thank you!


stuff not available currently

Bad Girls Bend at the Waist, Good Girls Bend at the Knees
Apologies for the rather uninspired title. With this proposal I'm open to the reverse perspective of my typical superheroine in peril stories. Namely, I'm happy to explore the story of a heroine's downfall from the perspective of a villainess, my partner writing the heroine. The main themes I'd like to explore are power imbalance, the heroine being much more powerful than the villainess, her weakening and subsequent humiliation. I can write all sorts of villainesses, but the main archetype is of the sensual and sexual vixen who isn't really interested in simply seeing the heroine defeated. Rather, specifically wants to see her submissive and humiliated. I have a very broad spectrum of interests here and I'm mainly looking to capture the magical moment of transition from the heroine standing proudly with hands perched on hips to being down on her hands and knees. For the heroine I'm open to many proposals, be they original, canon characters or personal interpretations of canon characters.
(F/F, open to all sorts of themes)

Chronicles of Gaia
This is the idea that I've worked on the most since I began to  explore the possibility of literary writing in my early 20s. At present I've included an introduction to it along with relevant artwork in my O&O thread, so please investigate there for background  details if interested. Here I will present specific ideas for that foundation.

If you've investigated the aforementioned  material, hopefully it's clear that what I'm interested in the most is meaningful, thoughtful writing around the  Superwoman's adventures in the world of Gaia and the realms beyond. I find build-up and tension more interesting than the destination itself, so even for ideas that are smut-centric I still find most of the worth in the journey leading up to a messy culmination. Therefore, I am always prepared to write multiple characters if need be, regardless of their moral alignment, in order to set up the story and steer it forward. The introduction I've referenced presents many  places and characters in a way that is hopefully fairly sharp, but it should be noticed that I've also left many things deliberately fuzzy and ambiguous. I know it can seem daunting to step into a written world created by someone else, but hopefully I've left enough room for the creation of new characters and ideas that can accommodate many other tastes and interpretations.

My supply of ideas, scenes and kinks is endless so I will not even attempt to go through a listing, but rather I will present general concepts that can be worked with depending on what kind of characters my partners like to write. I can portray the  Superwoman both in her moments of triumph and at her lowest. She can rescue a character, serve as a leader or example for them  or take them on an adventure where they ultimately need each other in order to succeed. These concepts would probably work best for partners who like to write benevolent characters as well.

For partners who like to write evil characters, I am eternally fascinated with the idea of weakening the Superwoman. She is simply too powerful to be taken head on, but the magic of such stories is mainly found in the fact that bad girls never fight fair. From dark rituals that disrupt her powers, to physically polluting her with crippling effects on her strength (mostly a Captain Planet inspiration) or as little as a clever gaze, word or touch, I always seek to  capture that moment where the Superwoman's resolve breaks and her thighs suddenly turn weak. Broadly speaking, the narrative always follows the idea that a villainess has a plan and the Superwoman seeks to stop her only to end up weakened and humiliated, with the villainess at least partially achieving her goals. These ideas can be wrapped in a singular story or scene or weaved into an ongoing adventure.

I have few limits for all of the  above, as mentioned  in my O&O thread. Specific content is entirely up to particular discussions, the interests and boundaries of my partner. I can certainly take things from light and upbeat to extremely dark and grotesque and I can always be asked about anything specific. Most of this proposal keeps F/F interactions in mind, but there is room for M/F ideas or monstrous/F interactions, as well as transmuting the ideas to entirely different settings (like present day Earth with just a touch of fantasy) as long as the concepts behind the Superwoman character remain the same.
(mainly for those interested in F/F fantasy writing, but consider throwing a glance if you happen to be a M/F writer as well)

On the front of M/F pairings, there's such a variation for the first request above:

A Hero for Earth
Looking for a sensual story that in spirit (but not in execution) is reminiscent of Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Ruthless villains that will despoil the planet just for the fun of it, brave reporters harassed for trying to expose them, a gentle goddess who wants to protect the world, but is helpless before such depravity and weakened by the defilement they bring. And a mighty, noble champion who nonetheless is so easily enfeebled when the villains play dirty. I can write multiple characters, depending on what my partner would be interested in the most. Scheming villains and the defeated hero, abused reporters or the abused goddess. Besides scheming and the inverse power trips implied by the dominated hero or goddess, there is room for sensuality and sex as a means to seek comfort in a world slowly drowned by filth. It will feature some pollution play (to be discussed, depending on limits and interests) and possibly darker kinks, but these are all up for negotiations. 

Thank you!
(based on Captain Planet, mainly looking for M/F, mixed Ms and Fs and even M/M; inquire if tempted)

Finally, a one-shot request that is specifically M/M:

Feverish Dreaming
This is a strange one. I'm afraid I'm not normally drawn to conventional M/M relations, but nonetheless there are some erotic elements that I would like to explore. I realize these may come off as rather strange and perhaps self-indulgent, but I hope there is no harm in asking. I feel this request certainly has a little bit to do with some exhibitionist fantasies. Once again, I'd like to write a noble, extremely powerful hero for this story. And I'd like him paired with a younger, handsome and mild-mannered man. Whether in a mundane or fantastical setting, the proposal would involve some close quarters interaction between them, perhaps a little adventure and exploration. In any case, I'd like the hero to be severely weakened at one point and essentially end up in the other man's arms, completely helpless and entirely dependent on him for recovery. Don't expect anything too extreme overall or sexually intense (not really in the vanilla sense, at least) but there is room for some intimate interactions. I'd likely be a lot more comfortable discussing them in private with an interested partner. Thank you!
(M/M, superhero & civilian pairing)

The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

I've added two more ideas, some tags for all of them and a chunk of what will constitute my opening post for the first idea (you'll find it embedded in the description). At the time of this message, all plots are open but I cannot commit to more than one of them due to time and energy constraints. So, if something catches your eye, claim it while you have the chance and let's write something pretty together.
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


A way overdue bumpy bump!

If anything in the opening post draws your attention, please contact me with a private message. I've added a brand new story idea together with a snippet (point IV) and some options if you want to write with me but not on any of my requests (point V).

Thanks for reading!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Scratched some old ideas and posted one that has been burrowing in my head for a while now. Thanks for reading!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


Bumpy bump for the resurrection of an old idea! Thanks for stopping by!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

There's enough room in my life right now for a little bit of extra written extravaganza. I'm mainly interested in trying out a F/F version of "The Spirit of Woe" outlined above, basically the story of a glamorous, fiendishly clever and utterly evil bitch who claws her way to the top with little to no regard for silly morals or the fact that she's faced with literally insurmountable odds. I'd like to write the good and woefully unfortunate character having to try and stop her, but I won't say 'no' to writing the evil part if you simply ask for it.  :-)

Feel free to drop a private message if you have the slightest interest in the idea. Plenty of thoughts and dirty pictures await! Thank you for dropping by!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Added some general thoughts regarding cooperative writing with me, a shorter explanation for the idea behind "The Shroud of Astarte", several archetypes for the female, with their own unique story branches for "The Spirit of Woe", and some random smutty bits that can probably serve well for at least some one-shots.

Write a pm to me if anything attracts you. Friendly discussions and dirty pictures galore await. Thank you kindly!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Added "The Night Cat" (more of a sketchy character concept than a story, really) and the "Blade of Darkness" ideas. It appears that I'll be in a mostly dirty, F/F mood for the winter holidays, so you can definitely contact me if "dirty F/F" bewitches  your muse. If not, still feel free to contact me if you find anything in my list that sounds interesting. Or if you think that I may be able to help you out with a story. Always happy to discuss ideas and kinks, as well as share in dirty artwork.  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Made a couple of clarifying edits to the main post. I'm in dire need of a stress relief, so I'm opening up to one story. Mainly wanting to write about a really good girl, the archetypal girl-scout,  getting in lots and lots of trouble because of a bad, bad girl. Or possibly two of them? I hear bad girls can be quite social.  ::)

Glance over the ideas behind The Spirit of Woe, but feel free to write to me if anything at all catches your interest. A pleasant conversation with a stranger can be just as therapeutic as literary art.

As always, thank you kindly for stopping by!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Got three ideas that desperately wish to be written. All you have to do is choose.  ::)

One of them features a drawing that speaks quite a bit about my vision as far as erotic fantasy goes, another one features a draft that hopefully isn't too off-putting when it comes to my style of writing, and the third one is basically an invitation to kinky adventures.

Thank you for your time!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

A few tweaks here and there from the last update. Added the possibility of a Warhammer Fantasy fandom for some of my concepts and my interest for smutty adventures within the academic life.

Thank you kindly for your time!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

It hasn't been a month since my last intervention here, but I'm looking forward to some free days and figured it's the best time to point out my availability. The only thing that I'm missing in my life now is a heated F/F story. If you'll look into the opening post, you'll find a proposal under the title of "The Spirit of Woe". Prior to this bump, it featured some of my older thoughts on the topic and a commission of some of my characters, just to give an idea about possible realms where my imagination likes to travel. With the bump, I've also added a teaser of sorts, an intrigue to a possible story, used to showcase some characters. I want to stress that nothing written there is fixed, neither in terms of characters, nor of setting or intrigue. I just want to write a beautiful and maybe a bit tongue-in-cheek F/F story, featuring a (possibly anti)heroine, a malicious, conniving vixen and all the fun adult things that come along when two beautiful women on opposing moral grounds collide.

Anyone interested is more than welcome to contact me. I'm very open and curious to new ideas, so you really don't have to be shy. Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

A massive overhaul of The Spirit of Woe, which is now a threesome regarding an estranged daughter, a single mother trying to cope with all of her personal issues while being a superheroine on overwatch, and an insidious businesswoman that wants to settle some scores. Have a look through and contact me if you feel that there is potential for discussions. If you are keen on one of the available roles but also have a friend that may make a good writer for the empty place, do share this with them.

I know it's not technically a 1 v 1, but I'm not sure if I should disturb the group requests boards just for this project. It'll work out fine from my main thread  ::). Thank you!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Today I've put a massive update in my O2 thread, going through backstory and content details for my Superwoman character. There are a couple of specific plots that I'd like to try out, and they are listed in the opening post here. If you want a very brief overview, the first one involves a high-school brat making a mess out of her, while the other is a more involved conflict between herself, a fugitive from her home-world that has hidden on Earth, and a terrestrial heroine that doesn't look too kindly on intruders waltzing over her turf.

As always, thank you very much for taking the time to read through my thoughts, and do write to me if something picks your interest. 
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Some lengthy discussions yesterday have driven me to the conclusion that I really need a story in my life, so I decided to put it up now instead of waiting a while longer for a bigger dump of ideas of various desire levels. You'll find it in the opening post as Cat Scratch Fever. If you feel the slightest itch, don't be shy to contact me and we'll make something beautiful out of it.

Thank you!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


I do apologize for bumpy bumping! only three days later, but this ideas has been for so long on my mind, and I have the space for it, so that it's probably for the best to try it out.

It isn't a free bumpy bump! either, as I've put a lot of effort into setting up additional blurbs in my O2 thread and summarizing the details above. In short, if you're craving a superhero-themed erotic thriller, check my latest entry in the opening post. If it draws you even in the slightest, you are more than welcome to reach out to me for discussions.

Thank you!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

I've had a few ideas craving attention for a while now. Things have been a bit busy, but I'm getting back on top of them and could use some fresh ideas and perspectives to get my words cranking again. Consult the opening post for details.

As always, thank you very much for your time and interest.
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Because a craving's a craving and I just can't deny it.  ::)

If you're looking for some sword & sorcery shenanigans, look over the Mountain of Doom pitch in the opening post and give me a boop if you find it interesting. Thank you!
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

Open for one new story. Claim it while you can! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

A hot and delicious offer that you simply cannot refuse! Be the one to seize it! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

The very fabric of reality is imperiled if the new proposal doesn't turn into a wonderful story, so be the one to save the world and have a blast while at it! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

If you aren't done with the Christmas treats yet, I have a whole plate of sweet things for you to choose from if a compelling F/F narrative is what you crave for! Nab something while you can! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

The Gates of Amarthranda is a new proposal for a tale of deep desires, uncertain feelings and perhaps even the ultimate fate of an age! Grab it while you can! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


bumpy bump!

The Embrace of Astarte, a tale of dark times and searing incest! Appease the Goddess and claim it for yourself! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)


Long time no bumpy bump!

Added a pornucopia of sexy ideas just waiting for you to feast on them! Thank you!  ::)
The Midnight Lodge (O2 thread & completed tales compendium)
Thy Nightly Chambers (requests) updated!
Amazonia Mythos (world-building details for some of my recurring themes and characters; can always serve as a starting point for discussions of collaborative writing)
Zerzura (albeit short, the best collaborative story I've ever completed here)