[VAN]/[VAN-E] World of Warcraft RP

Started by Desan, December 18, 2008, 09:08:12 PM

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Hello! I'm aware that there are numerous WoW players out there who are apart of this site..and well, I'm interested in setting up a World of Warcraft RP.... WTB a female for these roles! hehe

*PLEASE NOTE* This RP would work more smoothly if you have played WoW for a while and are somewhat-knowledgeable about the lore behind the races..I myself am by far no expert, but I've played the game (too much haha) and looked up the characters to know what's going on =].


1)Female Night Elf Hunter who plays as a new player, still trying to experience the game mechanics, and the experience hunter trainer who shows her the ropes and becomes her mentor. (I being the mentor)

2) Veteran/Captain human female (paladin perhaps?) and a drafted-Tauren (shaman perhaps? Maybe druid) meet up on the battlefield near Astranaar in Ashenvale...By the end of the day both are presumed dead yet they have engaged in combat which leads them away from battle and disengaged from their comrades

3)Something to do with heading to northrend (if you have the expansion, even better!!)...

If you're interested PM me =] im also up to any other ideas (you can check my On/Off lists via signature) or your ideas on a WoW RP! ^.^
And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young.