Marvel Movieverse Interest Check

Started by Bowen, November 23, 2016, 05:56:27 PM

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It's a few weeks after the events of Civil War. Steve Rogers, Falcon, Hawkeye and Ant Man on the run but still being heroes. Black Widow is on the run from everyone but hoping to join up with one team. Tony Stark is trying to form a new Team but thus far he only has Vision and Spider-Man. Thor and Doctor Strange are working together. Hope Pym has become the Wasp.

SHIELD are still doing whatever SHIELD are doing.

The game would start as the next event takes place. The teams above are only loosely formed so any gathering of heroes is fine. I've made a list to choose from below. I figure most people have seen the movies and TV shows and we'd be going with those versions of the characters.

Iron-Man/Tony Stark: Available
Spider-Man/Peter Parker: Available
The Vision: Available
War-Machine/James Rhodes: Available
Secret Avengers      
Ant-Man/Scott Lang: Available
Captain America/Steve Rogers: Bowen
Falcon/Sam Wilson: Available
Hawkeye/Clint Barton: Available
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff   : Bekah Boo
Unaffiliated Heroes      
Agent 13/Sharon Carter: Available
Black Panther/King T`Challa: Available
Black Widow/Natasha Romaonv: Available
Daredevil/Matt Murdock: Available
Dr Strange/Stephen Strange: Mathim
Hulk/Bruce Banner: Available
Jessica Jones: Held for a friend
Lady Sif of Asgard: Available
Lance Hunter: Available
Luke Cage   : Available
Maria Hill: Available
Mockingbird/Bobbi Morse: Available
Nicholas Fury: Available
Thor Son of Odin: Available
Wasp/Hope Van Dyne Pym: Available
Guardians of the Galaxy      
Drax the Destroyer: Available
Groot: Available
Lady Gamora: Available
Rocket Racoon   : Available
Starlord/Peter Quill: Available
Agents of Shield      
Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie: Available
Jemma Simmons: Available
Leo Fitz: Available
Melinda May: Available
Phil Coulson: Available
Quake/Daisy 'Skye' Johnson: Available
Darcy Lewis: Available
Happy Hogan: Available
Jane Foster: Available
Liz Allen: Available
May Parker: Available
Pepper Potts: Available
Wong: Available

Orange Marmalade

Keeping an eye on this - I'm a big fan of the movieverse in terms of characters and power levels and plots vs the comics.


Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Come up with a character sheet if you are interested in someone.


Quote from: Bowen on November 23, 2016, 10:37:51 PM
Come up with a character sheet if you are interested in someone.

Is there a format you want to set up for us to submit with all the pertinent data you'll be requiring?
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Quote from: HopeFox on November 23, 2016, 10:43:25 PM
What would the premise of the game be? To what extent would the different teams interact or work against each other? Do you expect to have enough people on each team to make a sustainable game?

I just listed the characters in the way they have been presented in the movies/tv shows. Really all the 'groups' outside of Shield have been very ad hoc.

I have no idea how many people will want to join so I'm looking at it as one group of heroes that come together during an event (not as huge as the alien invasion in the Avengers but it would require a number of people to resolve). This is my first time running a game so bear with me.

Character Sheet template

[size=14pt][b]Super Hero Name:[/b][/size]
Short bio

[b]Sexual Orientation: [/b]
[b]Identity: [/b]
[b]Place of Birth:[/b]
[b]Citizenship: [/b]
[b]Base of Operations:[/b]
[b]Education: [/b]
[b]Occupation: [/b]

[b][size=12pt]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/size][/b]
[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Hair Color: [/b]

[b]Faceclaim: [/b]

[b][size=14pt]Powers and Abilities[/size][/b]





Super Hero Name:

A formerly egotistical and antisocial but prominent neurosurgeon, Strange's arrogance led to a careless car accident that severely damaged his hands, ending his career. Desperate to regain his glory, he exhausted his fortune in failed attempts and spent his last dollar traveling to the East on the advice of a paralyzed man who learned to walk again from a place called Khamartaj. There, Strange studied under a mystic known as the Ancient One, after having his third eye opened and his view of reality forever changed. Strange learned he was uniquely gifted in the mystic arts and helped the Ancient One battle against a rogue student of hers, eventually culminating in a confrontation with an extradimensional entity called Dormammu, persuading him to leave by the use of the fifth known Infinity Stone, the Time Gem. Though the Ancient One perished, and his fellow mystic Mordo left their order, Strange and librarian Wong remain to continue to protect the world from mystic threats by defending the three Sanctums in London, New York and Hong Kong.

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Identity: Steven Vincent Strange, Ph.D and M.D.
Place of Birth: United States
Citizenship: United States (but can travel anywhere using mysticism)
Base of Operations: Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village
Education: Holds a Ph.D and M.D. specializing in neuroscience and surgery
Occupation: Former doctor, current Sorcerer Supreme in training
Personality: Still somewhat arrogant, business-like, but improving socially

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall and lean, not muscular, slightly pale
Height: 6'2
Weight: 157 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black (grey streaks on either side of temples)

Faceclaim: Benedict Cumberbatch

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Ons: Almost everything
Offs: Lots of blood, death, excessive pain

Powers and Abilities Strange can wield mystic energies to create weapons and shields, or create portals to travel anywhere on earth he can visualize instantly. He can take on an astralprojection form which leaves his body empty and slows down time which allows more time to think on a situation, and can minimally affect the physical world while in spirit form. With the mystic items that have favored him to be their user, the Cloak of Levitation and Eye of Agamotto, Strange can both fly (and have a second pair of hands to help him fight) and manipulate the fabric of time should the situation be dire enough to call for it. Strange also possesses an eidetic (photographic) memory.

Weakness Strange is still a frail human and has no defenses from anything physical or magical beyond anything a normal human would possess, nor the ability to heal quickly despite his seeking out such a means in the first place. He is also still learning how to fully master his channeling of mystic energies and has lost his mentor, leaving his lessons to be learned alone.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Hero Name: Captain America
Legal Name: Steven Grant Rogers
Origin of Powers: Super Soldier Serum, Training, Equipment
Age: Appears in early 30's
Sexuality: Heterosexual

After the outbreak of World War II in Europe, a young HYDRA agent disguised as an American patriot named Steve Rogers attempted to enlist in the U.S. Army but was rejected, due to his skinny, anemic physique, and was classified 4-F. However, he garnered the attention of certain people including scientist Doctor Abraham Erskine who was searching for suitable volunteers/test subjects for a top secret experimental program designed to create an army of Super-Soldiers. As a result of Operation: Rebirth, Steve Rogers gained speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and agility of nearly superhuman levels. These heightened abilities coupled with his unwavering courage and “never say die” attitude eventually made him Captain America, a living legend.

The Super-Soldier Serum (SSS) metabolized and permanently enhanced all of Rogers' bodily functions to beyond the peak of human potential. Dr. Reinstein described this potential as being "the next step in human evolution," while still remaining completely human but often called the "Perfect Man." The secret of the SSS formula was lost upon Dr. Erskine's death. Nick Fury's intel classified him as power level 8.
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Rogers has no superhuman powers, although as a result of the Super-Soldier Serum, he was transformed from a frail young man into a "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. Rogers is as intelligent, strong, fast, agile, and durable as possible for a human being to be without being considered superhuman. The SSS is definite, even if he chose to live an unhealthy lifestyle, none of his abilities would weaken.

Enhanced Strength: Rogers' physical strength is enhanced to the very peak of human potential. Captain America had been seen bench pressing 544 kg/1,200 lbs on each side of the bar, which is consistent with his strength level, as benching is easier than military press lifting. This strength also extends to his legs, enabling him to leap 6m/20ft out in a single bound and 10ft/3m into the air without a running start. He can snap steel handcuffs and chains, and is capable of breaking through wooden walls and steel doors with a single kick.

Enhanced Speed: Rogers can move at speeds faster than even the finest human athlete. He can run at speeds of up to a mile in a minute (60 mph).

Enhanced Durability: His bones and muscles are denser and harder and so are amplified to the highest human potential, making him very durable. He is durable enough to the point that if a person beats him with a metal bat stick, the bat would break and Rogers would show little discomfort. This is how he survived other forms of extensive punishment throughout his career such as falls from several stories like when he landed on a car from 2000 feet with no injury.

Enhanced Agility: His agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist. He can coordinate his body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity.

Enhanced Reflexes: Rogers' reflexes border on superhuman level. His reaction speed is 20 kph, which makes it possible for him to dodge gunfire even in point blank range from multiple gunners at the same time.
Enhanced Stamina: Rogers' body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity. He can exert himself at peak capacity for a hour without any rest and before showing any signs of fatigue.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Rogers' healing speed and efficiency is at the highest limits of human potential, which means he can heal faster than most humans. The white blood cells (WBCs) and the SSS in his body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body and others from his body keeping him healthy and immune to all infections, diseases and disorders, also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases. He is also immune to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus. He is genetically perfect.

Enhanced Mental Processing: His mental performance operates in the most efficient and rapid manner possible, and able to processes the world in the most advance and efficient manner. He possesses perfect pattern solving/recognition, limitless information storage/retrieval, perfect perception/observational skills, and logical/philosophical structuring. His mind also processes information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude. Rogers can also quickly analyze multiple, limitless information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. He possesses an eidetic memory (he never forgets anything and has perfect instant recall), he can read at superhuman speeds, has perfect deductive/reasoning skills, and can intuitively understand what's going to happen and how to deal with it. This enables him to remember any military tactic and apply it to any situation, making him the best tactician in history.

Enhanced Senses: Rogers' senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are at the highest possible limits of human potential. He once said that he is able to dodge bullets because he sees faster than them.

Advanced Longevity: The SSS halts Rogers's aging due to perfect cells. Sersi stated he will indefinitely maintain his youth.

Master Tactician and Strategist: Rogers is an accomplished strategist. He had been widely considered one of, if not the greatest, tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.

Master Martial Artist: He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple martial arts through his training in military combatives and instruction under various private instructors (he may have learned most of his initial knowledge from WW2 trainers such William Fairbairn and Rex Applegate who pioneered most the methods utilized in that period). Rogers utilizes Boxing, Judo and various other disciplines with his gymnastics ability creating a style that suits his strengths and enables him to use his knowledge to the best of his ability. He is considered one of the finest martial artists on Earth.

Master Shield Fighter: His years of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.

Advanced Military Operator: He is well-versed in all Armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, escape arts, assassination, demolition, survival tactics, hunting, swimming, mountaineering, march/drill skills, map making and reading, decoding cipher and other secret code messages, reading and making wood craft signs and other secret code languages, disguising, interrogation, computers, explosives, communication systems, vehicles and electronic appliances used in armed forces.

Master Acrobat: His years of training and experience have made him an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes.

Indomitable Will: Rogers is a very strong-willed person. He is able to overcome most forms of temptation and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs and toxins to a great extent. Rogers accepts his own mortality, and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom. During the Destiny War, he destroyed the Forever Crystal, deciding it was too dangerous to exist, despite the many benefits of its power. Rogers is also capable of resisting all forms of mind control; only the strongest willed individuals have a chance of enslaving him.

Professional Sketch Artist: He has great artistic skill which he developed from childhood. Rogers often worked as a freelance illustrator and sketch artist even loaning his skills to the NYPD for a time. He enjoys drawing and does so with his free time.

Expert Marksman: He can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms, though he prefers not to use them.

Expert Swordsman: Steve is proficient with swords and staffs, but is more comfortable with his shield.

Weapons Proficiency: He does not typically utilize weapons other than his shield, but in desperate situations he wields additional weapons to ensure victory. He is proficient in wielding swords, daggers, throwing knifes, staffs, sticks, tonfa, axes, maces and even firearms.

Multilingual: Rogers is fluent in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, at least some French, and some Italian. He might be lingual in other languages.

Expert Vehicular Driver: He is proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles.

Captain America's Uniform: As Captain America he wears a water and fire retardant costume, which is made of Kevlar, nomex and light weight titanium. The costume also offers a medium level of resistance to electric shocks and force impacts i.e., falls from 30 meters height and The suit cannot be pierced by normal conventional sharp edged materials like sharp wood, glass, iron, copper and aluminum. The suit also gives some resistance to high temperatures. He carries a voice-operated, wireless communicator in his left ear, which has its frequencies blocked making it highly difficult to trace its call.

Utility Belt: Rogers wears a utility belt containing mission-specific equipment such as a first aid kit (containing tweezers, antiseptic gel coated band aids, bone and muscle pain reliever spray cans and antidotes for some toxins.), military cable, lock picks, grenades, and several other materials.

Transportation: Rogers regularly uses both a high-performance motorcycle and a van. As an Avenger, he travels via Quinjet or Sky-Cycle and formerly aboard SHIELD or military vehicles while on assignment.

Captain America's Shield: Captain America's only weapon is his shield, a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds. It is made of a unique Vibranium-steel alloy that has never been duplicated. The Shield was cast by American metallurgist Dr. Myron MacLain, who was contracted by the U.S. government to create an impenetrable substance to use for tanks during World War II. During his experiments, MacLain combined Vibranium with a steel alloy he was working with and created the disc-shaped shield. MacLain was never able to duplicate the process due to his inability to identify a still unknown catalyst that played a role in the metal bonding (an experiment to recreate the process resulted in the creation of Adamantium). The shield was awarded to Captain America by the government several months after the beginning of his career. The shield has great aerodynamic properties: it is able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, enables it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It is virtually indestructible: it is resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and the entire electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. The only way it can be damaged in any way is by tampering with its molecular bonding.

He also used small throwing disks, concussion bombs, grapples that morphed from spheres, a grapple-hook gun, substitute shields, firearms during wartime, and an exo-armor (enabling flight, superhuman strength, speed and protection from all types of assault and miniature exploding rockets that could be fired from the gauntlets).

== Character Extras =]
Played By: Bowen
Face Claim: Steven R. Knight
Ons: Romance| Foreplay | Passion | Being Teased | Tension | Giving Massages | Costumed Sex | Being Outside/Different Locationsl| Oral| A little Pain| Sexual tension| Anal| Spanking| Biting| Scratching
Offs: Violent Sex | Dry Sex | Humiliation | Bondage | Sensory Deprivation | Animals | Toilet | Being Humiliated | Any secretions other than sweat and cum


Hope we get a Black Panther. And some ladies, it's a sausage fest in here.

Since we don't have a concrete setup in mind, might I suggest something like a Secret Wars scenario? Everyone would be out of their element and rather than fighting to save the world, it's their own heads on the chopping block.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).

Bekah Boo

Placing my hat in the ring for Scarlet Witch ;3
I'll have a sheet made up soon.


Quote from: Bekah Boo on November 26, 2016, 03:55:12 PM
Placing my hat in the ring for Scarlet Witch ;3
I'll have a sheet made up soon.

Yays! Wanna have her be the doctor's apprentice, or just keep it separate?
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Mathim on November 26, 2016, 05:33:45 PM
Yays! Wanna have her be the doctor's apprentice, or just keep it separate?

I think that can be arranged, it would make sense really ;3
So I'm game ;3

Bekah Boo

Super Hero Name:Scarlet Witch

Native born Sokovian from Sokovia within Eastern Europe Wanda Maximoff with her twin Pietro Maximoff lived in the battle hungry grounds of the city who's turmoil often lead to devastation to it's residents who merely were trying to survive. Orphaned at age ten by the barrage of mortars that had struck their apartment they shared with their parents the children were faced with many horrors as one in particular stuck with them to fuel their outrage. That fateful day the two sobbing children were forced to watch as the second mortar that struck their home sat in waiting, staring the children in the face as their lives hung in the balance, their parents having been struck down by the first of such moments before and now lay dead within the home.The second mortar never went off but it gave the twins an figure to give their fury, the distinct label on the weapon of mass destruction reading Stark Industries as their fates were soon sealed; they would seek revenge in any way they could.

As the twins grew they became prominent protesters to the battle savaged city that was their home, unaware that the true culprits behind the chaos were also the same that would enlist the two citizens into their powerful game of cat and mouse. Dr. List was an scientist formally part of S.H.E.I.L.D who had joined forces with Hydra in an effort to further their goals of world domination, that with the twins he found willing subjects to the exposure from the Scepter, that while all other test subjects had been fatal the twins managed to survive and were changed from that day onward. Her brother would gain the power of super speed from the effects of the Scepter, while Wanda found she had the gift of telekinesis, Hypnosis as well as other mental powers as their powers were used to even the battle field against the Avengers.

Battling against the Avengers Wanda found Tony's greatest fear under her hypnosis spell, an act that would soon set the following scenes into motion as she allowed Stark to make off with the Scepter, in her mind finding his selfishness and greed would speed up the process of the downfall, as the plans were set into motion. With Ultron's birth the twins now had a true leader to fall behind as he sought to make the world perfect, though his idealistic future meant nothing for the inhabitants of the world, but rather he was seeking true and utter annihilation of the humans he deemed as imperfect and pathetic bugs.It would be a turning point for the twins as they found themselves battling the very creature they once stood behind, a betrayal that would only end in misery as their beloved home became the grounds of the end of the earth as they knew it, as only with the aide of the Avengers could they find and end to all the madness.

It was during such battle that Wanda would find that her own greatest fear would come, that of all the minds she had slipped into and found their darkest secrets, her's would be the only one that would come true; her loving brother sacrificing his life and leaving the young woman absolutely devastated. Heartbroken and in despair she lashed out and would be the one to rip out Ultron's heart, stating that she had nothing else left in the world any longer as the floating city of Sokovia began to fall from the sky leaving her to die within it's limits as the only living soul left, it would be the place she would find her last moment of happiness.

That was until Vision swooped into save the devastated Wanda, whisking her off and into the rather welcoming arms of the Avengers, now finding a new home within the society that sought to protect the world from dangers such as Ultron as well as any others who came their way.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Identity: Wanda Maximoff
Place of Birth: Sokovia
Citizenship: Sokovian
Base of Operations: Avenger Tower
Personality: A tad naive as well as childish Wanda is warm hearted and only wants to protect those around her, her demeanor inviting and kind she tends to be the emotional rock for everyone to count on as with her loss she has found herself to be stronger. She will make jokes and teases every once in a while but otherwise she is calm and collected, looking up to those around her as mentors and will do anything she can to help keep the world peaceful.

Height: 5'3
Weight: 110 Lbs
Eye Color: Blue/ Scarlet when using powers
Hair Color: Dark Brown

Faceclaim: Elizabeth Olsen

Powers and Abilities

Telekinesis- Is able to move objects with her mind though the greater the mass and weight the more she struggles with such, often seen struggling as she twists and turns, as her limit is usually the size of a car though when she becomes fully enraged she can exceed such.

Hypnosis- Gifted with the ability to lure others under her spell Wanda can take control of another, making their greatest fears realized as it can be used as a means of torture though those days are behind her. She however does need to be in close proximity for this to happen, her attention undisturbed as it takes a great effort to do such and does leave her open for attack.

Energy Blasts- Using her powers to create bolts of energy to shoot out Wanda can blast an enemy at close range, often resulting in them getting knocked back, this perhaps the best defense she has as it takes less energy to call forth though her aim can be affected by her surroundings.


WeaknessWanda has an immense fear of her powers determining her, not wanting to be out to be the monster so many think she is as her limited control over her powers has had some backlash as a result. Her true fear is being unable to save those around her, the fear of death hitting close to home as the helplessness torments her, it is something she holds close to herself as she strives to overcome this fault within herself.

Silver Phoenix

I'll bite and put an interest in playing the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, Spider-Man.  Character sheet to follow.  Just a quick question of Bowen: how would you like to address the issue that canon Parker is 15 in the cinematic universe - personally I'm thinking of using Andrew Garfield's version.

Short bio

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Identity: Peter Parker
Place of Birth: Forest Hills, New York
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:

Eye Color:
Hair Color:


Powers and Abilities



My O/Os: Elliquiy, F-List

Current Game Capacity: 11/11; Full


Quote from: Silver Phoenix on November 29, 2016, 07:06:08 AM
I'll bite and put an interest in playing the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, Spider-Man.  Character sheet to follow.  Just a quick question of Bowen: how would you like to address the issue that canon Parker is 15 in the cinematic universe - personally I'm thinking of using Andrew Garfield's version.

Might I suggest Doctor Strange ages him up a bit with the Eye of Agamotto? Like, simply by being in the same room, maybe the Eye reacts to him automatically and it senses his significance in future events and how he needs to become more experienced and so artificially advances him 2 or 3 years until he's old enough to really stand with the team on an even footing. Maybe he can have certain muscle memories and knowledge of some of his own abilities that he didn't know about, but he can't remember specific events that would lead up to it, so that he won't be able to spoil the future too much more for everyone else and risk altering it in a bad way. Or is that too invasive and/or specific?

Or maybe he ends up butting in on a cosmic quest with the doctor and ends up trapped in a parallel dimension or something and only escapes after years, so he's 17 or 18 by then, only in this world a few days or weeks have passed because time flows differently? That one was kind of my idea for how the Fantastic Four could enter the MCU, having gotten trapped in a different dimension during the 1960's when their origin first took place, but with time flowing slower instead, so that by the time they escape into the present, it's only been a few weeks or months to them.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).

Lady Kitsune

I think I would like to play Black Widow.  :P
I am working on it, I swear!


Quote from: Silver Phoenix on November 29, 2016, 07:06:08 AM
I'll bite and put an interest in playing the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, Spider-Man.  Character sheet to follow.  Just a quick question of Bowen: how would you like to address the issue that canon Parker is 15 in the cinematic universe - personally I'm thinking of using Andrew Garfield's version.

I'm happy with either suggestion. If you don't mind playing the Andrew Garfield version...perfect. Mathim's suggestions work for me too if you are fine with them. A third option is that Peter just not get involved in sexual situations...but that is completely up to you.

Lady Kitsune

Super Hero Name: Black Widow
Thrown from a window of a burning building as a babe and into the arms of a soldier, Natasha Romanoff has spent her life training. Recruited into the Red Room Academy at a young age, she became a part of the Black Widow program. She eventually worked for the KGB. Her activities were noted by S.H.I.E.L.D. as too dangerous. Clint Barton, a.k.a Hawkeye was sent to “remove” her. Seeing something in Natasha, he recruited her instead. She soon became one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top agents. Later she would join the Avengers.
A proponent of the Sokovia Accords, Natasha would find herself stuck between loyalties. To help one she must betray the other.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Identity: Natasha Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna Romanov
Place of Birth: Stalingrad, U.S.S.R.
Citizenship: Ex-patriot Russian
Base of Operations: Unknown
Education: Red Room Academy, other unknown
Occupation: Licensed super hero, intelligence operative; former school teacher, fashion designer, ballerina
Personality: Natasha’s business face is cold and emotionless. Her personality flows to what personality she is partaking at the moment. When among those she trusts, she is quite warm and nurturing. Sometimes, even the voice of reason. She loves to laugh and have a good time. She is witty and highly intelligent and can hold her own in any type of conversation. She has an affinity for children as she cannot have her own.

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 131 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Auburn red

Faceclaim: Scarlett Johansson
Ons:  Just about anything, ask and you shall receive…or vice versa.
Offs: The usual…gore, vore, lolli and bathroom play.

Powers and Abilities
Natasha Romanoff does not have any powers per se, but she was given a form of the super soldier serum and her body performs at human peak levels, including strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, senses, and immune system. It also has given her extended longevity and youth.


•   Master Spy: Natasha is highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her beauty and deadly curves makes seduction the easier part of this skill set.
•   Master Martial Artist: Natasha is extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing, lucha-libre style wrestling and multiple styles of kung fu.
•   Master Acrobat: Natasha incorporates gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents.
•   Master Assassin: Natasha is skilled in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world.
•   Expert Marksman: Natasha is a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting.
•   Multilingualism: Natasha is fluent in Latin, Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, and various other languages.
•   Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.
•   Master Interrogator: Natasha is no stranger to using violence for interrogation and the many ways to extract information but she is keen enough to know when to use subterfuge and uses other tactics such as “reverse interrogation.
•   Expert Hacker: Natasha can hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security.
•   Pilot: Natasha is a skilled pilot.

•   Black Widow's Bite: Electroshock weapon that can deliver powerful electrical discharges from two bracelets worn by Black Widow.
•   Black Widow's Batons: Electroshock weapons that can deliver powerful electrical shocks to incapacitate her targets.
•   Makarov PM
•   Walther PPK/S: Natasha Romanoff's original weapon of choice.
•   Pair of Glock 26
•   Taser Disks
•   Garrote: Romanoff carried a garrote inside one of her bracelets
•   Photostatic Veil: Tech allowing Natasha to replicate a person’s features and voice to disguise herself.
•   Uniform: Black cat suit made of a material to absorb shock, electricity, and deflect most bullets.

Although Natasha is at peak human physical condition, she does not have any "super" powers. The Super Soldier Serum she had taken when younger makes her essentially unable to have children.

I am working on it, I swear!



Abandoned by her parents at a young age in China and found by Agents of SHIELD, Skye was sent to an orphanage where she was bounced around several different foster homes, but almost always ended up back at the orphanage. Eventually growing tired, she ran away and fell in with a group of hacker activists. From there, she was forcibly recruited in SHIELD. Though hesitant at first, she soon found herself in a new family with her team, softening the hard resolve she had gained in years on her own. Eventually she found her real parents, which also led to her gaining her powers. However disagreements with SHIELD and the new direction that was being taken led her to going on the run from them.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Identity: Daisy Johnson/Skye
Place of Birth: Hunan Province, China
Citizenship: USA
Base of Operations: Mobile
Education: Self Taught
Occupation: Former Agent of Shield, currently fugitive.
Personality: Daisy wants to hope for the best in everyone, but that attitude is tempered by the years of being let down by both people and society. A big believer in personal freedom as well, she has problems with authoritative figures that she doesn’t know, or haven’t earned her respect. Sarcastic and closed off to those she doesn’t know, she can be secretive as well.

Height: 5’6
Weight: 125
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown

Faceclaim: Chloe Bennet

Powers and Abilities

Powers Daisy Johnson gained the ability to manipulate and enhance vibrations which can produce effects such as earthquakes and shock waves when she was exposed to the mist from the Terrigen Crystals within the Diviner. According to Gordonand Jiaying, she is able to sense and tap into the vibrational energy of everything around her.


Hacker: Daisy is an accomplished hacker from her years with the Rising Tide group. She has enough talent that only the most sophisticated and bleeding edge security measures can keep her out.

Martial Arts: Daisy was trained during her time as an agent of SHIELD by several different instructors, giving her a range hand to hand combat abilities.

Firearms: During her training, she was also given instructions on the use of both small and large caliber weaponry, though she does not use this as often anymore with her powers.


Gauntlets: Daisy has a pair of gauntlets, invented by Fitz and Simmons, that negates the impact of her powers on her own body.

Laptop: Daisy also has an upgraded laptop from her time as an agent. The computer is a quantum leap ahead of anything currently available on the civilian market, allowing her an easier time with her infiltration.


Her own powers: Daisy’s own powers cause immense levels of feedback into her own body, which can lead to damaged bones, organs, among other things. Use of her powers without wearing the gauntlets can cause severe injuries if used consistently and with great intensity.

(In)Human: Aside from pills that help increase her bone density, Daisy is of normal constitution and can therefore be injured by anything that would injure a normal human being.


So, where are we with this? Story scenario settled yet, villains, etc.? I'm super curious.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Super Hero Name: Retribution
A woman that for all intents and purposes has ‘never existed’ in the realm of the Heroes. The ‘Birth’ of her existence was formed over a year ago, during an intensive traumatic experience, which caused the awakening of her Fae genetics – and the destruction of her entire clan. As a Descendent of The Morrigan, she is a dangerous foe in the realm of combat and Magic, and has as so far remained low on the radar of just about every Hero group around. This is because this woman is systematically hunting down any clues and traces that could lead her to the individuals that caused the slaughter of her clan. Her entire goal is to track the individual(s) down and destroy them.

Complete History

Ciera Morrigan Baine was born on the 21st of December, right as her mother and father were getting prepared for the 'Midwinter' Festival that the family held every year. She was born the middle child of nine, all her siblings being boys. It was an interesting way to grow up, she learned to be competitive from her male relatives. She was never much of a girl, despite her aunts and female cousin’s attempts. Her mother had never been much of a girl either, so they figured that was where it came from.

Ciera's parents moved to America when they were just freshly married. They loved the country so much, they got citizenship. A few months later, they had their first pair of twins. Two years later, another child was born. This was the pattern they followed, until Ciera and her twin brother Derrick were born. Then there was a year of separation between the remaining children. It made for quite a large family, especially with there only being one female child. A female child that constantly got hurt, and into trouble for trying to compete with the boys. She succeeded on many of her attempts. Much to the chagrin of the males in her family.

From the time she could walk and talk, her family began training her in the old ways. She was told about the Ancestry her mother’s family believed they had. Her mother’s maternal line, believed they were descended from a female child of Morrigan. Hence why every so often, a female child was given some form of the name. Ciera happened to get it as her middle name. As time went on, it was believed to just be a story, how wrong they would turn out to be.

She had a normal childhood, she didn't really get into relationships much. She believed in 'saving' herself, for when their family found another group that has as strong of a tie to the old ways as them. She is still a virgin, yes, at the age of 30. She has taken on the role of 'maiden' in her family. Her mother being the 'mother', and her grandmother the 'crone'. Her youth was normal, so was her life all through college.

Her family had made a trip to Scotland specifically to perform a ritual that Ciera had been raised her entire life knowing she would do. They were to making a binding relationship with another Clan of similar belies, on the night of Beltaine. This was to be a joyous occasion, as Ciera was to marry that night as well – in the way of the Old Gods.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, and something horrible happened that night. The entire procession was attacked by creatures they could not understand. The Ritual was ruined, and Ciera awakened that night to a power she didn’t understand. All she knew is there was a woman with black hair, and creatures the woman had summoned. Ciera managed to survive, only because of her newly awakened magical gifts. Her connection to an old Goddess, and a moment of power that caused her to expel the woman and the monstrosities that had taken her Clan from her.

Ciera found herself wandering through the small hedge circle that had been used for the rights, and her newly awakened powers opened a gate to Tir’Na’Nog. There Morrigan gave her task to her, she was to perform the duty of being Retribution for her Bloodline, she was to destroy the ones that destroyed her clan.

Unaware that the one that had been the destruction of her clan had been Morgan le Fay, who was trying to prevent someone of Morrigan’s blood from being her(Morgan’s) destruction. Ciera trained among the Tuatha’De’Dannan, in their realm, to build up her powers and her skills in combat. The result was a woman that stepped out into the human realm, nearly a year later in the human world, with gifts and talents that would place her into a capability to accomplish her task.

It has occurred to her that though she was in the realm of the Fae for what felt like many years, the time in the human realm has passed considerably slower, this gives her a leg up in many aspects and she hopes that she can use it to accomplish her goal. Now if she could only make sure the world doesn’t explode before that happens, that would be great.

Sexual Orientation: It’s Complicated
Identity: Ciera Morrigan Baine
Place of Birth: Watertown, New York
Citizenship: United States of America
Base of Operations: Travels
Education: 4 Year College Degree in Ancient Cultures (Knows both Irish and Scottish based Gaelic, Latin, and Russian)
Occupation: N/A

"Justice upon the ones that were the cause of my clan being slain. I will do as needed to seek this Retribution, and like the Crow upon the Fields of battle I shall feast upon their misery when that day comes."
– Ciera Baine

Ciera is first and foremost a driven woman, she will do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals – with a level of flexibility in her capabilities. She will adjust her plans as she goes, and is capable of aiding others in the course. She is quite literally the epitome of self-serving, in the effect that she is more focused on her goal than anything else. If you are in line with her goal, she will be a temporary Ally – if you are against her goal you are in her way.

Nothing matters more to her than accomplishing the solution to her family’s slaughter. This means she travels and searches for signs of the woman that was the cause of that destruction.

She is a kind woman at heart, and despite the hard-ass demeanor she is known for, she is quite giving and understanding of others. She sits more as a true neutral understanding, that she will always do what she feels is best for the cause she is trying to accomplish. Enemy or Ally you will have respect where respect is given, and if you disrespect her – you are quite honestly a non-entity in her existence.

She is a highly intelligent individual, more so now that her Fae Genetics are awakening. She does not think on the same pathways as others, and there will be often many times she seems inhuman with how she looks at the things happening around her.

She is so accomplished in her task that any attempts at flirting will likely be met with a sort of derisive nature. When her task is accomplished, her next goal from the gods is to be the mated of The Horned God. Whatever form the Gods decide that the Horned God will take, that will be her chosen partner. So flirting, sex, they are not really things she is interested in the moment.   

Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Black hair, Long, passed her shoulders.
Full Description

A woman that could be quite formidable if tampered with much too much. Her 5'5'' frame is full of whipcord musculature best suited for speed fighting, with a body speckled in scars and markings from years of rituals and combat. She is a woman that shouldn't be trifled with, though many a man has tried (not to mention women). Her body is rough, not as feminine as other women’s. Her breasts are small, an upper B cup at most, and she doesn't seem to need much support in that department. Because of her fighting figure she doesn't have as much curves as another woman might, but she doesn't seem to mind that.

Her entire form seems to scream combat, even the rather defiant gleam that fills her dark blue eyes. The Crow is her chosen animal, her symbol, and that speaks in any clothing she wears. From the feathers that dangle from her ears, to the feathers she decorates her dark hair with.

She has several markings on her body, other than the scars that speckle her arms and legs and torso. The most evident one would be the trailing ivy that seems to wrap around her wrist and climb up her arm. Each one of the leaves is heavily detailed and upon close inspection you will see names scribed upon the leaves. These are the names of her family, and those that she must avenge.

She always carries several forms of weaponry upon her. Whether her blade at her hip, or the daggers she carries in her boots. She is never without some form of protection. No matter her garments she always wears a special tooled belt that has a variety of different sized pouches on it. This contains components for the variety of ritual based 'magics' she performs.

Faceclaim: Daria Mexhevich
Non sexual Character, but things can be discussed if it arises.
Non sexual character, but things can be discussed if it arises.

Powers and Abilities
Magic: Ciera possesses the ability to wield both ritualistic and ambient magic.
Ritual Magic: Ritual magics need catalysts, these catalysts vary based on the magic. Through ritual magic, many powerful things can be done.


Sciatháin na Preachán (Wings of The Crow) -
This is the ritual version, to properly complete this she will have to have several components. She will have to have time to complete a circle of power, a sacrifice of her own blood, and ten crows feathers. These will be combined to create a stronger, longer lasting, set of wings. Strongest on the New Moon, as that is the moon phase closely associated with The Morrigan (The Crow Goddess). If performed normally, the wings will last a few days, if performed on a New Moon a week or so at most, if Performed on Samhain they will last a few months.

Gheataí Tír Na nÓg (Gateways of Tir Na Nog)-
This is a mass 'transportation' spell, but it has as  many bonuses as there are downsides. A sacrifice of blood from each wishing to travel, a sacrifice of something precious (either possession or memory of something), as well as a vow of abstaining. The circle must be cast, and each has to enter the circle, to enter the gateway. If the circle is broken, or the circle is defiled, the spell could backfire with massive downsides.

This spell opens a gateway to the realm of the Celtic Gods, the hallways and gateways that can be used to traverse worlds. The sacrifice of blood, is to show that you are serious. It will require only a small bit, to be applied on the 'catalyst' for the circle (which will likely be a stone). The Sacrifice of something special, whether a possession or a memory, is to pacify the realm you are entering. The Vow to abstain, is a vow to not eat or drink of anything in that realm. Because to drink or eat of 'Fairy Fare' will permanently lock you in their realm (unless you can make a deal).

Téigh go dtí Saol - (Bring to Life)
This is a VERY powerful ritual, that Morrigan will teach Retribution (eventually, when Admins are ready), that will make Retribution capable of bringing ONE person back to life. It will require many components and items in effect. It can ONLY be performed on Samhain or Lammas. The soul of the person has to agree to return. The body must be in full condition. Other components are needed, such as crystals and a perfectly formed circle. This will cost Retribution a lot, and she will be unable to cast spells or rituals for three months.

Tadhaill Maighdean Ar - (Maiden's Touch)
This is a powerful Ritual, where Retribution can apply a 'mark' to the people she is protecting. This mark, will be a catalyst for her to reach them if they are in need of help. The ritual requires a blood bonding, and a full moon. If not performed on a full moon, she has no ability to reach them quickly when needed. If it is performed on a full moon, she has the ability to 'teleport' to them using the connection. In reality it's just using a weaker version of Gheataí Tír Na nÓg, which will only transport her. It's also similar to a 'tracking' beacon, so if they are close by she can just fly to them using the spell or ritual version of Sciatháin na Preachán.

Ambient Magic: This is a more dangerous form of magic, it does not require incantations. This draws on the natural energies around her, and inside of her own body. It is a less refined form of magic, based on pure natural energy.


Tadhaill Cneasaithe (Healing Touch) -
Retribution is capable of laying her hands upon a person, and healing a non-fatal wound. Contact is required, as this is a 'healing touch'. Stronger than Teocht Cneasaithe, since it involves direct contact and energy use.

teocht cneasaithe (Healing Warmth/Temperature) -
Retribution exudes an aura that heals those in the vicinity around her. This is not something she can be selective with, unless she applies someones true name into the incantation. Weaker than Tadhaill Cneasaithe, since it involves spreading out her energy in a wider array.

Laochra Tadhaill (Warriors Touch) -
Retribution can lay her hands upon an ally, and increase their fighting capabilities. It will not make them a better fighter, but will increase their ability to last out a fight. This will also increase their natural capabilities; speed, strength, balance... etc. Stronger than Laochra Tease, as it is a direct versus passive.

Laochra Teas (Warriors Warmth) -
Retribution exudes an aura that increases the fighting abilities of those around her. This is not something she can be selective with, unless she applies someones true name into the incantation. Weaker than Laochra Tadhaill, because it is passive - and aura based - versus direct.

Fuinneamh Bíge (Energy Pulse) -
Retribution uses this incantation to produce a pulse of energy. This can be focused further, with clarifying incantation components, to target someone in particular, or just use a wave that knocks aggressors (towards her) off their feet. The stronger the opponent, the more energy she will have to use to knock them over.

Oíche na Péine Endless {or}  Nox'Excrucio  (Night of Endless Pain) -
Retribution uses this spell to call upon a persons darkest fears. The name is a bit deceiving, as it doesn't last a whole night. But it seems that once the spell fades, it has lasted for ages. The spell draws on the 'darkness' (Night) of a persons mind, and the Pain is drawn from the fears made reality upon her opponent. This spell requires extreme focus to cast properly. The stronger an opponents mind, the harder it will be for them to be effected.

Nox'Excrucio is the Latin version, where as Oíche na Péine Endless is the Irish Gaelic. If she needs to perform it quickly, she will use Nox'Excrucio (and it will be invariably weaker than the other version).

Thoghairm Lann (Summon Blade) -
Though it says 'summon', in the reality of it it's just an incantation to manifest a blade. She must have the image of the blade, in her mind, and the energy to summon it.

Anáil na Beatha (Breath of Life) -
Retribution can use this spell, only if she can come in contact with another person. She uses the incantation to gather 'life' into her lungs, a form of energy that can be used for healing major wounds. It requires she kisses the person who has 'fallen', and she pushes the 'life' into their being. Thus giving them the 'breath of life'.

Bain Cúrsaí (Remove CurseSeal) -
Retribution can use this to remove a curse from another person, or herself. If a curse is in place. This includes 'seals' that are restricting someone. This is a highly complicated spell, and it requires someone sharing their true name with her.

Sciatháin na Preachán (Wings of The Crow) -
Retribution can use this spell to manifest a pair of crows wings, this can only be used for short distance flights. They dissolve as soon as they have been released, but she can only use them for a maximum amount of thirty minutes. This is the spell version, there is a ritual version.

Morrigan's Touch:
This marking is a tattoo that appeared on her body after a vision. Labeled 'Morrigan's Touch', it showed that she had been chosen by Morrigan. Through the touch, Ciera is able to draw upon visions, memories, and knowledge of Morrigan herself - specifically in the areas of magic and combat, though other areas are sometimes shared. Ciera is also capable of seeing the souls of those who have passed. Through certain Rituals, she is even capable of helping these trapped souls pass on.

Enhanced Physical Traits:
Her senses are acutely enhanced. She can smell, see, hear, and taste, things that she previously couldn't. Her reflexes and natural graces are also increased by her Fae nature. This includes heightened strength, speed, and balance.

Ciera has been raised per Druidic beliefs. It is something her family has believed in for many many generations. They have passed on the knowledge of druidic ancestors through word of mouth; their songs, their rituals, the passing of the seasons. This training is what taught her the basics of her Ritual based magics. No one in her family has unlocked any true magic in a very long time. Their bloodline had thinned out too much, and not many faced such a situation as the one that caused her awakening.

This knowledge was mostly just handed-down rituals, incantations, the knowledge of the Gaelic Language, as well as the knowledge that encompassed the worship of the Ancients, the Gods and the mythologies of their people.
Other Training Ciera has, is the completion of four years of college. She specialized in Ancient cultures, and also spent time learning two languages. She was raised on Gaelic, and is fluent in both the Irish and Scottish Dialect. She unfortunately has yet to learn the Norwegian Dialect. The other languages she knows are Latin, and Russian
She was trained in basic hand to hand self-defense, as well as some wrestling techniques. She can use a dagger rather well, and knows how to handle a bow; she's no Hawkeye. This training was further compounded in Tir’Na’Nog and now she can be quite formidable in combat. .

Tool Belt of pouches and compartments that holds a lot of her ritual based components.

She also carries daggers in her boots, and a sword on her hip. Using a little bit of ambient magic she generally makes people look passed these items.

Her magic requires a certain level of focus, and energy. Either way, she can only produce a spell as strong as the energy or focus being 'used' for the spell. If she is doing a larger ritual, like say a summoning or a banishing, if a single thing is out of place... the entire spell could backfire on her. Since she has no real training in ambient magic, it is more chaotic and dangerous. It's just as likely to hurt her or her allies as it is the enemy.

One of the other weaknesses is tied to the tattoo. Occasionally Ciera will receive a vision from Morrigan so powerful that her tattoo will flare with burning energy, possibly igniting the clothing she is wearing. During these potent visions, her voice is not her own, nor are her thoughts. If she tries to fight the vision she experiences sharp, disorienting pain. They basically render her completely vulnerable - but the information she gleans usually makes up for this debilitation.

Her changed nature has also made her need to consume higher amounts of food to compensate for the level of energy she uses. This also helps counteract the physical advances she has, but it also makes it dangerous when she must do rituals that require fasting.

And if that is all not enough, all of her magic slowly eats away at her lifespan. The more potent or far-reaching-effect of the magic, the more heavily it taxes her. She also suffers from post-traumatic stress, related to events in her past. The biggest problem with this is no one knows exactly how long her lifespan is, but the Gods did mention it was not permanent. Though she is ‘powerful’ in an effect, Ciera is essentially a candle that burns on both ends. Therefore, she tries to resort to mental or physical before she uses her magic.

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)