All Hail God-Emperor Trump

Started by Mr BadGuy, November 09, 2016, 01:41:05 AM

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Quote from: Blythe on January 31, 2017, 07:54:06 PM
It looks like Neil Gorsuch is going to be Trump's Supreme Court pick to replace Scalia. :/

Well, if he gets confirmed, Trump is going to blow a gasket when major blue states start coordinating actions.


Quote from: Vekseid on January 31, 2017, 08:32:20 PM
Well, if he gets confirmed, Trump is going to blow a gasket when major blue states start coordinating actions.

I can only hope to see blue states coordinating in the advent of Gorsuch's confirmation. I don't hate Gorsuch; it's just that I'm disappointed because he follows a similar approach to Scalia, but I figured that someone similar to Scalia would get picked. I really did prefer Merrick Garland (he's not perfect, but I think he was a good selection) and had hoped he'd be confirmed. I wonder if Democrats will filibuster Trump's selection; I do suspect they will.

Still, I suppose the pick could have been worse. This would put the balance of the Supreme Court back to where it was before Scalia's death--but it does leave me with the fear that older liberal judges like Ginsburg might not make it to 2020 & that we'll see a shift in the tone of the Supreme Court.

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Blythe on January 31, 2017, 08:40:16 PM
Still, I suppose the pick could have been worse. This would put the balance of the Supreme Court back to where it was before Scalia's death--but it does leave me with the fear that older liberal judges like Ginsburg might not make it to 2020 & that we'll see a shift in the tone of the Supreme Court.
True, in some ways it would put things back to where they were a year ago. But that is not exactly a good place to go back to, if you ask me, because by some meassures the Supreme Court of the last few years is one of the most conservative courts ever, perhaps the most conservative.
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(Sonia Sotomayor)
