Council of Wyrms in D&D 5th Edition

Started by Kunoichi, July 08, 2016, 02:29:22 PM

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Council of Wyrms, for those not in the know, was a boxed set released for 2nd edition AD&D detailing special rules for playing a campaign where everyone was a dragon and a special setting, the Io's Blood Isles, within which DMs could run adventures properly scaled for a party of dragons.  The boxed set was published towards the end of AD&D's lifespan and didn't receive much in the way of official support beyond that aside from an article or two in Dragon magazine, but the rules were solid enough and the setting unique enough that it garnered something of a cult following, and there were even a few unofficial attempts to update the setting to subsequent editions.

As you've probably guessed by now from this thread's title, I recently stumbled across a D&D 5th Edition conversion for the Council of Wyrms boxed set that I really like the look of.  The actual setting is negotiable for me, but is there any interest, from either players or prospective DMs, in trying a campaign where everyone is a dragon?


I'm definitely interested, though I think a setting where the characters weren't just interacting with other dragons would be more enjoyable. Part of the coolness in playing a dragon is that you get to be a little different from everyone else.


Yes, I definitely know what you mean.  The Io's Blood Isles have some good possibilities for interesting political intrigue in a draconic civilization, but it is a setting where you're just another large fish in a large pond, rather than the local apex predator that the typical adventuring party gets to see dragons as.  That's part of why I mentioned that the setting was negotiable for me.  I'd be just as happy getting to cut loose in some big, epic setting like the Forgotten Realms, or some other, original world, as I would be acting as an agent of the Council or trying to advance the interests of Clan Blacktalon, or what have you.


It is certainly interesting, after reading the bulk of the game details it definetly has possibilities. My first thought of this kind of game is one that the flock is sent to another realm possibly to handle a threat that could effect them, or even hunt down one of their own that has fled. My only concern is that most worlds are afraid of dragons and act accordingly, so unless everyone can blend in it might just be a lot of screaming.

*tosses a hat in as a potential Gm, pending some discussion.*
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


  May I play? 

  I actualy am running a tabletop game of the original Council of Wyrms right now. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: ZameRagues on July 09, 2016, 03:46:44 AM
*tosses a hat in as a potential Gm, pending some discussion.*

Yay. ^^

As far as blending in goes, I think that there are a few options available on that front.  I won't have the chance to check my own books until I get home from work this evening, but if there aren't any long-lasting disguise spells, then perhaps a custom ritual might work?  Alternately, there is a feat in the document for dragons to get a humanoid vassal, as well.  I suppose it might get a bit hectic if everyone is essentially playing two characters at once, though.

Depending on the world the dragons get sent into, it might also be a simple matter of letting the metallic dragons in the party act as the faces of the group.  If it's a world where dragon alignments follow the usual D&D color-coding, then there probably won't be as much screaming if the people are approached by the dragon breeds that they're used to thinking of as noble and good.

As for the overarching plot, getting sent out to deal with some renegade dragon or new major threat could certainly work.  Maybe there's some vast evil horde that's amassing, or an army of giants preparing to go out and conquer the world.  Alternately, though, perhaps the players could be the ones who are the renegade dragons?  Banding together and striking out on their own, away from the flock, to carve out their own little niche in the world?

And Muse, considering how few other players have shown their interest at the moment, I don't think their will be any objections to having another player join in. ^^

Rook Seidhr

I've been watching this thread and am at least potentially interested as a player depending on what exactly gets worked out as far as premise and setting.


I am also interested in this campaign, because playing as a dragon with those rules looks fun as hell. I can imagine at least 2 dragon characters I would want to play as in such a campaign.



Hmm. ZameRagues, assuming you're still potentially interested in becoming the GM for a game like this one, is there any sort of discussion in particular that you'd like to see? Character concepts, what expectations people might have on how the game would play out, things like that?


Only just saw this, but keeping a watch on it.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Sorry I'm going to have to withdraw my hat. Life isn't being kind to me at the moment.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627

Rook Seidhr


It's alright, life definitely comes first.  I hope things improve for you, too.


I've always wanted to do something with that boxed set, but haven't really gotten an opportunity to. I am tentatively interested in DM'ing.

Pumpkin Seeds


Quote from: windwhisperedsecrets on July 23, 2016, 03:00:45 AM
I've always wanted to do something with that boxed set, but haven't really gotten an opportunity to. I am tentatively interested in DM'ing.

That's good to hear. ^^ From the looks of things, you'll certainly have enough players to make a full party if we manage to get to the recruitment thread stage.


Alright. I'll be taking some time to read over the PDF linked in the first post. If anyone has a character in mind, I'd be interested in hearing about it either here or via PM.


When I first started reading the pdf myself, the first big character concept that came to mind for me was a Red Dragon Warlock, taking the Infernal Pact and playing the character as a sort of Ashaardalon-wannabe or fangirl.  I would try to make sure that such a character could still function in a party in spite of her likely alignment, but since that could still be a bit hard to swing, I also have a backup character concept in mind of a Silver Dragon Sorceress, taking the Silver Dragon bloodline and focusing on various ice-based spells.  Sort of a warm-hearted queen of ice and snow type character. ^^


I guess a question which comes to mind for me is what medium we want to do this over. Whether it be these forums, a messenger such as Skype or Discord, or perhaps Roll20.


I would prefer handling it via forums, myself.  I work a part-time job, so I don't have as stable a schedule as I would like and would have problems making it to sessions in a more live medium.

Pumpkin Seeds

I'm a big fan of forums due to my schedule.


  If you're not too crowded, Wind, do you have room for me? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


I apologize for my absence. The last week turned unusually busy. At least so far I am willing to take on more players. Play by post makes it easier to juggle people.