Seeking partner to playtest NC EX system game [Fulfilled]

Started by Sayles, April 22, 2016, 09:04:01 PM

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Hey, thanks for looking at my thread. I've been working on a d20-based combat system for Tentacle and Bondage games on and off for about 5 years, and I've finally accepted it about myself that I'm the kind of person who would spend a significant amount of time working on such a thing, so I thought maybe I'd try to find someone to playtest it with. I'm putting up information about the system here. Currently working on an example Bestiary.

For the practicality of playtesting, I think having just one person representing the PCs in combat might be easier to manage while the system is still being developed. To make it a cohesive adventure from a roleplaying standpoint, outside of combat it could be that the Player controls just their PC, while gaining control of the NPCs only when combat happens. Or NPC allies could be DM controlled and you can just run your one character. I'm flexible about it. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, lemme know. Or if you're not interested in playtesting it but feel like just dropping a comment, I'm open to feedback, and questions are welcome. I often fail to explain myself properly, so anything that is unclear is almost definitely my fault and I'll do my best to clarify.

I'd like to develop the story with whoever the partner is. We can take it in pretty much whatever direction the player wants it to go. I'm flexible regarding schedule and ratio of fluff-to-mechanics balance, it just depends on what the player wants.

Thank you for your time.