toe in the deep end (generally solo player tentatively interested in joining)

Started by jvj9000, January 31, 2016, 11:36:18 AM

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So, kudos to me, that subject line pretty succinctly sums up what's afoot here.  I've been steering clear of group games for most of my days, but I did participate in some a long time ago when IMRP on AOL was still a thing.  I even once tried to start up my own, but that was a long time ago in a timezone far, far away, so it's not as if I'm entirely opposed to these things.

I took a look at the Groups seeking Players board and was overwhelmed.  Rather than panic and retreat back to the safety of my many fantastic solo partners, though, I thought I'd take a moment to sell myself and see if anyone's buying.  About what I'd like:

  • to post one or twice a week, probably
  • to not be stuck in a system or dice or anything
  • to play a male-ish character
  • nothing too focused on violence or NC
  • something smallish and not too daunting to keep track of, at least at first

And a little about what I'm into, setting-wise:

Almost any historical setting could be in my wheelhouse.  I admit I'm not automatically excited about ancient settings or generically "medieval fantasy" but otherwise, definitely could be sold.  Steampunk or other sorts of alternate history is definitely kosher.  Same goes with futuristic or science fiction settings.  Flexibility is a trait I only possess figuratively, but I possess a fair amount of it.

Canon-verse settings are hip, I can't help but notice.  I'm not prone to playing canon characters with a few exceptions, but settings are an easier sell.  I'm quite familiar with a lot of things which I won't list here.  This includes video games, films, books, comics, and some TV shows...  it's a safe bet that I'm familiar with your -verse...  Of the genres I dig that I'm not currently writing, the biggest gaps are in super hero sorts of things, science fiction, and perhaps something in the vein of a western.

so if you've got a game going or about to begin that you think I might fit and could convince me to give this group game thing another shot, get in touch.  I'm likely only looking for one to begin with, but perhaps I'll learn that I'm missing out and I'll make time for several.