Looking to play a role

Started by IronCharmer, November 19, 2008, 12:54:36 AM

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The college freshmen kid living with his affluent father and his much younger step mother who is young enough to be a daughter of the father.. she married him for his money, but she is looking to bed the son for his body.

-Dream lord stalker master of the night!- (title is work in progress)

Collin is a socially awkward yet sexually enraged individual who delivers pizzas for a living, he also has the ability to enter into other people's dreams, and while in his youth the terrorizing of teachers who graded him poorly was all that was needed to keep his abuse of power content, now he preys mostly on attractive girls in healthy happy relationships, in a sick way of dominating women who have what he never does Collin selects various girls around town that are happily with other men, but when they sleep they cannot hide from his powers. some are willing , some are taken forcefully, but surely as the sun rises women must sleep, and where there's sleep there's dreams.. or nightmares.

-The Dolphin Tuna of RA- (name also needs work)

lily lived a normal life until she ate a can of tuna filled with a dolphin, but not any dolphin, a magical one so beloved by the universe that the mere consumption of its flesh was so offensive to karma that lily was plagued with a very strange and intense curse, lily's looks were turned from beautiful to hideous and was not the desire of any man's affection, however the closer she came to climaxing the better looking she became, and whenever she had an orgasm a tornado started in the sub Sahara desert, but also she becomes amazingly beautiful, and her good looks would be preserved forever except that her sex drive shoots threw the roof and no matter how hard she tries she finds herself making love to a man..only to become uglier and uglier until she climaxes and is returned to her ugly state.

a futuristic role play with a man and his android girlfriend, when she's uploaded with a virus tho her usual sexual pleasure turns fatal and a final roll in the haystack.

The policemen and the girl who really really really wants to get out of a ticket

the hot assassin concubine sent to kill a general in an mythical army.

just whatever, I'm up for any roleplay. my writing isn't super long winded, but I try to keep things fresh and always present things in an interesting manor.

if you'd like to roleplay send me a message, I like to RP on messenger or on the forums.