Fire Emblem Awakening cravings

Started by Crackicus, October 27, 2015, 11:36:11 PM

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I'm replaying Fire Emblem Awakening and now have a huge hankering for it. >:3 I'm looking for other folk to play out some "supports" between the characters.

Knowledge of FE:A is required. If you played the game, better still.

Specific pairings I want include:

Male Avatar/any female support (especially Tiki, Tharja, Maribelle, Emmeryn, Olivia, Flavia, Noire, and/or Severa)
Donnel/Lissa, and/or Maribelle
Yarne/Severa and/or Nah

This list is not all I'm up for, so ask if there's a pairing you'd like.