Star Wars Ideas (M for f)

Started by jacobjon, October 19, 2015, 12:36:39 PM

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Below are a number of Star Wars ideas I have been toying with. Many of them revolve around a canon character, but I have a few ideas for original characters as well.

Canon Characters

Obi-Wan Kenobi

It has been nearly a year since Obi-Wan Kenobi went into hiding on Tatooine. Even though he knows his mission of protecting the infant Luke Skywalker is important, Obi-Wan has difficulties keeping to himself. There are so many people in need of aid, but there is little he can do without revealing himself and endangering the last hope for freedom.

The situation is complicated when a young freedom fighter comes to the planet for supplies, someone Obi-Wan knows. The two served together during the Clone Wars, where she acted as a pilot. The two worked close together on several missions, and at times there seemed to be a flicker of something there, but their positions made it impossible to really consider. Now that the Empire has taken power, she runs her own rebel cell, harassing Imperial supply lines and slowing expansion into the outer rim.

When the two encounter one another by chance, she sees the meeting as an opportunity. She has already had some success damaging the Empire, so she can only imagine what she could do with a jedi master beside her.

I think this would be interesting to play out in several ways. I would like to play the conflict between Obi-Wan's need to protect Luke and his need to feel like he is making a difference. I also think it could be interesting to play a pair who might have always had some level of attraction for one another, but couldn't act on it because of the rules of the jedi order. Now that order no longer exists, so how does that change thing?

Darth Revan

I have two ideas for Revan.

1. Mandalorian Wars: I think it would be interesting to play through Revan's fall. Effectively, the story would cover his time during the mandalorian wars. We would explore the idea of a galaxy at war, with a jedi order that refuses to get involved with what is happening.

There are a lot of options for who your character could be, but I would like her to be someone involved in Revan's fall. The idea that Revan turns against his ideals out of a desire to help people and a lust he feels for another is very appealing to me. Your character could be an officer on the front lines, the commander of a ship, another jedi who leaves the order with Revan, or a lot of other options.

The story would revolve around the idea of the characters doing things that move progressively further from the jedi ideals. The farther away the order feels, the easier it would be to give in to emotions that Revan has denied himself his entire life.

2. A New Apprentice: This would take place almost immediately after the first game ends. Revan has reclaimed the mantle of dark lord, killed Darth Malak, and taken on a new apprentice. This new apprentice could be one of the characters from the game, or it could be someone completely original. The story would follow the two of them strengthening their position, creating a stable empire in the wake of all the recent damage that was done as master/apprentice and as lovers.

This story would likely be a little bit more sex based than the first Revan idea. I could see working a number of bondage and submission themes in, as Revan would want a new apprentice who would submit to him in the bedroom and on the battlefield.

Original Characters

1. Prisoner on Nar Shaddaa

Our characters spent some time serving together on a small ship, smuggling cargo as a team. Eventually, they each went their own ways, as my character was interested in more of a career as a gun for hire. Your character continued working as a smuggler, until eventually she suffered a botched mission. Through no fault of her own, she suddenly found herself an enemy of the hutts. She was captured by an agent of Basteg the Hutt and enslaved as punishment for what had gone wrong. Dressed in a revealing gold outfit, she is told that she will be responsible for amusing guests of the mighty hutt.

To her utter shock, the first room she is sent to is occupied by her former companion. He has started to gain a name for himself as a gun for hire, and Basteg is eager to keep him happy by assigning a slave to please him. She sees this as an opportunity to perhaps reclaim her freedom, and while my character doesn't wish to see her remain a hutt captive, there is something appealing about their current situation. Part of him always fantasied about having a more dominant relationship with her.

I could see this as being a mixture of dom/sub stuff and adventure. They would have to escape from the hutt, then evade his agents, as they would both be wanted by the Hutt Cartels.
"You fight for the wizard?" Black Adam

"I fight for those who can't fight for themselves." Superman