New Ideas (F for M or F)

Started by swiggy3000, August 22, 2015, 08:22:46 PM

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Baseball Star

I'm looking for an RP where I end up in a relationship with a baseball player in MLB. This rp would require at least some knowledge of baseball. I have no issue with questions but more knowledge is better.

There are a couple different ways this one can go. She could be his high school sweetheart, been with him through the minor leagues and now that he's made the majors and is actually making a ton of money we can see and play out how that relationship changes. After all he's on the road a lot and she can't with him all the time. How do they deal with it and handle it? More importantly how does all of it change them.

The other way that we could go with this is that he's already a star when my character starts a relationship with him. She could be a celebrity, a normal girl he happens to run into, a gold digger, or even a stripper. The possibilities with this one are fun too. They're both established adults and they have their own lives. Can they bring it together? Can they find common ground at all?

The way I picture it is the RP will start before the season starts and we'll be able to go from there. Everything is up for discussion with this one.

Bad Accident

It's a call that no one wants to hear. Their wife has had a bad accident and they need to come down to the hospital. I'm looking for this one to take place between a husband and wife. They can be newlyweds, married for a decent period, middle aged. Kids or no kids. What I'm looking for is seeing how their relationship changes due to the accident. This isn't going to be just some small fender bender.

The accident will be a car accident and bad enough it's going to take her a while to recover. We can talk about various injuries and what she'll need if you're interested. The one thing this will NOT be is an amnesia story. So if you're looking for her to forget him and her life, I'm not interested. I want this to be something that puts a strain on their relationship and tries to show just how strong they are now that someone needs months upon months of care.

Harry Potter

I could go into about a hundred ideas for this one but we'd be here all night. I'm looking to play Hermione, Luna, Lily, Ginny or most other females. What we can do with it will really vary from person to person. I'd prefer something with them as adults and we can decide which way to go. Only pairings I'd prefer to avoid are anything with Snape or Draco but I'm willing to listen if it's a good idea.


We've seen it happen to other people but we never thought that it could happen to you. You were high up at the company and you seemed important enough that they wouldn't fire you but here we are. It's been over a decade since I worked but I need to, unemployment only helps so much and the bills are piling up. What will we do? How will be make ends meet? This game can be played one of too ways, we could have it go very smut based with my character needing to do some very dirty jobs or we could have her pride get in the way. Of course her pride will be hurt no matter what as things start getting tough. I imagine this roleplay as a well off family finding just how close to the brink they really are.


Another vague one that will mostly depend on who wants to play. We could do something Cabin in the Woods style and build our own horror movie or we could play it straight and put our characters in horror situations. Zombies, vampires, slashers, really anything is on the table for this one.

Generic Pairings

Nothing much here, just a few pairings that I enjoy

Alien x Human Woman
Celebrity x Rich person
Doctor x Patient/nurse
Older woman x young woman/man
Poor person x Rich Person
Fit character x Overweight character
College Student x College Student
Princess/Queen x King/Prince/Witch/Servant

If any of these ideas interest you please PM me.
