Dragon’s Head Inn (For AnnieSatin and open)

Started by Zeth, July 24, 2015, 12:09:38 AM

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OOC: This is a social type role play where you can introduce your fantasy character and interact with others.

The Legend: “You think this drinking hole is odd? Let me tell you, I’ve been some damn strange places all over this land from priest-run temples where they dole out the wine to make you more talkative in the confessional to a place where a lady who claims to be half demon mixes your whisky with sulphur on a dare.”

The drunkard raises his finger, straight and tall and pauses for effect, licking the taste of liquor from his lips.

“One place though, one place stands out to me. The Dragon’s Head – say that three times fast. The whole place is dominated by the severed head of a big dragon. Orm they call him. There’s still some life in the old beast sometimes and every blue moon it speaks and answers questions, simple ones, yes and no.”

He spreads his arms wide and up into the air with a laugh.

“Drinking! Dancing! A big old bonfire in the garden. You’ve never seen the like and those moors women are something special, vicious and hardy and they ain’t afraid to come after you if they want you. It’s a lottery for the questions, everyone takes a number from the cauldron and when you’re called you drink and you talk to the ol’ worm. It’s a strange old thing but if you’re ever out that way, don’t miss it.”

Maybe you heard the legend and grew curious, or maybe you just need a place to rest for the night. Either way, you find yourself at he door of The Dragon's Head Inn. Do you enter?


Jembi was ready for a rest after a long bout of traveling. Making his way through the wilds was dangerous in the eyes of many, but the half-elf was skilled in the ways of survival and archery, so he felt ready to face any dangers he could reasonably expect. Until the giant cave bear stumbled upon him while he was making camp. That hadn't gone over well, so he made his way back to civilization.

"I'm going to get that bear one of these days. It isn't normal. It isn't proper," he mumbled to himself as he pushed the door open and stepped through. The place had a rustic charm, for sure, with its rugged wooden slats and handmade tables and chairs. He sat himself down, set his longbow and quiver on the chair next to him, and he ordered a couple of mugs of mead. So parched, when they arrived he downed one in only a few gulps. But when he started on the second, he was able to nurse it a bit more, only draining about a third of it in his first 'sip.'

He grinned at the serving maid who brought his drinks. She had a fine physique and long, braided raid hair, like she had come out of one of the barbarian tribes. "A mighty fine frame you got there, missy," he told her. "What have you got on the menu tonight?" He was about to make a witty comment about her when his friend stepped in.

An enormous bobcat jumped up, landing on the chair across from Jembi, and the cat stared at him with the half-glazed but nonetheless superior expression of a cat. It then turned and began to stretch, digging its front claws into the wood under it as its forelegs shifted in front of it. Jembi didn't need elven hearing to catch the sound of wood being separated from the chair in tiny splinters. The bobcat turned and gave a saucy sway of its hips before it faced him again, its expression this time turned up in what Jembi could only interpret as a grin, and it shifted to stretch its back legs this time.

Meanwhile, the barmaid shook her head and stalked off, muttering something about animals in the inn. Jembi glared at his friend and muttered in the sylvan tongue to the bobcat. It glared at him - or near enough - when it caught the tone of his message.

"Don't give me that face. All you want to do is hop up into her lap and get rubbed on like some kind of housecat. You are a failure of an animal companion, B'bekh. Always ready to lay down for ear rubs and cat treats." Jembi shook his head and leaned back in his seat, cursing under his breath about domesticated wild cats.
Check out my preferences as of 23 Jul. 2015.


Just then Jembi was graced by another tavern maid. Judging by his order and expression, the woman had a good idea of Jembi's recent run in with the dire bear. "Ah, I see you have met Smokey the dire bear. We call him that because a wizard tried setting him on fire and only managed to piss him off. We get a few travelers each month with that same look on their face and desire to drink. I am Ginger, pleased to meet you," said the tavern maid.

Ginger set down another mug of mead on Jembi's table. "This one is on the house. If you would like more, or wish to order something for your feline friend, just ask. So are you here for The Blue Moon Fair?" asked Ginger conversationally.


Melisa landed outside of the inn and folded back her wings to disguise them into decoration of her dress before sighing tiredly as she looked around, "Finally... sign of civilization.... where the hell am I anyway...." Truth to be told, the winged elf had been flying for days with no specific direction in mind. The main cause however was simply that she had zero sense of direction... and she had been reading her map upside down half the time. By the time she realized it, she had already lost her way too much to actually able to pin point anything.

She pushed the door of the inn but somehow the wooden doesn't so much as budge. She tried it severe more times, even kicking and hitting it with her bishop staff did nothing to help. She checked for signs, wondering if the place was closed yet finding none though the sound from the other side told her that it should be doing business. Tired and hungry, the blonde was close to snapping as she pointed her bishop staff toward the offending door, "Fine, you want it the hard way... so be it.... Magic Arr...."

The winged elf didn't manage to fire her magic as suddenly the door swing with great force... OUTWARD and slammed her straight on her face, sending her reeling back. As she rubbed her abused face, she saw several men walked out of the inn and looking at her. One of them spoke to her, "You okay missy? What are you doing standing outside the door anyway?"

Melisa looked at the man and blushed as she stammered, "Umm... no, nothing. Sorry, I was just... umm... I GOTTA GO!!" She literally ran pass the men and slammed the door behind her before walking briskly toward one of the table and plopped herself on the chair with her face so red that she almost looked like a ripe tomato with blonde hair.


 Ginger looked away from Jembi for a moment hearing the commotion with the door. She watched in horror as the tavern door swung open and hit a woman in the face! Ginger covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. She then quickly stepped over to Melisa's table. "Are you all right miss? I never seen the door do THAT before. I wonder wht caused it. Do you need anything?" the Tavern Maid asked the new winged elf patron with concern.


Melisa's blush still hadn't abated when the pretty red head comes to get her order and answered her, "Umm... yeah... I just... didn't realize the door swing outward nad not inward.... I'd get a tank of milk please" she paused a bit before continuing again, "Yes, a "Tank"... a glass is too little... I think...? And... do you have a room to let tonight? I've been in a long journey for days and kinda desperate for a good night sleep you see...."


Bare tree limbs tore at her tan flesh as she ran through the woods as quickly as she could with her feet hitting the moss covered path. The tiny scratches and cuts they left behind marring her otherwise flawless skin.She could hear them following her their steps heavier then her own making them slower and less nimble in the densest parts of these woods. The woods she knew so well, that she had spent hours exploring until every twig and weed that grew she knew their place.

As she ran she felt something snag the white lace of her gown stopping her in her tracks.” No no please..” She whispered under her breath before she yanked hard and tore the fabric away leaving a scrap behind. She turned back on her bare pads of her feet and ran towards the clearing. She knew that couldn't follow her out of the safety of the trees because of the protection spell from centuries ago that kept these creatures away from the town and out of sight of the humans... normally.

She hurried through the trees and brush knowing she had only a few more feet until safety but it felt like it was miles away. Managing to get one foot across the treeline before she felt the sensation of something grasping her by the hair and pulling her back with such force she fell to the ground on her backside. “NO NO” She screamed as her hands reached out towards the green grass of the meadow in front of the woods. Quickly she pulled her arms back as the darkness washed across her up towards her chest. Moving to her knees she scrambled crawling out past the trees making the black shadows recoil as if it had hit a pane of glass.

Without a word she watched for a moment to be sure it could not follow her before she rose to her feet once more and ran towards the safety of the nearest tavern. She pushed open the door of the dragon's head quickly before she stumbled in. Her arms bloodied from the small cuts as she fell to her knees panting for breath in the doorway. “Please.. I need shelter.” Lifting her face looking for someone in the inn to take pity and offer her protection.(d)



Ayanar trudged through the night. He was fine on his own in the woods, but since he was coming up on a small town, he might as well spend some coin on a real bed. The large dragon head caught his eye. “That can’t be smart,” he thought. “It might have kin that don’t enjoy seeing their relatives on display.”

He moved past it to the door, slipping inside. He caught the tail end of the desperate plea from the young woman with brown hair. He sighed. All he wanted was a room for the night. Ayanar waited a moment, to see if someone else would surprise his cynical soul and offer their aide to the lady.
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17


Jembi was about to answer Ginger when the girl in danger came running through. B'bekh turned his stare up toward Jembi, looking at that moment like a grumpy cat, and Jembi cursed. He took the drink and walked over toward the girl.

"What seems to be the trouble, missy?" he said, as his bobcat companion sidled up to the girl, slinking around her ankles like a house cat might. Jembi snorted and gave the cat a prod with his foot. He knew exactly why his friend was doing that sort of thing, and it was entirely inappropriate under the circumstances.

While he waited for the young lady to compose herself and answer, he added, "Here, drink this and see if it helps calm your nerves," offering her the drink. He turned back briefly to fetch his weapon and then faced her fully. He didn't know if he needed to fight anyone, but best to be prepared.
Check out my preferences as of 23 Jul. 2015.


Looking over her shoulder towards the ranger who entered just behind her those blue rimmed pupils looked up at him. She could see the young lady kneeling at his feet her nearly sheer gown clinging to the subtle curves of her form and torn and tattered along the ends.

As she heard the voice of another her head spun around tossing her curls against her shoulders. Her pert lips parting as if to speak but no words came. How did she explain ... how did she tell them she feared a black fog in the woods. Looking up at the man she hesistated and then shook her head at the drink. "No .. no thank you."

 She didn't wish to drink or make merriment until she was sure she would find safety in these walls. "Please Sir.. all I ask is for shelter. One night and I will travel on in the morning. I have no means to pay but.. "she reached her hand to her left bicep. Pulling off a gold arm brace embedded with jewels that looked like very light colored emeralds. "This should more than pay for a weeks lodging and food." Holding it up to Jembi praying he would let her stay.


Jembi shook his head. "Don't give that to me, lass. I'm not the proprietor here." He cleared his throat and whistled, hoping an employee would arrive on-scene. Then he waited for a moment and spoke to the girl again. "I think you should try this," he said, offering the drink again.

"As I said, it will help cool your nerves. You look like you have been through something. You are distraught, no? This should take the edge off. Like medicine." Just as he was speaking, B'bekh bumped his head into the girl's legs and started up a sound that very much resembled a purr. But he was a fierce bobcat. And they didn't do that sort of thing, not ever.

Jembi finally shrugged, waiting. "If no one shows, I'll make an arrangement with you. You take my room and I'll find somewhere else to sleep. That way you are apportioned for. That works, doesn't it?" An inn room was a comfort, but he was accustomed to sleeping outside, so it couldn't be that bad.
Check out my preferences as of 23 Jul. 2015.


Quote from: Caradoc on July 25, 2015, 02:17:33 AM
Ayanar trudged through the night. He was fine on his own in the woods, but since he was coming up on a small town, he might as well spend some coin on a real bed. The large dragon head caught his eye. “That can’t be smart,” he thought. “It might have kin that don’t enjoy seeing their relatives on display.”

He moved past it to the door, slipping inside. He caught the tail end of the desperate plea from the young woman with brown hair. He sighed. All he wanted was a room for the night. Ayanar waited a moment, to see if someone else would surprise his cynical soul and offer their aide to the lady.

"It is a tribute to Ormuus, traveler. The great dragon Ormuus used to live in the caverns beneath the moors, back when people painted themselves blue and threw gold into. He wasn’t an evil dragon, nor was he good. He was what he was and so long as the people paid homage and treasure to him he watched over them and guided them with his magic and his ancient wisdom, a patronizing – if benevolent – god to the Tribe of the Whistling Stones.

When the civilizing forces of order hit the land a wandering knight came upon the tribe and was shocked and appalled to find them in the sway of a ‘Great Worm’. He set out to slay the beast and Ormuus, grown fat and lazy with the worship of the tribe, was not expecting to find himself assaulted by a righteous and indignant warrior with a bastard sword. Six thousand years of life came to an end but couldn’t quite be completely extinguished.

The knight returned in ‘triumph’ only to be killed and beheaded by the tribe. His skull has long since gone missing but the dragon’s head, preserved and retained by the tribe and  their successors still remains. All that’s left of the tribe is the old hall’s beams and the earthworks of the old hill fort, but now it’s an inn up above the moors that surround it, a stopping place for villagers, farmers and travelers,"explained the inn keeper to all present. He was a heavy set man with a large mustache.


Quote from: MelisaArtemis on July 25, 2015, 12:17:55 AM
Melisa's blush still hadn't abated when the pretty red head comes to get her order and answered her, "Umm... yeah... I just... didn't realize the door swing outward nad not inward.... I'd get a tank of milk please" she paused a bit before continuing again, "Yes, a "Tank"... a glass is too little... I think...? And... do you have a room to let tonight? I've been in a long journey for days and kinda desperate for a good night sleep you see...."

Ginger swiftly returned with a tank of milk and set it on the table. The milk was lightly chilled, why? Because Ginger is just that damn good at her job, that' why. She then says to Melisa,"The inn will be packed since the Blue Moon Fair is this week. But you could rent a room if you don't mind sharing or paying extra to be alone."

When she saw the scared women enter and talk to Jembi, she hurried over. "Don't go liquoring people up Jembi, that is my job," said Ginger. She sat down a glass of plain water in front of the woman. "If you have no money you can sleep in one of the cots in the staff quarters behind the kitchen for the night. Now let's start with the basics, I am Ginger. What is your name miss?" explained the waitress.


She rose up as she slide the brace back on her tanned arm. The smooth skin having tiny cuts all across her skin. Looking up at the man's eyes she smiled towards him softly. "Thank you for your kindess Sir but I could not ask you make such a sacrifice." Her voice spoke towards him kindly as she reached out her hand and took the drink.

By the time Ginger came over she had already taken a healthy drink before she handed the glass back to Jembi. A blush rising on her face when Ginger spoke if getting her drunk. "Tara-Isha is my name tho most who know of me call me Tara." Lowering her head to the woman in greeting.

"Thank you kindly for the bed I will repay your kindess as I can. May I help with the meal or washing a dish?" She looked between Ginger and Jembi and then down at the bobcat by her legs her hand lowering for the animal to smell hoping be found her pleasent and not at all delicious. The bobcat would smell the woods on her pine and sap and darkness from the fog. (D)


Melisa nods as thanks for the milk and was in the process of emptying it when she heard the new scared woman would have to sleep in the cot. She couldn't help but take pity on the girl, she obviously had had a terrible experience and she doubted the staff cot would be as comfortable as the guest room. Not to mention that the girl had also gave what most likely her and and only possession of value.

The winged elf shook her head as she stood up and approached the girl. She opened her bag and took out a glittering stone-like item from inside before placing it on the wooden table between Ginger and Tara, "She can bunk with me. This is an oridecon, also known as mythril, it should fetch no less than a thousand gold coin... more if you asked a blacksmith to make a jewelry of weapon out of it."


Quote from: MelisaArtemis on July 26, 2015, 09:12:57 PM
Melisa nods as thanks for the milk and was in the process of emptying it when she heard the new scared woman would have to sleep in the cot. She couldn't help but take pity on the girl, she obviously had had a terrible experience and she doubted the staff cot would be as comfortable as the guest room. Not to mention that the girl had also gave what most likely her and and only possession of value.

The winged elf shook her head as she stood up and approached the girl. She opened her bag and took out a glittering stone-like item from inside before placing it on the wooden table between Ginger and Tara, "She can bunk with me. This is an oridecon, also known as mythril, it should fetch no less than a thousand gold coin... more if you asked a blacksmith to make a jewelry of weapon out of it."

The old inn keeper speaks up while looking at both Melisa and Tara,"OI! What the hell am I suppose to do with that crap? This is an inn not a pawn shop. You want a room you will pay in proper Silver or Gold coins. Otherwise you can find lodgings elsewhere." Yes, humans want actual money, not your discarded items. Ginger gives you a shrug as if to say,'I wish I could help.'

The old innkeeper then puts a large cauldron on the table filled with numbers. "Time for the lottery. Everyone draw a ticket. If your number is called you may as the head Ormuus a yes or no question," the man says. The Dragon head mounted on the wall starts to stir as if alive.


Melisa rolls her eyes at the proprietor as she thought to herself, 'He better not have a wife or daughter... they'd skin him alive for rejecting the prospect of having a jewelry crafted out of the 'King of metal'... but...." She shrugs as she pockets the metal back into her woman's purse before reaching deeper inside.

At first, it seemed that she couldn't find the thing she's looking for so she lifts the bag on the table and pulled out several items from inside. First is a crystal ball... followed by a jewelled dagger... Rare colored magic stones... a holy grail... a legendary spear that was said able to punch through any shield... a leather sack which she opened and found that it contain diamonds of perfect clarity but since the guy asked for actual money, she discarded it to the side too....

The winged elf keep pulling out of precious and / or legendary items from her small bags and placed them on the table until it reaches neck high. Seemingly frustrated, she lifted the still open bag and turned it upside down before shaking it yet there was nothing coming out of it. She placed the bag back on another table and put her entire arm inside... followed by her head... shoulder... all the way to her waist until only her legs can be seen flailing outside of the bag.

Finally, the blonde pulled herself back out from the bag with her hair tussled and seemingly completely oblivious to the strange look everyone around were looking between her and the bag. Grabbed in her right hand was another leather sack which she put in front of the old man, "There we go... 1000 gold coins for board and food for two plus service charge of 10% and Tax of 20% on top of it." After she gave away the sack of gold, she placed the bag at the edge of the table and with one swipe, poured the mountain of items that she had taken out back into the bag.

When the old man handed out the cauldron, the winged elf put her hand into the pot and took out a card with the number "8" on it.


 The old man ignored all the seemingly wondrous items. They could be illusions of glamour or every hero carried round such things so they are not that special. Which ever the case he just sort of gave a bored look until Melisa produced actual gold coins. When she did his face lit up and his demeanor became more gentle. "Well that is more like it good dame," he said. The man took exactly 10 gold coins, no more no less, then bit each one to see if they were real. Having passed his inspection he says," That has purchased you the corner room on the second floor for the night, dinner, and breakfast tomorrow. The room has two beds. You my order as much as you wish from the kitchen or bar. I never take more then a fair price." With that concluded he hands Melisa a bronze key to her room with the number 3 on it. The odd old man then takes a seat by the cauldron and gives each patron a nod as they remove a ticket.


Ayanar shrugged. This was a strange place, but he'd seen stranger. He paid for his room, drew a ticket with "4" printed on it, and moved over to the bar, waiting to see what other oddness would happen. His bow was unstrung, as was his habit in towns, but his other weapons were ready. He wondered what bit of strangeness was going to happen next.
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17


 It seems no one else was going to draw from the lottery then. But the cauldron was still open for people to draw a ticket. The in keeper called out the first number. "Number 8, ask  Ormuus a question," he said.