Enslaved by Horselords

Started by sansa, May 20, 2015, 05:08:38 PM

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Enslaved by Horselords | Recruitment & Interest Check
Idea:The Horselords are about to plunder a city- and that is where the game begins! The city they raid and the captives they enslave is what this game is about. I'm certain that a wonderful story, some non-con, and potential romance can happen in this game with the right people! Hopefully the idea of who the Dothraki people are is enough to plant the seed of potential for you because I see some great potential! This is LGBTQ friendly so if you're interested in playing a male slave or if your a women interested in being apart of the Horse Lords but as a fighter, not a slave, please do!

Looking for someone to help GM this game

Hello friends of E! This idea is loosely inspired by the Dothraki people in Game of Thrones. The Dothraki live by taking what they need including supplies, valuables, and new captives to serve them as slaves. The Dothraki respect force, and thus only respect those who are able to successfully resist them, while conquered slaves deserve only contempt... The city they raid and the captives they enslave is what this game is the idea of this RP. I'm certain that a wonderful story, some good ole smut, non-con, and potential romance can happen in this game with the right people! Hopefully the idea of who the Dothraki people are is enough to plant the seed of potential for you because I see some great potential! This is LGBTQ friendly so if you're interested in playing a male slave or if your a women interested in being apart of the Horse Lords but as a fighter, not a slave, please do!

Characters I'll need to get started:
Horse Lord King
Horse Lord Captain
Horse Lord
Horse Lord

City's Queen
City's Princess
City Lady
City Lady

So the possibilities are really endless but this is just sort of a rough idea of characters I think we need to stay off with but open to other characters and hope you will all just post away with characters here!
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)

A Painter

I am very, very interested :)

Maybe as a crossdressing female in the city to be taken over!
Obviously she would have fought, and would have been killed, but as luck (bad or good, she would still be unsure) would have it the warrior somehow discovers she is actually female.

I can help create the society if you'd like :)


Quote from: A Painter on May 20, 2015, 11:17:32 PM
I am very, very interested :)

Maybe as a crossdressing female in the city to be taken over!
Obviously she would have fought, and would have been killed, but as luck (bad or good, she would still be unsure) would have it the warrior somehow discovers she is actually female.

I can help create the society if you'd like :)

What a lovely idea! Yes please I'd love your assistance :)
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)


Well this does sound pretty cool, I love how the Dothraki are based very loosely on the culture of Mongolia during the times of Ghengis khan so perhaps looking into that may also help with building the society you want to create.

that being said, I am very interested in this game. Count me in. 


If you want a bit more inspiration, have a look at the Horseclans series of books. Telepathic horse nomads in a post apoc North America. I suspect you'd probably be able to find some useful stuff to include.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


I would like to show my interest.


So glad there is some interest! I'm working on plotting now and hope we can set it up very soon
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)


I'm gonna put my interest down for this too. :)


Possibly interested, keeping an eye on thread for now

"Vanitas Vanitatum!  Which of us is happy in this world?  Which of us has his desire?  or, having it, is satisfied?" - George Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


It wouldn't really make sense to have a female fighter amongst the Horselords, as the Dothraki are a very male-oriented society. To the Dothraki, women are only good for a few things, and most of them involve sex or breeding.

The ASoIaF series has a lot of material on the Dothraki, but the stuff I've learned in A World of Ice and Fire really fleshed them out as a people. I don't have the book with me, but the Dothraki attacking - and sacking - a city is something you could easily make "canon" with their conquest of the Kingdom of Sarnor, which was an empire that ruled what is now the Dothraki Sea.

The people of Sarnor were also known as the "Tall Men" and were generally long-limbed, brown skinned and black haired/eyed . A notable quality of the Tall Men, unlike the Dothraki, is that men and women made war together as equals. The assimilated cultures of the Kingdom of Sarnor include the Cymmeri, Gipps and Zoqora.

A Painter

Quote from: MrBubbles on May 24, 2015, 10:08:00 PM
It wouldn't really make sense to have a female fighter amongst the Horselords, as the Dothraki are a very male-oriented society. To the Dothraki, women are only good for a few things, and most of them involve sex or breeding.
From my understanding, Sansa is taking inspiration from the Dothraki, then just kind of mixing her own flavor in.

It would be fun to have the Horse Lords have different names for each kind of warrior and breeder, actually.
A male and female fighter could have different terms, skill-sets and responsibilities, and the same can be said for the
males and females with domestic roles.


Showing my interest.
I thought of a male slave, with a very short history of fighting. Being fit and muscular, him not being a fighting man anymore is something the horselords will probably dislike and show contempt for.

I thought he'd be a soldier from another city, defeated during a previous war and taken as a slave in the city, maybe used as a house servant if not as a sex slave to begin with.
Still not sure of all the details, just checking the interest level.


Quote from: A Painter on May 24, 2015, 11:07:02 PM
From my understanding, Sansa is taking inspiration from the Dothraki, then just kind of mixing her own flavor in.

It would be fun to have the Horse Lords have different names for each kind of warrior and breeder, actually.
A male and female fighter could have different terms, skill-sets and responsibilities, and the same can be said for the
males and females with domestic roles.

Correct, I'm very inspired by the Dothraki people but would like to create my own world and story, which I'm working on now with A Painter.

I'm hoping I can get something up for you all by Sunday! I've started a new job and have been training so I'm trying to study my work stuff as much as I can so I'm sorry for the delay!
Hello E friends. For those who've role played with me, I disappeared for a while due to lack of access to a computer and personal issues. Life has calmed down and I now have access to E and inspiration has struck me again. :)


I'm also interested. 

I'd like to take on the role of a city woman to be enslaved.  Someone with spirit and a real sense of will rather than a pushover.  So - maybe lady of the city would work. 

Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
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One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


I'm curious to see what you develop. :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


I'd like to tentatively express interest.


Quote from: Ssieth on June 07, 2015, 09:57:53 AM
I'm also interested. 

I'd like to take on the role of a city woman to be enslaved.  Someone with spirit and a real sense of will rather than a pushover.  So - maybe lady of the city would work. 


That gives me an idea... a horse lord captain, a hero sort and the best rider/trainer in the band.  He'd grab a spirited city woman by choice, wanting a challenge, wanting to break in a willful slave just as he breaks in wild horses...  the contrast being "Break in" verses simply "break" as many of his cohorts would do.  "Horses or women, the best ride comes from the best training!"
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Quote from: TFcommando on June 09, 2015, 03:24:01 AM
That gives me an idea... a horse lord captain, a hero sort and the best rider/trainer in the band.  He'd grab a spirited city woman by choice, wanting a challenge, wanting to break in a willful slave just as he breaks in wild horses...  the contrast being "Break in" verses simply "break" as many of his cohorts would do.  "Horses or women, the best ride comes from the best training!"

Ooh - that sent a tingled down my spine ;)

I'd most definitely be up for that story arc :)
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on June 09, 2015, 03:25:54 AM
Ooh - that sent a tingled down my spine ;)

I'd most definitely be up for that story arc :)

Perhaps she was a princess or nobel lady visiting from another city when this town was sacked, and he plans to parade her before the walls of her hometown once she's been broken in, to demoralize her people!
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Has anyone expressed interest for the King/Khal of the Horselords? Because I could totally do that if no one else has. :)


Quote from: TFcommando on June 09, 2015, 01:21:33 PM
Perhaps she was a princess or nobel lady visiting from another city when this town was sacked, and he plans to parade her before the walls of her hometown once she's been broken in, to demoralize her people!

;) Someone has been reading my mind, that's not allowed!  ;)

And just in case that was a little too oblique... yes.. yes please :D
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Juggtacular on June 09, 2015, 01:33:40 PM
Has anyone expressed interest for the King/Khal of the Horselords? Because I could totally do that if no one else has. :)

Are you willing to fight for it? ;)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.



Quote from: Juggtacular on June 09, 2015, 02:25:08 PM
I...think? Lol.

You'll never lead with an attitude like that :P

Though having a leadership challenge, or fight over a choice slave or two, might be fun to play out in game :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Quote from: HairyHeretic on June 09, 2015, 02:31:47 PM
You'll never lead with an attitude like that :P

Though having a leadership challenge, or fight over a choice slave or two, might be fun to play out in game :)

Oh the character would be much more authoritative. Also if I recall a Khal could be challenged for leadership if there's a good reason so yeah I could see something like that happening.