Twin Peaks based -F lf M -Looking for a Cooper to investigate

Started by Verasaille, March 16, 2015, 01:08:50 AM

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I loved the series, but like some of the people who watch David Lynch productions, I often feel like he gets lost in the macabre and forgets the story. The idea of a sinister being who infiltrates and occupies a body to do horrid things like murder and incest, is brilliant and spooky.

I am not looking for someone to be the murderer. That will be an npc, I am willing to let a co writer take control of the being from time to time to fulfill fantasies, but that is not the main reason I liked the series.

I like the complexity of the townspeople. Some of them were insane, some were innocent but most had some dark things in their past and in the way they interacted with the others in the community. Anyone of them could be inhabited by the being the series called Bob. I think that is far more entertaining than just doing one person and not influencing others.

The tensions and the hidden romance between a few of the characters was intriguing to me as well. The best friend of Laura harboring a secret craving for Laura's boyfriend. The town sheriff wanting the wealthy Oriental sawmill owner, but afraid to show it.

Then the music always intrigued me. Julie Cruise is marvelous.

So where are you Agent Cooper, and can I save your soul?

Please reply by PM if you are interested in an rp following the concept of Twin Peaks. It need not be a canon rp, it can be set somewhere else with different people.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Whether I'm the person for this I'm not sure. But I just want to say it's a fantastic idea!