Mumble Question

Started by Angie, February 10, 2015, 06:47:50 PM

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Hey guys, I got a question. I got a new computer today, and I want to make sure I can get on the Mumble with the new one. I'm considering just copy pasting my fully installed Mumble from this computer to the new one and seeing if that works, but I wanted to ask here if that plan would work before I tried it and fucked something up royally.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


If I recall right (and I'm frazzled--a mumble mod should be able to verify this), what you need is the mumble cert from your old computer to ensure you can get on mumble with your original username on a new comp. You'll need to save your certificate somewhere (I suggest saving it and e-mailing it to yourself as an attachment) and upload it when you install mumble on the new computer. This is a how-to of how to do that: