Castlevania: Succubi's Reign (Interest Check)

Started by ManofDawnLight, February 01, 2015, 12:59:11 PM

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I believe I posted something about this once before, but the idea keeps coming to me, so I'm putting it down again.

So this version would be based on the idea that the Succubus from the PS1 game "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is resurrected from death by DEATH, and it is up to her to bring back the denizens of the night.  She must do it the only way she knows how: sex.

The way this story would play out is that we would have our main character, which would be a female player who either gets the position of Succub us by default or wins it if there's enough interest.  Everyone else (male, female, other) would pick creatures out of the game and wait their turn until the Succubus can resurrect them.  Afterwards, the creatures are allowed to do as they please.  The Endgame would be to resurrect Dracula, but if there's enough interest, we can always continue it with the usual heroes raiding the castle.  Perhaps this time they wont win?

So what do you all think?  I'm involved in two group games already, so after the initial set up, it would pretty much be driven by whoever is the Succubus.
Short stories for now.  Light posts.

I am returning slowly.