Redo of rp ideas/wants Love ya!

Started by Kittenchan, October 10, 2008, 11:34:42 AM

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Alright lets do this proper... >^.^< Redooo!!!!

Rps wanted:                              taken for the time being

Anything with neko girls/boys being in slaved... I wanted to do a mob abduction. Have neko's be rare and they use him/her to get rid of any tensions they have.
Student /Teacher getting it on during school...
Anything NC... I like a good struggle/forcing
Trying Incest... wanted to do more of a sibling getting jealous of the other and forcing them to have sex with them
I'd love a real good bondage rp, tying up someone- leaving them tied up with sex toys in them. or something more hardcore
Tentacle monster or something to that extent
School girls/boys
Every now and then I'd like to be a Dom male... yaoi or regular
I <3 yaoi
I would like to try voyager-ism and exhibitionism stuff sometime soon..

X-Men idea ish...
I came up with the random thought of either making an rp of X-men by making the Xavier Academy be open for a few years (a hundred or so). Have everyone make their own character to be part of the new X-men or the enemy. We could also make students fighting over which side they want to be on. This could potently be a regular rp or we could always add the capture and rape of a member of the other side to it. Also the interactions between the students.

Or take the idea of X-men and have mutant people trying to live normal lives in either a normal time period (avoid the government taking them for test subjects) or have a medieval or futuristic setting. 


These are all just basic ideas of rps I'd like to do sometime. If I start coming up with plots; you know I'll post them. >^.^<

Hit me up for an RP

I want to do some kind of yoai. I was thinking school, a younger smaller boy is always being picked on by this bigger older guy. He either has blackmail for the boy or another wants him bullyish person wants to take him as his own. So the orignal bully to the younger student realizes that he always picked on him because he liked him.

or something to that effect...


Update: I just watched an episode of I think it was called Frayline. Basically it is a SWAT team based drama that deals with all the different situations that come up.

Anyways the episode had a girl abducted by a guy who kept her basically as a slave for what ever he wanted. He warped her mind into thinking that her parents wanted her to be safe with him. Twisting the story of Anne Frank to have her hiding from the bad guys that were running the government. So she hid in her attic so the police wouldn't get her. Well when he kidnaps another little girl the police pick up on it. This guy had his house build to connect to an old abandoned brick yard and the house wired. He could tell when people were at the gate to the back yard, windows, doors, and even on the property. He placed trackers on the girls so that when they went to the doors and or windows.

What I was thinking of is someone has a sexual slave/pet and gets another. The original pet gets jealous and is mean to the other pet as she tried to get back her owner's attention while the new pet wants nothing to do with being a pet.


The mob rp and pet rp ideas I had started if anyone would like to see what I had in mind. EX Pet Mob Idea

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs



i'm up for any of those! XD just let me know
im not very experienced but i promise i'll give it a good shot


Lol Ok Hunter.

Well dlots wait until you get approved first. Then we can talk about starting up an rp. Ok?

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


pm sent.   I'd be interested in more than one of these, though.


Quote from: Kittenchan on October 10, 2008, 11:34:42 AM
Alright lets do this proper... >^.^< Redooo!!!!

Rps wanted:                              taken for the time being

Every now and then I'd like to be a Dom male... yaoi or regular

I a few of your suggestions looked interesting but I'd love to chat more about this one.  If you haven't found someone yet drop me a PM and lets talk.
O/o - Randilin the director's cut


Hey Kitten..a few spots have opened up for a new roleplay for me..:)  I know you like do I...*giggles*   PM Me? :)
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Adding a new plots... thanks a lot LOTRs.

I was thinking two or three people. The story following along what Sam, Frodo and Golumm. When the two hobbits journey into Mordor. We can have to two be lovers or best friends (eventually find their love for each other). This could go either way, F/M, M/M. Then the third would cause the two to fight and start to drift.


Next idea... also spawned from me watching LOTRs right now.

Have some knight or something equivalent to that have a love that is taboo (Arwen and Aragorn). The knight has to go out to battle and the lover pleads for them to stay. They get hurt, the other heals them etc...

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


I play yaoi! I would love to rp with someone who would play dominant. That aside. Forbidden love sounds fun, I like the knight going into battle plot. I'd like to set in a medieval setting, and play as a fairy (mid summers night's dream ish fairy).The fairies I see as being immortal powerful and capricious beings. They toy with mortals, doing good or ill on a whim, petty tricks or turn of favor. Showing themselves to mortals in more than a glimpse is something of a taboo as is being involved with one. The fairy, (my character if you wouldn't mind playing the knight) one night found the human lost in the forest and decided to have some fun with him, guide him out or get him lost, depending on what fancy struck. Maybe show himself and play a while, then have the human remember the whole encounter as only a dream. The problem is they fell in love.

Fairies can appear anywhere, because they live in a world not quite our own,parallel dimension, but usually must be near a forest or water because they thrive near life. So the fairy could easily appear and visit him, and then vanish again.

What do you think?


New plot....

Most likely M/M maybe M/F but would have to be very picky about the partner.

The idea came from the ending of Dark Knight. Basically this man (mostly CEO or rich) is bitter and does not get attached to anyone and is really harsh to his workers. Is basically dying but refuses to show how sick he is or let anyone know of how sick he is but that's besides the point. (where the Batman part comes in) The reason he isn't reacting to any of the treatments is because he was in a war or some type of attack and had to tell his lover or someone dear to him that they were going to be ok as the person killed them in front of him.
He can't get over that part of his past and thats why he is so bitter and mean. Some person that just gets hired is attracted to him or is falling for him. Some how they find out how sick he is (collapse, coughing up blood... etc) and he refuses to get help and has given up on finding a cure.

Basically either ends up breaking down and falling in love with this person and he get help because of them or he has someone there for him in his last hours of life... and end with a similar telling him everything is going to be ok as the boss person dies

Is planning on being randomly violent i.e. loosing his temper and hitting employees or whatever. Having the boss person seem to get better and then get worse. Lalala etc....

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


New Plot

M/M, M/F, F/F, or multiple

Selfish pet

I would like to do an rp with a pet/slave who wants to be his or her master's only slave. Either they get another slave or the master is trying to get his slave to pleasure others. But they refuse and only will give their attention to their master. Either we could have a new slave that is supposed to be a pet to the pet or another person in the master's life and the slave wants nothing to do with the new person (ends up harassing and beating the other person or what have you). Or the master is simply trying to get some of his or her friends some of it for money or something....

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


I'd be interesting in doing any of the ones you have listed including the newest one; that one gives me a bit of a Story of O feel to it.
Ons and Offs
A/A UPDATED back as of 2/2018!
Story Ideas


"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


New plot:

Vampire x Human M/M or M/F (Kinda going for a light rp for once)
A human doesn't care for life anymore so they have been doing everything and anything dangerous. A vampire feeds off his or her vibes of longing for death. The vampire promises the human to help end it, but only if they be a feeding pet for a little while before he kills him or her. I was thinking either having the human character get used to being a feeding pet/ fall for the vampire, but is then stolen from the vampire by another. Have them either killed or turned into a vampire slave to the other vampire. Or I was thinking that the human would get their wish to end life but the vampire has fallen for them.

You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


You know you have found the purrrfect one when every gesture is affectionate. >^.^<

How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Wanna go ride bikes?

Kitten's Ons and Offs


Soren Kisamora

i wouldn't mind being your sub neko schoolboy ,or girl :P