SINS Academy Interest Check! [applications re-open] Students and Sins required.

Started by Rave, November 23, 2014, 08:25:06 PM

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Prince Truhan

Just let me know if I need to change anything

Name : Malcontent

Age : Ageless

Sex : Male

Classification : Sin of Envy

House : Envy

Position : Head of House Envy

Year : Does not apply

Skills: Malcontent has picked up several mundane skills by coveting them from others but lacking the determination to become a master at them.

Powers: Multilocation: Malcontent can't bear to be missing things by being in only one place, so he can be in more than one place at once.
"The grass is greener...": He can make someone focus exclusively on something his victim desires and that someone else has.

Height : 6'5
Weight / Body type : Thin but fit with marked muscles
Hair : Dark
Skin : Pale
Eyes : Icy blue
Distinguishing Features : Scar at left side of his neck.

Likes : Being in charge, getting his way, taking something that belongs to someone else
Dislikes : Failure, losing control of a situation, settling for something less than what he wishes

About: Malcontent is often misunderstood as someone that can't be happy since he is always craving what others have, they don't understand that it is that craving that keeps him alive. He lets his brothers and sisters think what they may, it's better to be underestimated sometimes. He knows that to get what one truly wants the way is to take it from others.
In the common room of the house of Envy there is a plaque summarizing his thoughts:

"Envy is not wrath, that usually gets things destroyed rather than taken.
Envy is not pride, trust that others can do good so you can take it from them.
Envy is not greed, take what you want, not for the sake of taking.
Envy is not lust, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with someone else's.
Envy is not gluttony, overindulgence keeps your eyes away from the prize
Envy is not sloth, you must act to get what you want."

Labels : Jealous, Cold, Calculating, lacking restraint

Sexuality : Straight
Sexual On's and Offs : Ons and Offs

Player : Prince Truhan

Prince Truhan

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 24, 2014, 09:01:04 PM
I'm not sure if someone already claimed it, but you may be getting a sheet from me pretty soon as the Head of house Envy. :)

If someone did - I can easily make her a student.

Sorry, was posting him as you said this, maybe I should have mentioned I was working on him

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Prince Truhan on November 24, 2014, 09:05:36 PM
Sorry, was posting him as you said this, maybe I should have mentioned I was working on him

It's just fine actually! I'll make her a student. :)


Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 24, 2014, 09:01:04 PM
I'm not sure if someone already claimed it, but you may be getting a sheet from me pretty soon as the Head of house Envy. :)

If someone did - I can easily make her a student.

There's still the Head of House Sloth and Gluttony free~ Though Sloths are usually super buff, like Dwayne the Rock Johnson Buff.


Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Quote from: Angiejuusan on November 24, 2014, 09:03:53 PM
Bahhhh...trying to find 5 images for Aether Walker is tough! I have two so far, and any more then that is just...GA!

I would say just use the two you like. I didn't use all 5 spots on Lust, just erased the ones I didn't use. :)


Quote from: Prince Truhan on November 24, 2014, 09:04:23 PM
Just let me know if I need to change anything

Name : Malcontent

Age : Ageless

Sex : Male

Classification : Sin of Envy

House : Envy

Position : Head of House Envy

Year : Does not apply

Skills: Malcontent has picked up several mundane skills by coveting them from others but lacking the determination to become a master at them.

Powers: Multilocation: Malcontent can't bear to be missing things by being in only one place, so he can be in more than one place at once.
"The grass is greener...": He can make someone focus exclusively on something his victim desires and that someone else has.

Height : 6'5
Weight / Body type : Thin but fit with marked muscles
Hair : Dark
Skin : Pale
Eyes : Icy blue
Distinguishing Features : Scar at left side of his neck.

Likes : Being in charge, getting his way, taking something that belongs to someone else
Dislikes : Failure, losing control of a situation, settling for something less than what he wishes

About: Malcontent is often misunderstood as someone that can't be happy since he is always craving what others have, they don't understand that it is that craving that keeps him alive. He lets his brothers and sisters think what they may, it's better to be underestimated sometimes. He knows that to get what one truly wants the way is to take it from others.
In the common room of the house of Envy there is a plaque summarizing his thoughts:

"Envy is not wrath, that usually gets things destroyed rather than taken.
Envy is not pride, trust that others can do good so you can take it from them.
Envy is not greed, take what you want, not for the sake of taking.
Envy is not lust, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with someone else's.
Envy is not gluttony, overindulgence keeps your eyes away from the prize
Envy is not sloth, you must act to get what you want."

Labels : Jealous, Cold, Calculating, lacking restraint

Sexuality : Straight
Sexual On's and Offs : Ons and Offs

Player : Prince Truhan

Accepted - Welcome aboard.


Quote from: Rave on November 24, 2014, 09:11:18 PM
There's still the Head of House Sloth and Gluttony free~ Though Sloths are usually super buff, like Dwayne the Rock Johnson Buff.

O.k. gotta does Sloth get to be that buff when s/he would be too darned lazy and unmotivated to do the work needed to maintain it?


Quote from: Caela on November 24, 2014, 09:12:55 PM
O.k. gotta does Sloth get to be that buff when s/he would be too darned lazy and unmotivated to do the work needed to maintain it?


I was thinking of Sloth looking unkempt.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Quote from: Caela on November 24, 2014, 09:12:55 PM
O.k. gotta does Sloth get to be that buff when s/he would be too darned lazy and unmotivated to do the work needed to maintain it?

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on November 24, 2014, 09:15:06 PM

I was thinking of Sloth looking unkempt.

Ahaha it's a trade off type of deal.

While Sloths are incredibly lazy and unmotivated, their strength is a counter balance. People often assume Sloth is the weakest because they don't try anything. It's not untrue, they're just naturally gifted in other areas. While their WILL is lazy and weak, their bodies are naturally endowed to be stronger. Consider them the heavy Calvary for the Demons, the muscle. Yet again, you can't be so powerful without a counter balance, thus the extreme laziness and lack of motivation to do anything.

I mean if you've ever watched FMA, this was their version of Sloth:

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

I imagined something similar.

Though if that's not a popular concept it's subject to editing~


I was thinking Sloth is being played a bit more like it is in, say, Dragon Age (and yes, I know the Sloth demons were lazy there too, hear me out)-it's the fact that they INSPIRE sloth in mortals, not that they're the embodiment of Sloth and laziness. But that's just my preference.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Rave on November 24, 2014, 09:11:18 PM
There's still the Head of House Sloth and Gluttony free~ Though Sloths are usually super buff, like Dwayne the Rock Johnson Buff.

Haha! I would, but I found just the perfect character model which screams envy to me. :)


Quote from: Angiejuusan on November 24, 2014, 09:18:07 PM
I was thinking Sloth is being played a bit more like it is in, say, Dragon Age (and yes, I know the Sloth demons were lazy there too, hear me out)-it's the fact that they INSPIRE sloth in mortals, not that they're the embodiment of Sloth and laziness. But that's just my preference.

The way Sloths use their power is subjective. I'm sure every demon has their own way of using their sin, and inspiring sloths in mortals could be one of them. The only requirement for a Sloth really, is to be physically built, at least that's how I pictured it while I created.

But again, it's subject to change.

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 24, 2014, 09:18:59 PM
Haha! I would, but I found just the perfect character model which screams envy to me. :)

Haha sounds good! Can't wait to see.


Posting interest!  I just had a couple questions for you, Rave.  If Gluttony is still unspoken for, I would be interested in that particular role.  While I don't mind the food aspect of it, my basic idea would be a male that filled all of his desires to excess (sex, food, drink, drugs, training, fighting, etc).  Does that fit within what you seek for the game? 


Quote from: Sindra on November 24, 2014, 09:20:46 PM
Posting interest!  I just had a couple questions for you, Rave.  If Gluttony is still unspoken for, I would be interested in that particular role.  While I don't mind the food aspect of it, my basic idea would be a male that filled all of his desires to excess (sex, food, drink, drugs, training, fighting, etc).  Does that fit within what you seek for the game?

Gluttony is indeed free!

You've actually hit the nail quite on the head. Gluttony is an encompassing term. It's not some obese person shoveling food down his mouth all the time. Much like greed, he's sin of excess. You're on the right track!


Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


(I'll find another picture later)
Name : "Aether-Walker" (not his real name but he electrocutes anyone who asks his real name)
Age : 90, appears in his late 20s
Sex : Male
Classification :
House : Wrath

Position : Student
Year : (Left Blank because I gotta ask Rave)

Skills: Excels at sword combat, but in his spare time, he enjoys cooking.
Powers: Can create electricity around himself, but cannot project it-no lightning bolts for him, but he can grab someone and shock them silly. He can also "Aether-Step" as he calls it, allowing him to teleport 20 ft. in the direction his body is facing. He can only do this once every 10 minutes, however.

Height : 6' 0"
Weight / Body type : 200 lbs, mostly muscle
Hair : Black
Skin : White
Eyes : Blue
Distinguishing Features : Has a tattoo on his left hand, a series of symbols that translate to "Ride the lightning".

Likes : Good food, good wine, intellectual debates
Dislikes : Poor food ("IT'S RAW!"), fools, puns.

About: "Aether-Walker". The name invokes mystery and curiosity. Who is he? Where did he come from? Well, his background is rather pedestrian. He was one of the many wrath demons born of the hell that was "The Great War" (which was soon renamed to WW1), and it seemed like he would be little more then just another grunt. He revolted against this idea and went AWOL from his assigned commander. He returned two decades later, wrapped in a cloak and carrying an odd, blue tinted sword.

His former commander ordered him killed. Ten men were sent against him. Famously, he said "I would shed a tear for your deaths if this wasn't so pathetic." The battle was swift, and decisive-ten demons laid dead. Aether-Walker, as he now called himself, barely broke a sweat. He was allowed to operate on his own after that event, and he spend several years attempting to develop his powers of electricity and limited teleportation. Seven decades later, he's come to the Academy, as he feels he's hit a wall. He won't admit it, of course-he says he wants to see how good he is.

He is always incredibly calm, to an unnerving degree. Even in the midst of battle, he looks like he's ordering lunch. At least one sparring partner has called it off because he's just damn creepy with his stonefaced expression.

Labels : Calm, Collected, Sharp, Quick

Sexuality : Heterosexual
Sexual On's and Offs : Enjoys a good bit of D/S (him as dom, of course). Has a dislike of spanking, and does not like oversized butts.

Player : Angiejuusan

So Rave, my question to you, considering his power, what year would he be? He seems really physically powerful, but if you actually get any kind of range on him (anything 30 ft or beyond) you have him dead to rights. Should I scale him down a bit? His electricity can be resisted-you can fight him off if he does it, it's mostly "He can grab you and shock you" sorta thing.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Sindra on November 24, 2014, 09:20:46 PM
Posting interest!  I just had a couple questions for you, Rave.  If Gluttony is still unspoken for, I would be interested in that particular role.  While I don't mind the food aspect of it, my basic idea would be a male that filled all of his desires to excess (sex, food, drink, drugs, training, fighting, etc).  Does that fit within what you seek for the game?

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D!

* Rel Mayer is so freaking happy right now.

Just need a SF. >:)

* Rel Mayer goes to let him out of his cage.


Quote from: Caela on November 24, 2014, 08:50:52 PM
Thanks! :D

I just read over it, and wanted to say I absolutely loved it! :D

Quote from: Sindra on November 24, 2014, 09:20:46 PM
Posting interest!  I just had a couple questions for you, Rave.  If Gluttony is still unspoken for, I would be interested in that particular role.  While I don't mind the food aspect of it, my basic idea would be a male that filled all of his desires to excess (sex, food, drink, drugs, training, fighting, etc).  Does that fit within what you seek for the game? 

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 24, 2014, 09:51:13 PM

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D!

* Rel Mayer is so freaking happy right now.

Just need a SF. >:)

* Rel Mayer goes to let him out of his cage.

*left over head and brain remnants explode again*
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Quote from: Caela on November 24, 2014, 08:43:24 PM
Aww...Lust can charm him, how cute...she'll remember that. ~smiles innocently~

I just noticed this.

Stop it right now. Stop those naughty thoughts.


Quote from: Rave on November 24, 2014, 10:02:45 PM
I just noticed this.

Stop it right now. Stop those naughty thoughts.

Now now, you know you don't really want me to stop those thoughts...I bet you'd even enjoy them yourself.

Gnothi, thanks, it was a lot of fun to write and I think it helped bring across some of the more sinister but playful aspect to her as well. :)


Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 24, 2014, 09:51:13 PM

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D!

* Rel Mayer is so freaking happy right now.

Just need a SF. >:)

* Rel Mayer goes to let him out of his cage.

*Cheers* Heyas, sweetie *pounces on Rel*!!!  I'm super happy right now too!! 

Oh, don't let him out of the cage!  He can make a character and play from inside.  I stuck him in the one with internet access!  ;D

My character sheet


Name : Veradis
Age : Ageless
Sex : Male
Classification : Sin of Gluttony
House : Gluttony

Position : Head of House Gluttony
Year : N/A

Skills: Gluttony is skilled at finding what others need and encouraging them to indulge in their vices.  Never one to deny those in need, he goes the opposite route, giving them more than they could ever want and then doing it again.  Incredibly friendly, though manipulative, he is happy to get what he desires in a friendly fashion.  At least until that fails.  As all of the Original Sins, he has a great many skills though he is well known for his bloodlust when driven to anger.  An expert in melee weapons and torture, he tends to over indulge those desires when his anger is aroused.
Powers: Among several, the below are what Veradis is most known to do.
Sense Vice
Veradis can sense the desires of others.  Whether they are craving chocolate, tobacco, heroin, sex, etc, he can feel it radiating off of others.  Whatever vice a person has calls to him like a beacon. 

Enhance Vice
With this ability, Veradis can increase the need from others, forcing them to perform tasks to excess.  Someone who is hungry would become ravenous, eating whatever was in front of them well beyond the point of being full.  When he is truly angered, this ability can be used to watch someone perform a task until their body gives out. 

Height : 6'2”
Weight / Body type :
Hair : Black and Gray
Skin : Older, his skin is not nearly flawless and is covered in ink from his neck right on down
Eyes : Ice blue
Distinguishing Features : His entire neck, torso, arms and legs are covered in tattoos.  He has a beard that is sometimes well trimmed and, other times, bushy and wild.

Likes : Depth of character, Participation (joining him in activities), Humor
Dislikes : Those with too much discipline, Boredom

Veradis has had many roles throughout his time and has often offered assistance to the other Original Sins.  Able to help increase the vices of others has made him useful on occasion to some of the others.  However, it has also caused some problems on occasion.  His sphere of influence can overlap with some of the other Sins, something he treads carefully to avoid on most occasions.

Something of a dual personality individual, he has times where he is warm and friendly, spreading his influence quietly.  Other times, he is deep within his own excesses, entirely focused on whatever is giving him the most pleasure at the time.  On those occasions, he is intractable and shouldn't be interrupted unless one wants his attentions turned on them.  He has, when interrupted, used those foolish enough to have done as such to indulge his insatiable bloodlust. 

Labels : Unpredictable, Bringer of Vice

Sexuality : Omni-sexual.  When he is in the mood to indulge in sex, he is willing to fuck anyone or anything that appeals to him.  As with everything, he does so to excess and often runs through several partners before the desire fades.
Sexual On's and Offs : When he is in the throes of sexual desire, he simply wants pleasure for himself and, to a lesser extent, his partners.  He is not usually violent in the bedroom unless his advances are resisted.  (Please see my O/O's for further information.  Also, a PM to discuss these details are always welcome!)

Player :Sindra


Quote from: Sindra on November 24, 2014, 10:14:31 PM
*Cheers* Heyas, sweetie *pounces on Rel*!!!  I'm super happy right now too!! 

Oh, don't let him out of the cage!  He can make a character and play from inside.  I stuck him in the one with internet access!  ;D

My character sheet


Name : Veradis
Age : Ageless
Sex : Male
Classification : Sin of Gluttony
House : Gluttony

Position : Head of House Gluttony
Year : N/A

Skills: Gluttony is skilled at finding what others need and encouraging them to indulge in their vices.  Never one to deny those in need, he goes the opposite route, giving them more than they could ever want and then doing it again.  Incredibly friendly, though manipulative, he is happy to get what he desires in a friendly fashion.  At least until that fails.  As all of the Original Sins, he has a great many skills though he is well known for his bloodlust when driven to anger.  An expert in melee weapons and torture, he tends to over indulge those desires when his anger is aroused.
Powers: Among several, the below are what Veradis is most known to do.
Sense Vice
Veradis can sense the desires of others.  Whether they are craving chocolate, tobacco, heroin, sex, etc, he can feel it radiating off of others.  Whatever vice a person has calls to him like a beacon. 

Enhance Vice
With this ability, Veradis can increase the need from others, forcing them to perform tasks to excess.  Someone who is hungry would become ravenous, eating whatever was in front of them well beyond the point of being full.  When he is truly angered, this ability can be used to watch someone perform a task until their body gives out. 

Height : 6'2”
Weight / Body type :
Hair : Black and Gray
Skin : Older, his skin is not nearly flawless and is covered in ink from his neck right on down
Eyes : Ice blue
Distinguishing Features : His entire neck, torso, arms and legs are covered in tattoos.  He has a beard that is sometimes well trimmed and, other times, bushy and wild.

Likes : Depth of character, Participation (joining him in activities), Humor
Dislikes : Those with too much discipline, Boredom

Veradis has had many roles throughout his time and has often offered assistance to the other Original Sins.  Able to help increase the vices of others has made him useful on occasion to some of the others.  However, it has also caused some problems on occasion.  His sphere of influence can overlap with some of the other Sins, something he treads carefully to avoid on most occasions.

Something of a dual personality individual, he has times where he is warm and friendly, spreading his influence quietly.  Other times, he is deep within his own excesses, entirely focused on whatever is giving him the most pleasure at the time.  On those occasions, he is intractable and shouldn't be interrupted unless one wants his attentions turned on them.  He has, when interrupted, used those foolish enough to have done as such to indulge his insatiable bloodlust. 

Labels : Unpredictable, Bringer of Vice

Sexuality : Omni-sexual.  When he is in the mood to indulge in sex, he is willing to fuck anyone or anything that appeals to him.  As with everything, he does so to excess and often runs through several partners before the desire fades.
Sexual On's and Offs : When he is in the throes of sexual desire, he simply wants pleasure for himself and, to a lesser extent, his partners.  He is not usually violent in the bedroom unless his advances are resisted.  (Please see my O/O's for further information.  Also, a PM to discuss these details are always welcome!)

Player :Sindra

While I don't know who is in a cage and who isnt, but character accepted :p

Go ahead and post him up in the character thread!


Quote from: Rave on November 24, 2014, 10:36:31 PM
While I don't know who is in a cage and who isnt, but character accepted :p

Go ahead and post him up in the character thread!

Thanks much!  I shall post him immediately!  *Is excited about this game*

Rel Mayer

Let me know what you think!

Nitya Mi Young 'Mi' (Student of Envy)

Name : Nitya Mi Young 'Mi'
Age : Appears in mid twenties.
Sex : Female
Classification : (Unsure with students?)
House : Envy

Position : Student of Envy House
Year : 4

Skills: A Brilliant Mind - She is a plotter. Although she usually greets people with a smile and cheers them on. She's secretly plotting for their demise in the back of her mind. She befriends people just to find their weaknesses to exploit them. She's very intelligent and prefers for her companions to also use their mind rather than weapons.

Powers: Shape-Shifting - She's a woman of many forms, but she holds a personal favorite form (current character image). Even when she has shape shifted into another form, there are things that stay consistant. She always has black lips, always has the tattoo on the back of her arm, and she always has the sharp and pointy black nails.

Height : 4'11
Weight / Body type : Petite and Slender
Hair : Brown
Skin : Tan
Eyes : Shifting, usually stays Light brown/Green
Distinguishing Features : Tattoo of ancient markings on the back of her right arm, black lips, sharp black nails.

Likes : Beauty.  Intelligence. Winning. Compliments.
Dislikes : Losing. Dirty things. Insults. Being seen as the lesser.

About: A child of the streets. Living in the gutters and starving from day to day. Hoping for the chance of a few bones to fall along the gutters so she could gnaw on the remainders of meat while looking at the warm insides of various houses through the luxury of windows. The laughter. The food. The beauty. The money. She envied all of it while her frail bones and hollowed cheeks could only care and want for the will to survive.

On the eve of the day she was supposed to die. A follower of Envy came to her. Hearing her cries, owes, and desires to be the exactly person that she wasn't. Envious of everything that her life didn't have and how cruel the world was. Believing that it was all unfair. Until the man granted that wish to her and her life completely changed. From rags to riches, eternal, and the ability to be whoever she wanted to be.

Join us. He said. Join us and you shall always have what you desire. Intelligence and beauty are among the many riches in which you will receive. And he was right... for the most part, but how does one that can be anything they want appreciate what they actually are? It left a desire inside of her heart the second she changed. Everyone was always better. Wanting what she couldn't have and seeing people with traits she could never posses drove her bitter. Taking an appearance was one thing, but there were so many skills that she still wanted. So many people that she wanted to be, so many things that she still couldn't have.

She wants to destroy anyone who was better than her. She wants to be the best and she will always desire what she can't have. She is one to greet you with a smile and compliments, but they're never real.

Labels : Copycat. Competitive. Dream Crusher. Tease. Fake.

Sexuality : Bisexual - Switch
Sexual On's and Offs : Rel Mayer's O&Os
Everything is more than welcome with my characters - with the exception of scat.

Player : Rel Mayer