Incest, Furry, Sex Schools, and other Fantastic Worlds

Started by Mira Willow, October 07, 2014, 04:46:00 AM

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Mira Willow

Hello Brothers and Sisters and everyone in between, Welcome to this collection of stories, adventures, settings...fantasies? Whatever you call them, I am glad you are here to see them. This is by no means an exhaustive list, instead this is what I am craving at this point in time. I am sure I will update this will more in the future, But know that what is here is not the only thing I want or am willing to do. I am pretty much willing to rp anything with a good story so if you have something you are craving shoot me a PM.

On a similar topic, if you want something or everything changed in them, don’t be afraid to ask. Some of the best RPs I ever did where stories made together between partners not just following what I had planned. Have fun and go wild >.<

Also this is not a first come first serve thing, I am more than willing to rp the same thing with multiple people. ^_^

OK one last thing, I am chill. I don't have a lot of rules. Post length is not a big issue for me, spelling/grammar not a big deal. I am usually willing to work with a lot so don't worry.

Alright enough of that, let's begin. The RPs are listed in no particular order. (gender bending is encouraged, I just can't list every possible gender pairing)

I have put a summary of each story below it so you can just want the main idea, they will be listed in red

I will try and keep these simple:

1. Looking for all genders, and you may play as another one other than your own
2. Any size post you want is ok, but try to not write one sentence.
3. I am looking to try male on male story (but I have never done it before)
4. Try to stay in character (I just mean don't jump to sex if you can help it)
5. Be civil (not really a problem for this community)
6. enjoy!

Put yourself in Anna's shoes. 16 years ago, she gave away her newborn son. Today she gets him back. When her son was born, her Lover at the time James took him away and she never got to know him. But in a bittersweet moment a letter arrives saying her late lover had died and her son was moving in with her. Anna knew at that moment one thing above all. She was going to be the most fun accepting mother ever. She was going to be the best mom a son could ever want to make up for all the time she didn't get to raise him. No matter what society says, she was going to do everything to make him happy.

More Detailed Version

Put yourself in Anna's shoes. 16 years ago, she gave away her newborn son. Today she gets him back. Anna Swallow is a high school art teacher, but she didn't always use to be that way. When she had her son, she a naive young girl preaching about nudity and free-love. It's safe to say her pamphlets on legal public nudity fell on deaf ears. But another adventure of hers turned out well, James Hills. A powerful handsome man who she fell deeply in love with at first sight. Those two years were the best of her life. Running through the streets naked, Surprising him during business meeting. Almost getting him fired because of that. But her son changed that. James saw his son as a chance to "grow up" whatever that means. Anna saw her son as a person to share their joy with.

That philosophical difference ended everything. James took their son to another country where he had a factory. Anna was too foolish and too poor to fight him. Her happiness, her sons happiness...gone. Without James Anna broke, she gave up her attempts to change the world and just got a job that paid. Those were tough years. But they were also behind her. She got a job in Sex Ed and secretly has returned to her campaign to change the world, one person at a time. That is when Anna got the letter. James had died in a car accident. Anna broke down crying when she read that letter. James and he had grown apart but she never hated him. One thing made her stop. Her son was going to her. She had never technically given up custody rights for him. 16 years...She had so much catching up to do. A long lost hope and life awoke in Anna's heart that day. and it spoke thus "You have to make up for all the time you missed!"

The letter said he would arrive by train in a few days. Anna spent most of that time panicking and cleaning her small one bedroom house. Other than that she wrote, and rewrote a giant list of activities they would do together. Anna got half-way through this and realized something. They things were for her. This is the one time in her life it wasn't about her. She couldn't be selfish. She had missed so much and he barely knew her. No, instead of doing things for her, she was going to do things for him. Everything, and anything. James was a great man, but he was not an accepting man. She needed to be the most fun accepting mom the world had ever known. She was going to win over her son, and gain his love.

She was going to show him the love she had when she was young, no matter what society says she was going to make sure her son was happy.


Maria was among the first to develop her gift. And like many in her time she didn't know what it was or how to control it. "Euphoria" they called it. About 15 years ago teenagers all around the world were discovering they had a special gift, or curse. For many it was a living nightmare, quite a few resorted to suicide. Add in the fact they only about 10,000 people had it and fear was on the rise. Maria though, was also among the first to understand it and master it. Euphoria is an ability that allows the person to bring their greatest sexual desires to life. For some they could change to be the opposite sex, others could grow fur and animal like features. Others could convince whole groups of people to do their bidding. The world was scared of what these kids could do. Maria was not.

Maria set up a school to help kids learn how to manage their abilities. It is now known as "Maria's School for the Gifted." a world renown school where children who possess the euphoria gift are sent to learn to control it and become a functional member of society. In turn the school is entirely based around sexual education and controlling the euphoria power. You knew all this before you enrolled. And yet signing that power felt like more of a commitment then you realized. You are going to a sex school, but you need to go. If you ever hope to keep your euphoria in check.

More Detailed Version
Maria was among the first to develop her gift. And like many in her time she didn't know what it was or how to control it. "Euphoria" they called it. About 15 years ago teenagers all around the world were discovering they had a special gift, or curse. For many it was a living nightmare, quite a few resorted to suicide. Add in the fact they only about 10,000 people had it and fear was on the rise. Maria though, was also among the first to understand it and master it. Euphoria is an ability that allows the person to bring their greatest sexual desires to life. For some they could change to be the opposite sex, others could grow fur and animal like features. Others could convince whole groups of people to do their bidding.

But the catch was these gifts only worked while aroused, and some where pretty bad. With the social battle for these young adults it it's breaking point. Maria did the first thing she could to convince everyone to accept this new generation and help people understand their inborn desires and the powers that them from them. She built a school. At first it was small just helping a few kids deal with the fact that at a point in their life where sexuality was already confusing, now there deepest turn ons would be made real. The success rate was unimaginable. So much so that in the next few years maria moved away to an Island of Africa to set up "Maria's School for the Gifted." That was quite a few years back and now Maria's School is a world renown school where children who possess the euphoria gift are sent to learn to control it and become a functional member of society. In turn the school is based entirely based around sexual education and learning to control the euphoria gift.

Thanks to private and government funding the school is built from the ground up with these two themes in mind.From the bathrooms to the classrooms, to the dorm rooms, the school is making sure you get the best in sexual education. With the world's best in teacher who know how to deal with Euphoria. And a curriculum designed for gifted children. There is no better school for you. But who am I kidding you have heard this speech a thousand times. I don't need to tell you it anymore. You know as all young adults like you know. You have the Euphoria gift, and if you ever want to learn to deal with it, you better sign the enrollment papers and pack your bags, because you're changing schools.

Uniform Designs
(NSFW) Here are a few design concepts for the uniforms, we don't by any means have to go by these. If you want them in normal clothes that fine, or nude all the time, whatever will come up with something. But I thought this might be nice to get the ideas flowing.
Female Uniforms
Female Uniforms - alt
Male Uniforms
Futa Uniform
Futa Uniform - alt
Furry Uniform

Fun Dad:

Michael had always been the fun dad when he daughter had come over. Take her to parks, Maybe watch her favorite movie while eating ice cream. He loved his daughter, but he left it up to her mother to be the responsible one. He had a lifestyle not meant for having a girl at his house all the time. And he knew that he wasn't going to change that for her. But one day after a big fight her mom dropped her off and drove away. Michael was faced with an ultimatum, change everything he knew about his life and be the proper parent he didn't know how to be. Or risk ruining his daughters life by making her join him in this weird lifestyle he had.

As he stared at his beautiful daughter walking towards his door on that rainy night he knew. She didn't want responsible, if she did she wouldn't be moving in with him.

More Detailed Version

Michael had always been the fun dad when he daughter had come over. Take her to parks, go see a movie. Maybe watch her favorite movie while eating ice cream. He loved his daughter, but he left it up to her mother to be the responsible one. Until the day she couldn't handle it. His daughter wanted to move in with him. Michael fought this for as long as he could. He had a lifestyle not meant for having a daughter at his house all the time. He was a bachelor on good income who had been by himself for years. To say his lifestyle consisted of bad habits and inappropriate acts would be the world's largest understatement. It's his home, no one can tell him no.
And who cares it kept him the happy, fun dad he was.

But Michael knew full well his daughter and her mom were at their wits end. He tried all he could to mend that relationship, but something he seemed to be working. Eventually he just said they were going to have to work it out because he didn't have room for her. Which was a lie, but it helped. Michael could tell it was for the best as things calmed down. Until they didn't. One day after a big fight her mom dropped her off and drove away. No words were exchanged, she didn't even get out of the car. He knew knew he couldn't fight it any more. This was now a reality. Michael was faced with an ultimatum, change everything he knew about his life and be the proper parent he didn't know how to be. Or risk ruining his daughters life by making her join him in this weird lifestyle he had. As he stared at his beautiful daughter walking towards his door on that rainy night he knew. He didn't know how to be responsible, and he would fail even if he tried. Instead he would do the only thing he knew how, being the fun dad. He was bring her into his lifestyle and just be as chill and fun as he had always been. He wouldn't change one bit. If she didn't want him the way he was, she wouldn't want to move in so badly.

But there were going to have to be some rules. "only three, that's it" Michael said.

1. Clothes are optional
        Michael didn't feel the needs for clothes in his own home, and she was just going to have to deal with that. Hopefully she would join him when she felt ready.
2. You must be honest, and answer truthfully any question asked.
       If he was going to keep being as fun, they need to have no secrets between them. This meant any question, on any topic. He had always been honest with her, and he would continue to be no matter what, he expected the same.
3. Masturbation is not to be hidden.
       His daughter was entering a critical point in her life. And if there was one responsible thing he could do it was to keep her from fearing her own body. This didn't mean that she had to masturbate out in the open. She was young, she needed her privacy, but instead she shouldn't feel she NEEDS to do it in private. He is fine with her masturbating with him around. And he is going to walk in on her, if he needs something in her room or something. She shouldn't feel the need to stop or panic if this happens. Just as he won't if she sees him doing it.


"Don't look at me, you said you wanted a Puppy" To your surprise your parent's came through and got you a dog. Except in your cries for a pet you had no idea they would get you an Anthro. "It's all the rage. I hear Becky's parent's got her one". Weather you wanted one or not, you're stuck with her. "She will need constant care, she is your responsibility now." Pet's are no toy and you knew that when you asked for a dog. But Anthros are not dogs in many ways they are better. Longer life, able to cook and clean, and be your servant. They are life-long friends. But they also have needs and wants other pets don't have.

What will you do with her, for she is yours now and forever. Treat her well.

More Detailed Version

"I want a puppy" you cried over and over. But your family isn't exactly rich and you didn't expect them to get you an Anthro. Which is quite expensive, something you are sure they will guilt trip you later for. But after months of pleading you have your pet. Problem is Anthros are not normal pets. but they are pets. For the past decade bioengineers have been splicing DNA to make Anthro pets. The world was up and arms about it at first, but like all things people eventually accepted them. There are still groups that want them to have more rights, but the reality is they are domestic pets, not people. They are smarter than a dog or a cat, but they are no where near as smart as even a young teenager. At first they were sold to the super rich for sex purposes, but that wasn't exactly legal. Now there main selling point is loyalty and long life.

Just think a dog who will live as long as young but can clean up after itself and double as a maid. It's perfect, that is what your parents thought. Problem for you is they didn't buy some perfect house cat Anthro, they in their ignorance bought you a young pup anthro. It's cute as all hell, but it's not trained to do anything and you will need to look after it at every moment. Problem is you have no say in the matter, your parents got you it and there is no returning it, especially considering how expensive they are. Hopefully you get along because you are going to be spending a lot of time together.

Mira Willow

Update: Added Roommate, a more serious, yet still sexual RP. I think I will look into adding more of these, or at least more MxM rps.

Mira Willow

Update: Added Ghost, a simple fun idea. Adjusted some layout stuff, and changed the order of a few things.