Secret Government Agency Interest Check!!! (Recruiting!!)

Started by Juggtacular, September 12, 2014, 02:21:15 AM

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The game is up and running, but it's still in it's infant stages and still accepting new members!  XD


I will throw a character sheet up at the weekend. I hope that is ok? :o




Basic Information

Name: Balder Vivekin
Code-Name: Incubus
Nickname/s: /
Age: 19
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Affiliation: Cipher Pol Agent

Physical Appearance

Height: 6.2
Build: Skinny with some muscles
Eye Color: silver/gray
Hair: Scruffy white shoulder length
Distinguishing Marks: Red tattoo like marking on his left eye, black tribal markings on his left shoulder and his whole left arm is dark purple/borderline black some would argue. He also has a big scar on the right side of his chest.

Description: Balder is a young man of average height with a lean, muscular physique, which, over the course of time, has become heavily marred with scars. He has shoulder-length gray/white hair, silver/gray eyes, and his skin is somewhat pale. Balder has an unusual scar on the left side of his face that starts as a pentagram on his forehead, trails down in a line that severs his eyebrow and mars his eyelid, and hooks slightly at his cheekbone and follows his cheek down close to his chin. It also has an extra line of scar tissue that runs parallel to his lower eyelid. The entirety of his left arm, from his shoulder is dark purple and more scale-like, his fingernails turning black and growing out and arrow-shaped markings forming along his shoulder blade.

Because of his odd hair color and his strange arm, Balder has a tendency to cover his hair with hats and hoods and wear gloves and long-sleeved shirts to keep people from seeing his arm, however thanks to supportive comrades he is slowly breaking this habit and has begun to wear cloths that don't hide most of his body. He is often seen wearing quite smart clothes and will rarely wear more baggy styled clothing. The jewellery he wears helps him control his natural powers as they grow with both his age and usage.

Important Info

Personality: Despite his code-name Balder is anything but a deviant and seductive demon. He is kind, generous and a very polite young man. He tends to be very self-sacrificing, often willing to let his body and emotions take devastating blows for the sake of others; despite the fact he is scolded for doing so by those around him on a regular bases. He does have a darker side but rarely expresses it. When asked about his past, scars or his powers he will clearly show that he is uncomfortable discussing such matters or will show a hint of his darker side. He is also embarrassed by the code-name he has been given due to the social assumptions and taboos behind what an "Incubus" actually is and does. He also doesn't like to be seen in the nude since he is uncomfortable with how he looks and simply would not want anyone to pass judgement on the various scars or marking he has. 


Dream Weaver: Balder is able to wander into other people's dreams and thus discover their core persona that is protected and hidden from the waking world. Once he contacts the core he can manipulate the dream world in anyway he or the person desires. When they are at this point that he can plant ideas/suggestions about the real world. This could be persuading someone not to do something or make them do certain actions they usually wouldn't.
Currently his powers are limited due to the danger they propose if they were not controlled by a ring he wears. Because of this he can only use this power if he has met or touched the person and is near them when they sleep.


* Former clown/circus performer.
* Great at juggling.
* Awesome at performing magic tricks/illusions.


Recruitment: Has been a member since he was ten years old but only became an active member when he was sixteen.


This is very basic draft at the moment. Hope it is ok!


Meant to get to this yesterday. Yeah, the WIP is fine at the moment. Looking forward to the finished product.


This game is still open and still recruiting. Don't be afraid to stop in and say hello.


I'm incredibly interested. If there is still space for me to join, I'll start putting my character together. I would like that character to be a female.

so, is there still space?
