Looking for a plot-heavy RP, M for F

Started by tobisquestion, September 06, 2014, 04:49:40 AM

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I'll expand on this as I find the time, but just to say for now that I'm really hoping for an RP with a literate, committed partner to develop a decent plot and string it out long term.  I lover writing and want something I can really get my teeth into.

Like I say I'll get down some of my own ideas later, but if you've got any craving of your own, run it by me and I'm sure we can discuss a way of making it into something that can interest both of us long term.  Take my O/O's with a pinch of salt, I'm open to pretty much anything.  The only thing which holds true is that I can't get very excited about Manga and Japanese settings and themes - nothing against Japanese culture, it's just not something I find terribly interesting!

But just so that I don't leave you all with nothing, general themes that interest me at the moment include:

- Journalist/Mercenary pairing
- Fallout 3
- Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons fantasy religion type thing
- Alternative history settings in a future where the Nazi's won WW2
- Realistic modern world adventure settings (hostage, crime, wartime)
- Pairings set in an underground music/goth/metal kind of setting

Actual plot synopses to follow hopefully!  But seriously, the key to what I'm wanting is depth and longevity - for this request I'd prefer one decent, plot-progressing post every other day than several short, shallow posts a day.
Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Hi, I like the idea of an alternative history setting where the nazis won WW2. Ive read enough alternate history to be able to play it out. If you havnt already found someone for it, id love to play it out. Do you see it being set in what would have been Germania, occupied United States, I'm very curious and interested in playing it out.

Like you, I enjoy good sized posts that stimulate my thought processes. Id rather have one good sized one than several small ones that are just okay.