Looking to get back into it more

Started by Hunter, September 18, 2008, 10:10:27 AM

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Blah, blah, blah.

Okay, I've had long enough of a break and I'd like to try this again.

Please, Please, PLEASE contact me either here or via pm if you wanna play with me.

Ons and Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4434.0


Hiya :-)
I'd love to play with someone and am currently a bit stuck in that department.

What sort of roles do you like?
Read your ons and offs, but there's nothing about particular scenes.
Beth's kinks

Hold me, I'm a fermata!


In all honesty, I haven't a preference about scenes that I know of.  I can't say that I prefer any one particular environment over any other.  *hopes that helps*


What you role play about is what you'd like to experience, life how you'd like to enjoy, and maybe even what might be different.

As such, I'm leaning toward romance and .... (duh) anime girls.  Catgirls are also fun. I've got several other interests, please do ask if you've got an idea that you think I might be interested in.  I'd like several more games.