Male - Seeking Female ~ Saving The Submissive , Completing Himself

Started by Rog the Rake, July 13, 2014, 08:37:08 PM

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Rog the Rake

** Hello and thanks for viewing this thread ** This is going to be a simple but complex thread, the idea of which is that a girl, a young woman has no idea who she is or what she is, all she knows is that she is not happy and does not know why. She thinks she is a submissive but the dominates she has been with just do not seem to match what she wants. They look like them and sound like them but  to her they just seem to be playing a part not living it and she does not enjoy being there plaything. Her name you can come up with, the rest of her background you come up with. But the entire idea is from the time she hit puberty up until the night she meets Mathew has been nothing but empty practice, because up until the time she meets Mathew and he 'rescues her' she has not really known what it means to be possessed by a man who is actually dominate and not simply playing at being one.

It was her eyes that drew him, her eyes and her hair and what was being done to her
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    His name is Mathew Andrew Marcus Windburn and he was at this party because he had learned that there was a part of him that was missing, and at though he did not hope to find that part that was missing here at least he may find someone to fill the void for as short time. He had no idea where that part was or what it was, at twenty five he had lived his life and everyone who had been part of it seemed to be playing a part and not living.. Until this night.

    The home was owned by some rich family, it was there son spoiled and playing at being some sort of 'Master' to a bunch of woman and his friends playing as well. It pained him attending these parties and he held off for as long as possible but eventually a need filled him so he would attend find and hope to find someone to fill his bed and his nights. But it always ended the same.. after days or weeks they left or he asked them to leave, made them if they would not listen. He was always careful and cautious knowing that some of the woman here would do anything to hook someone like him. He was good looking and even if he was not he had money.

     He avoided anyone who smoked or smelled of smoke, those who did drugs were also shunned and if they were drunk there were useless, thus the pickings were slim but there always were at least a few no matter what. As he walked about doing his best to avoid what he considered the undesirable at the party it was the scream and the laughter that drew him to the basement.

*Warning XXX* She was bound naked on her knees and men were lined up to take her *Warning XXX*
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     They could not see her eyes but he could and he moved quickly.. he did not care what they did or say, he could take all of them.  Moving to her he slipped his jacket off laying it over her as she knelt and when her 'Master' came over he stood and grabbed him by the throat, his rage was in his eyes "Keys NOW" no one tried to stop him or help the struggling man as he gave over the keys. Kneeling back down he freed her cuffs.. her head remained bowed and she did not move. He picked her up and carried her from the house.

*Warning X-rated pic included* 'Matthew for your viewing pleasure' *Warning X-rated pic included*
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   It was not till they were in his car, his jacket still wrapped around her that he asked her who she was, why she was here, and told her that what they were doing to her was NOT how a true submissive should be treated. He explained that he could not leave her like that, not after seeing her eyes "You can not go back in there now so I can either take you home or take you to my place" he adds "You always have a choice with your life and no one should ever force you to do something you do not wish to do.." he forces her to look in his eyes.. " I have seldom been wrong but I saw right away as soon as I moved down the stairs that you were not given a choice to be there, to be doing that, and I would never ever do that to you UNLESS you wanted it."

~This is then were the story would begin~
The Kollar he had specially designed, he never has offered this to anyone but he will offer it to her *
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I also suggest strongly going to the following Link and reading through it ... if what your read calls to you and is what you wish than this is the thread for you...

** Please do no reply here but send me a PM, in your private message, I want two things first tell me what you think of 'The Submissive's Prayer' and two sell me that you want to write with me and immerse yourself in this thread.. I have supplied a picture and where you were found but I want to know who the woman is in the car with me.. tell me her background, tell me what she says to him.. prove to me that what he saw in her eyes he sees in your PM **

Rog the Rake

** This post has been filled ** Thank you all for reading it and the PM's that were sent..

But the lovely and very talented Lady Becca, has won me over.;u=53163

** Also for those who have asked I plan on ONLY writing one thread... and that thread will be with Becca **