Not Your Normal Harem Show - Game has STARTED, Applications are still OPEN.

Started by Top Cat, June 25, 2014, 10:22:22 PM

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Top Cat

Approved character count:
Women: 9.5     Men: 7     Futas: 1.5

(Not counting the *Heir*)

Harem shows. If you've ever watched anime, you've come across them - Tenchi Muyo, To Love-Ru, Love Hina, Negima, Ranma 1/2, Ai Yori Aoshi, I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job... the list goes on and on, for literally hundreds of shows.

The idea of there being one male character (usually clueless in the ways of sex and seduction) that is being chased after by several (or many) female characters is a popular theme, and it's not limited to just anime shows. It's shown to be one of the most successful ways to make a romance story appealing to both men and women. Even stories that aren't officially harem-based often have harem fan ideas - I'm sure you've seen some picture of Batman being fawned over by all of the female characters, heroes and villains alike, that are in his orbit. But there's always a catch that's almost never addressed - what happens when the man chooses? Does he pick one woman to be his wife, and the rest give up and move on with their lives, looking for another man? Is he fundamentally unable to make a decision, and keeps all (or most) of the ladies in an illicit harem relationship? Or is there some middle ground?

We're going to explore that here. This is going to be an open-themed free-form game, with a possible ending scripted down the road. The plot is simple - A very rich man has died, and his only son, who has been estranged for years and sent to a boys-only boarding school, is now coming home. But there's a catch - the boy only gets to inherit if he provides an heir himself, continuing the family dynasty.

The family estate has many women who work there, some of whom might be interested in having the place become their homes permanently, by becoming his wife. Some of them knew him when they were young, some have never met him. Some of them are around the same age he is, while some are older... possibly much older! And the heir, himself, hasn't seen women since before he went through puberty, and hasn't got the first clue of how to deal with women.

Is this a way for me to have sex scenes with lots of different female players/characters? Well, yes, that's part of the point. ;) But it's also a way to expand the theme - the character set will be open to men as well as women. The butler, the gardner, the mail man... there's a lot of options for other men to take interest in the goings-on, and perhaps some of the ladies will decide that they're more interested in love with someone else than competing with a gaggle of other women for the heir. And perhaps those men might decide to simply take advantage of some of the blossoming beauties in the household, not even waiting for the Heir to make a decision. Perhaps they've been lusting after the ladies for a while, but worried about losing their job if the elderly rich man found out about it. The possibilities here are just as broad as the ladies. And perhaps some of the ladies aren't really interested in the Heir, so much as the other ladies flocking around the Heir...

I'm not going to set an upper limit on the number of characters, but the female cast must equal or exceed the male cast (and ideally be 2:1 or so). Having 12 ladies and 8 men - fine. Having 3 ladies and 10 men - not so much.

Will love conquer all? Or will the frenzied attention of the ladies make the young man simply accept as many of them as he can? Our role-playing will give us the answer to these questions and more on the next episode of Soap! Wait, forget that last part... =>_>=

The basic plot: *Heir* is a young man, only 19 years old. He's returning home after years at a boys-only boarding school, because his father has died. His family is rich beyond compare - money isn't a problem, at all, ever. And Father's only Will statement is that in order for *Heir* to claim the entire Family fortune, he has to get married before he turns 20, and demonstrate his attempts to *ahem* foster an heir himself, to continue the family dynasty through another generation. The problem is that *heir* has no real understanding of women - he's been in the boys-only school since before puberty.

Note that when the story starts, nobody (other than the Lawyer) knows about the Will clause, and are only about to find out about it after he arrives home.

Story Elements: There will be love, lust, hot sex, cold panics, jealousy, and more, for sure. Possible sex scene elements includes: Straight sex, Harem-ish gang-bangs, embarrassed interruptions, spying voyeurs, bisexual and lesbian scenes, the full range of BDSM, non-consensual rape, semi-consensual manipulation, and more. What there won't be are the more extreme elements in the kettle - no vore, necrophilia, coprophilia, limb removal, and so on - the items commonly set in players' "hell no" categories. ;)

World Background: The game is set in a "modern-fantasy" world. The technology is a bit behind modern day - cars are rare and generally only owned by rich people, the internet doesn't exist (but Paranet, a magical communication network, does), phones and other devices are partially magic and partially technology. Magic isn't common, but it isn't very rare, either. Players can ASK if their characters can use magic, but the answer is probably "no" if they're in their teens or very early 20's. Nonhuman characters may have minor magical abilities, however.

Female Character Details: Female characters are generally expected to be more or less attractive, by any definition possible. Tall and thin, short and plushy, huge breasts, Itty-Bitty-Titty-Committee, whatever. It's your character, not one of a bunch of Stepford Bishojo girls. The creators of female characters CAN choose to have them know *Heir* from when they were pre-teen kids, before *Heir* was sent off to school. The creators of female characters can also choose to make it so that they're unacknowledged (and unknown, officially) half-siblings of *Heir* - Father liked to get around and play with ladies all over the place! Yes, even if you're a half-breed non-human race, this still applies. Father was kinky. But it's your decision to make, and if I end up having zero potential incest partners, I'll be absolutely fine with that.

Male Character Details: Male characters are also expected to be more or less attractive, because that's the way anime shows are. ;) Male characters can also know *Heir* from childhood, or from school. If they know him from school, then they'll have to be in the 20-28 year old range.

Character race details: *Heir* is human, and so was his father (and mother, for that matter, but she's been gone for years). Characters can be human or almost any demihuman race you can imagine. That means that they must have two arms, two legs, a more-or-less normal (and cute/attractive) face, and so on. Wings, tails, etc. are fine. A small list of possible character races: elf, hobbit halfling, cat-girl (both the kind that look human with cat ears and tail, and the kind with fur), dog-girl (same), human-sized fairie, mermaid (if she has human legs while not in the water)... the list can go on and on. They can also be cute monster girls (or boys), typically explained as being a half-breed. Again, if I end up with all Human players, I'll be fine with that. Play what you want to play, not what you think I (or other players) think you should be. ALSO, monster-girls (or boys) can have a "monster-mode" if appropriate (such as a "werewolf" looking human most of the time, but going wolfy now and then).

Relationship details: You can set up pre-starting relationships between other characters if you have their agreement. Does the Cook want to have an established relationship with the Butler when the game starts? That's fine, if he agrees to it. Are the Chauffeur and Gardener really close friends? No problem. Does one of the Maids get kinky with another Maid when bored? Also fine.  :o

As a side note: I'll expect the OOC thread, or possibly a separate thread dedicated to it, will involve discussions of harem anime shows. I've got a few that are my personal favorites. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Top Cat

Character Roles/Jobs:

Accountant (M/F) - The person who helps the Heir take care of the economics of the Family's money and investments. Possibly the job that spends more time with the Heir than anyone else, with the possible exception of the Butler. Claimed
Butler (M) - the Butler's job is to take care of the Family's needs. With the Father dying and the Heir-son gone, he's been trying to keep himself busy, but it's time for him to get back to work! Claimed
Chauffeur (M/F) - The person who drives the company vehicles. Not only is the Chauffeur responsible for driving the Heir around, he/she is also involved in supply runs and other instances of driving the household vehicles. Limit of 2. 1 left
Chef (M/F) - This is a catch-all for anyone who prepares food. Your character could be the master chef, the sous-chef (second-in-command), or any of a dozen other specialties - or just one of the kitchen workers. Limit of 4. 2 left
Gardener (M/F) - Someone who takes care of the plantlife outside of the mansions. A fairly free-form job, the gardeners can probably wander the premises at will. Claimed
Groundskeeper (M/F) - The person who keeps the rest of the outside repaired and in good shape. Works closely with the Gardener. May double as a repairman/repairwoman at times. Claimed
Guard (M/F) - It's this person's job to keep everyone else in the household safe, but especially the family members! Claimed
Housekeeper (F) - The person in charge of the Maids, this person's job is to keep track of what cleaning work needs to be done. Limit 1.
Lawyer (M/F) - The person who is managing the Father's will and testament, and the only person who knows what the Will's actual achievement goals are... Claimed
Maid (F) - A mansion this big needs a lot of people to keep it clean! And the Father had a definite preference for young, cute, and scantily-clad. The Maid Uniforms are fairly skimpy and sexy! No limit - a dozen maids is fine, too. ;)
Nurse (M/F) - Responsible for taking care of minor injuries and illnesses for everyone in the household, this job has some magical training. Limit of 2. 1 left
Tailor (M/F) - Making and repairing clothing in the household is almost a full-time job - those Maid's outfits seem to tear so easily... Limit of 1. Claimed

Other possible characters:

Cousin (F) - This young lady still lives in the house and takes advantage of her time there. She's probably between school semesters. Incestuous? Lesbian? Troublemaker? You decide. Limit of 1, Open again.
Self-Proclaimed Rival (M) - A (former) friend of the Heir, he's decided that it's his purpose in life to do what the Heir does, only better. Claimed

Note that these are NOT the only jobs and roles available. If you have an idea that I haven't listed, please feel free to PM me.


Character Application Sheet: Please fill this out! Feel free to give as much extra details as you like for each point.

Character name: ________
Nickname (if any): _______

Age: ________

Race: __________

Gender: ________

Job/Role: ____________

Sexual Orientation: _________
Sexual Experience: __________
Sexual Preferences: __________
Sexual "Offs": ____________

Basic personality: _________________________________________________

A description of your character: _____________________________________

A picture of your character - feel free to use anime characters, artwork characters, fantasy book characters, or real life pictures, whatever you prefer. You'll also want to make a 150x200 mini-pic for your character for when you post.

If you have difficulty getting pictures, please send me a PM and ask for help.

O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Top Cat

The Heir's details:

Basic Details and Background: - Septimus Bartholomew Winterbilt (called "Tim" or "Timmy" by everyone except his father, teachers, and government documents) is the Heir. Recently turned 19 years old, he stands 6 feet tall (give or take a blip), and has a light athletic build. His hair is light brown, his skin is lightly tanned, and he has a good-natured smile most of the time.

When Tim was young, his family was very indulgent for him, giving him most of the things he wanted. When he heard about treehouses, the Butler and Groundskeeper put aside their rivalry and built one over an afternoon. When he heard about saunas, his parents hired engineers to replace an unused storage room over the swimming pool, complete with a large trap door so that he could do cannon-balls into the pool. When he learned about sex... wait, he hasn't learned that yet.

In short, he was a spoiled little rich boy in many ways. But he wasn't the sort of self-absorbed, greedy brat that you would normally expect to see. His parents were quick to correct him when he did things wrong, and made sure that he had enough attention to learn how to be nice to other people.

In particular, both parents made sure that he was around other children frequently, and learning how to be a good, social individual. While his mother made sure that he played with children of a wide range of races to prevent him from becoming racist and arrogant about other species, his father made sure that the play-times included lots of little girls, in the hopes that they would someday be Tim's consorts. His father had quite a few consorts himself, spending time with other ladies when Tim's mother wasn't available or in the mood. It was one of his few hobbies.

All of that changed on one fateful day. His mother was killed in a tragic petting zoo accident, and his father found that he was unable to handle Tim's upbringing all by himself. Tim was sent off to a boys-only boarding school, and has not seen women at all for the last 10 years, since before he hit puberty.

As a result, Tim is very clueless when it comes to gender relationships. He doesn't really understand the idea of dating, and while he most certainly does have a libido of his own (thanks to his father's genes), he doesn't really have the first clue about how sex and inter-gender relationships really work. He remembers the bits his parents told him when he was young - be nice and polite to girls, son. But beyond that? Zero, zippo, nada.

- - - = = = ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ = = = - - -

Writing/Role Playing Special Detail: While normal rules against God-Moding still apply for most of this game (namely, don't dictate other players' actions without their express approval), it is relaxed when interacting with Tim. Female characters are able to use Light-to-Medium God-Moding when writing actions with Tim, provided that they're not interfering or being rude with other characters in the process.

For example, Mary the Priestess finds Tim in the hallway, walking from one place to another. She can grab Tim and drag him off to the Religious Nook, and even get him to do some actions, without having to have me post back-and-forth through it - she can simply post his following her to the Religious Nook, and his increasingly-nervous following of her instructions - "This is about respecting the Goddess, right?" However, if Aisha the Catgirl saw Mary drag Tim off, and followed to the Nook, she wouldn't be able to drag Tim away without either interacting with Mary, or waiting for Mary to be done with Tim.

Sexual orientation: Tim is the virgin of all virgins. He hasn't seen porn, and doesn't really know what sex is. He knows he's got some urges, but doesn't know how to deal with them. While Tim is pliant when it comes to non-sexual activity, he is neither a Dom or Sub at the start of the game - although he could become either (or both) depending on how the girls act with him over time.

Skills: Tim's years at the boarding school have given him a very solid range of skills, and as such, he can help out in almost any task around the Mansion, if asked. He's a competent swimmer (and this is how he's most likely to exercise, when he has the opportunity), he has a strong back for lifting heavy objects, and can run short distances swiftly. His education angled more toward mathematics, accounting, and management, but there's very little that he can't do with at least a neophyte skill level.

More Gameplay Information: Although this is an open-form role-play game (In other words, no stats, no dice-rolling, etc.), Tim has a complex stat grid. His attitudes for each girl, and for women in general, will be altered by how the different ladies treat him over the course of the game. Likewise for the male characters, but to a lesser degree... but if he catches the Butler stealing wine, for example, his opinion and trust for the Butler will go down a bit, and his overall Trust stat will also drop a little.

This means that he'll gain or lose Trust and Like for the girls based on their behavior and actions - and not just against himself! If he sees one girl being mean to another, he'll lose some Like for that girl. That doesn't mean that she can't end up seducing him, though. Like I said, it's a complex stat grid. And while many of the stat changes will be posted at the end of my posts, not all of them will be.

Girls who knew Tim from his childhood start off with 5 Trust and 5 Like - while he remembers them, he's been away from them for longer than he was ever with them, and only remembers it somewhat dimly. Other girls that he meets will gain (or lose) some during their first personal encounter with him. The same holds true for other characters that he already knows - the Butler has met him a few times, at least.
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Top Cat

Important Thread List:

OOC Thread
Character Index

- - - = = = # # # : : : # # # = = = - - -

Q&A List:

1. I'm not ready / too busy to join right now, but I want to play. Can I join later?
1A. Yes, absolutely. After the game goes live, the Application thread will remain open, and new men and ladies can be added provided there's a good reason for it. Your character was away on scheduled vacation, a new hire, etc.
2. I want to play a futanari (hermaphrodite, "chicks with dicks") character, is that okay?
2A. I'm keeping the futa category very small. We already have one character that can change genders (including to futa mode) at will; I'm willing to consider another naturally futanari girl but that one more is the limit, and will require a careful check of the character; please send via PM before posting it here. Futa volume is now full.
3. I want a job that isn't listed in the Roles/Jobs list. Can I come up with something different?
3A. Yes, absolutely. The list is simply the most obvious and likely jobs available. If you can come up with some other job that makes sense, by all means, suggest it.

More questions to be added as they come!
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Character name: Alexis Stearne

Nickname (if any): Lexi (among familiars)

Age: N/A (Appears to be in her late twenties)

Race: Cambion (Demon/Human hybrid)

Gender: Female

Job/Role: Lawyer

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Sexual Experience: Off and on affairs with various partners through out her existence.

Sexual Preferences: Bondage, multiple partners, force, fellatio, cunnilingus(giving/receiving).

Sexual "Offs": Meses, scat, golden showers, vore, beastiality, pedophilia.

Basic personality: Stern, cold, outspoken, brash, manipulative, sincere (To any she cares for.), bossy, sharp.

A description of your character:
Alexis has worked for the heir's family for years. It's hard to say how long she's been around, for her species of Cambion doesn't age as normally as humans do. Nonetheless, she has known of the heir for years. Little contact with him has been made since she normally dealt with his father over business matters when needed. Her reputation is not that of a friendly one, Alexis tends to be cold to most people unless forced otherwise. Though she holds her front of being in control, her desires say a different story. This is one trait she let's few know, as she prefers to keep her stern reputation known. Alexis rarely keeps quiet, when she voices her opinion she wants to be heard. Of course she normally tries to look in the best interest of the family, as that is her job. She will do whatever it takes to ensure the heir only has the best of the best, and that his father's legacy is looked after properly (With her assistance of course.).

A picture of your character:
To those I'm writing with, read the A&As for a brief heads up.
POSTING UPDATE: 11/15/16- Ha ha. I only thought it was almost over. Gosh I lied to myself.  e_e I'm working on post slowly as I can, but my time varies and probably will until after Thanksgiving break. Then things may be more settled,  so expect delays until then. I sincerely apologize for this, and if you'd like to put a hold on a story or stop it all together just let me know. Otherwise, I deeply appreciate your patience. n_n
Le Musings

Top Cat

Oh, darn! I clearly missed one important detail in the character sheet. RACE!

Update with that, please (just above Gender), and you're good to go and locked in as the household Lawyer. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Quote from: Top Cat on June 25, 2014, 11:56:53 PM
Oh, darn! I clearly missed one important detail in the character sheet. RACE!

Update with that, please (just above Gender), and you're good to go and locked in as the household Lawyer. =^_^=

Done, and thank you very much. ^_^
To those I'm writing with, read the A&As for a brief heads up.
POSTING UPDATE: 11/15/16- Ha ha. I only thought it was almost over. Gosh I lied to myself.  e_e I'm working on post slowly as I can, but my time varies and probably will until after Thanksgiving break. Then things may be more settled,  so expect delays until then. I sincerely apologize for this, and if you'd like to put a hold on a story or stop it all together just let me know. Otherwise, I deeply appreciate your patience. n_n
Le Musings

Top Cat

Added an Approval Count to the top of the thread. ;)
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Character name: __Mandy
Nickname (if any): __Little One, Trouble

Age: ___19

Race: ____Caucasian

Gender: __F

Job/Role: ___Cousin of Heir.  Bisexual, Incestual gadabout and fun-seeker.

Sexual Orientation: __Bi, with strong leaning toward cute girls and 3somes
Sexual Experience: ____Not enough for her taste
Sexual Preferences: ____Yes, please!  Open to persuasion and adventure. 
Sexual "Offs": ____Sex with any commitment.  Doesn't really care for vanilla couplings with a male.  Thinks her cousin in definitely cute.

Basic personality: ______Fun loving and brash, whimsical and unable to recognize the consequences of her acts.  Thinks that any attention paid to her is good.  Likes the camera.

A description of your character: _____Mandy is willing to blow with the breeze.  She's perfectly content to get by on her looks and her winning, bubbly personality.  Loves jokes and messing with people's heads.  Only went to high school because her friends were there.  No college, no job, no problems.  Daddy is wrapped around her finger, and he's not the only one.  She's fine to go out drinking and whatever comes with that.  She may see the hard realities of life someday, but not today, and probably not tomorrow.  She also depends on the kindness of strangers.
Girls, give me a holla' if you want to YIM

Top Cat

Looks good, Jessie. =^_^=

If I have time tonight (I may not, have a SciFi meeting to attend, and that's HOURS long), I'll get Character Index and OOC threads up and running.
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


I am very interested. Question:

Have maids been there for long? or can someone make one that doesn't really know the family?

Top Cat

Quote from: Starcry on June 26, 2014, 02:23:11 PM
I am very interested. Question:

Have maids been there for long? or can someone make one that doesn't really know the family?
Not only are new maids hired recently, the hiring won't stop just because *Heir* is coming back home. Translation: When the game starts, the Application thread will still be open, and new players can join with a "new-hire" excuse, or anything else that seems reasonable ("I was away on a scheduled vacation, but I'm back now!" for example).

Short version: Yes, absolutely, you can be a new hire, or a recent hire, or however you want to present it. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Top Cat

By all means. =^_^=
Just get an Application posted, and I'll add you to my growing harem.  >:)
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


I do warn you that I am new to the whole "harem" thing and it is something I have been meaning to try. So advanced apologies if I do anything wrong. X3


Quote from: Starcry on June 26, 2014, 02:34:52 PM
I do warn you that I am new to the whole "harem" thing and it is something I have been meaning to try. So advanced apologies if I do anything wrong. X3

Oh yay. I'm not the only one. xD
To those I'm writing with, read the A&As for a brief heads up.
POSTING UPDATE: 11/15/16- Ha ha. I only thought it was almost over. Gosh I lied to myself.  e_e I'm working on post slowly as I can, but my time varies and probably will until after Thanksgiving break. Then things may be more settled,  so expect delays until then. I sincerely apologize for this, and if you'd like to put a hold on a story or stop it all together just let me know. Otherwise, I deeply appreciate your patience. n_n
Le Musings


Yes, please control yourself, Starcry.  Doing wrong is my job.
Girls, give me a holla' if you want to YIM

Top Cat

I'll give a little bit of information that is eventually going to go in the Heir's description post, once I can finish that.

Although this is an open-form role-play game (In other words, no stats, no dice-rolling, etc.), the Heir is going to have stats. His attitudes for each girl, and for women in general, will be altered by how the different ladies treat him over the course of the game. Likewise for the male characters, but to a lesser degree... but if he catches the Butler stealing wine, for example, his opinion and trust for the Butler will go down a bit, and his overall Trust stat will also drop a little.

Over time, the girls could make him Submissive or Dominant based on how they try to have sex with him, and how they treat him during sex (or even just sex-related discussions), also.
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


So it will work like how some VNs work. Only this will be the reverse? I like this plan. :3

Top Cat

Quote from: Starcry on June 26, 2014, 02:51:09 PM
So it will work like how some VNs work. Only this will be the reverse? I like this plan. :3
Yes, you've got it. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Top Cat

Oh, one other detail that I mentioned in the Interest Check thread that might have been missed by some of you. Generally in games like this, "God-moding" is seriously frowned upon; controlling someone else's character is a major no-no. While that's still mostly the case here, there's an exception: female characters can do light-to-moderate God-Moding with the Heir, provided that it doesn't involve being rude to other characters, because he's been raised to be too polite to refuse.

For example, if Tammy the Nun found Heir walking through the hallway, she could drag him into the church room for a lecture on Virtue without having to wait for my post - she can simply do it as part of her post. But if Cyndi the Succubus spotted Heir and Tammy in there, she wouldn't be able to drag Heir away until Tammy's done with him.

That doesn't mean that she couldn't join in on whatever they're doing, though. ;)
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.

Garuss Vakarian

Oh, well that makes me happy! I dont normally like god modding, but it makes some things so much easy'er and opens up more artistic visionif I can do minor things, such as the example you used.

Top Cat

Here's a lure for those of you who love the role-playing aspects - now and then, typically at the end of an "episode," characters who have really helped move the game forward and entertained everyone will get a reward - a "Token." This token will have two purposes.

1.) You can spend the token to ask me to make a new Thread-location of your choice. You'll have to give me a description (and hopefully an image/picture for it). You could use this to create your character's bedroom, or any other location inside the house or out.

Just give me what the room is, a description (a paragraph, more or less), and a suitable picture, and I'll add it in the Forum, and make it a part of the game's locations.

Right now, Floor 1 is household simples - the living rooms, small offices, bar, swimming pool, kitchen, dining room, and so on. Floor 2 is bigger rooms - larger offices, an entertainment room, a bowling alley (maybe), a sauna (directly above the swimming pool, with a trap-door to drop into the pool), other things of that nature. Floor 3 is "minion rooms" - bedrooms for the lower-class employees. Floor 4 is large bedrooms for the family members and valued staff - butler, lawyer, one or two others.

2.) You can dictate a new "episode" plot idea to me. Give me as much detail or little as possible, but try to give me an idea that works within the game's already-established arcs and storylines.

Both Token requests are subject to my approval or adjustment, as necessary. =^_^=
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Character name: Mina
Nickname (if any): /
Age: 21
Race: Nekomimi
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Maid
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious
Sexual Experience: Has worked at an adult maid cafe so has experience with; addressing male and female clients, being a servant, being a submissive, sensual oil massage, titjobs, blowjobs, footjobs, anal and very light bdsm.
Sexual Preferences: Fellatio, Breast play, Masturbation, anal toys...
Sexual "Offs": (Everything in my Offs)
Basic personality: Sweet as the deserts she makes, a wonderful conversationalist and aspires to become a famous novelist. Her downfall? Wanting to see the good in everyone, being naive and open to having her good nature abused.
A description of your character:

Mina is from your typical second class background, went to your usual secondary school and got average grades. While at college her friends convinced her to work at a maid cafe to raise funds for rent, food and bills. At first it seemed like a good idea and fun, but she soon learned of it's darker nature and why others earned so much on late shifts. At first she wasn't too keen on the idea but they were kind enough to show her the ropes and respected her boundaries, which included that no client take her vaginally as she didn't want her parents to find out what she was doing.  After finishing college she has decided to move back to her home town and get a job as a maid. After all; she was used to the job, it paid well and background checks showed the place was good. What could go wrong?


Hope this is ok!