Fade's Naughty Compendium (Casual Male L.F Female for kinky fun!)

Started by Fadereaper, June 06, 2014, 03:31:32 AM

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Hello everyone my name is Fadereaper!  Or if you want to call me by my real name you can also use the name Sam if you like, I don't mind I am all good with being more social than just the roleplay if you like :).  Anyway I am now consolidating all my roleplay desires in this thread, for easy to follow and organized info for what I like and what I am currently wanting right now!  With that being said I am hoping to find some potential players to roleplay with, to delve into kinkyness with ;).

I will quickly go over a summary of my main rules as a roleplayer, so please adhere to them when asking me if I find out that you have not been honest in this regard (which will be obvious) I am just going to ignore you.

Rule 1:I will only be roleplaying with female roleplayers on this site, I have absolutely no interest in mature rated roleplay with another male and with that being said I will go to lengths to verify your gender.  I'm not going to justify this to you, if you don't like it than sorry we will not get along roleplay wise.  I play either a male in a M x F, or when the craving hits me I also play a futanari for Fu x Fe pairings.  But I do not play opposite men, not even men who are pretending to be girls so just don't ask >.>.

Rule 2: I want semi-literate roleplay, to that end I specifically would like someone who can not only write intelligently.  I also want someone who will contribute to the story, I'm not interested in making a show for you to watch I want to roleplay with you.  But I am not a hard ass with quality, I want to have fun more than anything so I just want someone who works with me primarily :)

Rule 3: OOC chat, I love to be able to chat and become friends with the people I meet here.  Even if we aren't exactly roleplaying at the moment, just a casual conversation is perfectly alright with me and I am interested in making friends.  However I would limit it to that, just want to be friends with peoples but being as I am not a lady I don't think I'll have much issue in that regard!

Rule 4: Open communication, I don't want us to feel like we can't be honest or open about the state of a roleplay.  Having the ability to express dislike about how it is progressing is part of what makes a roleplay good, with that being said I have in the past felt hesitation to saying 'I don't want to continue this roleplay' but I'm always making sure if I can that things end if we aren't having fun.  I roleplay to have fun, I don't want it to be a struggle I like it when I'm inspired and the words flow naturally.  So, let's make sure we both make it something we enjoy, by feeling free to mention things in a polite and friendly manner.

Rule 5: If you contact me please have an idea of what you want, I do not mind hashing out details but if there is anything I dislike.  It is someone who asks 'me' what I want to roleplay and offers no idea of their own, I don't care if you don't have a solid plot I at least want to know what you are specifically looking for.  I have a great sense of joy when I know that I am not only enjoying the roleplay but that you are as well, so please let me know either what you are looking for specifically, or something that you like and want at the moment.

These are my only rules at the moment, now I will list some of my favorite things so you can know me better.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  If anyone did roleplay with me before using the means YiM, I will no longer be able to use Yahoo instant messenger at this time and have not been available on it since they pushed the new version through.  Once I installed it, I found it became impossible to use to talk to others or view my old messages and because of this I will no longer be able to do roleplays from Yahoo.  If instant messengers are needed, I can use discord, AiM, or Skype.

So for those interested in my experience as a roleplayer?  Let me give you my experience run down!

I have been roleplaying for about four years now, started in WC3 in Fantasy Life/Titan's Land/SOTDRP.  Had a group of friends I hung out with until we lost contact, only maintain contact with one.  After that me and another friend upgraded ot playing in the WC3 chat room and did multi-sentence play.  I didn't get into multiple paragraph roleplays till I got to a forum site called Roleplayer guild, as well as I had a lot of roleplay and story crafting experience in SWTOR with my guild there.  Still play avidly for any of you SWTOR rp people who want to make more friends on Ebon Hawk ;)

Anyway, after dabbling in kinkier and more mature roleplay I started to frequent sites like this one and Blue moon.  I am literate, but with recent issues affecting my muse for major writing I can have trouble with that.  I can write well, if I am inspired at least and usually I am :).  I also sort of emulate my partner's style!  Anyway this is my tale as a roleplayer, hopefully we can play some ideas out together lovely people of Elliquiy!

I enjoy story and smut, I like making stories.  I love making characters with in depth back stories, and making worlds where it comes out.  I like sexy scenes, I like it when I can work on my ability to write out erotica.  Not that I'm actually planning to make it anything more than a hobby, but I enjoy both sex and story.  So if you have a plot/smut idea in mind, feel free to hit me up!

Settings that I am a fan of using, fantasy, science fiction, modern fantasy, Modern realism (less so but I've had decent ones), things of that nature.  I love being able to get away from the slice of life roleplay, and make something unique and creative.  I enjoy working with a partner who is equally or more creative than I, so we can each contribute to the same masterpiece.

A few things I like in Fandoms, this being said in all my fandoms (save for Morrigan from Dragon Age and Ivy from Soul Calibur) I will only play OCs!  I have absolutely no interest in playing a story oriented roleplay with a character I didn't make, and I ask that my partners also use their own OCs unless they 'really' wanna be a canon character.  I think it is only fair, I am not an actor I am a roleplayer so I do not like having my personality handed to me as a pre-made person.

-Fandom list:  I like Star Wars (favorite fandom!), Harry Potter (not a potterhead but the setting is unique and fun), Dragon Age, Mass Effect (my standard OC is a Quarian), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (been interested in this recently since I picked up the game and played it again), Dragon Ball Z (still need to make an OC for this series), Bleach (not my favorite by far but I CAN try it, I mean I like the anime but it is not as cool as Star wars!).  The list goes on, you need only ask for a specific fandom and I will tell you if I know it or not, you can also try to speed teach me the genre if lore information is not that valid to the roleplay.

Kinks:  A few of my favorite kinks will be listed here.

-consensual (I am a hopeless romantic at times and romance is fun)
-Non-consensual (sometimes I like to feel powerful, and be completely dominant)
-Oral  (I like to give it and receive oral)
-Rough intercourse (I enjoy it if things are a bit more tense and rough)
-Sensual Intercourse (I like it when the characters love each other, and foreplay is part of this)
-Sensual talk (not nasty and insulting dirty talk, but sensual and loving words that compliment each other in a beautiful and loving way)
-Dirty Talk (Sometimes I've had times when some dirty and nasty words really made me extra horny, not sure why but it does.)
-Non-human partners (why restrict sex between humans?  Why can't a man shag a beautiful monster girl or some nasty beast have a chance at a beautiful heroine?  I do request that all monster girls still be attractive and have breasts.)
-Breast Worship  (I love breasts, they are beautiful and pleasing to the eye.  I love to touch them, use them to massage my manhood.  I just love to give them the attention they deserve, usually nipple play is in this.)
-Cock Worship (I love it when I get attention on my member, not just a woman bending over to take it.  But especially in a harem sense, who doesn't want some beautiful vixen to worship and lick it with her witty tongue?  While one massages the shaft, another caresses the testicles.  I also will say that with my futanari characters I will always have testicles so yep).
-Gang bangs  Be it a lot of men to one woman which is awesome I love playing that out, or a harem style in revere with lots of women to one man it is a lot of fun :).
-Silly proportions  Big breasts, nice curves, a big penis?  Yes please!
-Excessive cum/semen  Having a lot of sexual fluids is hot, having a beautiful woman drink, lather, and spread it is hotter. 
-Beautiful and curvy women  Although I do find tight woman attractive, I also like women who have nice curves.  Not exactly morbidly large but I mean with a nice even slightly chubby figure.  Who doesn't?!
-Intelligent partners  I as always play a character who is not a freak just of body, like my characters are never morbidly huge in muscular form mine are usually average with visible muscle tone.  But I like it when my partner is intelligent just as I am, a witty woman who challenges him.  I don't like the man to be purely dominant, she has to have a backbone.
-Switch Partners  On the nose of the previous kink, I like it with my partner even in the sack to be equally as strong.  Like she doesn't just take it, like she eventually relents to just having it instead of actually trying to please him just as he tries to please her.  The both of them are bold in bed, and try to bring the other to orgasm not just one laying down for the other.  Dom/Sub can be fun sometimes, but any man will tell you they don't just want a fish with a hole in the sack.
Bestiality:  Sometimes I like playing animals, not anthromorphs but normal animals who only know instinct!
Breeding/Pregnancy:  I haven't done a roleplay that actually gets to the pregnancy part, I don't mind it but I find the idea of establishing a family and as well as just rough intercourse from some nasty animal or monster for the soul purpose of breeding a heroine is hot ;)
Bestiality: Animals and girls?  Yes!  It is hot and I love doing it!
Messy Sex: I like it when things get messy, lots of sweat, cum, and just a big mess at the end!  It is hot!  I love it!

Now the table of contents!

First Post (basic information and my BIGGEST cravings)
Second Post  (Original characters and favorite settings for roleplay)
Third Post  (Fandom Plots and characters)
Fourth Post (Original smutty ideas)
Fifth Post  (Fandom Smut)


I'm your biggest fan Nikki! - Open and Craving
So, I had another idea featuring this particular celebrity.  What if something along the same vein, but instead of some adult kidnapping her.  A young man who is a huge fan of her's, takes his obsessive fan attitude to an extreme as he meets her backstage and then after the concert.  Manages to get her out of the building and to his car, kidnapping her and taking her to a secluded family cabin in the snowcapped fforest next to a lake.  Taking her to the home, and basically turning her into his sex slave.

I like the idea of it being non-con turning con, can be as short or long as it turns out depending on preference.  Mainly, a well hung young fan about 19-21 kidnaps her and makes Nikki Minaj his sex slave.

Also more than happy to do a consensual scenario featuring Nikki and a fan

A Celebrity Bimboification service:  Open - CRAVING! (Craving Nikki Minaj)
So, I had a recent idea that was part of a previous play but more catering toward a different side.  Essentially, I thought of celebrities that really stand above it all.  So high and mighty, superior, throwing opinions with value they think it actually has but doesn't.

Essentially, they think of themselves a cut above everything else (not really but for the sake of this they do!)

There are some people who want to see them broken down, see them a notch or two beneath what they truly are.  To, bend knee to a dominant man who can put a celebrity in her place.

That is where MC comes in, a man who is hired to take one of these celebrities and as part of his job, basically through sex and domination, bring her under his heel.  Until, she is begging for it. 

Basic idea, looking for other ideas of people to add to this.

The character I was playing opposite of in this was Nicki Minaj which I would still very much like to do if you are interested in playing her.  Although, primarily famous females with her physique but very much her if possible

Sexy Naruto Themed Roleplay:  Open
Random craving of mine at the moment, I suddenly have a hankering to play something in the setting of Naruto.  I myself intend to play an original character, I would like to find someone who is chiefly interested in playing one or more female characters from the series.  I don't mind playing with OCs as well, although I do have my heart set on a small cast of canon females for some smutty fun.  The ones I would like to play opposite from the show are Hinata, Sakura, Tsunade, and maybe Ino.

I can play a male, or a futa if desired, but not a normal female.  The theme can be dark and non-con, or consensual, perhaps even a harem theme could be something to try.  Lots of fun ideas to explore here, if anyone is interested!  Let me know who you are interested in playing as, and any preference theme wise!

Looking for a young Lady for some Incest fun:  Open

Alright, so I have a craving for a young lady to be involved in a kinky roleplay. I have recently been interested in incest for this, 'mainly' wanting older brother and younger sister, but I can do father x daughter as well. Mainly, a young girl and an older male (preferably older brother) for some kinky fun!

Basically, the scenario is up for grabs. And this may have been inspired off some face claims I found and really want to use!

If someone is interested in a older brother x younger sister roleplay (I would like 17-19 for the young girl's age, and yea I know some of the face claims look older so we can negotiate her age) you will definitely have my attention! I don't mind doing other scenarios or pairings, mainly want a young lady opposite an older male. Also, this can take place in a variety of settings. I am always a fan of non real world settings, but I don't have anything against them either!

The face claims I like for this, are the following!






Staying with my Mom's friend: Open

So, this idea can be substituted for a mother x son roleplay if anyone is interested in playing the mother.

The basic idea I have for this however if we go with the titled plot, is that I am the only son of a single mother. She is going out of town on a business venture however, she has to attend due to working with some important clients!

Yet, she doesn't want to leave her 15-19 (negotiable but want this range) year old son alone by himself while she is out of the country. So, she decides that she will ask her best friend since she was a little girl watch him while she is away. She talks it over with her son, and it is decided. It will be at least a month with him staying at her home, the odd part is that her friend is also single but with no child to call her own.

Well, with him staying at the home of a lonely single woman, some crazy and smutty shenanigans can ensue. Basically, it is the start of an illicit relationship. Be it he initiates it, or she does. But, they start having some hot sex basically. Just a craving, I know a lot of guys post similar theme plots but it is something of a craving of mine lately and hope I can find someone interested in playing a mature female opposite my young male!

Now, these aren't required, but I have some face claims I would love to be the image for the mature woman! Or, inspiration for you if you like! They are just hot








Porn Stars:  Open

So, this isn't really a plot bunny I have, it is more a series of porn stars I am interested in playing with. Now, the potential for these face claims is limitless. Maybe they fill the role of some fantasy adventure, one could be the beautiful wife of a cruel and despoting fantasy overlord! Or something modern, sci-fi, maybe she even ends up in a fandom as herself and has to make it through this new, and highly sexual world!

Basically, I saw some face claims and I want to find someone to help me brainstorm a plot for what we can do with them! If interested, here is a list of the porn stars!
Katrina Jade

Proxy Paige

Bella Bellz

Alex Mae

Lisa Ann

Mia Malkova

Wanting a Rogue the Bat:  Open!

Hello, so I am looking for a specific character for me to play opposite of. Note, this is an unfair request from me as I am requesting you to play a canon rouge the bat opposite my OC. I probably will be a human character(s), maybe some other anthros like the characters in Sonic.

Also, this won't be a very story oriented roleplay. This is aimed to be a smutty roleplay, non-con preferable but I can go for con depending on what we decide. Basically, I have a craving to play a sexual roleplay with Rouge the Bat from sonic, and have my OC(s) to ravage her.

Setting can vary, sci-fi/cyber punk if you want to put her in the future, fantasy if she ends up magically in the past (chaos emeralds mess up and send her through time with chaos control!), or modern! Maybe, a heist gone wrong Wink. I am open to your ideas, for the moment I don't have any at the moment. If anyone is interested in playing Rouge in a sexual roleplay with me, and doesn't care if I play an OC, let me know!

Smutty Adventures of a Magic Girl:  Open!
Alright, so I saw an image that really inspired me to have a roleplay based on
, or someone like her!  Basically, a magic girl who is in any sort of variety.  Fantasy is required as magic will be a part of it, be it medieval high fantasy, modern high fantasy, or even future/cyberpunk high fantasy!  All I mainly want, is that girl, or someone like her (image up to you).

I don't really have a plot, mainly that it will be sexually charged.  Be it non-con, con, a combination of both.  I am open to ideas to help evolve this idea to something more fleshed out, maybe she is at a school and ends up in odd, sexually charged scenes.  Maybe she is a magic girl super hero, stopping bad guys and bad monsters!  Maybe she is an adventurer in something like D&D, mainly, I find this image really hot, and am interested in playing with some magical girl in something!  Open to fun, creative ideas, and interests that you have for who you want me to play

Body shaming the slut:  Open

So, random idea I had recently that would be potentially fun. It is based on this premise.

A new girl arrives at school, and suffice to say, she is quickly shamed because of her body. She is a chubby girl, and many people use that as fuel for shaming her and putting her down.

Suffice to say, she takes it very harshly. However, someone else sees it as an opportunity.

I was thinking some guy, who he is can be whatever we decide. Maybe she is a senior, and a freshman decides to take advantage of her predicament. Maybe he is a jock, or some angsty emo nerd? If you have a preference, we can discuss it!

The point is, he follows her home one time. Pulls her off the main path, maybe as she passes through a park to cut to home faster. Pulls her into the completely barren park, and rapes her. Constantly remarking at how large she is, saying that this is the only way she will get laid, using it as a means to convince her to accept being his slut. A RP based on that premise yes, shaming a fat girl into being someone's slut just so she gets some physical attention. Could be one, guy, could be multiple guys, I am open to suggestions on how the idea starts and who the guy(s) is(are)! I have some pics as well, if anyone is interested in these face claims for their character, or feel free to suggest your own!
Stars indicate level of craving with this image!

Now, another way to turn this story involves a MILF character that would be a different style of this story. Imagine, a mature woman, big and thick in size, divorced. Poor self image, now what happens when a young man decides to body shame her? She feels unattractive, with the divorce and her size. So, the young man first forces her, and then coerces her into being his slut. For this possibility, I'd like some of these face claims, with other options provided by you!


Breaking Detective Olivia Benson:  Open
To anyone who has watched Law and Order SVU, I had a roleplay awhile ago I tried to do with one partner that didn't end up going anywhere.  The idea was that a well hung thug would corner Olivia Bensor in an alley with no back up, no one knows she is here.  He gets her gun, tosses it aside and manages to get a cuff to restrain her to a metal pipe.

From there, he strips her down and rapes her in the alley.  Although, for this I am wanting her to start of not liking it but eventually come around.  Then our sultry detective spends her off hours, placing herself in situations where men will have their way with her like that man did.  To replicate it, as she becomes a slut for the men of the streets and their criminal needs.

For this, I would also like a more curvy Olivia, larger breasts and hips, curvier in general.  Just a random craving, that came bubbling back up again.

My wish is your command:  Open
Alright, I have a fun idea that I saw others have, and wanted a chance at it myself.

Basically, the core of the idea is that I find a genie's lamp.  First, the story is my character finds a lamp.  His age, the setting, everything is negotiable.  I am some male or female character who finds a lamp, my age will basically be 15+ with preference for younger.  Now, he/she finds the lamp and your genie is released.  A female genie, who extends a term of service to my character.  I have, unlimited wishes from this genie, but they either have to be, or are just always sexual in nature because of my character.  Now, the only reason I allow for me to be a female in this, is because I intend to use the wishes to turn her into a futanari.  A well endowed, shemale. 

Basically, when you contact me, I would like you to name your preference of male or shemale for my character.  I won't start off a futa, but will become one if I play a female, I won't go from male to futanari.

Now, basically I like the idea that my character gets this sexy genie to obey his commands and the sexual romps that can come from this.  It is literally, without limit.  Any fandom we can think of, we can wish to be in that scenario.  Any creature you like, we can wish for either of us to turn into it.  Basically, I am looking for someone to not only hear out the ideas I have for the sexy times.  I also want a partner, who comes to me and tells me what sort of things she wants.  We can do a great deal, I have an interest in putting this in a modern setting but let the wishes extend to take their scenes anywhere.

Now, of this appeals to anyone, let me know and we can work out the details and some scenes!  Make sure, to tell me what gender you prefer me to be, male or futanari.

A foreigner astray: Lovely Asian beauty
Now, I am also in a bit of a busty asian mood at this point.  I like the idea, of an Asian exchange student.  National ethnicity is open, but I was thinking Japanese or Chinese.  Basically, she ends up coming to the US to study.  Or well, we can put this in any sort of setting and have an ethnically asian woman show up in a foreign land to do something.

Be it fantasy, sci-fi, etc, we can make it work.

Anyways, she shows up, and well, bad things happen.  This too is on the smutty side of things, basically some sexy asian girl ends up in a new place, and something afoul happens.  I must admit, I don't have much of an idea for this one.  So, I would love for someone to help me brainstorm or suggest a plot we can try. 
Once again, some pictures of our busty asian lady!








A cosplay gone ary:  Marie Claude edition
Now, I was looking at some images of models and came across Marie Claude, and many pictures of her in cosplay outfits.  So, looking at them, I started to want to do roleplays involving her.  Now, it would be her in one of two situations, both call for her specifically in character (although I am open to ideas just involving the face claim).

Now, one idea, is a normal roleplay featuring her in our day and age, be it aggressively harmed and violated by fans, or some other sexy plot that involves her in costume(s).

Another, is she is actually placed into the role of the girl she is dressing as (we can use any fandom girl we want for this).  She is accidentally put into the fandom she is dressing the part of, and everyone thinks she is actually he character she is impersonating.  And, some sexy aggression happens as well.

For this, I would like to know which of the two is most appealing to you, also, which costume(s) she will use.  Or, if the fandom one, who you want to play her as.  Just run the fandom by me, I can tell you if I know it or not.  For reference of which characters I like in particular, feel free to regard my fandom smut list.  Or, go the safe route with Star Wars ;).

Also, yes, both plots are rather smut oriented.  Although, if she ends up in a fandom universe, especially as an OC, we can talk about putting more plot into it with me as an OC, but still, I would like a fair bit of the sexy time in it.

Also, I present you images of her!
Most of her in costume, some jus in sexy clothes







Craving playing a well hung Futa Sith Lord (Star Wars):  VERY MUCH OPEN!

I am craving right now playing my Futanari Sith Lord, she is a young Sith Lord who has abandoned her ties to the Resurgent Sith Empire, to return to her home planet of Alderaan where she runs a noble house of Amali.  She maintains stronger ties to the Republic, despite being a Sith.  Although, she doens't shy away from what she learned as a Sith Assassin.  She is a petite and perky breasted sith, but with a large pair in her pants to replace her other lady parts.  So, I would love a sexually charged scenario where I get to play as this character! 

I also don't mind anyone who wants me to take this futa sith, and sex up some canon girls from games and movies!

Some I am interested in banging as it were!

Rey (Force Awakens)
Padme Amidala (Episode 2-3)
Leia Organa (Episode 4-6)
Kira Carsen (SWTOR)
Satele Shan (SWTOR)
Bastila Shan (KOTOR 1)


This doesn't mean I am restricted to this character or setting, I definitely do want to play her however.  I am however, mainly looking for sexually charged roleplays where I can play a futanari character opposite your girl for some sexy fun.  Now, if you have other ideas you can fire my way where I get to do that!  Feel free to message me, I will definitely hear you out, and the worst that can happen is I say no ;)

If you want to try other fandoms, something OC sci-fi, or OC HIGH fantasy, shoot me a message and I will hear your idea out!

Mom is out again: Open

So, the plot is basically a mother with poor self esteemed due to relationship problems.  She was divorced by her husband, who willingly left her with their children.  She is now a single mother, with a deep seated need to feel loved, beautiful, and pleasurable.  However, as often goes with women who feel this way, she translates them all to be the same thing.  So, she decides that it is time to find men willing to sleep with her.

Maybe her son has a party at his place, either her son herself, or one of his friends at the party gets invited back to her room midst all the playing around.  They jump into bed, and have a nice, long night together. 

Maybe she goes to a club and tries to pick up younger men, the goal I see is mainly to enhance her self worth by finding all of her 'needs' in men younger than her.  Dressing provocatively to get their attention, does a lot of sexual things for them as they wish it or show them new things, also could dress very slutty and even cosplay for some nerdier guys, offering them her body as often as they wish.  With this roleplay, I wish to emphasize more the age play.  A 35-40 something woman bedding young men.  She can bounce between man to man if you like, I don't mind playing a sort of 'GM' role for her boy toy trawling.  If any lady roleplayer is interested in playing a mature woman, trawling for boy toys to make her feel better about herself, then we will get along just fine!

I also have some face claims for her, if you like any of these feel free to tell me.


I am open to other face claims, and other things depending on your tastes!  Let me know what you would like to do with this plot, and we can work it out!

My new roommate owns my life: Open

So, this is an idea I had with a partner that didn't really go anywhere.  Not sure what happened, but I loved the idea and I still want to try this!

So the set up is at a boarding school, and just so you know unless you really do like the idea but want me to play a male.  The original idea, was a futanari girl with a big meaty cock and a large pair of balls so, yea I want to keep that intact.

So the premise is that our two characters are rivals, your character, the socialite cheerleader everyone loves.  Mine, the outcast goth girl that wants to knock her down a peg or two.

By some means or another, they become roommates and that is not all.  Your character, ends up being forced and intimidated by mine who is actually a futanari girl.  The original story we used was the goth girl used a tiger to keep the cheerleader in line, the tiger would of course get to participate as well and would have for the purpose of naughtiness have a human like penis as well but was coated in hair.  This isn't required, just one way the emo girl could intimidate her.

So, the cheerleader is kept under control by her goth roommate.  However, it doesn't just end there.  At one point, the girl's mother enters the equation.  And finds herself in a similar position, both mother and daughter being enslaved by the goth girl. 

That is the premise, and is open to discussion.

You can use any face claim for your girl, as for me I have accumulated four images for the girl I like.  I also have one negotiable request, if we can, I would like the cheerleader and her mother to both be busty and curvy, maybe even more so than my goth girl.  Would make sense, why she is more resentful, maybe she envies your characters breasts.

Now, also feel free to choose any of these four face claims for my goth if you prefer one, if not, I will choose the one I love the most :).


As I said, all elements are up for suggestion.  If you really want to try this idea of a roommate sexually controlling your preppy cheerleader as her roommate, feel free to make any requests of it and I will try to accommodate them.  Come up with your own ideas if you like!  I don't mind!

A forest paradise of Antrho-men! : Open

So the idea for this is a fun one, an idea I had before but it didn't really get anywhere so I want to re-hash it.  The idea involves a paradise filled with numerous and very attractive and very well hung antrhomorphic animals who are all men and futanari animals. 

Your character is a female adventurer in the modern day, and she encounters this society of well endowed animals who all see her and there are some obvious ideas with what to do with her!

This could be a force or seduction roleplay, either this woman is captured and ravaged by the inhabitants or she is their willing mate to be bred with by their massive erections.  Note, their cocks will be for the most part human like but I will make obvious changes to them as I see fit. 

So, I also have a list of creatures that I can play for you (both male and futanari aminals!).  This list is not restricted to any part of the world specifically, this is a green wood and not tropical.  But the animals can be anything, they come here to escape being hunted.

-any more (feel free to ask for specific ones)

A mother's love for her son: Open (Incest optional) - A new Teacher's lust: Open

So, an idea I have is one of a mother wishing to help her struggling High School aged son.  So, what is her idea to help him?  There are a few things a student needs to have the best High School years he could ever want, and aside from good grades, there is something else far more important.

He needs a great social life!  So, she would do a variety of things to ensure he has the best Senior year ever!  First, he needs the most popular friends.  She hears from him, the names of many of the more popular students.  She invites them to her house, and in exchange for being friends with her son, she sleeps with them of course!  Lets guys, as many as we want at one time have a go at her body to be friends with her social outcast son.

He also needs to focus less on school work, he needs to be socially active and yet still make the honor roll!  So, she sleeps with some more studious students to do his homework of course!  Lets him have parties, uses her body to help her son have the best year of school ever!  Lots of young students, a mature and sexy mother, a lot of fun!  I am open to other suggestions as to how she can help him in other ways as well.  Also, for this one Incest is optional.  If you want her to be sexually active with her son, or introduce it sometime later if you like, or not at all if also preferred.  Just an idea, I got some face claims for a mother for you to choose from if you like, or use your own if you prefer.


Also, a second idea on the same spoiler if anyone is interested.  I am also interested in a plot along these lines, a mature lady of a teacher and her student(s).

I've seen some recent stories regarding young students, and their teachers.  Aside from the legality of the issue, I figure that would be a very attractive idea!  Keeping the student(s) 16+ to keep in site rules, but it sounds really great!  A lusty teacher, lots of young men, and her being unable to bide back her need to pursue them all, or just one :).  We can work out the details, basically a mature female teacher using the same face claim list of the mother plot, and young students.

Also, with both plots using the same face claim list, I also would be game for a few twists to these ideas.  I would have no problem tweaking the setting, as in changing it entirely!  If you want to set this in a different world, be it fandom, science fiction/space, High Fantasy (a magical academy perhaps?), really just toss me your suggestion and I would love to hear it!

I hope to find interest in either of these ideas, look forward to any inquiries!

Young Lad looking for some amusement: Open & Craving!
An idea I have seen a few trying their hand at, and with little luck in that pursuit I thought I'd establish the craving here.

The idea is a young lad (age appropriate at 16-17 leaning toward 16) is at an amusement park with his family, he decides to go on his own knowing he has a cell phone in hand to enjoy whatever rides he will at his own pace.

However, when he does.  He encounters a female employee at the park (could be DisneyLand, that new Harry Potter one, immediate love to anyone interested in a nerdy theme for the park like Star Wars, fantasy, ME, etc.).  She is quick to offer him help finding his way, maybe to see his family (her age will be mid twenties or early twenties).  Rather than try to get to his family, he sneaks her into some secluded area in the park.  Quite obviously, he either seduces, or coerces through an alpha male style approach (dominant and all that) to giving him sexual favors.

Oral, vaginal, all that fun all over the park.  She stays with him throughout his stay, maybe even gives him contact info.  I figure it could also be force if we want non-con, but would turn con eventually.  Just a young man in an amusement park, getting some sex with an older attractive lady!  Let me know if any of you lovely ladies are interested in being my partner![/color][/size]

STAR WARS:  OLD REPUBLIC ERA:  Kinky master x apprentice play  BIG HUGE CRAVING
So, I have a craving for Star Wars.  I do have one idea I tried to do with another partner, it sort of flopped rather quickly after the beginning.  Perhaps, it will work here with someone else!

The idea was that my character is a Dath, a powerful Sith Lord with a noble family under his authority.  Not a powerful house, but it has a variety of both military, and economic assets at its disposal.  Also, a rich history of respect within Sith culture, their families exploits earning them respect for helping their empire return to a state of honor and glory.

However, Romner decides that it is time he took on a pupil.  He had tried a few, all of them failed.  And of course, their failure meant they died. 

Now, he has found a new student.  She is a prodigy they say, gifted in the force, with intelligence to match.  However, she is I hope, a little more timid, for a sith.  When she arrives to study with him at his home, she is in for a rude awakening.  While, she will be his apprentice, and taught to be a proper Sith, it will be 'his' proper sith. 

Her race is up to you, but I do have a weakness for sexy aliens.  The idea, is that when she arrives, fresh out of the academy.  Age is up to you, but I am looking to play with a young woman.  16-19 age in fact, she will have been an acolyte, who just barely passed her lessons to be chosen as an apprentice for Darth Romner. 

When she arrives at his home however, she finds that her primary duties as his apprentice are far more sexual than anything.  First, he will have to establish a sense of dominance over her!  The young girl, will be dominated by her new master as her sexual better.  A big well endowed sith, and his apprentice?  She will know quickly, where she stands.

Other times, it will be other members of his house.  There might be others who wish to ravage this girl too.

Maybe Romner's own son Nazaen wants a turn with her, and takes his own.  Maybe some other Sith Lord decides to, maybe he uses her to make deals with others, maybe his own Imperial guards take their turns.  The basic idea is, she is a Sith learning from Romner, but the scenes mainly focus on her being shown her place in the food chain to other sith in this home, and potentially by soldiers, Imperial agents, other dignitaries, maybe even by Republic scum!

I love this idea, and desperately want to play it with some other Star Wars fan!

I am open to other Star Wars ideas, and am not against other ideas.  I have other characters to fit almost any role, but I prefer the Old Republic 9 times out of 10

Behind closed doors: Open
Alright, so the setting for this plot can be negotiable, but this is the original idea that got the train rolling in my head.

In the world of Dragon Age, years later after all the games have taken place.  A new female queen is in charge of Ferelden (could be the empress of Orlais as well), she is noble, respected, and cares for her people.  A model ruler, but she refuses to be wed and rules Ferelden without considering marrying to join the throne to a king.

However, something else happened that no one expected.

She recently has hired a new advisor, who makes many people worried over the reason why.  For this adviser makes them worry for two reasons.  One, he is a Dalish elf, and two he is a mage that she won't let the chantry touch. 

Where she found him, no one knows.

However, aside from having a mage adviser, there is another reason for him being here.  She brought him along because behind closed doors, she is particularly randy. 

To the public, she is their noble queen, behind closed doors and only to her mage adviser, she is a submissive in need of satiating her lustful needs.  So, this mage uses his skill as a mage to dominate her and help sate her cravings.  Be it bestiality and he uses shapeshifting magic to turn into an animal, a gangbang where he clones himself with magic.  He is a master of magic, even able to use skills of the arcane warrior to amplify his strength and endurance with magic.  The idea, is a powerful and respected woman uses her adviser to submit to sexually where no one is looking.

Some other ideas I like for this, aside from her requesting this mage be her master sexually, is that she also uses sexy outfits when doing so.  Wearing slutty clothes that she would never even think of wearing, but only for these purposes.

This setting could take place elsewhere, even in Star Wars.

A chancellor, or maybe a Gran moff and her knew Sith bodyguard ( Sith bodyguard in the republic?  Yes it just makes it more taboo :) since she tells the jedi to back off!)?  The pairings are all open, but the idea is a noble woman everyone knows and respects, being a submissive whore to her master whom normally serves her without a fault in public.  If anyone is interested in an idea like this, let me know!

A vigilante 'against' justice: Open
A new villain is on the run, a vigilante for the forces of evil of course!  And he has a power that is going to cause many a female heroes to tremble (OCs or canon), the power of hormones!  He has the ability to cause heightened arousal in ladies, like an aphrodisiac that he exudes from his body at will.  He can control it, and in addition to this.  He is strong and this helps him deal with stronger heroines, and he is also while a lean man, well endowed.

So, he begins targeting women and raping them as they are on patrol.  Maybe they finally enjoy it, and he turns them into his female slaves of evil-justice!  The idea, a hero who makes ladies weak and lose their powers and so horny they can't resist while he rapes them.

Open to many kinks with this, also the male can be a futanari as well.  I would love to play a busty villain!  Let me know if you'd rather me play a futanari ;).

A young man, and his naughty adventures: Open  CRAVING!
An idea I have seen quite a few times on the thread, and when I try to appeal to the one running it it sort of ends up already claimed!  I would love to play a young man, very minimum of the site limits (16).  He is young, and I would love to play him opposite either one, or numerous older females in sexy sex adventures.

Setting can be anything, from fantasy, to modern, to even Star Wars if you like Star Wars and want to appeal to my nerdy favorite!  The idea, young man, older woman or women who he gets to play with.  The age variety can be anything we desire, we can have a whole bunch of em!  From ladies who are just in college, to mature MILFS.  Let me know if anyone is interested in playing ladies against my young man!

Random images of busty ladies:  No plots, but open to sexy suggestions!

This is not really a plot idea, more I got a lot of images of girls I'd like to have a sexy roleplay with and would be willing to hear any ideas you lovely ladies might have.  If you like any of these ladies for a face claim, let me know and let me know what idea you'd like them for!





Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Original Story Oriented Plots:

This section pertains to some original ideas I've developed for plot focused roleplay, note that they still will have a good amount of intimacy involved to make it fun ;).

Fantasy Setting:

A Nightmare 'from' a 'Dreamer'
A 'dreamer' is a person gifted with the power to travel the world of dreams, they would have the ability to invade the dreams of others but they are merely a spectator.  A spectator with a voice however, they manipulate, and convince, the victim to play into their wishes.  Be it something more carnal, or something more personal. 

The idea sounds like inception but don't give me that shit this is medieval fantasy!  So this is magic and stuff that makes it different!  I am planning on playing a dreamer who has been a plague on a large city along the coast of a larger kingdom, he has made one person his target for quite some time now and has been haunting her now above anyone else.

Who she is or what his reason for doing so is up to making in a story, the idea isn't really hashed out as much as it could be yet I was inspired from seeing a television commercial!  So I would like to discuss this idea with someone if they are interested, sounds coolio right!?

The Psedorian:
He is a bladewalker, an elite warrior from the race of Psedorians who call the underground, crystal grottoes of the Alanasi mountains their home.  A race of blue skinned, sharp eared, voiceless, psychic humanoids.  He was one chosen to hunt a powerful artifact deep in the south, his mission clear he needs to acquire this at any cost.

She is a woman who finds him in his dark black leather outfit, hiding his body completely from sight save for the bright blue skin of his body and the murky orchid eyes.  However he is right now unconscious, having been assaulted on his travels he is now at the mercy of travelers.  What does she do?

Modern Realism/Fantasy Setting:

An Abusive Relationship: Open
I am looking for this to be a roleplay that 'could' have an air of fantasy in it, or it would just be realistic/cyberpunk.  I love the idea but having it be a unique setting would make it even more fun so please! 

So anyway the plan for this roleplay, your character is a woman in an abusive relationship with a man and it could be a married relationship or just a boyfriend.  And she meets someone who starts to help take her away from it, and would save her from this relationship and they of course run into drama relating to the ex-relationship and other stuff.  Could make the relationship taboo as well on top of that, provide more undertones to the shenanigans.

Open to mixing and matching ideas on the basic premise of this, but it is a cool and fun idea I was inspired to do watching television :)
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Fandom Stories (OCs only)

Star Wars:  The Old Republic

The Jewel of Voss:
She was a beautiful member of the Voss race, a woman who was on her way to becoming one of the mystics of the people.  He was a sith and was sent to keep her alive, it was a peculiar ritual perfected by the sith to try to 'fake' visions for their mystics to see.  She was assigned him as a protector as a boon from the empire, a boon that the Voss were naive enough to accept so that the commandos would not be so spread thin with their duties.

With a sith as her escort, he was instructed to place a device on her head every night to induce visions that would be for the benefit of the empire.  He would eventually find himself attracted to her, decide to stop and stuff, and things go down between them.  I love the Voss and are beautiful females, I would love to roleplay with any in any scenario idea featuring one. 

I could also play a non sith, as a Jedi, a soldier, an Imperial Agent/SiS agent.  I could play a futanari character instead as well if you want, just ask me!

A Sith Lord and her pet:
He is a member of the Dark Honor guard, with the death of the emperor he has lost the mental link binding him loyally to the emperor Vitiate.  Now he seeks to find a lord worthy of his service, one who was the embodiment of the sith and its preservation, one who would protect the empire.  He found it in a young, aspiring sith lord.  He wishes to serve her and a relationship buds between them, him as her body guard and their mission for glory!

Willing to change my role, I could be a soldier, a fellow sith, a jedi she can corrupt and snuggle, a smuggler, an Imperial Agent/SiS agent.  I could do any adjustment of the roleplay you can imagine, just ask me!

Any other pairings featuring this setting, tis my favorite fandom!
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Looking for my busty Asian dream girl!
I found a model of an asian model, a porn star who is quite the sexy lady!

I want to play with her, a beautiful BBW Asian model. Here are some of her images.

Rin Aoki


The roleplay would be in a modern setting, could be sci-fi future though if preffered (aliens and stuff), the modern setting could also be fantasy with monsters and other stuff like anthros and junk. The setting is open, just not doing this in a past or high fantasy world (other races and monsters is always open).

She could either be played as the model, like as who she really is. Or, she could just be a face claim for a bbw asian girl. Either way works for me, we can work out a plot with this! It might typically end up a rape scenario, but could be willing depending on what we make up! If you are interested, please contact me, I am REALLY craving her body right now!

Alright, so the setting for this plot can be negotiable, but this is the original idea that got the train rolling in my head.

A world of Lust: Open
A random idea I had, one that changes the very understanding of acceptable behavior!

Well, we have seen shows where people decide important things with something silly. Like in Yu-gi-oh, they turn the fate of the world to be decided on how two people play a card game of chance!

However, I have an idea of something naughty!

What, if we all lived in a sci-fi future of our planet where things were done differently? Where sex was viewed as casual, while people still do it to make love with their partner. It is also used to decide things!

Say, a criminal is captured by the law? He can try to compete against his arresting officer to go free, so the cops have to be trained to not only make someone orgasm but to resist it!

A court hearing can be decided both with evidence or a good rousing round of sex!

Ok, so maybe those aren't the best examples. But the point is, a world where sex is the decision maker for all things!

People just have it cause, why not? Two people competing for the same thing? They deal with it then and there with Penis and vagina!

I was thinking of a story like this perhaps, you could create a character (race and such is negotiable) and I would GM the world around her. We would need to discuss the finer points of story and what exactly the setting and plot is, as well as what your pretty ladies objectives are. However, I just want to play with a girl in a world where people fuck to get ahead and to decide all trivial problems!

If you are interested, I would love to discuss what girl you wanna play! What she wants to do! How much sex can be inserted into a world like this! And what sort of kinks we want to have! Just in general, discuss how we want to go about this plot

Craving some busty celebs!  CRAVINGUH!

So, I would like a roleplay set up where some situation befalls a female celebrity. I'd prefer a young and possibly high school aged youth some how getting into their pants, we can discuss the set up of the scene but I would like to play a young man opposite the attractive celebrity!  It can however, be any sort of set up you prefer!  Just toss your sexy sex ideas my way! 

Number of *s indicate my desire to play against the desired female :)

Tigerr Benson****

Kate Upton***

Coco Austin*****

Kendra Wilkinson***

Heidi Montag***

Ewa Sonnet*****

Jessica Davies*****

Feel free to make suggestions, but the big breasts are my favorite!

Caught with your ass in the air:  Open
I saw an image I wanted to base a play off of, an older sister is with her best friend but ends up getting tricked and forced into this compromising position.  Soon, her younger brother's friends return and suffice to say, take advantage of her and end up dominating her and gang-banging her!
Some face claims I'd love for the sister!

Ok, so I am probably one of the biggest fans of Dragon Ball Z (Dragon Ball was ok, and GT was a failure).  Anyway, I bought this game to cater to my impulsive side and also because I love Dragon Ball Z.  The moment I saw you could make your own characters right down to their race?  I probably jizzed a little, I just got so excited for this game and it is amazing!

All of my fangasming aside, it got me pumped to roleplay.  To use Dragon Ball Z characters, not sure what the plot would be but we would have to work that out.  I have two characters I have, one is actually in game while the other is yet to be made.  I have a whole host of them in the making, but the creation stops me from making my Male Mahjin.

So, here are your choices of characters.  Stories have not been crafted yet but I do that better while roleplaying anyway, here are your choices!

-Daethal (Saiyan, Male, Average Class Warrior, 20)
-Vahr'Nette (Mahjin, Futanari, 34)
-Claria (Saiyan, Futanari, Elite Class Warrior, 17)
-Daerana (Saiyan, Futanari, Elite Class Warrior, 36)
-Mahl'Teo (Mahjin, Male, 40)

I'm really craving to play Claria, but will also play one of the others as well :), just tell me who you want!

These are characters I have in the making, if anyone is interested in roleplaying some intense stuff!  Story, smut, and everything else!  Let me know!  Oh my gooorsh I'm so pumped!

Seeking to play with a younger female, opposite one or more older males in a kinky scenario!

So, this idea is rather vague but self-explanatory.  I would love to work out a smutty scenario, featuring one of the following girls as the female face claim.  I am welcome to other models, but I find that I favor ladies on the bustier side if that helps.  Anyway, we can work out the scenario.  Be it she gets captured and raped, willingly consents to a group, or has some sexual romp with anyone we can imagine against her will.  Be it monsters, humans, etc.  Mainly, younger girl somewhat older guys.

For aid, I am interested in the following face claims in ANY scenario so feel free to use them :).

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

Digimon, digital humpers!: CRAVING!!

Ok, so this idea is also on the smuttier side. I am wanting to play with the female digimon characters in the universe, there are potential scenarios for them but it would be leaning toward non-con.

Some potential ideas of their situation:

-Other male digimon find her, and force her
-She ends up in the real world, gets raped by some rather ravenous fans
-Ends up in some other world entirely, being targeted by the people who find her
-ETC (make your own idea if you like!)

Some digimon I wanna see:


Let me know if you contact me, what sort of non-con setting you want for this digimon lady you play but she can have any personality! There are many different of each digimon in reality, so you don't have to play her as canon.

Just let me know which you would like to be! And what sort of setting you want her in.

The League of Lust: Fantasy/modern/sci-fi/fandom

So, an idea I had that I want to try. I want to base a roleplay around a sex league, a league/club that has a competition to determine who will be in charge of what positions in the club.

How do they decide? Sex!

However, I don't want a female to play a willing participant.

I want a lady to play the role of a woman who has no idea this league exists, and a friend of her's (former friend) is mad at her enough to secretly enter her into this club.

So what happens to her? Well, men break into her house and start forcing her to engage in sex and force her to orgasm! Why is this happening to me?!

All of these different kinks!

Maybe a guy brings his dog in, uses his dog with him to make her cum hard!

Maybe a pair tag team her! So many options! If this is in a fantasy/sci-fi setting, maybe she will get her brains fucked out by a futanari with a massive cock!

All sorts of ideas! Anthros, monsters, big hulking men. The only requirement is, they have a cock to ravage her with!

If anyone is interested in this idea, please don't hesitate to ask.

The cougar society:

Random idea I sort have been interested in, rather simple, and open to story crafting however we like.

Basically, there are a group of ladies who all spend their time together when they have free time. A group of mature women ranging from 35-45, all of them very attractive and married.

The idea is I would like to have a roleplay focus on a son of one of these ladies returning, a well sculpted young man. By whatever means, either being employed to do house work, whatever the reason. He ends up meeting with them all, dabbling in their raunchy company.

Could make it harem-esque and have group scenes with numerous 'MILFS' and one young stud, the idea is not very fleshed out at the moment I am working on plots in the meantime.

However, if someone has an idea that would work with this or something similar. Let me know! I would love to play a mature lady group x one young stud!

A Sith Lord and his Slave:

Ok, so this has been a recent craving of mine.  I enjoy Star Wars, I enjoy a lot of my characters but my Sith are my favorite.  So I have a Sith character who I would like to be the recipient of a new slave, this would be a master slave roleplay with all the kinky fun.  I am open to more ideas featuring my Sith Lord, but I would love for some star wars roleplay!

Of course he wouldn't be the only one to use the slave, he would have Soldiers who serve him faithfully.  Could be a gift to his apprentices, used by pets in his home.  Really any kink we can imagine is part of this play, that we are comfortable with.  We can include things like forced impregnation as well, if you want to play that out.

I am open to any character really in any time line, be it Old Republic or based off the movies.  You can be an OC or a canon girl from Star Wars, I am open to any of that!

Bypassing the Genophage: Mass Effect (Taken)
So I have been playing through Mass Effect again, amazing game and so much fun to play through no matter which number playthrough it is!

Anywho, I started coming up with some cliche but kinky scenarios in my adventures in the game.

One of which, is involving the quad carrying Krogan!

The Genophage, it is no wonder that it was needed but it is stranger still that they didn't out source genetic expertise till later.  My idea is that, maybe a scientist was working with Krogans to bypass the idea of the Genophage.

Using fertility stimulants, the warriors of Tuchanka begin to kidnap and fly in different alien species.  Quarians, humans, Asari, anything (My limits with the females are they be humanoid like those races, not interested in female Turians or anything 'way' out there, a Drell could be fun.)

The idea is, they use the fertility stimulants given by their Salarian aid and start to forcefully reproduce with the females they fly in.  Well, it could be forced, or maybe some of them genuinely want to help the Krogan.

Either way, I am looking for a female to play the role of one (or more) female(s) captured by these Krogan in their experiment.  I would play numerous Krogan males, maybe more than one on one female as well? 

If this idea appeals to anyone, let me know and we can discuss the details!

Also interested in other kinky Mass Effect plots, just note I only play OCs and not canon characters ;).  That doesn't mean you can't play canon females though if you like!

My new roommate owns my life: Open

So, this is an idea I had with a partner that didn't really go anywhere.  Not sure what happened, but I loved the idea and I still want to try this!

So the set up is at a boarding school, and just so you know unless you really do like the idea but want me to play a male.  The original idea, was a futanari girl with a big meaty cock and a large pair of balls so, yea I want to keep that intact.

So the premise is that our two characters are rivals, your character, the socialite cheerleader everyone loves.  Mine, the outcast goth girl that wants to knock her down a peg or two.

By some means or another, they become roommates and that is not all.  Your character, ends up being forced and intimidated by mine who is actually a futanari girl.  The original story we used was the goth girl used a tiger to keep the cheerleader in line, the tiger would of course get to participate as well and would have for the purpose of naughtiness have a human like penis as well but was coated in hair.  This isn't required, just one way the emo girl could intimidate her.

So, the cheerleader is kept under control by her goth roommate.  However, it doesn't just end there.  At one point, the girl's mother enters the equation.  And finds herself in a similar position, both mother and daughter being enslaved by the goth girl. 

That is the premise, and is open to discussion.

You can use any face claim for your girl, as for me I have accumulated four images for the girl I like.  I also have one negotiable request, if we can, I would like the cheerleader and her mother to both be busty and curvy, maybe even more so than my goth girl.  Would make sense, why she is more resentful, maybe she envies your characters breasts.

Now, also feel free to choose any of these four face claims for my goth if you prefer one, if not, I will choose the one I love the most :).


As I said, all elements are up for suggestion.  If you really want to try this idea of a roommate sexually controlling your preppy cheerleader as her roommate, feel free to make any requests of it and I will try to accommodate them.  Come up with your own ideas if you like!  I don't mind!

A wrong turn, on the wrong side of town:

This is a basic premise, the idea is a young lady is heading home from school.  Cheerleading, classes, anything really.  She is a High School student, and ends up getting lost as she walked home since she never had to go home without a car ride before.  Whatever happens, she ends up in the seedy apartments on the wrong side of town.

Someone offers this young virgin high school student help, but ends up taking her somewhere she would never want to be.  In the midst of many guys, all of which want to just defile her. 

Maybe they just straight up force it on her, or maybe they trick her somehow and coerce her into sleeping with them all.  In the end, I am looking for a sort of bimboification progression.  She goes from either not liking it or just being forced into it to enjoying it and wanting to keep going!

That is the basic idea, feel free to inquire about it if you enjoy the premise and want to join me!

A super bimboification roleplay!

So, I had an idea based on the solitary kink power play. One you have all probably seen before, but this one just interests me greatly right now! I would love to play an idea out, that follows these lines.

A super heroine is on the prowl for justice in the city! However, her usual rounds of using her super powers to put criminals in her place takes an odd turn. Instead of putting a certain batch of criminals in their place (could have powers and usual lose or just normal criminals), these criminals manage to make her powerless.

Whatever her weakness is, she suddenly is unable to do anything to stop these criminals. The mighty super hero is trapped, at the mercy of these thugs and their evil schemes.

And what is it they decide to do with this new found authority over the protector of the city? Well, turn her into a sex crazed, cum starved, cock craving bimbo of course! It would be a bimboification roleplay, taking a mighty and curvy super heroine (canon or OC) and turning her into a slutty bimbo.

Kinks that will be included with this? Up for negotiation, also open to adding your own!

Non-consensual, creampies, cum on skin, excessive semen, bukkake, double penetration, large cocks, bimboification, powerplay, sexy/slutty clothing, etc.

I am open to altering this idea however my partner desires, however the general idea is I want to focus on her bimboification so, hopefully someone will take interest and work with me to make this happen!

DON'T STOP, BIG SIS!: Futa x Fe or Ma x Fe

I have two ideas I'd love to try, both are of the same story but with different options.

Simply put I am looking for an incest story based around the following idea, you playing my older sister (or two if you would be willing).

I would like to play as a young male brother, or a younger futanari sister who breaks incestuous barriers and sleeps with her sister(s). Could open it up to two female players but I typically prefer one x ones, however ya wanna do it.

We can discuss a larger plot, maybe put it in some fandom or larger scale setting. Fantasy, modern, sci-fi, everything is on the table!

Super Hero/Super Villain Breeding: Open/Craving!
I have an idea that can be one of two things, but it is set in a futuristic society where the reality of super heroes has become a constant present reality.  Not everyone is a hero, only the rare few are but with access to great technology the people can make them real.

But with every hero there is also a villain, one to oppose their very way of life.

So here is the time for a twist, you see my character can be one of two people but with the same goal.  To capture their rival, and force them into the role of complete sexual and emotional servitude.  To reduce them to his toy, and this is where it diverges.

I can either be a Super villain who captures the beautiful Heroine and makes her his little toy, or it could be the Super Hero who captures a Villainess and gives her a taste of heroic justice through domination.

Let me know if this appeals to you, pick which character you want to be (Heroine or Villainess) an then we can decide how we approach this!  Kinks are negotiable for this one!

Pimping my sister out!:  Taken
So, parents are away for a good and solid month.  So they ask their son to return home from school since he is off for the summer, just as his sister is.  His young (age negotiable within site rules) sister is home alone and to keep her safe, her brother comes home to babysit.

Little did he expect that his sister filled out quite nicely in the four years he was gone, she was more curved and had more pronounced features.  So, he decides to have some fun with her now.  One night he sneaks into her room and forces himself on her, using his sister until he is finished.

However it doesn't stop there, he starts to use her to make a nice sum.  For money he lets anyone and anything have their turn with his sister, and well she can't do anything but receive, receive, and receive.

This can include a lot of kinks, bestiality, gang bangs, forced incest, futas, anthros, fantasy.  We can add anything we want, or keep it generally modern realistic and focus on that.  Lots of cum, bukkake, anything you love and can imagine!

Pokemon romance:  Major Craving: Open

This is a kinky idea I've done before but my partner (bless her heart) had other things to tend to, finding less and less joy in the play but now I wish to try this out again.

Basically this is a smutty/story oriented romance I want to try to cater to, the idea is a romance between a Pokemon and its trainer.  I would play the pokemon, and you would play the trainer.

Basically my pokemon is a smaller and perhaps even weaker pokemon, I will enclose a list I am willing to play for you.  This pokemon is weak but wants to so much be able to do well for is master, to win battles and earn her prestige.

So his answer comes in the form of a stone, not a fire stone or any 'known' gem but it is a unique purple and silver stone.  When he touches it, he soon finds himself changing.

He becomes an anthromorphic version of his old self, but not only that.  He becomes a well muscled figure of a pokemon, very well endowed as well as it really emphasizes his phallus.  So what happens?  The pokemon (who can now speak) and his trainer have a kinky and very hot relationship!

Adventuring and having hot sex!  I hope this appeals to someone, it is a 'huge' craving right now.

A Turn of the Tables:  Open

So, this idea is a bit off the wall a bit.  Basically, I'm looking for a bit of power reversal.  Here is how I see it playing out, so please if you are interested please let me know :).

Your character is an older woman, probably 25-35 so not a completely older woman but still older than my character!  He is a young, enigmatic socialite of a High School student.  Age is going to be 16 -19 but I'd like him to be on the younger side of things, as young as you are comfortable with and within rules of course.  However we decide, not exactly sure how old he will be but suffice to say his parents don't trust him home alone.  He has, in the past, hosted numerous parties without their permission.

So it is a bit uncertain, if they called his old babysitter to watch him, or the house.  Either way, your character visits him at his house to of course watch over him (and the house) for a good week.  Of course, your character perhaps has dealt with him in the past and his sort of arrogant and pompous attitude.  Now that he is older, and his hormones have struck.  He has transitioned these thoughts into a more, 'I am god's gift to woman' sort of mind set.  So, with him thinking such.  And his beautiful old baby sitter returning to the playing field, he can't help but try to get into her pants.

She would refuse no doubt, but he takes on such a dominant perspective and tries to practically get her to submit.  Through seduction maybe, trying to establish himself as an alpha male, maybe she has a boyfriend and he challenges to demonstrate to her that he is superior to her lover?  Either way, eventually it leads to them being involved sexually of course.  Taking a turn to where he asserts complete control, and well she is powerless to stop this alpha male.  Or perhaps she doesn't want to, really this plot doesn't seem to be very long in design.

I would be open to expanding on this idea as much as you like, or if you want we could include other girls.  I would love any female roleplayer who would be interested in playing a sort of a harem for the lad, not necessary but it would be a lot of fun if we do it right.  Ugh, a lot of my ideas end up with that sort of option.  Anyway, we can adjust setting, give it any flavor or twist we want.  Simply put, young alpha male of a man, lots of women or just one women.  If you are interested, let me know :).

Here are some images that I am interested in, I have had a huge craving for busty girls.  So, if you are ok playing a busty, curvy girl, perhaps with a bit of self-image problems related to it that would be great!

Here are some images that I like for this.





A Prom to Remember:

So the idea for this one is simply, basically a girl is the prom queen and of course the snob of the school.  Always the favorite of every boy, always the center of attention.  Thinks she is all that, super popular girl.  You all know the type :P, anyway!  I have a pic of her, or you can use your own or just reject the one I use but she is an example.

Maybe she spited the wrong person, for during her prom.  Before she can even head to the dance with her date, she is held up as she told her date to meet her at the dance and not pick her up.  While she is on her way, she gets waylaid.  College students, frat members perhaps, either way she gets forced into a group scenario featuring all these men!

Basic idea, pretty prom queen ends up in a gang bang involving older gentlemen :P.
Her pic

Vengeance Sex Foundation
So this is an idea that I need your help on, see I cannot come up with the entire shabang myself!  See, there is a foundation based in the world today that many are aware of but feel almost afraid to ask for their services!  It is the 'Vengeance Sex Foundation', sounds more professional than 'The Revenge Fucking Foundation' doesn't it?  Well, both names are entirely accurate.

Basically ladies, have you ever seen that one girl who walks down the street like she owns everything?  Pompous air head who could use a good pounding to give her a taste of a harsh reality that she isn't everything worth having?  Well, you can always contact this foundation!

So ladies, set in a modern or a futuristic setting it doesn't matter, I want you to create a character.  Or perhaps, she is someone you even already know, some character and I don't care if it is someone you know in your real life, a celebrity, or hell it could be 'any' character you can imagine! 

Basically, when I got the idea of your character.  You can also decide upon what brand of punishment you want her to endure, what sort of sex acts you wish inflicted upon her by our employees.  We have both Male and hermaphrodite employees but no females, as my rules also dictate I won't do anything M x M so yea don't ask.  Basically, you come to me with your character.  We discuss what you want to happen to her, and then we do it!  Can be anything from bestiality, to gang banging.  All sorts of things, could be bimboification as well if you like!  Don't feel hesitant to ask for anything!  I can simply say no if the kink doesn't sit well with me, and we can discuss other kinks :).  As usual, I want to play all of my roleplays with female roleplayers not guys pretending to be girls.  So, if you are interested, please contact me :)

MSO:  Massively Smutty online gaming!: Open

So, the idea for this is rather simple but inspired!  Basically all of you MMO gamer fans out there (I'm a fan of SWTOR myself and still play it), I'm sure I'm not the only one who had this kind of thought.  PvP matches, where the losing team (all females) end up being dominated by the all male winning team (I could play some futas as well).  Or a raid boss you get beat by doesn't kill you, but makes you his victim of pleasure!  You can't beat this mob in open world?  Well they can sure pound you! 

I'm looking for a smutty adventured featured in either a original 'game' of our own making, or in a popular MMO of our choice.  I am leaning toward Star Wars the Old Republic if anyone is a fan of that game, I've never played WoW so I don't know much about its boss fights or its game play but I can probably get away with it.

I 'have' played a little Wildstar?  I know enough about it story wise, but still.  I've also played Tera, but don't let this list stop you from suggesting others but I will love you forever if you do Star Wars the Old Republic with me!

So the story is not exactly set, if you would be willing to play a few heroines like 1-3/4 I would be happy but don't feel obligated too.  Hell you could just play one, and run into encounters with other players/npcs just as your character!  Now I am not talking a normal human being thrust into the shoes of their character, I'm talking about destroying the character/player barrier and just playing as your character normally.  I will be doing the same with some of the males/futas you encounter, they will be my game characters I created so yea! 

We can discuss story and see what we like for this, I am excited for this roleplay and I hope we can work something out!

My boyfriend the teacher: Taken

So, this is a romance/kinky story I want to play with someone.  I want whomever is interested in this be interested in both some story, but as well the sexy times that my teacher and your female character share.  Basically here is the idea, your character had a huge crush on my character who was a History teacher at her high school.  It was partly because he was some sort of adult figure in her life, helping her with school work and everything, while her real father was an ass and really did nothing for her and is abusive. 

Her mother doesn't care so what is a young girl to do?  She comes on to her teacher, seducing him and well they actually do hit it off.  He is about in his late twenties to early thirties, so not that odd but it is taboo.  However, for her sake he helps her move into his home.  Leaving her family behind who simply don't care, she now lives with her boyfriend who doubles as her teacher!  However, stuff 'can' happen during such a relationship.

Risk of being caught, like having sex in his classroom!  Waking up in the morning to a beautiful woman?  Yes, and of course it wouldn't be complete without her giving him oral before work and perhaps even more!  I want this to be a fun romantic story between them, but I also love intimate and sensual sex and also want to include that with some rougher play as well when they like ;).  Basically a student moves in with her teacher, they have a sexual relationship and help her escape her family. 

I am open to your ideas as well with this, if you are interested please contact me!

Not the best Slumber party: Open
So this is a group on group (forced/willing) orgy of an idea, of sorts.  Basically, the idea is a group of female characters whose age is negotiable.  I was thinking High school students but can negotiate older, they are all spending the night at a friend's slumber party.  This is where it can acquire a few darker undertones, such as incest, bestiality, etc.

Basically some group of males whose age can either be older or the same, maybe big brother and college aged friends or whatever you wish.  Basically the idea is the girls are either forced to have sex or it becomes an orgy of sorts, either way that is the premise and it is open to discussion.

The Rise of a New power

So this is similar to another idea of mine but not in a fandom, basically it is the following idea.

A powerful entity lives in a tomb, one that has long since been forgotten.  He can be whatever we decide him to be, but suffice to say (in either a fantasy or sci-fi setting ~Star Wars or Dragon Age if someone is 'willing' to play a fandom~) a team of explorers goes to investigate the tomb with which he resides in.  They are not aware what it is inside, only the obscure text of an unknown language scribed onto the door of his home.

However, they finally manage to awaken him and when they do, he immediately descends upon the researchers.  And well, he begins a campaign of conquest and domination over the world!  Or, his plan can be something else.

This can go one of two ways, the research team is all female and of course he manages to enslave them all and starts to create a harem of obedient women who will aid all his missions.  Or, he kills all but one female survivor and she becomes his sort of 'concubine' by force as he does his shenanigans as we figure out what he will do.  Still option for more women if you like, if you would be willing.

A family that sleeps together!: Open

So, here is the idea.  It is a product of discussion with another person, we didn't really match but I adore your aid in helping establish this idea and now it is a craving.

Basically, a family consisting of a father, mother, son, daughter are all how you say struck with a questionable degree of affection.  In so much as they are openly intimate with one another, now I'd be playing the father and son and you the mother and daughter.  I do not plan for there to be M x M or F x F so I'd like to keep it M x F for this place.  M x F x F as well, and M x F x M as well.

Basically they seem like a normal family, but behind closed doors is a secret, taboo lifestyle that is just hot ;).  If anyone is interested in this, let me know!

Mature woman and a young Man: Open

So the idea for this I would like to follow along one of a few lines, and that is the basic idea that I will be playing a young and coming of age boy who is well endowed.  I say coming of age to imply he will be a young High School student about 18, completely new to the sultry parts of life.

He could either be the forward as he is hormonal and wanting to explore his cravings, or the older woman he meets could come onto him (I'd love if she was the pursuer and eventually got him out of his shell and made him hard and dominant. 

This could be a teacher and her student, a mother and son incest (would love this), maybe more than one woman (if you do this for me I would love you dearly!) like maybe a mother and her friend.  Basically, any situation that could support a young boy and an older and sexually active woman.  We can decide on what brings it to fruition, just let me know if you are interested in playing an older, busty woman for me!

Kink and Romance: Open

So, this idea is vague and on a completely different note.  Basically to keep it simple, if I can manage this in Fandoms I'd prefer it but can make an original setting or use a pre-existing character for it.  But basically I am looking for a romantic roleplay, be it you have 3 characters and I have 3 and they all fall in love with someone or we focus on one each.  The roleplay would be in a Fandom/Fantasy/future setting that we decide on, I would prefer fandoms but can discuss other ideas.  Basically I want a kinky story that is both story and smutty, sorry I enjoy the sex but I am also a hopeless romantic and love to fall in love! 

So this idea is basically as story oriented as I am at the moment, not saying I dislike story writing but just sometimes after numerous blows to my creative muse it is hard to find the inspiration to write unless the plot really excites me :(.  I used to do more story based ideas a lot more, but I find it hard as of late to really invest into a big story unless it is a good idea that grabs my attention.

I'm hoping with this one I'll be able to make it last longer, so please bare with me as I try to get back into the big chair as it were :).  I have a lot of OCs I can use for this, and I will say right now that I 'refuse' to play canon characters for this >=(.  I'm not gonna be your Sasuke, your Snape, your Obi-Wan-Kenobi!  I will only play characters I made myself, and I'd love it if you did the same.  For pure smutty roleplays I enjoy playing opposite canon girls and if you want to play one for this roleplay I am open to that, but don't ask me to play any specific character for you...nothing annoys me more than someone demanding someone play a certain character. 

So assuming that my point is conveyed properly, basically I am wanting a story/smutty romance with someone with both drama, story, and sex.  I hope I can appeal to someone in this regard :), just let me know if you are interested!

Also if this appeals to anyone, I'd be interested in playing a male harem for a lucky lady ;).  In any setting, I've enjoyed having a Harem but I'd also enjoy playing a male harem for someone so that is also an option! 

Alien Breeding experiment: Open

So, this idea is pretty basic.  A race of aliens have come to a planet (could be earth if you want to just be human not an alien too) to experiment on something, they need to find a race to help save their species.  How will they do this?  Kidnap one of them and really give it to her!  The reason?  Their species is dying out, genetic diversity is dwindling and modern breeding technology can't save them from the rapid degeneration of their genetic staple.  So, they have been searching.  For a species that is malleable genetically to the point where they can breed with almost anything, specifically their species.  So they find a female on this planet, and well they experiment with her sexually to see if she can bear their offspring!

Our aliens can be whatever, furry, scaley, however they must be able to reproduce through mammal like sex.  That will be the whole idea, so we can discuss what kind of aliens we wanna play or just me if you want to be human!  I am open to suggestions, the idea just sounds fun :).

House of the Shaggalor: Open

So, this idea is loosely related to an idea inspired by a picture series by the hentai artist Gideon.  It features a woman (futa but in my story she will be a normal woman!), who is in a mansion that is possessed by the spirit of a horny monster.  And what happens?  THEY HAVE SEX!

So my idea would work around this premise.  So this woman is tricked into entering a mansion (I'd like for her to be a high school or college student age so maybe 17-20), and when she enters her hand is pricked by a claw on the handle of the mansion before going inside.  When she enters, all the doors lock. 

Now, she has to escape the mansion when she finds out she is trapped.  And all the while, the spirit of the shaggalor is out to find her, pin her down, and rape her.  After he finishes with her he runs away, only to rejuvenate.  This will keep happening until she finally finds the way out, which is no easy task ;).  We can add more than one monster if you like, make it any which way possible but the idea is a woman locked in a sexual house of nightmares!

Monster is the one from this picture, but the girl is not a futa as I said she is a normal woman and can look however you want (I prefer busty ;) )

Legend of the Skull Children:  Zelda - Open

So, to all who know the lore that the Skull Children are made when a Kokiri gets lost in the woods. However perhaps we can take that, and give it a smuttier turn!

So, when a female visits the woods. She encounters the darker spirits of the woods when it hits night, they can be either skull children or just some strange nocturnal beasts of our own design (or darker enemies of the game series that we think would be fun to use).

So basically, she gets attacked, raped, and then becomes apart of their dark world by becoming a slave to the spirits to try to lure and bring more victims into the woods. Odd idea, but hey could be fun Smile.

I would love for someone to play Malon, Saria, Ruto, or Zelda for this. However I am just as ok with OCs as well, just let me know what you think! *Extra points for someone ok with either Saria or Malon*

Simple Gangbang: Open

I would love for it to be in a fandom setting like Mass Effect or Star Wars, but I would simply put like to be the initiating party of a gang bang.  To have some helpless woman who will be taken advantage of by any means necessary, if you have reservations against anal you should let me know so I know not to do that.

I would love it if I could gangbang some canon characters, I will enclose a list of some I'd love to have fun with but I am by no means limited to this I just would like something like this in any setting really.
If you are interested let me know :), we can make this a one shot or a bit longer but this won't be long term just a recent craving I've had.

Canon favorites:

-Tali'Zorah Vas Neema (BIG CRAVING)
-Merril from Dragon Age 2
-Morrigan from Dragon age Origins
-Raven from Teen Titans
-Padme Amidala from Star Wars
-Visas Marr from Kotor 2
-Konan from Naruto
-Aelita Shaeffer from Code Lyoko
-Saria from Legend of Zelda
-Zelda from Legend of Zelda
-Midna from Legend of Zelda
-Princess Ruto from Legend of Zelda
-Videl (from Battle of the Gods) from DBZ
-Bulma from DBZ

Also open to non fandom settings, if so I'd prefer modern realism or sci-fi over fantasy right now.

A forest paradise of Antrho-men! - Open
So the idea for this is a fun one, an idea I had before but it didn't really get anywhere so I want to re-hash it.  The idea involves a paradise filled with numerous and very attractive and very well hung antrhomorphic animals who are all men and futanari animals. 

Your character is a female adventurer in the modern day, and she encounters this society of well endowed animals who all see her and there are some obvious ideas with what to do with her!

This could be a force or seduction roleplay, either this woman is captured and ravaged by the inhabitants or she is their willing mate to be bred with by their massive erections.  Note, their cocks will be for the most part human like but I will make obvious changes to them as I see fit. 

So, I also have a list of creatures that I can play for you (both male and futanari aminals!).  This list is not restricted to any part of the world specifically, this is a green wood and not tropical.  But the animals can be anything, they come here to escape being hunted.

-any more (feel free to ask for specific ones)

A not so happily ever after! - Open

So, have you ever watched a Disney movie and just deduce some of the potential smutty scenarios that could be involved?  Well, I have and it kind of screws with my child hood!
But alas it just is really hot, so suffice to say I am interested in making such a plot!

Basically, I shall include a comprehensive list of the disney ladies I want 'you' to play for me.  And we decide what nasty fate happens to them!  Be it being used and abused by the movie villain, or hell just something simple or maybe even throwing them into some original universe to get urped sillly!

Can you imagine?  Princess Jasmine being thrust into a sci-fi world where everyone just wants her body?!  Or, Elsa being forced into a D&D like world with hungry orcs and other creatures with less than pure intentions!

THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS!  Well, not endless, but don't make me do the math ;_; I'll break under the stress!

Anywho!  Here is a list for ya :D, just so you know the princess are definitely not busty.  But please don't think I'm shallow for requesting this, but I'd like for busty versions of these women.  Also, number of *s indicate how much I wanna play with them ;)

-Snow White***
-Padme Amidala***
-Princess Leia*** (don't judge me Disney owns Star Wars now!)

"I'll redefine 'revenge fucking'!": Open

So, this idea was inspired by a television show I was watching.  A trio of women raped a man and got away with it, and you know what?  That is just unjust!

So I decided to get some revenge for this man, basically the idea is women who over-powered a man and forced him to penetrate these women and then sodomized him get some just desserts. 

The idea is this guy had a brother, and one who is particularly upset with this. 

Not only is he very much larger than his brother in sexual endowments, but he is a trained special ops agent in a private militant 'order' of agents.  So he sneaks into their homes, and well he makes them regret raping his brother by giving them the same treatment in return!

Idea is open to discussion, I can change it but the idea is females who are used to being in charged and your general feminist who try to show themselves as wicked sharks who can take what they want.  Only, they get forced into submission by a man, showing them just what it means to be put in their place.

A Prisoner on the Hunt for tail: Open

Idea for this is simple, a futanari prisoner (or male) is released from her(his) cell (this will either be science fiction or Fantasy) and well suffice to say she(he) is not happy at all!  So what does she(he) do?  She(he) finds the woman who had been the bane of her(his) existence while in this prison, treating her(him) like vermin!

So he finds her and kidnaps her, escaping and kidnapping her and having naughty slave reversal plans for her!

Also another idea is that she is some ancient being of great power, but she is released by a naive, busty, and potentially virginal woman.  And things would go from there, based on a picture I've seen recently and makes me wanna play something similar :)

The Sexscapades of the Dreamer: New/Open
This is based off the roleplay I had featuring a roleplay of a dreamer who goes into people's minds, but here is a sexy idea with it ;).  Instead of going into a woman's head to try to have more personal plans for her, the idea would be something carnal.

He goes into the minds of different women, playing in their imagination and convincing them to have sex.  When he makes them orgasm, they become lustfully attracted to him in the physical world.  So he goes about picking the most powerful and influential women he can find, and bringing them under his control.  I can also play a futanari dreamer with a cock and balls instead of a vagina, I'm open to your ideas!

A Queen's new Pleasure: New/Open
Queen Selecana was the matriarch of the society completely dominated by women, her city was a powerful military state that not only had strong independent female warriors.  But many of them were also endowed shemales, this allowed for the continued survival of their society to reproduce.

The Queen however stern a ruler and a strong woman who kept their city strong, had a curious habit of importing exotic female species to her home.  Be them fae, elven, human, any exotic creature she could find.  For the purpose of forcefully copulating with these women, to breed and to collect pleasure slaves.

That is the premise of this idea, however you want to do it will work.  Not a very big example but it is sufficient I think!  We can start with a new female guest to her home, and I would like to include multiple women to one futanari character (mine) if I can

Taking down the Teacher: New/Open
She was a teacher at a local High School, one of the biggest in the district.  However she was also in charge of disciplinary action and was a rather cruel and less than forgiving teacher to her student charges, if you were in her class after school you did something wrong to get there and she was not going to make it easy on you. 

However a few of the students got fed up with how she was treading on them, like it was some sort of sport.  It was after hours and there was about 6 students in the classroom, however as she started barking her typical orders the students showed great resilience toward being commanded by her.  As she started to try to assert herself she was restrained by one of the students, stripped naked, and from that point she was going to be taught a very hot lesson in respecting others.  By being not only taken by force right on her own desk, but having the display shown to the school while it was happening.

Sorry wrong house!: Open
She was an average cat burglar, average in her choice if targets and her mediocre skill but not in her voluptuous appearance.  He/She (could be a male of futanari you pick :) )  was the owner of the house she had targeted, and the little burglar was misinformed when identifying him/her as out of town.  He/She was still home and when the burglar snuck into the house to try and rob him/her blind, she was caught in the act.  Now however he/she wasn't just going to let her go, after knocking her out (probably a drug or something) he/she drags her to his/her bedroom and gets undressed as well as undresses his/her captive.

Now with them both naked the futa/male decides, that as punishment for sneaking into his/her home he was going to have his way with her.  How long will this remain force?  Will it become consensual?  Just what will the two get to do with one another?  Now this idea is pretty small and would just end up being a one shot, but it would just be your female toon to my male or futanari character depending on what you prefer.  It is negotiable, let me know what you think

Your Vengeance is my Command: Open
Now this story is negotiable but it is basically the following, a male (or girl who ends up a futanari) finds a lamp with a female genie in it (would be futanari for sure and I'd play both).  The genie offers him three wishes but he already has his wishes in mind, he/she has the desire to give a girl he once dated a bit of payback. 

They dated and stopped a few months back and to all their friends and anyone on college (or high school for younger characters) campus she told how awful he/she was in all facets, be it more intimate details of their relationship or just his personality.  However most of these comments were not true but the sting of the rumors was getting to him/her, he/she gave her a good 6 months of his life only to have her ruin his/her reputation.

So with the genie's help he/she corners her (location negotiable) and decides to give her a bit of smutty justice.
So as I said the main character would either be a man with a futanari genie, or a girl who has a genie turn her into a futanari so they both get to have some fun with the girl.

I'm sorry Teacher! : Open
It was after class when we would find the young and snobby student, she was held after to discuss her poor attendance and her poor grades in Ms. Veller's class.  She was doing poorly and school only had a few months left before graduation, and the young girl was a senior so her leaving the school was dependent on what she did here and now.

However even when faced with this predicament the young girl didn't bat an eyelash, she had confidence that her father would be able to pull strings since he was a major contributor to the funds of this Private high school.  However Ms. Veller(me) was not going to take this and when this girl continued to spout on about her lack of concern for her grades, Ms. Veller decided she needed a lesson in manners.

She forced her down and removed her skirt, showing the thick member and that this curvy woman was in fact a sexy futanari.

The futanari Cop: Open
Taking place in a science fiction world, a pair of female aliens (played by you) are caught by a cop who is planning on interrogating them for information, as they are suspects in criminal activity and she will have their information now!  So locking them in a room and disrobing, they soon find what they are in for.  A female cop, who has a sizable cock ready to get the information out of them one way or another.

The Amazonians: Open
It was on a lone island where a traveler found herself stranded with her only means of escaping destroyed, she was just out to be on her own to see what the world has to offer.  However what she didn't expect was to find this island inhabited, but not only inhabited by occupied by dozens of amazonian women.  These women are not taller than humans but they are definitely more fit, however as she enters the village she is confronted by the chieftain of the village.  She explains her predicament, she will not leave this island unless she provides them with a service in return.  As she tries to wrap her mind around what kind of service she can offer she is picked up by the woman and taken outside, thrown onto the sandy turf that their village resides upon.  Only to find that they already have something in mind, the chieftain removes her leaf woven dress to reveal a very large cock and a few other amazons come to join to take their fun.

A few smutty scenarios with no real description (just sound fun, your role will be on the left)
Woman runs into trouble in gas station
Babysitter x Intruder/Sibling's older brother
Sorceress x Demon/Evil sorcerer or Warlock/monsters/vampires
Thief x Demon/sorcerer/monsters/vampires
Paladin x Demon
Slave x Vampire Lord
Traveler x Werewolves
Princess forced by her advisor
Anything with animals!
Prostitute in a fantasy setting taken by a rather forceful customer
Woman interrogated for information (medieval fantasy)
Master x Slave (prefer sci-fi or fantasy)
Anthromorphic creatures
Brother forcing his younger sweet sister
A pair of twin Goth women in high school black mail a popular kid in the school into satisfying all their desires (me playing popular guy).
A futanari goth girl forces herself on the head cheerleader (me playing th goth girl)
A female genie who has to do whatever a young man says
Creature under her bed pays her a night time visit

A few Holiday Themed ideas

Mother's Day

Idea for this is pretty simple, a sexual scenario between a mother and her son on Mother's day.  The boy is so generous to his mom and gives her a nice present since she has been alone since her messy divorce ;), I could also play a futanari daughter with a pair of balls so if that is your particular fancy let me know!  I would love to make this fantasy some how, some magical item to make it more sexy like maybe a book that changes body parts with magic.

Valentines Day:

Idea One: Open
It was the day of love and frivolity and this day is when Cupid would play his little game of lust, instead of shooting his arrows and making people fall in love.  He picked a random girl and would follow her around all day, and when she would approach a man he wanted her to play with he would strike him with an arrow. 

This arrow of lust would send the man into a extreme lust and no matter where they are and what they are doing, and whether or not she says yes or no he will take her then and there until he releases his seed inside of her body then he returns to normal.  This is the story of a girl who becomes the target of cupid this Valentines day, and what will happen to her as she goes about her day.


Idea One: Open
It was a magical Halloween this year when the most popular girl at school hosted her yearly Halloween party, especially since the spirits of Halloween decided to have some fun with this snobby girl who felt the world revolved around her.  They decided to teach her a lesson by enchanting her party, turning everyone into a real version of whatever they were dressed as this year. 

However this had one twist, she was also transformed but her guests had a different effect than what she had to endure.  They were all extremely horny and wanted to have her then and there, how will she handle the various creatures that are now in her house and want nothing more than to use her body until they shoot their load inside of her?


Idea One: Open
This is roughly based on an idea I've had based on a erotic game I've played, basically what I was thinking is that an odd force strikes the north pole this christmas.  Santa and all the elves are captured by this odd monster, leaving only Mrs. Claus to face it.  The big breasted and amazingly attractive Mrs. Claus confronts the monster, a large monstrosity that is composed of many tentacles each capped with a mushroom head resembling that of a penis.  She is quickly subdued, and left to the whims of this monster who decides that the final insult for Santa is to watch this creature impregnate his wife.
Idea Two: Open
Christmas is the spirit of giving and if there is anything who deserves a gift it is a young high school student named Talon, he is the young although social outcast of his school.  It is not from his status as an intellectual, or a lack of physical appeal (he is anything but ugly), it is from his nervous tendencies and his lack of desire to speak to others.

But like every day he tends to please himself as he is by himself and wishes desperately just for even a romp to bide past these sexual desires, so this Christmas he is given a crystal.  This crystal gives him the ability to change anyone's shape into that which he most wants, as you can guess when he discovers this he will use it to sate his sexual desires.  So as it not only changes the woman's shape he chooses, but it also puts them into a state of extreme lust.  They will want nothing more than for him to use their body until he shoots his seed inside of them, they can take the shape of various game characters, anyone his im
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.





A not so happily ever after!

So, have you ever watched a Disney movie and just deduce some of the potential smutty scenarios that could be involved?  Well, I have and it kind of screws with my child hood!
But alas it just is really hot, so suffice to say I am interested in making such a plot!

Basically, I shall include a comprehensive list of the disney ladies I want 'you' to play for me.  And we decide what nasty fate happens to them!  Be it ending up in some random universe of our own creation, or them befalling some nasty, slutty fate at the hands of some devious pervert who 'urps!' them silly.  Mostly I could see myself GMing for someone playing a disney princess, or the 'master x slave' pairing also comes to mind.  Straight up, if I use one character as my primary focus he will be an original character.  Sorry, but I am really not interested in playing the disney villains. 

Can you imagine?  Princess Jasmine being thrust into a sci-fi world where everyone just wants her body?!  Or, Elsa being forced into a D&D like world with hungry orcs and other creatures with less than pure intentions!

THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS!  Well, not endless, but don't make me do the math ;_; I'll break under the stress!

Anywho!  Here is a list for ya :D, just so you know the princess are definitely not busty.  But please don't think I'm shallow for requesting this, but I'd like for busty versions of these women.  Also, number of *s indicate how much I wanna play with them ;)

-Snow White***
-Padme Amidala***
-Princess Leia*** (don't judge me Disney owns Star Wars now!)

Star Wars:

The Agent's Mission: Open

She is an imperial agent who was given the task to keep a hutt alive so that the empire could continue negotiations for an alliance with his faction of crime, however the hutt named Gorta didn't want an agent watching his back.  So to avoid him knowing of imperial involvement they sent one of their best agents into his harem of alien dancers (yes I really want an alien for this would love it to be a Chiss or Twi'lek), she is there to prevent any republic agents from killing the hutt or undermining the empire.  However this night in particular is one that all the dancers dread, when the hutt rewards his men by letting bounty hunters and guards alike use his dancers however they wish.  However she is getting close to the end of her mission and can't blow her cover, just how much loyalty does she have to the empire
The Trooper's Plight: Open
She was on Taris separated from her squad and now in enemy territory, trying desperately to get back to a republic outpost to get out of this place but it wasn't to happen.  The female trooper of the republic is spotted by an Imperial patrol and is soon captured, but what use is it to just kill a beautiful soldier like her she has much more value to them with her body than as a corpse so they forcefully take her as they will all of them getting a chance to use and rape her.
When two agents meet: Open
(I got two Imperial agent characters for this, my male Miralukan Gunseng, and my Futanari Chiss Sha'naer'ala so pick which you want to have some fun with ;))
An Imperial Agent and a Republic S.I.S agent, both of them encounter one another on a mission (I was thinking my character captures her (your character) and as they tussle one is captured.  Interrogating one another until, some more sexual tension forms and they just can't resist falling into bed with one another.
Other Ideas
-Slave girl at a Hutt bar being used by a group of the mandalorians who the hutt hired as a means of rewarding them.
-A sith acolyte is beaten and used by a few of the other male acolytes
-A smuggler makes a deal with a sith lord, one that she finds she can't repay unless she complies with his most naughty wishes
I am interested in other smutty Star Wars ideas, please contact me with some you might have (preferably in the Old Republic Era)

Dragon Age: 

Morrigan's Pet of Desire: Open

Morrigan(me) had summoned her to the human plane using a complex magic ritual, a desire demon and although this demon thought she would get the better of this mage she was mistaken.  She was bound into a circle, a powerful one that would hold this demon in place.  However when she arrives she is unaware just what is about to happen, Morrigan is there waiting for the demoness and with no waistwrap on she sports her large thick cock showing she is a futanari by some magical spell of shapeshifting she invented.
Although this demoness would be enthralled at the chance to feed on Morrigan's desire she is about to find out, that this mage is much more than she can handle.

Dragon Age (Darkspawn's prisoner): Open

Do you really know what happened at the city of lothering?  Was anyone alive to tell the tale as the Darkspawn attacked the small village?  There were many cloistered sisters and female citizens who were overwhelmed by the blight, however what do we really know about how the darkspawn treat their prisoners?  Perhaps instead of just attacking the village they use the female residents as a means to breed more darkspawn or just play with their bodies as their demon seed cannot conceive a child with a human, either way there is a lot of ways to go with this.  Your character could be whatever you want, although a sister of the chantry would be a lot of fun if you ask me.  My primary idea for this is to have a group of darkspawn on one woman, just something that popped into my head randomly.

The Mage's Punishment: Open

She was a young and beautiful mage and he was the tough as nails Knight Commander of the Templars, she was accused of being an abomination but he knew it was false but this provided him with opportunity.  She was brought to his office in the Templar Barracks, they were alone but he had an idea for her.  She had no where to go and being only a young mage had not learned much powerful magic, he would use this as a chance to take her body as he wanted and use her for all she was worth.

The Qunari's prisoner: Open

She was an Imperium Magi who was captured during a Qunari raid during the long heated war between the two, and suffice to say that she will receive a less than pure treatment from these carnally starved men who are horny in more ways than one ;).

The Magister's Prisoner: Open

She was an elven slave and he was her Magister master, although instead of giving her the same gift as Fenris she was given a harsh role as his sensual servant.  He would use all sorts of magical abilities and summons on her to please himself and to force her to orgasm, and as well have the satisfaction of fucking her good himself.

Mass Effect

The Blue Sun's Acquisition: Open

She was a simple human (other races negotiable) female who was ends up captured by a Blue sun's raiding party, enslaving her but instead of selling her they decide her body would be more valuable to them as a slave for their own use to use and abuse as they want whenever they want

Avatar Legend of Korra/The Last Airbender:

The avatar and the Chi Blockers

Avatar Korra (or an OC) is captured by a team of chi blockers, but they have something else in mind instead of just capturing her.  They decide that the young and pure avatar would lose her virtue to them, they would use her body till they have both knocked her up and used her for all she was worth.
Would also like to play this scenario with her being kidnapped by spirits instead and being impregnated by them, either would be fun.
Something in the Last Airbender

I would like to do a roleplay where one of the following characters gets captured by any group that opposes them, like Water Benders/ Earth benders for any of the fire nation girls (Azula, Ty Lee, and Mei).  Or for the good girls some fire nation troops capturing and raping either Toph, Katara, Jin, Suki, or any OCs.

Soul Calibur

Ivy's Victory: Open

Ivy(me) was standing over her defeated enemy in this match, the young girl who had chosen to contend with her blade and ended up a beaten mess on the ground her armor broken and tossed aside she was left in a broken mess of equipment and under-mesh.  However Ivy wasn't done with her just yet, she was going to send it home into the mind of this young girl that she wasn't to be messed with.

Pulling aside the skimpy mesh of clothing she uncovers her large member, thick and bulging ready to act.  She uses it to take the virtue of this young warrior (could be an OC or any female toon that you like) and make her realize, you don't mess with Ivy.


Pokemon Adventures:  Open

So this idea can go a few ways, I would prefer to play the male pokemon but if you would like me to be a male trainer playing against female pokemon that suits me just fine.

So you can either have romantic relations with your pokemon (one or more), encounter a lot of aggressive pokemon in the wild who claim her and mark her as their territory.

However you wish to do this but I am looking for smutty pokemon in general ;), I also have some ideas to this I won't label here so if you are interested I can list some stuff I've done in the past I enjoyed a lot.
Code Lyoko:

XANA The Sex-program:

For this I am looking for preferably someone playing an older and more curvy looking Aelita (Yumi works too) or some OC, but for whatever reason the program XANA has decided to take it upon himself to have some kinky fun with them.  Perhaps more than one girl if you want to play more than one, the idea is that both in Lyoko and the real world he sets things up to attack and fuck the girl.

In the real world?  Anything could turn on her, or anyone including family and friends.  In Lyoko?  All the monsters now have penises and can enjoy ravaging her body, including perhaps new types of monsters ;).  Just a basic idea, would love to try this idea sometime with anyone looking to be attacked by large numbers of sex crazed people/beasts/machines.

More ideas to come as I am in the construction of this thread right now and adding them as I find my old ideas to compile them here, also I just love smut and want to do more smutty roleplays so if you have your own idea and think I am a good roleplayer just ask me with your own ideas too :).
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Raven haired beauties


Sexy Blondes

Kate Upton

Sexy Brunettes


Sexy Asians





Sexy and Thick and/or busty




Petite and adorable


Emo Chicks

Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(potential placeholder)
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(Potential placeholder)

Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(Potential placeholder)
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(potential placeholder)
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(potential placeholder)

Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



(Potential placeholder)
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Cravings:  Mature woman and younger man, Incestuous fun
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Cravings:  'Massively Smutty Online Gaming', 'Alien Breeding experiment'
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Images of girls I want to have naughty roleplay with section added

Inspiring gifs section added
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.




Cravings:  'Master and Slave plot', 'Incest/gangbang idea' both plots added.
Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.



Peace is a lie there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me.