Deviations - The Reorganization (Large Group, Superhuman, Semi-freeform)

Started by RampantDesires, March 26, 2014, 05:11:20 PM

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Huzzah influx of new and returning characters!  And welcome back to Adonis, the game's creator.  Always a pleasure to have you Sir  :-*  With his returning characters, Renegade and Keldia's new ones the Active Cast List has changed quite dramatically.

New Character Restrictions

  • Avian Shapeshifting
  • Portal Generation
  • Strong military/police backgrounds

Powers that no one has:

  • Reptile Manipulation
  • Avian Manipulation
  • Darkness Manipulation

Symptoms with a lot of activity but that aren't yet closed....
  • Telepathy - 4
  • Tactile Transmutation - 3
  • Strength, Endurance, Reflexes - 3
  • Shapeshifting: Insect, Mammalian, and Reptilian - 3

Breakdown of Current Symptoms

Omnilinguistics   2
Telekinesis   2
Telepathy   3
Heightened Intelligence   2
Forcefield Generation   1
Induced Healing   2
Illusion Casting   2
Phsycometry   1
Dowsing   2
Regeneration   1
Speed   2
Strength   3
Endurance   3
Reflexes   3
Vocals   1
Invisibility   1
Earth   1
Fire   1
Water   2
Electricity   1
Gravity   2
Light   1
Dark   0
Frost   2
Transmutation   3
Wind   1
Flight, Wingless   1
Flight, Winged   1
Phase Shift           1
Teleportation   1
Portal Generation   5
~Mammal   3
~Insect   3
~Reptilian   3
~Avian   5
~Fish           1
Nature Manipulation   
~Mammal   2
~Insect   1
~Reptile   0
~Avian   0
~Flora&Fauna   2

Male/Female ratio is now 24/21. 

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->



Name: Aonghus Pritchard
Nicknames: Angus, Gus, Ang, Richard
Ethnicity: Welsh/Italian
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession: Medical Intern
Character Model James McAvoy


Hair: Brown
Eyes: Electric Blue
Skin: A natural, light tan.
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 6'0


Personality: Angus is generally an introvert. Someone who, for the most part, keeps to himself and doesn't need to seek the approval or attention of others. Extremely observant, Angus is the type of person who understands that over seventy-percent of communication is non-verbal.

Such is not to say that Angus is a shut in or that he is some kind of social pariah - Pensive and thoughtful yes, but Angus can be just as easily comfortable in a crowd as he would be if left to his own devices; even if he'd prefer the latter.  He can be very ‘hands on’ in many aspects. Just as much as he enjoys a nice moment of silence or staying in to read a book, so does he appreciate being active, whether it's hiking or sports. Whichever it is, he's absolutely not the type of person that can be content simply watching TV all day.

He‘s extremely sensual in all aspects of life, but he also has a fairly short temper which can be set off quite easily. Although he’d rather observe then speak it doesn’t always go as planned - he’s fairly opinionated and is often very adamant about his views and stances.

Background: Angus was the youngest of six children born to Gianni and Gillian Pritchard, an Italian father and a Welsh mother who both immigrated to America and settled in Glenside. For the most part, Angus had a normal life growing up in the suburbs with his five siblings; when it came to school he excelled in most academic aspects, he even enjoyed sports (even if he wasn't the most coordinated person alive) - he was the type of kid that blended in easily with whatever's clique he wanted: Jocks, Intellectuals, Outcasts, he had friends in all the groups, even though he didn't particularly belong to one himself.

In high school Angus met Dakota when the two were paired together as lab partners, they quickly became friends and perhaps a little more, though it never seemed as if anything between them would work out; ever have that person in your life where each of you would develop feelings for but the situation was never ideal? Well, Dakota was Angus' person.

He attended University, the first to do so out of his siblings, and double-mastered in Psychology and Biochemistry with a minor in Physics. As if that hadn't been enough for him, Angus also got a medical degree and immediately applied to the hospital's internship program, looking to secure a career as a Psychiatrist. Despite this history in medicine, it hadn't been Angus' original intention to get vaccinated on that fateful day, he had been pushing it off, claiming he was too busy when his friend Dakota convinced him.

Symptoms: Electricity Manipulation

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Debating, Writing, Exercising, Playing Guitar, Music and Movies. He also loves food, whether he's cooking it or eating it, but that's more of a vice than a hobby or interest.

OOC Ons and Offs: Can't think of anything tbh, I'll let you know if something stands out. Good communication goes far. The only thing I actively try to avoid is OOC drama.


Aldrick has stated his intention to use James McAvoy as a character picture which has my approval ten times over :)

Both Gus and Dakota look like a lot of fun, just waiting for Adonis to give the final go ahead and we're all set!  In the mean time please feel free to introduce yourselves in the OOC if you'd like!

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


Aldrick, you're good to go. Will approve the other in the PM here in just a sec.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


Holy balls I suck at updating things.

We had some new players join and a few people drop the game or go inactive for awhile so here we go ...

New Symptom Breakdown List

Omnilinguistics   2
Telekinesis   3
Telepathy   4
Heightened Intelligence   1
Forcefield Generation   2
Induced Healing   2
Illusion Casting   2
Phsycometry   0
Dowsing   2
Regeneration   2
Speed   2
Strength   3
Endurance   2
Reflexes   0
Vocals   1
Invisibility   1
Earth   2
Fire   2
Water   2
Electricity   1
Gravity   3
Light     0
Dark   1
Frost  0
Transmutation   3
Wind   1
Flight, Wingless   1
Flight, Winged   1
Phase Shift   1
Teleportation   3
Portal Generation   3
~Mammal   1
~Insect   3
~Reptilian   1
~Avian   3
~Fish   1
Nature Manipulation   
~Mammal   2
~Insect   1
~Reptile   1
~Avian   0
~Flora&Fauna   2

So good news.  We currently have NO starting symptom or background restrictions.

Telepathy is close to maxing out with 4 active players currently with the power.

Powers that no current character has:
  • Phsycometry   
  • Light Manipulation
  • Frost Manipulation
  • Reflexes
  • Avian Manipulation

Male to Female Ratio

All lists and numbers are constantly changing as characters move back to the active list or current characters gain/lose symptoms, but it's a good starting point at least.

If you are interested/have any questions please don't hesitate to send a PM or hop over onto our board and ask them in one of the OOC threads there.

Why is this a good time to join? 
We're wrapping up a major game event in the upcoming weeks which will help explain away a lot of the absences and events of the past in game week so it is the perfect time to hop in and get right in the action :)

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->



Name: Danika Muriel Vasek"Dani"(yes, she realizes her initials are DMV thanks for being the millionth person to point it out)
Ethnicity:Caucasian,  Vasek is technically a Czech name, but there is a bit of everything in her family tree at this point.
Sex: Female
Age:  31
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession: Chef (head chef at Caleo)


Hair: Strawberry blonde/red
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Freckled :P
Height: 5'6"
Other:  Thanks to dating a tattoo artist back in her culinary school days Dani's skin is decorated by more than just freckles.  She has a large and vibrant feather down her left arm which dissolves at the top into a scattering of birds, a highly stylized lotus flower on her left shoulder blade and a few other smaller ones here and therethough most remain covered most of the time.

Additional Images

Physical Model = Vica Kerekes


Personality: Abrasive?  Dani is rather tired of trying to prove herself to the world and as such no longer really tries to please people.  She is brutally honest, painfully sarcastic at times, and occasionally insensitive to the trials and tribulations of her fellow human beings (she really doesn't want to hear your excuses or justifications, just do what you said you were going to do without whining please).  She is dedicated to her job, she doesn't mind the long hours and the fact that she doesn't have much of a life outside of work.  That being said she is at a bit of a loss as to where to go from here, she knows that she is ill suited, both in temperament and financial status, to owning and operating her own place.

Background: Born and raised in Northern California by an upper middle class family, her father is still a practicing oncologist while her mother owns and operates a small but profitable art gallery. The third of five kids (an older brother and sister, and a younger brother and sister) Dani was rather used to falling through the cracks growing up.  It wasn't that her parents were inattentive, they were just BUSY  and unlike some of her siblings she felt no need to push herself into the spot light for either positive or negative attention. As long as she wasn't causing trouble and was getting decent grades she was allowed to do pretty much whatever she wanted.  She flitted through various social clubs but never really found her niche or any grand passion.  Surely college would be better.  Away from her well intentioned but often overwhelming family, in a larger pool of students... but not really.

College was same story different town for her.   At least until the end of her sophomore year when on a whim she decided to take a random wine paring and meal planning class at a nearby winery.  She'd expected it to be a few evenings of chatting and a good excuse to get drunk (not that she really needed one).  But instead it was an intense few weeks where she was introduced to the concept of people being passionate about food.  Meals that weren't hurried and loud productions the way they'd been while she was growing up, but instead carefully planned and enjoyable explorations of the senses leaving more than just your stomach full at the end of the night.

The fight that she had with her parents over quitting college was rather epic, and the rift between them has not yet fully mended to this day.  They made some good points.  She was three years in to getting a political science degree, stay and finish that before moving on to something that was more than likely a phase that would pass.  But Dani didn't want to wait, and she certainly didn't want a degree that would make her fit for little more than taking some boring government job for the rest of her life.  And so it was settled, if she was going to go off to New York and start culinary school she'd have to do so by herself, no more paid tuition, no more flitting home on the weekends, and WHEN she dropped out of that they didn't want to hear her complain.

Except Dani didn't drop out.  Nearly 100k in debt thanks to outrageous tuition costs and general NYC living she graduated with a Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) in Culinary Arts Management from The Culinary Institute of America - Hyde Park. She spent the next three years doing catering for private parties in New York.  Not exactly every chef's dream, but it was a decent source of income and she got used to working in different kitchens every night and meeting the rather exacting demands of the city's upper crust.  It was at the urging of one her clients that she filled out an application for Food Network's Chopped never expecting that she'd actually get the call ... but she did, possibly more because she was photogenic than her somewhat lean resume, but hey.  Just appearing on the show would be a huge boost for her career.  Winning though, well that was unexpected!

The 10k prize money was kind of laughable, it went directly toward the ever crushing debt of her student loans which she is still paying off to this day (though being free of them is FINALLY on the horizon), but what it did give her was options.  She continued to do somewhat high profile parties (at a rather elevated fee now!) for the next year before casting a net out looking for a more settled head chef position in a restaurant.  In New York, full of its minor and major celebrities and fresh culinary school graduates, she was still a rather small fish.  In Glenside though? She would be an incredible draw for any restaurant and could essentially have her pick.  After having dinner one night at Caleo and meeting its owner Julianna it all but settled.  The woman could pretty much be her non-fraternal twin and they hit it off well from the beginning and over the last few years she's rather proud of what they've accomplished with the restaurant.  Dani still takes on the occasional private gig and her relative success has somewhat mended the rift with her parents, but she's still a little bitter about everything.

She doesn't have time to be sick, and so when Julianna mentioned going in for her flu shot Dani made a note on her calendar to do the same.  Ugh, never doing that again, she dragged herself through work despite feeling like she was going to die and has pretty much recovered now.  Except now her boss has gone missing, as in not at the restaurant, not answering her phone for days now, something very much not like her.  Over the weekend Dani didn't worry assuming that the other woman was finally letting her hair down so to speak, but now she's close to panicking despite maintaining a calm front for the rest of Caleo's employees and keeping things running smoothly in the interim.

SL - 1 - Reflex time is decreased for base stimulus

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, drinking (wines pair nicely with dinner, vodka on the other hand? Medication!), biking (she refuses to drive in the city either availing herself upon mass transit, walking, or biking), thanks to a pool table in the basement growing up and the teachings of her oldest brother she's rather good and not afraid to place fairly outlandish bets on games, political and philosophical debate (shh, don't tell anyone..)

Ons and Offs:
You can find my personal ons and offs HERE Dani's are pretty much the same.  Items of note: She's not super keen on relationships, they're distracting and men can occasionally adopt the 'make me a sandwich' attitude which annoys the hell out of her, she's not looking to get married or take care of anyone anytime soon, if ever.  That said she DOES like sex and friends with benefits type agreements are not out of the question.  She is not in the least bit submissive finding more pleasure in the struggle for dominance than anything else

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive



Name: Kaya Solomon-Sharpe
Ethnicity: Black
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Relationship Status: Separated
Previous (Or current) Profession: Owner of Trinkets & Tomes, a rare book and antique shop


More Images

Hair: Thick, mahogany and curly
Eyes: Black
Skin: Mocha
Weight: 123 lbs
Height: 5'7"
Other: Silver nose ring, though not always worn, navel ring, and a notable, rich South African accent layered through a voice like smoke and shadow


Personality: Kaya is a brilliant, enthusiastic girl who never lost the wonderment of her youth.  Every new discovery is met with amazement, and every beauty in the world is meant to be fully enjoyed and appreciated.  She can often be seen sitting in the small park across from her shop during her lunch break, eating her meal and watching the pedestrians, or the squirrels, or simply gazing up at the clouds in the sky.  One side-effect of her utter wonder at the world is a distractability, and she has been known to cut off in mid-sentence, or wander away from a conversation altogether, simply because she noticed something that caught her attention.  There have even been scares where she has unintentionally wandered into traffic, because she was staring up at the sky, or had her nose stuck in a book, and simply didn't realize she was walking into the street.  She's energetic, and kind, always ready to lend a hand to those who need it.  Her greatest pride is her shop, and she works very hard to make certain that it remains profitable for herself and pleasant for her customers.

Background: Kaya Solomon was born in Cape Town, South Africa to a fisherman and his wife.  She was the fourth child of what eventually became seven, and she grew up with a strong sense of hard work, family and love.  She was an average student, far more interested in going out and experiencing things, than sitting in a classroom and learning about them, even though she was quite clever.  However, she tried her best and managed to make decent enough grades, and eventually graduated from high school at the age of eighteen.

She met her husband, James Sharpe, while he was lecturing at the local University.  He had a PhD in Philosophy and Sociology, and was taking a sabbatical from his normal teaching job to spend a year in South Africa.  The two hit it off right away, despite their fifteen-year age-difference and seemingly disparate personalities.  They spent nearly every day together during the remaining eight months of James' stay, and the week before he was scheduled to return to America, James asked Kaya to marry him.

It was hard for her to leave her family, and her country, but the adventure of embarking on a whole new life with the man she loved was sufficient to quell the pain and fear in her heart.  They returned to America, and James went back to work, while Kaya began to take business courses in order to realize her dream of owning her own shop.  She believed that books and beloved items held within them the memories and emotions of those who had owned them, and she wanted to have a shop where she could help those cherished items find new homes with people who would care for them and add to their stored experiences.

James and Kaya's wedding was small, held just a couple of months after their return to America, with only a few of James' friends and family in attendance.  And their marriage was a happy union...for a while.  Kaya began to changes as she experienced a life apart from her family, and South Africa.  America offered so much more freedom, and so many new things to learn and experience.  Her personal growth began to put a serious strain on her relationship with James.  He felt as if she were pulling away from him, and so he began trying to hold onto her tighter.  This resulted in him lashing out with jealous accusations, irrational demands and emotional blackmail.

Kaya couldn't understand why her wonderful husband had changed, but she didn't like the person he'd become.  She had only just discovered this new strength and freedom within herself, and suddenly he wanted to take it all away.  He wanted to keep her from exploring her new life, and had even begun suggesting she should quit her classes.  Two years after their marriage, when Kaya was 23, she and James separated when she packed a bag and walked out on him after a particularly awful fight.  It was the first and only time he'd ever gotten physical with her, and though he apologized profusely immediately afterwards, the damage had been done.

She got herself an apartment, finished her classes and bought a small antique shop in the gentrified district of Glenside.  She and James are still separated, and she has no plans to get back together with him for the moment.  She dates other people on occasion, runs her shop and generally loves her life.

Of course, a few weeks back she got her flu vaccination, and then spent several days curled up in bed, cuddled into her fuzzy blanket, drinking chicken soup and feeling quite unpleasant.  Once she recovered, she was right back in the store, feeling just as good as she had before the vaccination.  She has yet to realize that shadows seem to shift around her, and twitch when she gestures.  So far the manifestations of her symptoms are quite subtle, and since she doesn't watch the news, on account of the fact that it's always doom and gloom, and she avoids the paper for the same reason, the only information she'd gleaned on the disappearances and strange happenings in town are from customers and her employees.  And she doesn't pay enough attention to small talk and gossip to have anything but the most vague awareness that people might be missing and something odd is going on.

Symptoms: Darkness Manipulation - SL1

Hobbies and Interests:

Bookbinding - Part of her job as the owner of Trinkets & Tomes is to repair any damaged books that she feels are salvagable, and worthy of being saved.  She's taken some classes to learn how to do the repairs herself, since she felt it was more interesting, and cost-effective, than hiring someone else to do it.

Cooking - Kaya loves to try out new recipes and she has her own small garden on her apartment balcony where she grows herbs and fresh produce and fruit in pots.  She also has a knack for cooking off-the-cuff, as she calls it, which means grabbing various ingredients that look good and combining them into something delicious.

Running/Swimming/Biking - Kaya doesn't own a car.  She's well aware of her own distractability, and knows that getting behind the wheel would likely be a very bad idea.  So, she generally bikes to places she needs to go, or takes a taxi.  Luckily, she lives in the apartment above her shop, so getting to work is never a problem.  Even if she could drive, she probably would still ride her bike, since she loves the feel of her blood rushing through her veins, the wind whooshing past her face and her muscles getting warm and tingly from the exercise.  For these same reasons, she spends at least two hours a day running in the park across from her shop, or swimming at the gym.

OOC Ons and Offs: Check my O/Os in my signature.  Kaya's tastes will run similar to my own.  She's only ever been sexually active with men, namely her husband, but she is open to experiences with women.  She's very inexperienced, due to being raised in South Africa and only ever having been active with her husband, who was rather vanilla.  But, she's eager to experience new things and is a quick study.


Huzzah new character!

First of all hi there Bibliophilia and thank you for taking the time to look through out stuff and create a character.  Kaya looks like a lot of fun and I see her fitting in well with our group.  I just have a few random questions if you don't mind.

Would you like to see her ex crop up as an NPC here and there or will he just be a background character?

"Gentrified district" where her book/antique shop would be located would likely be ... ? Something kind of renovated/retrofitted in the Outskirts? Maybe the fringes of the Fashion District?  Just something to think about.  Regardless of where you put her shop for the time being posts there will go in the larger kind of general activity thread for the time being.  After about a month of active posting players are given individual threads if they so wish and I'd go through and separate out the shop posts.  This system just keeps us from getting over loaded with little/unused threads. 

I'm fine with her skill set and back story so I think that's about all I have question wise.  There is no need for changes to her sheet so please feel free to move her over to the Active Characters Thread HERE and introduce yourself in one or both of the OOC's.  Welcome to Deviations!

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


I am fine with her ex being used as an NPC, if you want to use him.  Or I might toss him out for some reason, if it seems appropriate.  But, for the most part I was just sort of placing him there as a 'use if desired' background character.

I was sort of seeing, in my head, a sort of artsy district with antique shops, boutiques and things of that nature.  I think these sort of 'hipster-ish' neighborhoods exist in most towns.  And I wasn't planning for there to be any sort of thread for her shop.  It's not really a hang-out spot.  So, that's fine.  -grins.-

I will move her now.  Thanks!


My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


Never to late to join :)

I haven't finished redoing the active characters symptom list but there are currently no restrictions on character creation.  If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM or ask here!

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->



Name: Eric Samuels
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession: Secretary at a private surgery.


Hair: Straight, short and black.
Eyes: Black
Skin: Pale
Weight: 82 Kg.
Height: 176 Cm.
Other: Because of an accident, Eric has to use a wheelchair to move around. He uses fingerless gloves to avoid hurting himself when pushing the wheelchair.


Personality: If someone were to describe Eric in one word, it would be "self-sufficient." Despite his condition, he tries to do everything by himself (some say it's for dignity, others for sheer stubbornness), and does not call for help unless all his attempts have failed, and even then he would do it reluctantly. He has a pride that few can equal, and that even fewer can surpass, because he thinks that being confide in a wheelchair does not mean that his life is over. Rather than that, it is a new beginning, a second chance, and he needs to make the most of it.

Background: Eric was born in New York, the city that never sleeps. He learned to walk when he was a year old and a year after began to speak. He was the only son of an accountant and a middle school teacher, who left him at his grandparents' care when her maternity leave was over. They were responsible for raising Eric, since neither of his parents had the time to be with him, except during the weekend. For the little kid, "weekend" was a synonym for "bliss"; his parents would take him for walks, help him with his homework and play with him in the little space that was their apartment.

High school, however, was a different story. Eric began staying alone in the apartment, away from his grandparents' discipline, and earned his independence little by little. He did his homework by himself, went to the library or check on the internet for information, and hung out with his friends. He felt what it was like to be a separated individual without someone to depend on.

Until it happened. One afternoon, Eric was outside with his friends. They were near the school, just hanging out, talking about the papers they had to hand in the next week, and one of them was smoking. Suddenly, a man came up to them and asked the one with the cigarette for light. He searched for the lighter in his pocket and when he took it out there was a gun pointing at him. They were just four high schools children against one man with a gun. He demanded them to hand in their cellphones and wallets, and they complied, as they were frightened at the sight of a gun. Eric, however, was paralyzed with fear. It was not that he was trying to be a hero, he was, plainly put, scared shitless. His brain could not process what to do, his muscles stiffened, and his wallet and cellphone remained in their respective pockets.

The man pointed the gun at him, placing it on his forehead. Eric's eyes were opened wide. The man shouted and shouted the same order, but Eric would not move.

But a moment of lucidness came to him. He quickly turned around and sprinted. He did not know where he was going, but Eric just wanted to put as much distance as possible between the robber and him. The man sounded like he was on drugs, so he hoped that he would not shoot. He chanted that internally. Do not shoot me or my friends...

The man did shoot him.

Three weeks, various medical interventions and a painful rehab later, Eric was out of the hospital, alive but on a wheelchair. The bullet had damaged his spine, and had rendered the lower half of his body useless. The doctors told him that there was nothing they could do. His friends slowly drifted apart, not wanting to be associated with a "freak". Girls, difficult to approach in the past, were unattainable now.

Nevertheless, Eric moved forward and forward still. He did not want to be identified as "that guy in the wheelchair", so he did whatever he could to show that he could go on with his life without impediments. Two years ago, he decided that a change was called for and moved from an average-sized apartment to a small one in Glensdale's Little Italy. He lives two blocks away from his work, Dr. Fortis' surgery, where he works as a secretary, fixing appointments for patients and answering phone calls.

-Psychometry - SL1

Hobbies and Interests: There are only few things that Eric can classify as "hobbies". He likes crosswords and Sudoku, the kind of things you would find on your average newspaper. Otherwise, he tries to appear as busy as possible.

OOC Ons and Offs: I'm inclined to play gay characters, but I can be convinced otherwise, with the right reasons. Anything bathroom-related is a no. For those who can transform, stay human when the time comes, please. It doesn't work for me that way. Ask me beforehand so we both know what to expect of each other (You can totes check out my O/O's if you want.)

My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


Fredasce, both Rampant and I have looked over the sheet. You have our approval, and may move him over to the approved character list :) Welcome to Deviations!
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


Ok I really like the look of this one I may do either Light or Frost manipulation will look over active members to get  an idea of the  Personalities and such and go from there.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Awesome.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with Chaosfox!

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->

Translucent Bard


Name: Derrek Rembrant
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession: Ex-Military, currently working for private security at a law firm.


Hair: Cut short, Dark brown hair.
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Tanned
Weight: 185
Height: 5'10"
Other: His history as Soldier, and still operating in the security field makes causes his posture to be near perfect, his head always on a swivel. Bulky, but not a body-builder he walks with purpose.


Personality: Quick-wit and a dry sense of humor are good ways to describe Derrek. Though he's seen a lot, you could never tell by how he acts. Always with a smile on his face, Derrek would rather be out drinking than at work. Even though he enjoys a good day off, he tries extremely hard to maintain a professional status on the job, giving his all every hour of the day.  Dependable to those he cares about, he'd rather sacrifice himself than have a loved one or friend get injured.

Background: Born in a suburb outside of Milwaukee, Derrek spent the early part of his childhood like any other Midwestern kid. He spent the days outside running in the woods, and the nights with his friends from the neighborhood. It wasn't until he was nine that the constant moving started. He ended up moving eight times from the ages nine to nineteen. Living in different cities due to his father moving every few years because of his job. He rarely had friends in his teens, and everyone he met he figured he would be leaving shortly after. Though it hurt, he never let it show on the outside, he wasn't impervious. Once he became an adult and went to college, he realized he didn't like the style of life it brought, and he decided to join the Army.

Spending two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he served as a part of the 194th infantry, becoming a Staff Sergeant by the end of his tour. Being a part of the two tours changed his view on the world, finding solidarity in his brothers-in-arms. In the last few months of his tour he was serving protection detail for diplomats in Iraq, and on a run of the mill day his unit was hit by roadside IEDs. Losing three close friends, He decided the severity of war had gotten the better of him, his spirits not broken, but injured, he came back to the states after his term was up.

Once stateside he realized his only talents were in the security department, and all his skills were related to security. He quickly was hired on to a private law firm, RegulaStar, He was hired on as the head of security and he was exceptional at his job, tightening security in all aspects of the bank. After getting his regular shots to be a member of the firm, he was sick for over a week. It was no surprise, after his shots before he was deployed to the middle east he got knocked on his ass too. He got back to work after the week of sickness, and thought his job was being done well.

Three days back on the job he noticed a man approaching the bank who looked too jumpy to be a client. He approached the man and disarmed the weapon from his hand before he could fire a single shot. Surprised at his own reaction time, Derrek figured he was just a little lucky. It wasn't until the end of the week that he noticed everything he did was a little quicker. He was faster on his feet, noticing people's actions with less delay, and moving a little faster on his feet. Confused at what was happening, he could only rationalize that the flu shot he took was the only answer, though he was far from confident in that being the cause, figuring it was best to keep it to himself.

Symptoms: Reflexes

SL - 1 - Reflex time is decreased for base stimulus

Hobbies and Interests: A classic workaholic, Derrek's hobbies are relegated to the weekend. Spending most of his free-time trying new physical expeditions, Derrek enjoys rock-climbing and rafting, testing his physical limits every time he goes out. Though he enjoys the outdoors, he'd never say no to a night out at the bar with good company, enjoying his close friend's time when he has the chance.

OOC Ons and Offs:  Listed in my profile O/o page, nothing radically different.


Hey Translucent Bard! Just finished looking over your sheet, and you're good to go up to the point where you get into his symptom stuff. I need to ask you to remove the reflexes 2-5, as you start off at SL-1 of whatever you choose, and not a fully bumped up symptom. Sorry if that was confusing in some way! Also, when building that part of his background, keep in mind that it all stems from a screwed up flu shot, and its put most people on their asses for a day or six. Whether he attributes it to the shot or not is up to you. At the max, two weeks have passed since the bad batch was in circulation, and most commonly the symptoms have manifested within the past week or less as people get over their bout of evil mega swine flu.

So! If you could modify the symptom down to the first level, and scale back the timeline on his symptom in the bio, we'd love to give it another read!
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive

Translucent Bard

I just copy pasted the paragraph, I read that he only started at level one. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I just figured some basic increase in reaction time and reflexes would come with the first level. I'll edit the timeline to clear the rest up as well.


You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive

Translucent Bard



Name: Olivia Foster
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Greek
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession: Assistant Professor of English/Professional Dominatrix


Hair: Dark caramel
Eyes: Fawn
Skin: Dusky olive
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Additional Images



Olivia didn't get to where she is by being weak, or allowing others to get in her way.  There are those who consider her a ball-buster, a bitch, or a feminazi, but those are the voices of the jealous and the hopelessly primative.  She treats others with the utmost respect, unless they do something that proves they're unworthy of it, because she understands that one can't expect something they're not willing to give in return.  She's highly intelligent, wickedly sarcastic and doesn't suffer fools lightly.  Her ascerbic wit generally serves as her greatest weapon, cutting her enemies down to size without a single blow being thrown.  Violence is uncouth, after all.  She adores clever conversation and discussions about art, books, music and film.  She loves a good cup of tea and when the sky is overcast. 


Olivia grew up in New York City, the daughter of a corporate lawyer and a fashion designer.  She was mostly raised by her nanny, and once she reached the proper age, she was sent to an all-girl's boarding school in England.  She was an excellent student, very focused on her studies as she wanted to be a university professor when she grew up, and knew that she would need good grades to do so.  Her childhood was largely uneventful, her relationship with her parents almost non-existant which made her independent from a young age.  She spent her summers at home, as well as the other holidays from school, enjoying the freedom that came with being wealthy in New York.

The summer after she turned sixteen, she met her first boyfriend.  He was the son of another tenant in their apartment building, and he was 23 years old.  Olivia, smart as she was, was sorely unprepared for the seductions of a 23 year old playboy and she ended up losing her virginity the night they met.  She was utterly naive, and convinced they were in love, until his promise to call her turned into a month with no word, and the harsh realization that she'd been used and discarded.  She learned from her mistake, however, and used the pain of what had happened to better herself.

Olivia graduated from high school at seventeen and immediately moved into an apartment near NYU, where she began her long journey to her dual PhDs in English and Women's Studies.  One night, during her second year at college, her sorority held a lingerie party with another sorority and a couple of fraternities.  Several cocktails and one game of truth or dare later, and Olivia found herself holding a ping-pong paddle in one hand, while a frat boy lay bent over the arm of the couch in front of her with his boxers around his ankles.  Before an audience of drunk, horny college kids, Olivia discovered something she loved just as much as a well-written book, Earl Grey tea or rainy days.  More, even, because none of those things had ever filled her with the intoxicating blend of power, tenderness and arousal as spanking the frat guy did.

The next day, she approached her new-found fetish the way she approached anything, with extensive research.  She started on the internet in forums and BDSM websites, then began perusing magazines, visiting fetish shops and finally going to a club that catered specifically to the BDSM crowd.  She was tentative at first, and though she'd taken her first steps into the scene by holding the paddle, she started out as a submissive.  After a couple of visits to the club, she was approached by the owner of a BDSM dungeon who offered her a job.  Olivia didn't need the money, but the idea of being paid to do something she already enjoyed, and being better protected, as well as knowing she could indulge without having sex with the client, all appealed to her.

She served as a submissive in the dungeon for a year before the owner allowed her to graduate to Dominatrix, and Olivia took to it like a duck to water.  The job allowed her to choose her clients, work when she wished to, and once more hold the paddle.  She stopped living off her parents, using the money she made from her job to pay her rent and expenses quite easily, even though she wasn't able to work quite as much as some of the others, due to taking full-time courses at the University.  She graduated with her Bachelors, then went on to get her Masters, and finally spent half her time writing her dissertation and the other half working in the dungeon.  She couldn't have been happier.

After obtaining her PhD in English, she began applying for work at various universities, and she was swiftly offered a position at Glenside College.  She accepted the offer and moved, feeling sad for leaving her old life behind, but excited about the new beginning.  She settled into her job well, and began taking courses to complete her Masters in Women's Studies, so that she could continue working toward her PhD in that field.  She paid to have a professional website designed for herself, and began taking on clients in her free time.  She goes by the name Miss Olivia, and her website is designed not to show her face.  She demands discretion of her clients, since her side-job could threaten her position at the college.

Recently, just following her flu vaccination, she was laid up for four days, and a trip to the university health clinic didn't do much good.  They just told her that sometimes a vaccination can trigger a mild form of the flu, so she twook a few days off from both her jobs, and then returned once she was feeling better.  She has yet to recognize her abilities, but then she hasn't really had any reason to touch anyone with an illness or injury.


Psychometry - SL1

Hobbies and Interests:

Word puzzles/riddles, psychological thrillers, really bad exploitation films from the 60's, 70's and 80's, jazz music, well-written books, Earl Grey with milk and honey, yoga, tai chi, travel, witty conversation

OOC Ons and Offs: Olivia is a pansexual switch.  Her sexual ons and offs are pretty much exactly like mine, and she is very open to catering to her client's needs, for the most part.


Biblio, your newest lady looks good to me. As for the addition to silk, do you have a messenger of sorts to discuss that further?
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive



Name: Lidia Black
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Relationship Status: Single
Previous (Or current) Profession:  Freelance Artist  and Logo designer for a Local advertisement agency


Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Very light looking tan
Weight:  138
Height: 5”6
Other: Lidia has three Tattoos On Is of a Rose  on  her lower back, the second is a  unicorn head with a rainbow horn on her Right ankle  and the final one is  a shooting star on her  right upper arm. She also almost looks like she has been up all night no matter how she tried to hide it.

Personality:   Usually laid back she tries not to let things get to her  and  this usually leads some to believe that she does not care about anything or just likes to have fun.  This however not the case as  Lidia is a driven and passion woman in all the projects or things that she get s involved in from her projects  she odes in her free time to the projects she does for her companies clients she can be quite picky and OCD about anything that she is pouring her heart into completing.  There are also times she can be quite dark in her thinking  and as such does not trust easily but once she does she is Loyal to those she does trust but if that trust is broken chances are there will be no second chance.

Background: Born to a family that was big on academics Lidia was the black sheep of her family, having both her parents as teachers at one point and her two older brothers both straight A students Lidia was expected to do the same.  However being the creative mind that she was and always laid back about pretty much everything  she managed to keep her parents content  by keeping her grades at  A’s and B’s all the way through  high school.  It was after that when she was free from her parents that she was finally able to purse those things that made her happy and with her new found freedom after moving out of her parents place she pursed her own dream of becoming an artist going to college and completing a degree in Digital Art and Design.

Over the next few years Lidia made a name for herself not only as a freelance artist and web designer but as one the best graphic design artist on staff at a local marketing firm. It was also during this time that tragedy struck her life and she lost both her parents when a drunk driver struck their car killing them both.  Over the next  three years  though she was able to focus open her work and kept her normal carefree self on the outside on the inside she started to see the darker side of life which became evident in her work she would do during her free time.

By her 28th birthday Lidia had finally managed to put together some semblance of who she was before her parent’s deaths and in the process managed to find a new drive with her work when she was given the lead for a big project.  This in turn caused her to get the flu vaccine to make sure she would not get sick. This in the end did not help having gotten sick for a short period anyway causing her to give up the lead to someone else.  Of course since being back to work she has come to realize that she must have gotten some of the batch that was warned about as she has noticed that things seem to get very cold when she touches them for too long.

Frost Manipulation
1 - The Devi gains the ability to lower the temperature around his hands to subzero temperatures, generating frozen particles at will.

Hobbies and Interests: Graphic Design, Art History, Reading, Anything considered to be nerdy or geeky  (gaming, Cosply ect.) painting, drawing, and writing.

OOC Ons and Offs: As long there is no vore, Bathroom play heavy mutilation, or vomit Involved we are god. Some big turn ons though:  foreplay , necking , and  playing a little rough.

Ok This took me longer then I thought had an idea then changed it then had trouble wit the History which I am pretty sure I could do better on but am seriously blocked on how I want to word it so I finally pushed through and got something down. IF I need to change anything just let me know.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's